How would Raw be any different with Sheamus as champion?


The Best At Everything I Do

As of right now, 12 comments have been deleted from this thread because they have been "Off-Topic". And as soon as I saw this thread go up, I had a bad feeling it was going to discuss Everything Sheamus, just like the other threads. But it can be a good topic, IF all the posters stay on target and actually discuss the topic.

With that being said, you should be discussing what Raw would be like with Sheamus as Champion. How would it be different than Cena, Orton, or anyone else carrying the belt? Or, would it be different, at all? Which feuds could you see him getting into as Champion? Do you forsee any differences in the program segments?

You should post in this thread assuming Sheamus will defeat Cena at TLC, and assume he WILL be champion. Then, go from there and tell us how you see Raw changing, if at all.

Although i feel its way too early for sheamus to be pushed the way he is, what would it be like if he were the champ? now vince doesn't exactly give us what we want...and if he does its in extremely small doses. i can see sheamus beating cena by putting him through a table and cena beating sheamus via rematch clause at the next ppv in a regular singles match proving that putting cena through a table isnt the same as pinning him 1 2 3.

BUT...for the sake of debating, if sheamus beat cena at tlc and retained at the next ppv what the hell would it be like on raw? will it just be one big cena sheamus fued? or will this be the time for another push....perhaps someone like kofi will be called upon to try and stop the celtic warrior....side note: hilarious how the work out buddy of hhh gets the push rather than someone like mvp or swagger who are more entertaining and have put in more work than sheamus...:suspic:
Did you see the "match" between Sheamus & Santino? I was commenting to my brother while we watched it that the fans were NOWHERE close to being into this match whatsoever. I mean, they didn't even boo him. Some of the fans were even heading to the consession stands or the restrooms. To say this about the man who's supposed to be the heel going into a title match who's drawing NO heat whatsoever should be a wake up call that the WWE brass made a terrible mistake giving this man THIS size of a push THIS fast.

While I seriously doubt he'll win, I also shutter to think what the WWE would do IF he did have the title. From the reaction, or lack thereof that he got on Raw last night, the WWE must know he's going to get the same reaction every time. I don't want to say bury the man, or make it a squash match, BUT for heaven's sakes (and this is coming from a HUGE anti-John Cena guy), keep the title on Cena, please. I'd rather see him because at least HE gets boo'd. Sheamus can't even hold the fan's attention THAT long. Oh well. we shall see people. we shall see.
I can't see them putting the title on Sheamus, first of all.

But if they did...

Besides Cena looking to get revenge, you'd see the entire top ten gunning for Sheamus, seeing him as an untested rookie, a fluke champion. They'd have to watch the promos, because too much of that would ruin the rub Seamus gets as a "former world champion." But it could easily set up long-term, simmering feuds with, deep breath, Orton, HHH, MVP, Miz, Swagger, Kofi, Mark Henry, even Carlito.

Give Sheamus a backstage brawl or two, three or four way brawls. Make him a hotheaded asshole.

Wrestler A: [Cracks on Sheamus]
Seamus: "Oh, verrah witteh." Punches Wrestler B in the face. Catchphrase "How witteh wuzzat?"

They could play this up that Sheamus can barely take a leak backstage, because no one likes him and everyone wants to get in his face to get a title shot before Cena pwns him at the Rumble.

Hopefully, he can be carried by Cena for a decent 15+ minute match at the Rumble, exceeding expectations for Sheamus. Then he drops to the midcard, still pissed at half the roster.
Sheamus would be a fine WWE Champion... for about five minutes.

I love the idea of Sheamus winning the WWE Championship, and then dropping it to Cena in a "mandatory rematch" situation moments later.

Being a former WWE Champion will give Sheamus instant credibility. It would be a great way to push the young star, even if he doesn't get a traditional title run.

If Sheamus were to get a five minute reign, there would be no shame in that. Yokozuna was champion for mere moments at Wrestlemania IX, and he ended up having a having successful career. Kane was WWE Champion for one day, and he's also had an excellent WWE run. What did they have in common? They both lost to all-time greats (Hogan and Austin). Legends go over... that's the natural order of things. Brief reigns didn't diminish Yokozuna and Kane's careers. A loss to Cena would similarly not hurt Sheamus' career. It may be tough for some people admit, but Cena is approaching Hogan and Austin stature. Fans expect Cena to win.

Best of luck to Sheamus. He'll be a major player for years to come.
Although i feel its way too early for sheamus to be pushed the way he is, what would it be like if he were the champ? now vince doesn't exactly give us what we want...and if he does its in extremely small doses. i can see sheamus beating cena by putting him through a table and cena beating sheamus via rematch clause at the next ppv in a regular singles match proving that putting cena through a table isnt the same as pinning him 1 2 3.

BUT...for the sake of debating, if sheamus beat cena at tlc and retained at the next ppv what the hell would it be like on raw? will it just be one big cena sheamus fued? or will this be the time for another push....perhaps someone like kofi will be called upon to try and stop the celtic warrior....side note: hilarious how the work out buddy of hhh gets the push rather than someone like mvp or swagger who are more entertaining and have put in more work than sheamus...:suspic:

Sheamus works harder than MVP or Swagger do. Plus, Sheamus goes to not only the Raw shows, but ECW and Smackdown shows as well. Saying that MVP and Swagger are "more entertaining" is entirely an opinion. See, personally, I don't see why anyone thinks Swagger is entertaining in any fashion. But others love him. I think MVP is entertaining, but the WWE wants to be careful with him because he's got a criminal record. Hell, I LOVE Mark Henry, but everyone else doesn't. It's all about opinion.

Sheamus has alot more wrestling experience than you might think. He didn't just start in the FCW and suddenly get pulled up. Sheamus has had several tryouts for WWE in the past. Plus, Sheamus is much better on the mic than he's shown, it's just that he's not comforatable with the huge crowds that WWE brings.

You're entitled to your opinion, though. I'm not tryin to attack your post... I'm just tired of hearing everyone say that he's getting the title match because he's HHH's workout buddy.

I guarantee if you talked to Sheamus, he'd even admit he is getting pushed to early, but he's going to make the best of it so he can survive in the jumbled roster of WWE.


I think your idea of Kofi and Sheamus facing off (assuming Sheamus somehow miraculously won the title) would be a pretty good feud. As long as Kofi won the title in the end, because he's got more momentum and the crowd is behind him. Then Kofi could have a fued with Chris Jericho, to stabilize Kofi as a main event face.

THEN he could make a stable with MVP, Mark Henry, and Ron Killings. (Sort of joking)
WWE is doing the right thing and getting a potential future star the chance to main event. There is a big difference though between working a main event and winning a main event. Sheamus is far from that level. To answer the question, Raw would suck if sheamus became champ. The guy is a decent enough character, but he's a relative newcomer who stole Scott Hall's move. Not a main eventer that is going to encourage me (or a lot of casual fans) to turn away from MNF
I can see Sheamus as a huge champion. He has the agility the charisma and dedication to be on the number one spot. Cena as champion is starting to get old. I would like to see John Cena lose to Sheamus and then have cena challenge sheamus again only to lose do to kofi kingston interfering. Could we see Kofi as the next champion?
Should Sheamus win it? Could bring in a new era. Not likely but it could happen. Maybe this is the rising of the new stars. Sheamus is probably the best suited to be Cena's heel opposite. If done correctly these two guys could have wars.

I think if Sheamus is allowed to run with the ball for a bit we'll see more young talent elevated a bit quicker. I really don't think things will change all too much though.
You know, I think Sheamus will win and lose the title at TLC, because why else would Cena say he would use his clause that night to make it seem like he has a chance? Maybe, but idk.

Now, on topic. I think it would freshen up raw if Sheamus wins. It could ignite a new era as others allready pointed out if it does we need to name it the rising star era cause its a good name and it would freshen everything up. if he does beat cena and retains in the rematches I see Sheamus vs Kofi at the rumble then him losing it a elimination chamber to Randy or Michaels I don't see Sheamus main eventing wm 26. but now what i would like to see from Sheamus as champion would be a feud with Kofi and MVP maybe Mark Henry.
With sheamus as wwe champion i think more people are going to start tuning in.....even if it's just to see who takes the title from him. i don't think he deserves the title, but this will be a change of pace for raw. so i hope he does win, maybe it will change raw for the better.
If Sheamus was champion RAW could become highly entertaining. Every main eventer and undercarder would want a title shot while the new guy was on top. Cena is more of the "unbeatable man", and I really like the idea of a new guy being on top and everyone thinking that they can be champion while he is on top. This would allow more WWE Title matches on RAW, and a main eventer is challenging for it at the PPV. Sheamus could defend against Bourne, Kofi, Ted, MVP, Henry, etc on RAW.

I really see a huge upside to Sheamus being champion, even if it is just winning the title at TLC and dropping it back at the Rumble (similar to Edge's first run). It's not like he will turn away viewers, and if he figuratively destroys Cena at the PPV it would be a huge boost. Imagine how cemented he will be as a main eventer if he put Cena through a table "luckily" at TLC, beat him cleanly at TLC, then as his confidence grew he destroyed everyone at NWO (I mean Elimination Chamber). It could lead to a very hot WrestleMania 26 sub-main event (put the World Title on last with "real" main-eventers) of Kofi -vs- Sheamus.
(Moderation: Off topic comments deleted)

I know this is very wishful thinking, but I'm just saying, changing the Champion would make Raw a lot more entertaining. I won't have to predict the outcome of another Cena match. Besides this way they can set Cena up for Taker.
Y'know, for one brief moment of utter horror, I thought we would be seeing Sheamus as champion. When Cena was giving his promo, and he said that the match at TLC was gonna be a rematch, because they were gonna battle for the WWE title tonight. I thought, as soon as he said that, that they were actually gonna put the belt on Sheamus for 2 weeks. I mean, if Cena was wrestling Sheamus that night, they would've wanted to not crush his momentum, and given Sheamus the win. And it just seemed so... WWE-ish. But alas, I was spared the trauma.

Anyway, Raw's ratings would have a small increase for a few weeks. People would tune in to see how this virtual nobody had become champion after beating the biggest star in the WWE. But if they didn't take the belt off him, after a few weeks, the shock would wear off and we'd just be left with an average guy as champion. The ratings would probably plummet, especially if Sheamus got a champion's tv time (on average, 2 promos and 1 match a week). Those promos would be average, not good enough for supposedly the WWE champion. Same goes for his matches. He would flop big time if he became champion so soon after coming into WWE.
It would be interesting, and in a good way. Someone in another of these threads posited that WWE might run with the conspiracy angle that Jesse Ventura suggested and align Cena with Vince to be the new corporate champion. Possible. But I think that Jesse was just using the word "conspiracy" a lot to shill for his own new show.

Where things became interesting was when the newly intense Carlito came out, albeit to be beaten down by Cena. Sheamus then came out briefly and the audience thought the two would fight then and there. While a mere teaser, these incidents might be of interest thusly:

1. As of late Cena has been acknowledging that some people hate him. During his battles with Orton he conceded that people had been cheering for Randy, and Cena has tried to appeal to those that hate him (seemingly) to at least credit him for being a hard worker.

2. Carlito's time on stage, as well as the Body's conspiracy tirade, do hint at real issues. The main even has been stale, Cena *does/did* make a good champion because he sold things. Yet in a way people were being held back.

So how does that lead us to a Sheamus reign, however brief?

We've reinvigorated the main event scene for starters. Instead of same old same old, anything can happen. More promos on USA for example can talk about the incredible battle, the new champ etc.

This would allow positioning of the champ as exactly what Jesse Ventura suggested Cena wasn't, instead of a corporate champion, we could see Sheamus as a rebel and outlaw, always eager to fight.

Instead of defending the championship only primarily at PPVs, what about some matches where Sheamus fights all comers, including, most importantly, extending a challenge to Smackdown and ECW wrestlers to come and take his championship away?

The latter is important since it could set the stage for the rumored Undertaker/Cena battle at WM and make the stakes of that match the unification of the WWE championships.
Assuming Sheamus has defeated Cena at TLC and is the WWE Champion.... I think Raw would for the most part stay roughly the same. Sure it would be somebody other than Cena, Orton, or HHH holding the WWE championship for the first time since summer of 2006 when Edge had it.... but all the people who complain will have found something new to complain about. Instead of "omg I hate Cena I'm sick of him" it will be "omg why is Sheamus the champion he's only champ because he's friends with HHH".... Don't believe me? Just watch. Now that ends that Rant, back onto the topic of this thread about the possibilities of Raw with Sheamus as WWE Champion!

It would begin with Sheamus coming out cutting a promo about overcoming the odds, or something. Then I'd like to see him feud with either another new guy, or anyone who will not be a part of the Royal Rumble match. Maybe Jack Swagger. Those two in a feud would be cool to see! That takes care of the next PPV. Raw itself would roughly remain the same. The only major difference would be that Sheamus is the WWE champion and Cena would be hyping the Rumble during his promos and about how he plans on getting his title back in time for Wrestlemania.

I think Sheamus would lose the belt either before or during Elimination Chamber. Wrestlemania 26 should have the best of the best holding the belt during its main event. I'm not saying it should be Cena VS HHH or Orton.... again.... but I do think Cena should get the belt back before Wrestlemania. I see either Cena or HHH winning the WWE title from Sheamus sometime between the Rumble and Elimination Chamber.

I don't see much changing at all assuming Sheamus became the WWE champion, and I do think he would lose it before Wrestlemania. For sure.
It depends how long he has the title if its only for a month with Cena chasing and winning it back it won't be much different and probably wouldnt have any effect on ratings. However that been said having him as champion would be determental to WWE most likely because Shemaus is still very green in my opinion so probably he wouldn't be able to promote the WWE as well as Cena and also he doesnt have big name star power so people who maybe dont watch Raw as regularly will not know who he is or why he is champion. I also think it would harm the prestiage of the title since ost fans assosiate it with big names when they see an almost nobody who is new to the show get the title straight away it might make them think that it has less meaning and that more people can win it. That might not be a bad thing because it might make it more unpredictable which can equal ratings but I think fans would not be comfortable with him heading the company in the most part and it might harm WWE as a brand not having a big star with the belt.
Sheamus has the potential to be listed in the HOF one day. Of course, that day isn't today or even the day of TLC cos I can't see him winning but the potential is there.

If he were to, I'd like to see his backstage friendship with HHH come into a storyline. Similar to how HHH had Ric Flair managing and grooming him in Evolution days, HHH could pass that particular torch to Sheamus and help him become a champion worthy of The Game. In fact, once HHH takes a lighter schedule which will probably happen sooner than later, this angle's likely to happen.

Either that, or Sheamus eventually gets himself over with the good ol' "beat back every challenge" method and eventually spits Cena's popularity back in his face. As much as I don't see him winning, I would love to see him do so and end Cena's run of Kiddie Champion and help usher in a new era for WWE as the kids it's catered to for so long get into the tween years and want more edge in their product.

See what I did there?
Well I think the ratings would go UP, YES UP!!!!!!

As the people who normally just look at websites like WZ, they would see Sheamus had won and be like "WTF is going on?"

This would last like a week maybe two, then Cena would become champion and blah blah blah. But I think Sheamus winning the 'big one' would be a mistake on creative behalf it could work.
Ratings might go up slightly for the first RAW he's champ but only so people can see what all the fuss is about. If he gets alot of airtime and flops then ratings will go down until someone takes the belt off of him.

There's no reason Sheamus should win either. Just a few months ago he was getting punked out on ECW by Goldust and now we're supposed to believe he has a chance against the top guy in the company cause he can destroy Jamie Noble and Santino? Gimme a fucking break. Guys like MVP and Miz are over with the fans and have done alot more than casper has yet they are stuck in the mid-card. I'd bet anything if Sheamus wasn't best buds with Trips that he'd still be on ECW and probably jobbing to Hurricane.

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