How Would You Get Over?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Pretend you’re a wrestler under a WWE developmental contract wrestling in FCW. You get a call from the office and are informed you’re being moved up to the WWE roster. Management is pleased with your in ring ability but doesn’t have an idea for your character or gimmick yet. They tell you to report to WWE Headquarters in one week and to bring some ideas to the table. They aren’t necessarily looking for you to set the world on fire. You’re not being brought up to immediately work with John Cena or Triple H. You’re meant to be a part of the mid card and if you come up with an idea that eventually gets you into the main event more power to you. The day of your meeting has arrived and you’re in the room with the creative team about to present your idea. All of a sudden Vince McMahon himself walks in, gives you a powerful handshake, and says in his booming voice “What have you got for me kid?”

The floor is yours. How are you going to get over?
First, and hopefully prerequisite to his interview you had better have a good working knowledge of the wrestling business, and not a fans knowledge, an experienced wrestler's knowledge. You have to be able to understand how to talk the talk when it comes to working a match and obviously you've shown you can walk the walk to get recognized.

Thing is wrestling isn't like sports at all, not when you get down to it. Pro-wrestling is far more intelligent. Watch a post game interview with your average MVP of any sports game, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, etc., and what do you notice? These guys can't talk for s**t. They're brainless jocks. It doesn't matter how awesome a wrestler you are, if you're a brainless jock in pro-wrestling you won't last past your first interview/promo. This isn't the 1980's anymore, and cutting a promo that sounds like something from one of the wrestlers back then isn't going to get you anywhere. I love Animal, Anvil, & Sgt. Slaughter's early work, and many others from back in that era, but watch their promo's. Cookie cutter all the way, listen to Paul Ellering & Hawk, The Hitman/Jimmy Hart, and you quickly realize you need brains to get very far.

This interview means everything. And you need to have at least one, maybe even two or three ideas for a gimmick fully fleshed out. Ultimately, if you can talk, you're golden.

Now if you want specifics, well, that's a whole other issue. You have to impress Vince McMahon, and he'll be hitting you with questions out of left field the entire time, and if you can't field them you're in trouble.

For me? Well, I always think of the story of Scott Hall's interview. He came in, in character fresh off seeing Scarface, and was channeling Al Pacino. I would follow that example, only I'm a Roland of Gilead kind of guy, and I would have to walk the "razor's edge" so to speak to keep from sounding like one of the smoking gunns and/or The Undertaker. Not to sound trig, but I'm pertnear a dead ringer when it comes to channeling sai Roland Deschain.

If you can speak and you've got a strong gimmick, you're in. If Scott Hall's Pacino knockoff can get him what deserves to be a hall of fame induction, then I know I could get on TV and play a knockoff of the last gunslinger. Let's face it Razor Ramone is a classic, and really is his own character. Personally I don't see much correlation between Razor Ramone & Tony Montana and Scarface is a movie everyone has seen (or should see). Far fewer have ever read Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Ultimately my personality would shine through, and as a result, the character of The Vigilante would be me and me alone.
I know that the psycho gimmick is kind of being used by rhodes right now, but i would use something similar. My real name is Joshua, so I would go by Mr Joshua and model myself after gary busey from lethal weapon. I would attack anyone and use any means to go over. Even using something like a taser (a type of weapon not used by the wwe.) I would also mock my opponent every time by copying something about them, but trying to make it bigger. For example, if i had a match with taker (i know you said midcard, but im just giving an example) after he had his grand entrance, i would do something similar, but crank it up to 11 like having 20 people carry me on a platform or something like 300. So yeah, psychotic, mean, and disrespectful as shit. lol
I would be a cocky suit wearing heel, I know cliche right.

My entrance theme would be a song (sung by myself) with the famous airhorn sound effect as it's intro followed by me shouting "MARVELOUS" (my catchphrase would be "Every little thing I do is marvelous"). My entrance taunt would involve extending my arms out to the front, and doing spirit fingers until I was pointing to each side of myself, then I would cup my hands to my mouth and shout "LET ME HEAR A DRUM PLAY!"

One of my "moves of doom" would be a fireman's carry into a spinebuster. I would then follow that up with my finisher: waiting for the opponent to get up, and then proceed to do a running boot (while the opponent is bent over) transitioned into a "Crossface chicken wing legsweep facebuster"
I like the idea of this thread, so props on this idea.

I'm sure like many others, i've always wanted to be a WWE superstar, i've wanted to since i was 5 years old, that was 16 years ago. And i still want it.

I've thought of a name, entrance music, gimmick and way of breaking it as a single's competitor.

First of all the name
My name is Suleman Faiz, not really a good name to get over lol I am a Muslim American so i came up with the name:
- John Abraham: John (for my american side) and Abraham (for my muslim side)

Theme song i've thought of is,
- Away from Mercy Drive, first time i heard it was the tribute to Orton back in '04 when he won the world title and fell in love with the song.

Gimmick: no gimmick because i believe i have enough personality to be myself and get in, like SCSA, Punk, Rock, Cena ect..

And way of getting in is this:
Start off in the midcard of course as a heel and attacking everyone who has done me wrong pre-wwe career. As in, as a fan at every event i have been to and tried to get an autograph from a heel superstar, they have always blown me off of course to keep character. so i could attack them saying that they never gave me an autograph as a kid and never fulfilled my wishes of meeting a wwe superstar and my trademark thing after finishing the attack could be having a picture of the superstar ringside and while they are knocked out, "steal" a pen from the announcers table and put it in the knocked out superstar's hand and forge and force a signature on the picture saying "finally...i got my autograph" and they could show like over the weeks in my locker room a wall of all the superstars that i've gotten my autographs from.

I've never seen this done before and i think a lot of fans would hate me for attacking their "baby faces" but also some could relate to me because it has happened to them too.
i have been waiting for a topic like this to show up for awhile sense theres no guarnetee vince would like my first idea im gonna say 2 or 3 ideas for a gimmick i have that id use for myself.

1. my debut gets built up with promos with me in the shadows and there all dark/evil type promos and at the end id always say "your dreams become nightmares" or something along those lines and my nickname would be the never ending nightmare (hense my username) and id use the ring name Dustin Dreamer and id debut by attacking the us or ic champion during a match and laying them out my finisher (if allowed) would be a spike piledriver.

2. a cocky ladies man type heel id have a hot diva like maybe the bellas as my managers and there would be a devolping jealously between the bellas and then they would end up having a match to see which 1 gets to manage/date me and id be the ref and hit a big closeline on 1 of them leading to the other one winning while i get major heet for hitting a woman (yeah idk this idea sucks i admit it.)

3. very similiar to randy ortons legend killer gimmick but a little different (note: i did get this idea from Luke Robinson calling himself the future legend on tough enough) my debut gets built up for a few weeks with my walking by the merchandise stands and pointing out different shirts and talking about being sick of the same people getting the same shots all the time and stuff like that then in the last promo in the shadows there would be a row of cardboard cutouts (you wouldnt be able to see who they are but hints are dropped all along about who im coming after when i debut) and then when i debut i face a guy whos been in the business for awhile but has become a jobber like william regal or goldust and i destory them in my debut match and after the match i "injure" them by hitting my finisher onto a chair (or with a chair around their neck but that might be too graphic) and each week i keep doing the same type of thing to guys like that until a then face christian runs out to make the save for 1 of the legends after the match and he says hes sick of watching legends being taken out by this young punk,we have a match next week but before the match starts i jump him before the bell and it turns into a huge brawl all over the arena ending with me laying him out then a month later im in a #1 contenders match for the ic title and christian causes me to lose the match and we face on the upcoming ppv where i win by countout after a brutal fight of a match and it keeps going from there (i have alot more to this idea but i dont wanna give away everything for it as in my internet fed im using this gimmick for someone and its just a great idea i dont want my whole idea stolen)
Since I am a midcarder, I would start myself from the scratch.. So throw me in MITB and I win Money in the Bank briefcase.. Me and Jo-Mo over the ladder and I send him crashing through the table.. :shrug:

Next week on RAW, I cut a promo 'I need to build credibility before cashing in my MITB contract. So I challenge 3 wrestlers, RAW or Smackdown episode, and they should have never held WWE or World Hevayweight Championship' First match is a squash match with Santino, next with Jinder Mahal and the next three matches will be with top midcarders.. So i pick a top midcard face 'Jo-Mo'or 'Alex Riley' and culminating the fued to Summerslam and Night of Champions.. After successfully defending my briefcase, the same night, last match, not cashing my oppurtunity but costing John Cena his WWE belt. :wtf:

Next week on RAW, I cut a promo saying 'Tired of Cena winning the title and not allowing midcarders to get titles and he deserved losing.. I bash Cena a lot and he says his target his Hell in a Cell and once he gets the title back, 'YOU ARE NEXT' At HIAC, I run in again, break the cell, about to give briefcase to referee but hit Cena with it instead and walk back with a wicked smile, leaving Cena losing again..

Now I will enter into a fued with Cena, who needs his Vengeance and its a Last Man Standing match.. Cena wins.. Next week on RAW, I cut a promo 'Mind you, Cena didnt pin me and I am still better than him'. Cut to Survivor series, steel cage match and I cheat to pin CENA cleanly and announces 'I won this briefcase in a ladder match, to announce I am climbing the WWE ladder, I will be cashing this in TLC, my playgorund, ladder match' :disappointed:

Somehow Cena sneaks into it making it a triple threat ladder match at TLC.. So Cena sends me through the table, he is climbing the ladder, Cole says 'first MITB winner to lose without winning the belt' BOOOM.. Big Red Machine, Kane comes and he choke slams Cena from the ladder, tombstone to champion and he sees me, catches me for the chokeslam, lifts me, I hang on to ladder, he releases hold, I climb the ladder, pick the belt and ur new WWE champion :cool: :lol::worship:
First of all, if McMahon came in surprisingly, i'd shit my pants.

Second, being serious, i'd just honestly say: "Put me up with a match against Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett. If I can't keep up with any of them, I don't belong in the WWE. Why would fans want to see a guy who gets stage fright on Raw or Smackdown?"
What I would pitch to McMahon was that in order to get over I am going to need to bring something different to the table, something that hasn't been done, and something that makes people care about seeing me in matches and adds an element that is either not used at all or underused. I would make the point that this will put a greater emphasis on what is going on in the ring as it will add a missing element to the matches.I would point out that whenever you watch a match, rarely do you hear anything from the wrestlers. You have the occasional smack talk, but that's about it, it's almost like watching a silent movie. You see plenty of physical action, people selling moves to put emphasis on what is happening, but that is it.

My pitch would be that the distinguishing characteristic of my character would be that I talk major shit the whole time I am wrestling. From move to move, in between, during moves, while taking a beating, reversing a move, everywhere. I would point out that this would also make it easier to call the match or to cover up the calls as I could create signal words and terminology. Think about it and imagine it if you will; a guy who goes in the ring and literally taunts, mocks, berates, belittles, and disrespects his opponents vocally at every pass. You already have cameramen and microphones close to the ring, so now you give them a reason to be there, to pick up everything that my character is saying to his opponent during the match. Like I said earlier, this will put the focus not just on what is being said but what is actually going on in the match, and everything else you do to make the match is then enhanced.

The character himself would be comparable to what Tazz was like at one time, a very serious take no shit kind of character that instantly comes across as a legit bad ass, with a power/submission style, and here's the catch; he doesn't talk much outside of the ring, it's all saved for when he gets in there and explodes on his opponent. Then he gets in there and it's physical AND VERBAL abuse from bell to bell, and sometimes afterwards depending on who it is.

His back story is that he comes from the rough streets of (insert whatever city) where he was an enforcer for a powerful underground gang/mob leader that can not be named for legal and safety reasons. As a kid he was abandoned and left on the street to fend for himself where he first started building his rep, having to fight for survival, respect, and even the bare necessities he needed to live. Becauase he was abandoned at such a young age, he did not know his own name, and was thus referred to as "The Man With No Name". After gaining a powerful reputation on the street for being tougher than the concrete and less forgiving, he was recruited by a group that also can not be named for legal and safety purposes to do various jobs for them to earn their respect and trust. Then after years of being a foot soldier, spending time in and out of jail, he was tapped by the big boss to be his official enforcer. After years of serving the bosses wishes and taking care of any problems the boss saw fit, he decided to pursue his own dreams at the consent of his outfit and boss, a dream that he'd had ever since being a little kid, and that was to be a professional wrestler. So, the man with no name took some of the money he had saved over the years, left town, and started all over, enrolling in a wrestling school, paying his dues, and working his way up as no one could defeat him. After finally settling in the WWE, the man with no name was finally dubbed "The Reaper" as he made all those who stepped in the ring with him "Reap what they Sow".

That would be his catchphrase, motto, or tagline "You Will Reap What You Have Sown". He's "The Man With No Name, The Reaper".
I'd get a gimmick of someone who can "Do it all"(not the "perfect" gimmick) if I can actually back it up. And by that I mean good on the mic, technically sound, can do some high-flying risky moves, pretty fast and powerful in the ring, and just about anything else that I could think of. I think this character would get over as both a lovable face and a hated heel. As a heel I would definitely brag about how good I am in my mic time.

I think this gimmick would eventually get anyone over. Maybe even add some nicknames like "The One Man-Wrestlemania" and "The Show Stealer" and "Mr. Do It All" to help get the character over.
Well first i would Tell them My Desired In Ring Name- Which still Stands As The Black Ace Axel Stryder

then let say if they have a nexus like stable- but that are focused on the Mid-card Division i would Debut by Saving a Top Mid-carder/Almost Main eventer,then after the save i shake his hand,as he walks out i Grab him,And i begin my assult, then Boom im a heel

My desired theme would be -Inside The Fire instrumentals by Disturbed Or NightMare instrumentals by -A7X
for the upcoming weeks i would get challenges From the Face i assult it, i just keep getting cheap wins, Make it to PPV and During my match we both get assulted By the Nexus like stable,which mid way gets stoped, them have the match turn into a 2 on 4 handicap match we win,then i get hit by my partner after the match
Awesome Thread...lots of fun here...

My name is Xero, I stole it from an early incarnation of Linkin Park, really liked the sound and the spelling of it. My Gimmick has always been sort of a shoot fighter style, early Dean Malenko. Quiet and angry, wrestling in a ground and pound style. My character would be a natural heel, with short, pissed off interviews and a lot of open hostility. I would do my best to get heat the same way that HHH did when he first started main eventing, I would be a Dick. Not a cool heel who makes fun of the other guys, I would be just plain mean. Come to think of it, I would be a lot like Taz also. I draw the comparisons between myself and Malenko & Taz because, well, I'm only about 5'10".

My 5 Moves of Doom would go as follows...[1] Backbreaker near the turnbuckle [2] 2nd rope Seated Senton (I'm only 5'10", but I go a good 260 lbs) [3] Kick to the Gut [4] Fisherman's Brainbuster (renamed the Mercury Drop) [5] Texas Cloverleaf (renamed the Sub Xero, I'm going with the Cold gimmick here if you haven't caught on)

My entrance theme would be "What If" by Creed...I'll wait...Everyone done bashing Creed? Ok, now I know that nobody will admit to liking them, but Creed has the perfect sound for a wrestling theme. They're kind of heavy, but not really metal, kinda raw sounding, but they don't seem too tough, and just generic enough to make a perfect wrestling theme.

The way I see it, if I can have just enough personality to avoid getting X-Pac Heat, but not so much that people start to like me, I think that I could be a fairly successful mid-card heel, with room for a face turn later on once I establish myself and develop a little more character.
Being that I am in a Backyard/ Trampoline wrestling fed (wana see some videos, PM me, can't advertise in a post.) , i have put alot of thought toward this.

First of all, i am CKL (those are my initials)
That can also stand for Cool Kid Live!
I would put myself over by cutting multiple promos (still punks thunder from the promo he shot back in June)
Id tell the real life side of myself and my future, while still being in kayfabe.
Id go for that Money/ Pro- Wrestling Lover.
I wouldn't over do it like Ted Dibiase Sr. I wouldn't have my own belt or my own Limo like JBL.
I wouldn't be the "rich classy guy" like Del Rio.

Id be more of the Real Life me, Money Hungryish.

I'd try and be the Cocky Good Guy, (we haven't seen that in a while)
I'd do what it takes in the ring, but always stay true and pander to the audience

Its probably closet to Ric Flair, but I wouldn't stay around in my 60's.

If this senerio was in today's time, I'd go for the Tag Team Wrestling, because i think i could revitalize that division.
1. I'd have an MMA/UFC gimmick where I knock I'll my opponents out with a triple powerbomb move(like Brock Lesnar used)
2. I'd insult the fans by telling them UFC fighters are superior to wrestlers
3. I'd always attack my opponents after the match and leave them needing medical attention
4. Pick on J.R. and King ;)
5. Finally I'd brag about how i can defeat all my opponents within 10 minutes.

Instant Main eventer
1. I'd have an MMA/UFC gimmick where I knock I'll my opponents out with a triple powerbomb move(like Brock Lesnar used)
2. I'd insult the fans by telling them UFC fighters are superior to wrestlers
3. I'd always attack my opponents after the match and leave them needing medical attention
4. Pick on J.R. and King ;)
5. Finally I'd brag about how i can defeat all my opponents within 10 minutes.

Instant Main eventer

I like it. I'd suggest you say that, in true MMA style, you will win all your matches by rendering all your opponents unconscious or making them submit. No pins. Pins are for wrestlers.
My Ringname is Tommy "The Kid" Macabee
My gimmick being from the Jersey City/New York area is that of a local punk townie kid with likable cokyness. (In some ways like a young BULLY Ray)
Id enter to Headstrong by Trapt wearing ring shorts similar to Kendrick and London and a hooded sweater similar to Otunga.
Id be a tough brawler, with strong ground grappling. My Finisher is the Clover Clutch (Grapvine Sleeperhold)

Finally I would get over by immediatly bashing the corrupt system with extreme energy and charisma. Working my way up the ranks and using my in ring charisma to play to the crowd similar to Punk. Finally being part of a face survivor series team and the third remaining member Id attack my teammates due to a major payoff by the system giving in becoming a main event heel for some time to come.
My ring name would be The Magician, my Manager/Assistant would be named GAL..for Get a Life....I would be a heel with the hottest female manager I could find. The Velvet Sky of WWE... I would tell WWE Universe I am here becuase wrestling has gotten so stale and I am here so they don't have to watch the same crap over and over. I would insult the fans who bring their signs and tell them to get a life..and mock them/impersonate making them at home. Mocking them asking their wife if they like the sign and she rolls her eyes in disgust I would tell them my 9 yr old nephews are more mature than them and I feel sorry for their kids. You get the idea. My move set would be that of the Magician calliber, coming out of left field. After I win I would I would beat them with my magic wand etc.. Then with a super hot female Manager I can at least have people want to tune in for my matches (for her) and in the future fued with possible mix tag team....then down the road I can either turn face and save her from another heel, or create bigger heat by turning on her. I am a big fan of Manager, and hot women!!!
Being from England I'd obviously play up to the evil snob foreigner that you get in pro wrestling and have a Higher class/Gold standard style gimmick.

I'd have Dean Malenko's old theme as it has a sort of European style (Chris Hero is using it in FCW at the moment I think)

I'd have vignettes running playing up my snobbishness and how I think I'm above everyone in the WWE and how I've been trained by the best in the world, which would lead into having William Regal as my manager.

Eventually after having a pretty successful start I'd cut a promo of how in honor of having been trained by the great William Regal I'm going to bring back the Intercontinental Title to it's rightful home England winning the title a few months before the taping in England and then lose it there in a shock defense made by Teddy Long (Holla holla holla)

For my attire I'd have Gold boots and trunks to play up the higher class gimmick and have a name like Dean Noble as a pun to my higher class again.

Signature moves would be a scoop exploder suplex, overhead half nelson suplex and Regal Stretch as a submission like Dolph uses the sleeper.

My finisher would be a Back Suplex to Neckbreaker as it seems like a finisher someone can bust out of nowhere much like a true heel would after the distraction made by a manager and hopefully I'd get over as a pretty decent mid-upper card heel.
First i would like to mention I'm a pretty big guy. Not Mason Ryan big but Husky Harris big. To be honest I like his look. So I would keep it pretty simple in terms of my look. I also like the look and attitude of Brodus Clay. If given the opportunity i would like to be given the same debut as Brock Lesnar. I dont want to be pushed sky high right away. I want to spend a couple years in the mid cards and dominate there. I want to prove myself first and earn my main event spot. There are alot of guys in the mid cards that i would love to work with more then most of the top guys. I would love to work with the likes of Dolpg Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Christian, Mason Ryan, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, and William Regal. These are all great talents that can put on some great matches.

I would like to use a dark/cocky/dominate gimmick. A mix of Mark Henry and Gangrel. I would use what ever music WWE would give me but if I was able to chose I would love to use the song Sellout by Biohazard. I would work hard on my mic skills and in ring ability. My repertoire would be like Brodus Clay and William Regal. A heavy suplex specialist with the ability to be technical and able to use a few submissions.

I hate to say it but I would have the same attitude that Cena had when he first came in. I wouldn't mind stepping on people to reach the "Brass Ring." I would do whatever it takes to succeed and to achieve my goal. Whether it would be my ideal debut and dominate or if it were up to Vinny Mac and job for a few months. I would do anything to prove that I can be a top guy and put on great promos and matches.

Finally I like that there are Things like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. This is just another way to communicate with the millions of fans around the world. It can really help your character. Look what it has done for guys like CM Punk, The Miz, R Truth, John Cena, and most notably Zack Ryder. They help there own character whether they are a face or a heel. Its another way for may to cheer for you or boo you. It's a new and awesome tool for most wrestler's if not all should try.
Nice thread

I would have a gimmick where I would just be a smart ass. I would do spots that wrestlers do not often do ( I do not mean flips or high spots, though that may be incorporated depending on how athletic I am) like that unique counter using your brain, and brutally devastating my opponent by out witting them and constantly pointing to me head to show that I am an intelligent wrestler. I would get over with the crowd by constantly out smarting faces and predicting their finishing sequences.

I guess you could count that as my gimmick as well but my personality would be extremely narcissistic and the character would cut promos with other superstars and taking things from their past and using against them in a promo. Of course I would be heel, though I do not know what I would name myself. An example of smarts would be if for example if Randy Orton was pumping his fist and stalking me to my feet just as he was about to jump for the RKO I would slide under him and do a roll up pin.

Now I know the OP (an awesome one at that) said "to be a midcarder" so here is another example of my hypothetical character. I get put in a handicap match and the two faces are on the way to the ring smiling so I get a chair from the time keeper and use it later to do a Eddie Guerrero type finish to get them Disqualified by tossing a chair into their hands when the ref is not looking (on second thought taking advantage of the tactics of face managers would be good too). Finding a way to get out of anything even if it's by cheating, or creativity would basically be the bases for me if I had to get over with a crowd.

By the way my theme would be ignition by tobymac
1st off great idea for this topic
i guess my gimmick would be "Straight Face" rookie....i'd be keeping it real I.E "Cena debut match" i would call out Dolph Ziggler Tyson Kidd all the other heel mid carders and i'd Challenge every one of them and after i make myself the a solid mid-carder I'd turn heel and lay out Zack Ryder(of course he would be the top mid carder) and say" Seriously bro you make me sick YOU YOU YOU SUCK!!"...I would fued with Zack and Mason Ryan and and make my self 3 best mid-carder till survivor series till i become the last man on my team and win.

my theme would be
The Gazette-Toguro(no words)
Erm... I'm guessing with my heritage, there really is one obvious gimmick.

Fit Finlay Jnr (only, I'd be Fit and good ole 'dad' would become Snr). Same straightforward smashmouth gimmick with my first target being Sheamus for stealing the spotlight that my father created. After that I go after the technical masters to prove that all the great chain wrestling and submission moves cannot beat a good old strong style fighter (despite the fact that I would be able to exhibit these very things when needed - think Doug Williams XDivision storyline).
I would fill the void rey mysterio is about to leave and since sin cara sucks i would be guarenteed a spot. I would wear a full body/head costume. You would not be able to see my face/eyes. I would be a crusierwreight. I would be extremely talented in the ring. High flyer/technical/submission wrestler. Imagine Rey, Benoit and Kurt had a kid. That would be me.

I would do a bunch of crazy hardcore holy shit stuff all the time to get over. But i would also wrestle great matches so i dont get labled as a spot monkey.

My character/mic skills would be a mix of CM punk with sick humor. Sick humor as in saying crazy stuff like "Im going to stab your dog in the neck, take out my dick and fuck his wound!!!". Basically i would be a real life troll. Sounds good.
I have always felt a connection to the Undertakers character. A deadman who can`t be stopped, kinda like terminator. When the Phenom retires for good I think it will leave a void in this area. Since I am not six foot ten but rather five eleven I would like to make a character that could first go by as The Undertakers Son. Kinda like Big Show was first referred to as Andre the Giants son. I would have the long hair, dark clothes, and intimadate my opponents with my icy cold stare. Since Im smaller then the Undertaker I would do more hi- paced matches, with a few old school features thrown in. My demeaner would be used more than my mouth. But when I did talk, it would mean more and people would listen. I would say that my father lives on through me, and his spirit that I now carry will never rest in peace. I would feud in the midcard level with some happy faces like Kofi and Ryder, only to make them look concerned when Ièm starring at them from across the ring. In stead of going staright for gold my characters main goal would be to keep the unstoppable deamman image alive. Ièd want to be used more spairingly so that I draw major attention when I am around. I could even have the Undertaker Urn, which holds the sole of the phenom melted down and turned into a belt that I wear to the ring and put on the line everytime I wrestle. Thus, honouring the Undertaker and creating a giant winning streak. I would eventually lose the belt to some midcarded and start along feud with him. Eventually, I would come face to face with Vince and say it is time for me to do my father business and win the WWE title, the title which Vince said that the Undertaker would never have again as long as Vince is breathing. And since it looks like the Undertaker wont get the WWEC. anymore it would fit into my storyline and keep me in a long and dramatic title hunt until I finally win it at Wrestlemania, honouring my father and starting my own Wreslemania winning streak.

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