I am already bored with Brodus Clay.

I want Brodus to have longer matches or at least a proper storyline. Other than that, I still love him. The crowd goes nuts, dancing to his music - Did you see how much dancing and how many signs there were last night?! They're onto something big here. I don't mean Brodus could main event or anything, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a funny, fun, over as hell midcarder.
I want Brodus to have longer matches or at least a proper storyline. Other than that, I still love him. The crowd goes nuts, dancing to his music - Did you see how much dancing and how many signs there were last night?! They're onto something big here. I don't mean Brodus could main event or anything, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a funny, fun, over as hell midcarder.

Yeah, that is exactly what I was talking about, people think I was shitting on the gimmick itself, when I wasn't. My complaint was with the squash match aspect of it only. Like Goldberg, like 3 Minute Warning. When the entire planning of the match consists of "okay, Brodus is going to kick you then do his splash and get the pin", that could be fleshed out a little more, that's all.
When a popular guy has a match that lasts less than a Divas match, its time to do something different with him, like give him a legit opponent.
Why does every wrestler need to be taken seriously though?, why must it be so unacceptable for people to just have fun?

Some guys are there for the comic relief, but it's just that Clay has got more to offer than that. He's got more potential than to just be the funny sideshow basically. People like Santino who are decent wrestlers but are better at being funny (as referenced by his original heel run) can fill those sorts of roles.

Honestly, I think Naitch's scenario would work great.
I didn't see his debut. I hadn't actually been paying any real attention to Raw for quite some time. When I saw a show and saw him with the 2 valets and him shaking his ass, or vibrating it or whatever, I didn't like it. I hated it really. I mean, this is all they could come up with for the guy ? Where's the creativity ? I sort of understand they have no desire for another monster heel (Kane, Henry) but this isn't the way to create a face character.

I agree with the other posters in the forum, this was a dead gimmick before it even hit the airwaves.
I like the Clay gimmick. Whenever his stolen entrance theme hits, I know I can take a piss break and not miss anything.
Did anyone actually think this would stay interesting for an extended period of time?
I still laugh when I think of the complete confusion in the crowd when he was initially announced as "from Planet Funk!" hahaha

Everyone was like "what the hell??????????"
LOLLLLL, good one OP..

Next you're gonna tell me Ric Flair's better than Brodus.

You got me there for a second.
I would buy both Brodus and Santino as headliners with their current gimmicks. It's just a matter of making sure they don't do the same thing every week. Brodus needs to move past the squashing jobbers phase.
I want Brodus to have longer matches or at least a proper storyline. Other than that, I still love him. The crowd goes nuts, dancing to his music - Did you see how much dancing and how many signs there were last night?! They're onto something big here. I don't mean Brodus could main event or anything, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a funny, fun, over as hell midcarder.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

I enjoy what Brodus is doing, but would like to see more of what he has to offer in the ring and on the mic. Essentially, we're seeing the exact same thing week in and week out, and I look forward to it progressing.
The problem with a character like Brodus Clay is, once he becomes universally viewed as a comedy character, it's difficult to break free of it. Look at Santino Marella. No matter what he does, he'll never, ever, be viewed as a serious wrestler. Sure, he has carved out a unique niche for himself and given myself some job security in the process, avoiding the "future endeavors" treatment he may have otherwise received. But in terms of a serious wrestler, he's done.

Same goes for Brodus Clay. A really entertaining debut which I really enjoyed, but if he doesn't do something and quick, he'll be a joke forever. And a joke which has already gotten old, fast.

It wont be tough for him to turn it around. Flip out one day, scream "im done with this shit" body slam both the girls, rip a planted "fan" over the gaurd rails and whip the shit out of him. Monster heel turn completed, ghastly at that.

But yea, the overness of this rose VERY fast, and is seeming to disapate rather fast. Inconsistent now.
I could be wrong, however recently posted in the latest news, Brodus himself does not agree or like this character. As for being bored of him, no. William Regal would of been a great guy to help Brodus really find a good feud, Regal is that dirty heel character who has elegance in the ring while doing so and could heighten brodus to where he will be recognised as a superstar to take note of. When he was on Raw this past week the crowd did not cheer for him like they usually do, it was a pretty dead crowd in all honesty.

I feel his tattoos being on show take away his 'look' that they are trying to get, if he was to wear something similar to Viscera i would buy his character more, but he comes across as this huge tattooed guy, who isn't brilliant with 'the funk'.
I find his character weird... he just doesn't suit it. You can see he's trying his best to work the gimmick given to him even though he wanted to be a monster heel. I was quite suprised they gave him a gimmick completly opposite to what everyone thought it was ganna be.
I cant understand why a comedy wrestler cant be taken seriously, a guy that can kick the shit out of people but who is also side splittingly hilarious is still a guy that can kick the shit out of people.
his mic work is still unknown, so i will wait to be bored with him.

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