Hulk Hogan comments on Edge's retirement

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Look you Hogan mark I didn't say shit about Hogans personal life. I said he's jealous that Edge was smart with his money. I never mentioned shit about him banging his daughters friend or any other douche bag shit he has done out of the ring. I just bashed what he said online for the world to see. I too could care less what a wrestler does in their personal life.

Your right Edge has done some asshole shit too in his personal life. I called Edge a class act for the way he handled being forced to retire. You tell me to do my home work. Why don't you read what people write before bashing their post? Being broken down at 57 and still wrestling wasn't a stab at his personal life.

you want to talk personal , well Brooke Bollea's friend was not married or off the market, but lita was taken. So whats worse making love to a taken person or a single person. thats your decision to decide. and please dont mention the nick bollea accedent because Terry and nick are two differnt ppl, yes their father and son but still different people. Like right now my father is in italy for 4 months and if i do some thing wrong then its on my butt not his. I would get in trouble not my dad. same with terry and nick.
you want to talk personal , well Brooke Bollea's friend was not married or off the market, but lita was taken. So whats worse making love to a taken person or a single person. thats your decision to decide. and please dont mention the nick bollea accedent because Terry and nick are two differnt ppl, yes their father and son but still different people. Like right now my father is in italy for 4 months and if i do some thing wrong then its on my butt not his. I would get in trouble not my dad. same with terry and nick.

Are we seriously dragging that fucking Lita thing into this, AGAIN? If all three of them could make up, I don't see why the fuck you can't get over it.

And about the Nick Bollea "accident", want to know what Hogan said after his son basically killed a kid? He deserved it. Because he wasn't right with God. He actually had the fucking nerve to shrug it off and say the kid who his son paralyzed and crippled deserved it obviously.

Quite the guy to look up to that Terry Bollea.
you want to talk personal , well Brooke Bollea's friend was not married or off the market, but lita was taken. So whats worse making love to a taken person or a single person. thats your decision to decide. and please dont mention the nick bollea accedent because Terry and nick are two differnt ppl, yes their father and son but still different people. Like right now my father is in italy for 4 months and if i do some thing wrong then its on my butt not his. I would get in trouble not my dad. same with terry and nick.

What the fuck are talking about I was proving a point to someone else. That in my original post I didn't talk about his personal life. Just his public comments. So no dipshit I don't want to talk personal. But since you brought it up Brookes friend may not have been married, but Hogan was. That's just as bad or worse than banging your close friends girlfriend while your married. I never mentioned anyone's personal life in my original post. You and the other guy should read it before flipping out on me.
I agree with everything Hulk has said............. The surgery that Edge got is no different than any other surgery than many, many wrestlers get and still wrestler for years or even to this day.....

Oh, sure.

Edge has already reported losing feeling in his hands; a sure sign of spinal damage.

But if he ends up in a wheelchair, it won't hurt you at all, will it?

The lack of empathy people have for other people is embarrassing.
I agree with everything Hulk has said............. The surgery that Edge got is no different than any other surgery than many, many wrestlers get and still wrestler for years or even to this day.....

I love when people talk directly out of their ass, spouting off bullshit that is 100% false like they actually know what they're talking about. The neck surgery Edge got is not some ordinary, routine neck surgery that "many, many" wrestlers get and are fine afterwards like you imply. The type of surgery Edge got was a unique spinal fusion operation that only a few other guys have gotten, people like Chris Benoit, Gregory Helms, and John Cena, and none of them have been the same since the surgery, obviously in the case of the now dead Benoit. Edge had the most trouble with the operation as well, having to take more time out afterwards than anyone else did.

In the future, don't just make shit up to pretend like you know what you're talking about. It's pretty sad.

You know what I'd love to see? Hulk Hogan, ever in his career even once, take a bump half as dangerous as the ones Edge continued to take on a pretty regular basis even after the neck surgery. The worst bumps Hogan had to deal with was a padded chair shot or falling off the top rope. I'd love to see him fall 20 feet off a ladder through a few tables, or eat some of the blood-curdling unprotected chair shots Edge used to take.
All Hogan had to say was, "I admired Edge as a colleague and a fan. He put on a great show for all and put asses in the seats."

I understand that he is being candid and honest (in his own mind) but comments like this are inappropriate and too soon. Hogan chose to turn this in to something about himself and not give proper respect to a man that deserves it.

Hogan is the poster child of arrested development.

"Say your prayers, take your vitamins and grow the fuck up!"
props to edge for knowing when to quit instead of being stupid like alot of other guys are or have been. as for hogan and flair, they used to be good, they entertained they both should have quit wrestling 10 years ago. they have been done for along time, the fact that tna will even let the 2 of them walk into a ring just shows how little tna cares about their wrestlers. i hope that sting chooses to retire in a year or so, dont want him to become like flair and hogan.
Are we seriously dragging that fucking Lita thing into this, AGAIN? If all three of them could make up, I don't see why the fuck you can't get over it.

And about the Nick Bollea "accident", want to know what Hogan said after his son basically killed a kid? He deserved it. Because he wasn't right with God. He actually had the fucking nerve to shrug it off and say the kid who his son paralyzed and crippled deserved it obviously.

Quite the guy to look up to that Terry Bollea.

yes terry did say that , but atleast he was a man enough and appologized for his actions, unlike what vince has been doing with his non union company where what he says goes and if you dont take your steriods and do these horrific things to supposidly entertain the ppl then your out of the wrestling big leagues cause he maning vince knows that his wwe is the big league money making machine. But yet vince never said sorry for all the bad that he has done and all the bad politics he has created back stage. He never said sorry to all the old timers that he screwd over by giving them peanuts to do appreances and yet ppl like tyson and pete rose who baerley did a thing for the wrestling business and yet they get their millions. and yet he said that he respects the old times, is completle lie and for him to have the gull in saying that meanwhile his actions are the opposite is dispicable.


Tell Mcmahon why he screwd Bruno Sammartino , by lies to his son and promise him the world just to get bruno back in the wring , then when bruno left, david got nothing. why did mcmahon fire david sammartino for a fight in a bar but meanwhile did nothin to randy savage for assulting a little girl, why cause he wanted to stick it to bruno. Vince and A and E did not even mention bruno at all in the A and E special in 1999 and yet bruno carried the company over 20 years and sold out every where he went in the world.

Tell vince mcmahon and vince russo to answer for the death of owen hart.

tell vince mcmahon that if he is such a good role model for kids then why does he let his own kids kiss him on his bare butt and have affaires with other women in wrestling, i am suprised linda mcmahon is still with him.

and yet you guys penilize Both Bollea and Sammartino. Rememeber if you want to know the route of the evil in wrestliing business, you follow the chain of command right to the boss him self. VINCE MCMAHON.

and you hogan haters say hogan is dispicable or a basterd well compare him to mcmahon and he is an angel and the real bastard Vince MCMAHON JR.
Hulk Hogan talking out of his ass?!?!?!?! Oh no!!!! Surely you jest!!!!!!!

As usual, Hulk Hogan is spouting nonsense as is anyone that even remotely agrees with his statements.

Edge's operation to his neck wasn't just some typical sort of surgery. Any sort of neck surgery in and of itself is bad enough but this is something that's on a completely different level. Portions of Edge's cervical vertebrae have actually been fused together in an extremely invasive procedure and the fact that he was able to come back and still wrestle at his level is quite remarkable. But here we are 8 years later. Edge has continued to have a very active wrestling schedule, he's taken some truly major bumps over the course of that time frame and he's almost 40 years old.

Edge has taken bumps in his career, some of which resulted in damage to his neck, that Hulk Hogan never would have dreamed of taking. Edge came out in front of 5.5 million people last night and said that there were times in which he couldn't feel his arms. That's something that's beyond scary and is beyond the usual wear and tear one can expect from a life of nearly 20 years as a wrestler. Edge wants to get out of it while he's still in good health overall and before he winds up doing something that might potentially lead to paralysis later on down the line.

Just because Edge isn't obsessed with constantly trying to prove his manhood and isn't egocentric enough that he can't leave the spotlight behind aren't bad things. If anything, maybe Hulk Hogan should follow Edge's example and give up on this planned in-ring comeback. The man spent the second half of last year enduring one extreme surgery after another to repair his back.
Hulk Hogan talking out of his ass?!?!?!?! Oh no!!!! Surely you jest!!!!!!!

As usual, Hulk Hogan is spouting nonsense as is anyone that even remotely agrees with his statements.

Edge's operation to his neck wasn't just some typical sort of surgery. Any sort of neck surgery in and of itself is bad enough but this is something that's on a completely different level. Portions of Edge's cervical vertebrae have actually been fused together in an extremely invasive procedure and the fact that he was able to come back and still wrestle at his level is quite remarkable. But here we are 8 years later. Edge has continued to have a very active wrestling schedule, he's taken some truly major bumps over the course of that time frame and he's almost 40 years old.

Edge has taken bumps in his career, some of which resulted in damage to his neck, that Hulk Hogan never would have dreamed of taking. Edge came out in front of 5.5 million people last night and said that there were times in which he couldn't feel his arms. That's something that's beyond scary and is beyond the usual wear and tear one can expect from a life of nearly 20 years as a wrestler. Edge wants to get out of it while he's still in good health overall and before he winds up doing something that might potentially lead to paralysis later on down the line.

Just because Edge isn't obsessed with constantly trying to prove his manhood and isn't egocentric enough that he can't leave the spotlight behind aren't bad things. If anything, maybe Hulk Hogan should follow Edge's example and give up on this planned in-ring comeback. The man spent the second half of last year enduring one extreme surgery after another to repair his back.

Again to prove another person of their so called intelligenece.
Hulk Hogan is not in Tna as an active full time wrestler, the only two reason why he is in TNA cause he needs to pay his bills, and support his family. And he is there cause of his name and his accomplishments, NOT TO BE A FULL TIME WRESTLER. he is just doing in TNA what undertaker, and hhh are doing in WWE. They do a once in a blue moon appreance in the wring and wrelte just to give exposer to the compnay and to the younger talent and to boast the company cause ppl like Hogan , Taker, And HHH they know their names can put asses in seats and that they know they have the star power even tho way past their primes and yet can put more asses in seats then the younger generation and they are showing the younger generation how its done.

But unfortunaly HOGAN HATERS like your self only complain and moan around that hogan is staying past his prime , but in the mean while its ok that Taker and HHH do the same. What bias ignorance this is showing. this is showing wwe and the wrestling site reporter showing their bran washing skills at their best. BUT IT WONT WORK FOR ME.
hogan was not as you would say belittling him. he was saying that if edge was from another company and or era he would have not retired , due to the new policy that wwe- ENTERTAINMENT HAS.

how was he not belittling Edge with those comments?? you keep defending what hogan said as if he was taking a shot at WWE only when it's pretty obvious he was questioning edge's toughness at first. Now I am hardly edge's biggest fan, in fact i never really liked him after the whole matt hardy thing but even I'll be quick to say hogan's comments were out of line and ill timed. He, if anyone, should know what can happen when you don't hang em up when your time is up and yet he questions someone who did. And don't say hogan is still in it for the love of the business or to help the youth or any of that crap, Hogan is in it still for money, pure and simple. Hulk has had some TERRIBLE breaks the past few years that have played out for the world to see and it's sad as hell, but those are the reason he's back in the ring.
If Terry Bollea the man was so bad as you say he was, then he would not have jeperdiized his career in jobbing to ppl that half of them were not even worthy to job and giving millions of dollars to charities, and risk his 9 time back sugery, replaced hip, knee, and back torned muscle, to give his celebirty spot light in to giving the young tna wrestlers the spot light to become sucessful and giving us the fans another option of wrestling other then the same wwe programming thats been dominating since 2000. ie another battle in ratings that pushed wrestling in new heights in the 90s thanks to Terry and turner.

Who did he job to? When did he do the job for anyone where he didn't go into business for himself at the same time? Name names please. As for the injuries, if you had the option of gimping to the ring for a multi-million dollar pay day, you would too. That's nothing noble. That's collecting money claiming you can be something you are not anymore.

As for the spotlight to the TNA wrestlers, who's watching TNA other than the TNA fanboys/girls who would watch it as religiously as the rest of us watch WWE? Him showing up has not raised the ratings for the company so.......he's again collecting a paycheck and accomplishing nothing. Very noble.

I notice you haven't touched the tweet I mentioned where he threw Edge under the bus and are instead focusing on the past. Yes, he has done lots of good things in his life. He's also done reprehensible things too. This happens to be his most recent example.

Leave the 1980's and 90's and join our conversation about a shadow of a man formerly known as Hulk Hogan.
how was he not belittling Edge with those comments?? you keep defending what hogan said as if he was taking a shot at WWE only when it's pretty obvious he was questioning edge's toughness at first. Now I am hardly edge's biggest fan, in fact i never really liked him after the whole matt hardy thing but even I'll be quick to say hogan's comments were out of line and ill timed. He, if anyone, should know what can happen when you don't hang em up when your time is up and yet he questions someone who did. And don't say hogan is still in it for the love of the business or to help the youth or any of that crap, Hogan is in it still for money, pure and simple. Hulk has had some TERRIBLE breaks the past few years that have played out for the world to see and it's sad as hell, but those are the reason he's back in the ring.

No he wasnt he was just staing that if Edge were from another era there would have been a different decision made.

NEWS FLASH , EVERYONE IN WRESTLING IS IN IT FOR THE MONEY. But there are those are are in it just for the money and others are in it for the money and the love for the business and fans.

Yes Hogan did have a couple of bad moments in his life since 2007, but ateast he did not hide his problems and told the truth of the problems and now is doing his best to turn it all around. I give hogan a lot of credit. Unless your in HOGANS or should i say not the character but Bollea"S shoes and go through what he went threw and now turning it all around, then with all do respect i would just keep my mouth closed. Its alot easier to critiscize then to go through it your self.

By the way you and some others say Bollea is a bad guy. I was in an air port where stupid me at the time i was like 9 or 10 years old and i slipped and fell in a wet floor zone. and guess who walked up to me and picked me up with my knee swelling up and took some of his time to see if i was ok, It was non other then Terry Bollea him self out of Character. Thats why i will defend his no matter what. cause he took time from his own life and picked me up and checked if i were ok. He will allways be the man for me, and no matter what you , any other forumer , or what wwe or and wrestling news site say about him, i will always back him up and thank him personally for helping me out.
Look you Hogan mark I didn't say shit about Hogans personal life. I said he's jealous that Edge was smart with his money. I never mentioned shit about him banging his daughters friend or any other douche bag shit he has done out of the ring. I just bashed what he said online for the world to see. I too could care less what a wrestler does in their personal life.

Your right Edge has done some asshole shit too in his personal life. I called Edge a class act for the way he handled being forced to retire. You tell me to do my home work. Why don't you read what people write before bashing their post? Being broken down at 57 and still wrestling wasn't a stab at his personal life.

Haha, cute, dude you're so playing the mark game you're acting as if you know both Hulk Hogan and Edge personally. Please don't deny it, if you're so adamant about celebrating someone like Edge then ignore forums like this and post something about the guy in character if you're such a fan of wrestling. I am merely replying to posts like yours and others to set idiots like you straight on what this whole business is really about and it's about learning to separate the portrayer from the character and sad to say man more often than not those two entities are hardly ever one in the same.

I'd stop worrying about whatever stupidity Hulk Hogan said on Twitter and focus on being a wrestling fan in my day when we watched professional wrestling we never went outside the confines of kayfabe, people in my school of thought always enjoyed what was on the screen after all that's why I pay a ticket to watch a wrestling show, and yes I called it wrestling because I don't buy that sports entertainment garbage that someone like you probably enjoys being spoonfed, and you're calling me a mark? Seriously. Anyway, Mr. Dilettante here's a newsflash the entertainment whether it be in movies, television or yes even professional wrestling (ooops hope that term doesn't offend you....mark) is full of egomaniacs and controversial figures that fall short of the idealized characters they play on TV, i.e. Hulk Hogan. A Hulk Hogan mark would never admit to how disappointing an individual Terry Bollea might be outside of his wrestling persona, but I have made peace with knowing that both character and portrayer are two separate entities. Sounds like someone might need to follow that train of thought, Wushady here's a hint to find him go look for the closest mirror in your house.

Anyway, I read exactly what you wrote and it's funny you're calling me a Hogan mark simply because I called you out on your stupidity, other than making an objective observation about some asinine comment you made does not make me a mark of anything. If anyone's the mark it's you let's get that straight.

You're a mark because you're referring to someone like Edge as a class act, you're almost implying that the two of you go to titty bars on the weekends or do tee time on Tuesdays.

Seriously get over yourself, I'm a fan, which is someone who likes the characters in wrestling. I am not a mark because I could give a shit about who portrays these characters, the characters come first. Something that you and most IWC idiots don't do is put the characters first, that is why you watch wrestling in the first place, if you're watching this stuff for the purpose of trying to find an inkling of a humanitarian in any of these people then you're watching it for the wrong reason. Since you're calling Edge a class act for his retirement speech then you've done nothing but make me laugh uncontrollably. While it was a nice segment and a great send off for the Edge character and possibly the man himself, it is for all I know just a ruse for the next big storyline, it wouldn't be the first time they pulled a bullshit tactic like this. Remember buddy, we're talking about professional wrestl----err, bite my tongue, I mean sports entertainment. My B there, puto. Basically we're talking about something that's not rooted in reality in the first place, it's gonna take a LONG time before I am convinced this Edge thing is on the level.

That's not to take anything away from what Edge has done in wrestling, but at the same time I'm not going to to be so bold to call someone like a celebrity a class act when I don't even know the individual in the first place.

Get over yourself and think twice about the terminology you use towards others because the written ammo you're trying to shoot is only going to ricochet and hit you right back you simpleton.
Going off his Q&A Tweets it is clear to anyone looking he is/was unaware Edge retired from his first neck break. The question was worded to him like Edge just recently injured his neck and has to retire because Dr's won't clear him. OR that he thought someone was tweeting a storyline to him. Either way he proceeded to put Edge over as a tough son of a bitch who will make a return.

If he was unaware, then maybe he should take the time and effort to educate himself before he tweets something out to the world. And yes, I can expect that of any person who is living in this social media climate. The reason this happened is because Hogan tweeted before he knew what was going on. He tweeted something that could be easily misinterpreted.

I don't have the expectation that Hogan know everything that happens in wrestling the instant it happens. That's entirely unrealistic.

I would expect him to not shoot off at the mouth before he knows what he's talking about. Boone is reporting the fact that he tweeted things and didn't retract or clarify his statements until 9 hours later.

But here's the long and short of it: Understanding is in the eye of the beholder. You think he didn't burn Edge with his first two tweets, I think he did. We are never going to agree on this. Did he go back and clarify it later? Yes he did. But he's brought this shitstorm on himself because he didn't think or understand the situation before he pressed "Send"
I read exactly what you wrote and it's funny you're calling me a Hogan mark simply because I called you out on your stupidity, other than making an objective observation about some asinine comment you made does not make me a mark of anything. If anyone's the mark it's you let's get that straight.

You're a mark because you're referring to someone like Edge as a class act, you're almost implying that the two of you go to titty bars on the weekends or do tee time on Tuesdays?

Seriously get over yourself, I'm a fan someone who likes the characters in wrestling, I am not a mark because I could give a shit about who portrays these characters, the characters come first. Something that you and most IWC idiots don't do is put the characters first, that is why you watch wrestling in the first place, if you're watching this stuff for the purpose of trying to find an inkling of a humanitarian in any of these people then you're watching it for the wrong reason and since you're calling Edge a class act for his retirement speech while it was a nice segment is for all I know just a ruse for the next big storyline, it wouldn't be the first time they pulled a bullshit tactic like this.

That's not to take anything away from what Edge has done in wrestling, but at the same time I'm not going to to be so bold to call someone like a celebrity a class act when I don't even know the individual in the first place.

Get over yourself and think twice about the terminology you use towards others because the written ammo you're trying to shoot is only going to ricochet and hit you right back you simpleton.

well i agree with you on most of what you said. BUT with me though its different cause i for was a personal Friend of Capt Lou albano and i Worked with his Granddaughter in Carmel Ny at the A and P as a 17 to 19 year old man, and i am Relatives with the original Doink The clown by Marriage. And i saw Hogan twice once in the air port when he personally helped me out then on oct 27 2009 at barnes and nobles in Nyc. So with those 3 men i can personally say that there class acts
I'm not even gonna quote any of the shite this Domamania twat's been spouting, because just by responding to this drivvle feels like a waste of time.

First and foremost, Hulk Hogan is a selfish cunt, whose only motivation has ever been to promote himself and make money for himself. End of.

As far as Vince McMahon goes, it's ******ed to blame him for the premature death of every single wrestler. Did Vince McMahon encourage these people to pursue a career in wrestling? Did he fuck. Is he responsible for the personal problems of everyone under his employment? It's easy to point the blame at Vince, but every single person who works, or has worked for Vince, knows the pitfalls of being a professional wrestler. If they can't cope with them, or like in Edge's case, if continuing to wrestle is a detriment to their health, they can always walk away from the business. Fuck this bullshit of blaming Vince for every problem in wrestling. What the fuck about personal responsibility?

In the case of Owen Hart, that was a fucking tragedy, and should never have happened, but here's one very simple reason why I don't blame Vince for that. Bret Hart. Would Bret Hart have agreed to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame or come back to work for Vince if he believed that Vince Mc Mahon was responsible for his brother's death. Not a fucking hope. I could completely understand if Bret blamed Vince and I know Owen's wife does, but I could never see Bret Hart ever coming back to the WWE if he had even the slightest belief that Vince was responsible for Owen's death.

Now on to the actual topic of the thread, Edge did exactly the right thing to do for himself. He was in a position where he risked becoming crippled if he continued to wrestle and he made the right choice to retire from the business, even though he still has a hunger and passion for it. Smart move. For Hogan to say what he said, which is just a blatant attempt to put himself over and demean what Edge, who is a self proclaimed Hulkamaniac, did, is just low class and the act of a truly shitty person.

Hulk Hogan needs to fuck off. I don't care where he goes, I just want to be able to forget he ever existed. Everything he ever was has been tarnished by everything that he is now. What a wanker.
Who did he job to? When did he do the job for anyone where he didn't go into business for himself at the same time? Name names please. As for the injuries, if you had the option of gimping to the ring for a multi-million dollar pay day, you would too. That's nothing noble. That's collecting money claiming you can be something you are not anymore.

As for the spotlight to the TNA wrestlers, who's watching TNA other than the TNA fanboys/girls who would watch it as religiously as the rest of us watch WWE? Him showing up has not raised the ratings for the company so.......he's again collecting a paycheck and accomplishing nothing. Very noble.

I notice you haven't touched the tweet I mentioned where he threw Edge under the bus and are instead focusing on the past. Yes, he has done lots of good things in his life. He's also done reprehensible things too. This happens to be his most recent example.

Leave the 1980's and 90's and join our conversation about a shadow of a man formerly known as Hulk Hogan.

First for the names he jobbed to.
The Ulitmate Warrior
The Giant aka Big Show
Lex Luger
Sting 3 times
Billy Kidman
Goldberg TWICE
The Rock Twice
Kurt Angle
The undertaker Twice
Brock Lesnar
Roddy Piper.
So in total of times he jobbed thats 19 jobbings that i could remember. That way more thimes then Rock, or Austin had to do. So you cant say that hogen never shared the spot light unlike them two.

He never said that he was Physically in his prime any more , show me one place or web site that he said that he is STILL IN HIS PHYSICALLY IN HIS PRIME THE LAST 3 YEARS. he might have said that he looks good for his age but not in his prime.

as per TNA Ratings there are averagly higher then last yaers. But you cant expect a company that was a indy compnay just 5 yaers ago to me competing ratings at 3.5 with wwe. Rember TNA is not WCW. WCW was establibligh for many years. SO ITS EASIER TO MAKE BIG RATING WITH A BIG COMPANY then with a small company.which wcw was oned by the same man who owned the tv station that they were in Ted Turner.

I believe you mis understood what hogan was saying. I think you should read more Machievelli, allegheri, and shakespear in order to comprehend what thing like what hogan was saying.

Now on the bad thing o what hogan did, why dont you an the other hogan haters dont touch what flair does in bars by shinning his butt in public and not being able to pay his own freking taxes and this goes far back to the david crockett promition and nwa days of WCW. WHy dont you touch that austin phiscally abused debra or jeff hardy a number one drug user. These are some of the things that other wrestlers do worse then HOGAN AND yet you and the rest of the hogan haters just try to ignore it and not dare to touch it.and yet penilize Hogan for the slightest things he does in comparesment to what the other wrestlers do in their personal lives.

as per you saying a shadow of his former self. so what s next your going to back talk muhammad ali too, i mean he is over his prime. your going to talk about tyson in the same picture i mean he is over his prime too. O what about HHH and taker. but wait a minute you wont talk about them cause like most hogan haters a spoon fed to what to think and say by wwe and their media reporters.
wwe didn't force edge to retire... doctor's examined him and determined he can't compete because the next bump may be his last, it wasn't policy, just medical determination. I'm sure any doctor would have told him that especially considering he's been losing feeling in his arms. Whatever though, there's no point in arguing this further since you'll never concede anything due to your personal relationship with hogan so i'm done
wwe didn't force edge to retire... doctor's examined him and determined he can't compete because the next bump may be his last, it wasn't policy, just medical determination. I'm sure any doctor would have told him that especially considering he's been losing feeling in his arms. Whatever though, there's no point in arguing this further since you'll never concede anything due to your personal relationship with hogan so i'm done

its not that the doctor said what ever he or she said, the aruguemnt is not over the doctores statments , the argument was over what Bollea said and the missunderstandment of what he said. and with all due respect your kinds wrong on that. If terry Bollea the man would murder some one then no matter how close i am with him, i would not condone that, i will defend Terry Bollea in everything WITHIN REASON.
First for the names he jobbed to.
The Ulitmate Warrior
The Giant aka Big Show
Lex Luger
Sting 3 times
Billy Kidman
Goldberg TWICE
The Rock Twice
Kurt Angle
The undertaker Twice
Brock Lesnar
Roddy Piper.
So in total of times he jobbed thats 19 jobbings that i could remember. That way more thimes then Rock, or Austin had to do. So you cant say that hogen never shared the spot light unlike them two.
The only person who ever went over Hogan the way everyone else in the business does was Warrior and Goldberg. In his prime, Hogan hardly ever lost clean and never put guys over him the right way.

He never said that he was Physically in his prime any more , show me one place or web site that he said that he is STILL IN HIS PHYSICALLY IN HIS PRIME THE LAST 3 YEARS. he might have said that he looks good for his age but not in his prime.
Who said he was in his prime? I'm talking about the man you're latched on to is from the late 80's and 90's. I never said anything about his in ring prime. By the way, I think that is a kick ass story about you and Hogan in the airport and I do totally understand why you support him because of that encounter. Don't think I believe Terry has always been a horrible person. Just more recently, he has foot and mouth disease. That's my complaint.

as per TNA Ratings there are averagly higher then last yaers. But you cant expect a company that was a indy compnay just 5 yaers ago to me competing ratings at 3.5 with wwe. Rember TNA is not WCW. WCW was establibligh for many years. SO ITS EASIER TO MAKE BIG RATING WITH A BIG COMPANY then with a small company.which wcw was oned by the same man who owned the tv station that they were in Ted Turner.

All I want to point out was the against the people who claim he's the Golden Goose. He's not.

I believe you mis understood what hogan was saying. I think you should read more Machievelli, allegheri, and shakespear in order to comprehend what thing like what hogan was saying.

Amusing. You know me? Obviously not. Don't you ever say or assume you know me. The Prince with the broken spine, and4 complete Works of Shakespeare on my bookshelf, plus the multiple dissertations from college, and the 15 Shakespearean productions in my career as a theater artist tend to think you're talking out of your ass, so if you try to flame me, pick another topic. Please, tell me something else you assume about me and my education, troglodyte.

Now on the bad thing o what hogan did, why dont you an the other hogan haters dont touch what flair does in bars by shinning his butt in public and not being able to pay his own freking taxes and this goes far back to the david crockett promition and nwa days of WCW. WHy dont you touch that austin phiscally abused debra or jeff hardy a number one drug user. These are some of the things that other wrestlers do worse then HOGAN AND yet you and the rest of the hogan haters just try to ignore it and not dare to touch it.and yet penilize Hogan for the slightest things he does in comparesment to what the other wrestlers do in their personal lives.
I've never said Flair was a saint. I don't think I've ever posted about Austin. And I have screamed upon all that is high and mighty that TNA needs to fire Jeff Hardy for showing up to the pay perview unfit to compete. But yes! Those people should be criticized for parts of their history. Want to know what the difference is? Flair has been relatively quiet the last couple years, and so has Austin. They aren't out there tweeting their thoughts to the world and calling attention to themselves by saying things that are stupidly uninformed.

as per you saying a shadow of his former self. so what s next your going to back talk muhammad ali too, i mean he is over his prime. your going to talk about tyson in the same picture i mean he is over his prime too. O what about HHH and taker. but wait a minute you wont talk about them cause like most hogan haters a spoon fed to what to think and say by wwe and their media reporters.
The difference is Mohammad Ali is not tweeting his thoughts out to the world and calling attention to himself by saying things that are stupidly uninformed.

Please be near a defibrillator while I take three stances you won't believe I'll take. Tyson doesn't fight anymore, and in recent years he has not had foot in mouth disease about eating people's children. Is he still kinda crazy? Yup. And when he says and does stupid shit, I gladly call him on it. But he's not trying to continue to box past his prime. HHH: Needs to move into the front office permanently, but unlike Hogan, he can still work in the ring and sell a match so I'm opposed to seeing him in the ring because he's not 20 years past his prime. He's about 5 years past if that. Taker's career has got one foot in the grave and 4 out of 5 toes of the other foot. Again, the difference is Taker can still work one match a year, albeit barely.

Next time you act like you know me, keep it to yourself because you don't. I'm reacting to Hogan's PUBLIC COMMENTS about a wrestler's retirement and he threw him under the bus. He has since come forward and clarified, but not apologized like he needs to.

I know I'm not going to convince you that what Hogan said was a shot at Edge and I totally understand why. I've met celebrity sports figures before, and I've become fans of theirs too. I'm not going to argue that when you met him, he was a fantastic guy because obviously he was and that's a story you tell to your kids and grandkids.

All I'm asking is to look at those first two tweets and tell me you can't see how the rest of us on here see that as throwing Edge under the bus.
Haha, cute, dude you're so playing the mark game you're acting as if you know both Hulk Hogan and Edge personally. Please don't deny it, if you're so adamant about celebrating someone like Edge then ignore forums like this and post something about the guy in character if you're such a fan of wrestling. I am merely replying to posts like yours and others to set idiots like you straight on what this whole business is really about and it's about learning to separate the portrayer from the character and sad to say man more often than not those two entities are hardly ever one in the same.

I'd stop worrying about whatever stupidity Hulk Hogan said on Twitter and focus on being a wrestling fan in my day when we watched professional wrestling we never went outside the confines of kayfabe, people in my school of thought always enjoyed what was on the screen after all that's why I pay a ticket to watch a wrestling show, and yes I called it wrestling because I don't buy that sports entertainment garbage that someone like you probably enjoys being spoonfed, and you're calling me a mark? Seriously. Anyway, Mr. Dilettante here's a newsflash the entertainment whether it be in movies, television or yes even professional wrestling (ooops hope that term doesn't offend you....mark) is full of egomaniacs and controversial figures that fall short of the idealized characters they play on TV, i.e. Hulk Hogan. A Hulk Hogan mark would never admit to how disappointing an individual Terry Bollea might be outside of his wrestling persona, but I have made peace with knowing that both character and portrayer are two separate entities. Sounds like someone might need to follow that train of thought, Wushady here's a hint to find him go look for the closest mirror in your house.

Anyway, I read exactly what you wrote and it's funny you're calling me a Hogan mark simply because I called you out on your stupidity, other than making an objective observation about some asinine comment you made does not make me a mark of anything. If anyone's the mark it's you let's get that straight.

You're a mark because you're referring to someone like Edge as a class act, you're almost implying that the two of you go to titty bars on the weekends or do tee time on Tuesdays.

Seriously get over yourself, I'm a fan, which is someone who likes the characters in wrestling. I am not a mark because I could give a shit about who portrays these characters, the characters come first. Something that you and most IWC idiots don't do is put the characters first, that is why you watch wrestling in the first place, if you're watching this stuff for the purpose of trying to find an inkling of a humanitarian in any of these people then you're watching it for the wrong reason. Since you're calling Edge a class act for his retirement speech then you've done nothing but make me laugh uncontrollably. While it was a nice segment and a great send off for the Edge character and possibly the man himself, it is for all I know just a ruse for the next big storyline, it wouldn't be the first time they pulled a bullshit tactic like this. Remember buddy, we're talking about professional wrestl----err, bite my tongue, I mean sports entertainment. My B there, puto. Basically we're talking about something that's not rooted in reality in the first place, it's gonna take a LONG time before I am convinced this Edge thing is on the level.

That's not to take anything away from what Edge has done in wrestling, but at the same time I'm not going to to be so bold to call someone like a celebrity a class act when I don't even know the individual in the first place.

Get over yourself and think twice about the terminology you use towards others because the written ammo you're trying to shoot is only going to ricochet and hit you right back you simpleton.

First off dip shit you put so many words in my mouth, it's ridiculous. I simply stated my opinion on what Hogan said as a wrestler about another wrestler. I also said I don't care what they do in their personal life. Your the one that brought up their personal lives moron. I don't have any idea why your implying I like the entertainment part more than wrestling. I agree with you that it is and always be wrestling. I think it's ******ed the WWE wont call it wrestling anymore.

I don't need a fucking ****** like you setting me straight on the wrestling business. I know the difference between the characters and the men that portray them. I never said a word that I know them personally. I have met both of them, but I don't know them. You go off on a long rant about shit that has nothing to do with anything I said.

Calling him a class act for how he handled his retirement in no way implies I know him. Whether you believe it's a work or not doesn't mean shit to me. I called Edge the wrestler a class act, but anyone except you. Could tell that speech was coming from Adam Copeland the man the portrays Edge. Applauding him for that means I am a fan of his nothing more. Just like you defending Hogan so much and taking remarks against him so personally makes you a Hogan fan.

Not a thing I said in my first post wasn't true I respect both men as wrestlers. And on some level as a real person for things like their charity work. That doesn't mean I don't know there's a difference between their characters and them as men. So calm down and after you take Hogan's dick out of your mouth. Keep it shut and quit pretending you know what I think or know about wrestling.
Of course they were. Here, let's again put them in context.

Twitter user jays712: Edge retired tonight. Looks legit too. Can't get medical cleareance for neck injury. Any thoughts on him?

Hogan responds: if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago

Continued: but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!

Part 3: What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH

Translation: Wrestlers have worked injured for years, BUT I don't know Edges situation because WWE is considered a media company and no longer a wrestling company. Wrestlers work hurt. However I am sure Edge WANTS to keep wrestling and he's one of the boys. In other words he's tough and good people and I respect him.

Typical WWE Fanboy spin: Hogan trashes the shit out of Edge.

User Only_1Abz asks him: whats your take on your former WWE tag team partner Edge retiring?

Hogan: my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH

Part two: I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in

Part 3: Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH

Translation: If his neck injury cannot be fixed his career is over, but if not he's one of the boys and may come back. (Sounds to me like he's unaware of the extent of Edges injury and may not have even watched Raw)

WWE Fanboy translation: Oh oh, he's backtracking.

User kartikaitha: U seem to be angry with edge decision to quit. Is that because he is ur good friend or just hatred?

Hogan: i don't understand you saying I'm mad,it's going to be interesting to see how he handles his wrestling life after some time HH

Translation: I'm not mad at Edge, it'll be interesting to see his wrestling career in the future. (Again, all signs point towards Hulk Hogan having not even seen the segment and being unaware that Edge is retiring over a recent injury)

Amazing how that full context works, isn't it? When you read what was actually asked to him to kick it off it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Well maybe not to those that bash him for anything they possibly can but someone without an agenda it certainly makes sense to. A fan tweets to him Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared. Hogan says wrestlers have injured themselves and made comebacks but who knows now that WWE is an entertainment company now. Hogan proceeds to continue answering questions under the assumption that what was tweeted to him was factual(Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared) and not only puts Edge over but says he'll make a comeback after getting it fixed.

Man what a piece of shit that Hogan guy is, I mean doesn't he sit down and watch his competition?! That fucking asshole, he should have been watching and knew Edge was retiring because of his previous injury. How dare he answer the fans question going off what fans were telling him happened. :rolleyes:

You're expecting way too much out of the IWC to actually look at the context of words. They have their own narrative before they read something, and then just spin it to meet that narrative. If they read something Hogan wrote like this "I can't believe more people don't hate the system in this country to take care of orphans", they would probably just see "I hate orphans."

It's pretty clear from the actual timing and context of the statement that Hogan was mostly unaware of the situation and put Edge over huge as an equal and a tough son of a bitch, and that he was confused over the reaction from a lot of IWC tough guys.
That was a total dick move by Hogan. Edge has given everything for the WWE. I don't get it does he think Edge isn't a real wrestler because he doesn't want to be crippled? I think he's just jealous that Edge was smart with his money and can retire at 37. He wont be broke down and still wrestling in front of 500 people at 57. That's not a stab at TNA I have some respect for TNA. I lost respect for Hogan years ago. Edge is a true class act Hogan is a douche bag.

Everything you said is somewhat true except one thing. Hogan doesn't Wrestle in TNA. He had 1 match and that was over a year ago, so again Hogan doesn't wrestle in TNA, Is it so hard to understand that?

Now on Topic, Hogan said what he said maybe because he thought it wasn't legit.
The only person who ever went over Hogan the way everyone else in the business does was Warrior and Goldberg. In his prime, Hogan hardly ever lost clean and never put guys over him the right way.

Who said he was in his prime? I'm talking about the man you're latched on to is from the late 80's and 90's. I never said anything about his in ring prime. By the way, I think that is a kick ass story about you and Hogan in the airport and I do totally understand why you support him because of that encounter. Don't think I believe Terry has always been a horrible person. Just more recently, he has foot and mouth disease. That's my complaint.

All I want to point out was the against the people who claim he's the Golden Goose. He's not.

Amusing. You know me? Obviously not. Don't you ever say or assume you know me. The Prince with the broken spine, and4 complete Works of Shakespeare on my bookshelf, plus the multiple dissertations from college, and the 15 Shakespearean productions in my career as a theater artist tend to think you're talking out of your ass, so if you try to flame me, pick another topic. Please, tell me something else you assume about me and my education, troglodyte.

I've never said Flair was a saint. I don't think I've ever posted about Austin. And I have screamed upon all that is high and mighty that TNA needs to fire Jeff Hardy for showing up to the pay perview unfit to compete. But yes! Those people should be criticized for parts of their history. Want to know what the difference is? Flair has been relatively quiet the last couple years, and so has Austin. They aren't out there tweeting their thoughts to the world and calling attention to themselves by saying things that are stupidly uninformed.

The difference is Mohammad Ali is not tweeting his thoughts out to the world and calling attention to himself by saying things that are stupidly uninformed.

Please be near a defibrillator while I take three stances you won't believe I'll take. Tyson doesn't fight anymore, and in recent years he has not had foot in mouth disease about eating people's children. Is he still kinda crazy? Yup. And when he says and does stupid shit, I gladly call him on it. But he's not trying to continue to box past his prime. HHH: Needs to move into the front office permanently, but unlike Hogan, he can still work in the ring and sell a match so I'm opposed to seeing him in the ring because he's not 20 years past his prime. He's about 5 years past if that. Taker's career has got one foot in the grave and 4 out of 5 toes of the other foot. Again, the difference is Taker can still work one match a year, albeit barely.

Next time you act like you know me, keep it to yourself because you don't. I'm reacting to Hogan's PUBLIC COMMENTS about a wrestler's retirement and he threw him under the bus. He has since come forward and clarified, but not apologized like he needs to.

I know I'm not going to convince you that what Hogan said was a shot at Edge and I totally understand why. I've met celebrity sports figures before, and I've become fans of theirs too. I'm not going to argue that when you met him, he was a fantastic guy because obviously he was and that's a story you tell to your kids and grandkids.

All I'm asking is to look at those first two tweets and tell me you can't see how the rest of us on here see that as throwing Edge under the bus.

well no one said that Terry The man is perfect. I mean I barely think God Is perfect so imaging terry. But besides the point.

well if i see that you have a large resume of the same books that i have read of philosophers, then why dont you take hogans tweets as a whole and figure out the context of what he was trying to elaborate. With all do respect Sir i see that based upon your comments that i have read, it seems that your anti Hogan, and if you dont like some one then naturally your first thought of reading ones message is negative. If i were you i would step out side of your self as a nutural " corner" and look at the negatives and positives and the background from where the statements is coming from and its source so that you can make a better judgment upon the statement. made.

Now as far as Flairbeing quite in the last couple of years, well in my memory serves correct didnt Ric Flair have a mug shot done and was even reported on WWW.TMZ.COM while his employemnt with TNA thus recently. No that to me does not see to be keeping one self clean and keeping ones self quite.

On Tyson, the last fight tyson had was 4 years ago and he was very out of shape and as some of you would say about hogan " a shell of a man that one was, way past his prime" and that pretty recent. i mean tyson after 1990 encounter with Buster Douglas was no longer in his prime and yet fought for 17 years past his prime. Also on tyson criminal record, didnt he just 1 and a half ago knocked some security officer or some paperazzi guy out. I mean a year 1/2 is pretty recent. IN TERMS OF HHH, the reason why triple hhh can still go cause he is over a decade and a halk younger then hogan and hhh slowed down the act like 4 years from a full time wrestler to only wrestling like 5 to 10 times a year. and 4 yaers ago hhh was in his late 30s but hogan in his late 30s was still carring the wwf on his shoulder. Now on taker, the reason why he could still but BARELY can do a match cause he has not had the injuried like hogan did, i mean taker did have his orbital bone broken twice and a recent surgery on his should but nothing as serious as ones with hogans , fake knees, hips, 9 huge back sugeries in 2 years, a broken orbital bone from his jeski accident, torn back muscle from the wrestlemania 3 match with andre, and a torn up bicep on his right arm. so as you see hogan has had more sugeries and injuries then taker and hogan is 10 to 11 years older then taker. and 11 years does make a difference.


Well yes if i have grand kids that i do agree with you on this that i will tell them despite with the haters say about Terry that terry was a complete gentle man with me and what the airport security ran from he stepped way out of his way to help me A FAN directly.

For what the man has accomplished and all the roads he paved for the other wrestlers, for all the crap he went threw in his personal life and with in 2 years turn it all around, that in its self deserves merrit and respect.

One thing is to not like one person , but like him or not, you still have to respect for what he did to a form of entertainment that brough all of us here together in these forums. because if it werent for hogan making and saving wrestling so many times in the last 30 years, we would not have a wrestlezone foums, wwe, tna, nwo, dx and everything that represnts modern wrestlin. while in the attitude era there was 5 guys who carried the wrestle banner Austin, rock, hhh, taker and kane, but in the golden era wrestling and wwf was on the top of only one guy to carry the heavy load by him self and that man is HULK HOGAN AKA TERRY GENE BOLLEA FROM AUGUST GEORGIA. and that is what ppl are forgetting. HULKAMANIA WILL LIVE FOR EVER. HULK HOGAN I WAS BORN A HULKAMANIAC AND I SHALL DIE ONE AS WELL.
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