Would Should be World Heavyweight Champion


Occasional Pre-Show
Since Sheamus won the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania i have been hoping he will lose it in every match he has contested since, I think having Sheamus as World Champion makes the title less relevant and it should be taken off him and put on someone who deserves it.

In my opinion Cody Rhodes deserves the World Title because he is a great character and has put on some great Matches over the past couple of years.

Do you think Sheamus should be World Champion?

Who Would you like to see if not?
I think the WWE needs faces right now, like Cena size faces and the only way there going to do that is by giving said faces big pushes and love him or hate him Sheamus is the #1 face on Smackdown. I think overall I'm happy with Sheamus I (like many on here) usually prefer a heel over a face but I understand that they are essential to any good storyline.

As far as Cody as World Champion I just don't see it right now for him. I see him in the ME picture but not winning the title just my personal opinion. I believe his character needs to evolve some more because right now he's not bringing anything brand new (character-wise) to the table.
Cody would probably go down as one of the most BORING World Heavyweight Champions in history. His mic skills suck and he's very limited in the ring. I know you all love the guy but come on. He's no where NEAR WHC material at this point. Maybe a few years down the road like they did for Mark Henry as a thanks for all your years of service.

As for who should be? Well Sheamus is very very vanilla but fits the VKM mold and he's HHH buddy so he will probably hold the belt for a while. ADR would be just about as boring holding it as Cody would be. Both get almost no reaction from fans, though VKM seems to want to make everyone like ADR.

I wish they'd just give DB the belt back be he seems to be on RAW now. So I can't believe I am saying this but maybe allow Ziggler to have the belt. I hate him more than any other wrestler in WWE right now because he's great in the ring but brings nothing else to the table INCLUDING no reactions from the fans. He's the only wrestler I could see holding it a until Wade Barrett gets back. MAYBE the Miz but he's down to Alex Riley levels now.

I wish they'd give William Regal the belt as a final send off. I think he'd be a GREAT champ.
i agree that Cody should be challenging for the title but i don't know if he should win quite yet. With Cody, i think he has the tools to be champ but i don't want to see a Swagger/Ziggler thing where they are made champ and then dropped back to midcard. that is just a waste. however with Orton being gone for a while now, maybe it is time for him to step up.

Regal is someone who i would like to see, especially in a feud against Daniel Bryan. given the talent he has, it is surprising that they don't give him titles and use him to elevate others. What good is Santino having the US title? Let Regal have it and feud with the guy who you want to elevate. why he is not a multi-time US/IC champ is just boggling. but i think giving him a good title run would be worth while. Hell, if Mark Henry can be champ, he certainly can be.

personally, i want to see Christian be champ. it looks like he is going to have a Chris Jericho thing happening where it takes him forever to become champ, and then once he is he gets dropped back to midcard for a while. Hopefully his time will come again soon and he will be World/WWE champ again.

i disagree with the "thanks for all your years of service" approach for one simple reason - why would you give someone your top title just because they outlasted other wrestlers? if you didn't think they were good enough to hold the title otherwise, this is a poor reason to give it to them.
i agree that Cody should be challenging for the title but i don't know if he should win quite yet. With Cody, i think he has the tools to be champ but i don't want to see a Swagger/Ziggler thing where they are made champ and then dropped back to midcard. that is just a waste. however with Orton being gone for a while now, maybe it is time for him to step up.

Regal is someone who i would like to see, especially in a feud against Daniel Bryan. given the talent he has, it is surprising that they don't give him titles and use him to elevate others. What good is Santino having the US title? Let Regal have it and feud with the guy who you want to elevate. why he is not a multi-time US/IC champ is just boggling. but i think giving him a good title run would be worth while. Hell, if Mark Henry can be champ, he certainly can be.

personally, i want to see Christian be champ. it looks like he is going to have a Chris Jericho thing happening where it takes him forever to become champ, and then once he is he gets dropped back to midcard for a while. Hopefully his time will come again soon and he will be World/WWE champ again.

i disagree with the "thanks for all your years of service" approach for one simple reason - why would you give someone your top title just because they outlasted other wrestlers? if you didn't think they were good enough to hold the title otherwise, this is a poor reason to give it to them.

WWE did it with Henry and the years of service championship but he just happened to be a good champ heel.

Cody I personally don't like and never have and feel he is where he is BECAUSE of his father. But maybe in the future he will prove me wrong.

Regal has said he has no issues putting over others and helping out. He recently ripped Jericho for being all about him and not about helping the younger guys.
While he isn't my first choice either, you didn't really give any reason why he shouldn't be the WHC. Smackdown is in DESPERATE need of faces, especially w/Show turning heel and Ortons suspension.

-Del Rio: The only reason I can see why Sheamus makes the title irrelevant is cause he has already been WWE champ, so then Del Rio would make it even less relevant.

-Christian: I think deserved to be involved in the WHC picture more than anyone and is the current #2 on SD but I quess that is long gone sinc ehe is IC champ.

-Cody Rhodes: The Best choice and most deserving. Also the most relevant. Cody should rules SD and Dolph rules RAW this summer!

-Mark Henry: He said he will be back but I wish he wouldn't. He shouldn't be in the world title picture again.

-The Miz: Probably next best option to Rhodes. Only problem is that he is more irrlevent than Jinder Mahal.

-Wade Barrett: When he returns should DOMINATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Sheamus is World Champion right now because they have no better, Randy suspended, Mark injured, Del Rio makes no connection and they need a face, so Sheamus. I think a top heel should turn face, there is a lack of faces in the WWE.
I don't know why Christian is the Intercontinental Champion, He should be the WHC IMO. If not Christian, then Cody Rhodes. I like Rhodes character and he has the name lineage. WWE is not doing enough to build stars on Smackdown, Randy Orton is suspended and Sheamus is a bit lame to me. He's better off as a heel. I would put it on Christian and let him feud with Cody Rhodes and build him into a strong main eventer, the drop the title to Cody. Also I think Dolph Ziggler would fit in to the WHC picture well too. Cody and Dolph are too heels that are as ready as anyone I've seen in years that should be mainstays in the WHC Main Event picture!

As far as the title picture for now, I would rather see Alberto Del Rio as Champion. I just don't like Sheamus... bring on the heat.
Rhodes, Ziggler and the like are clearly not ready to carry the load of WWE Champion/World Champion. They need to be built up and in contsant proper storylines, not comedy routines and putting over midgets or celebrities. Alberto Del Rios is about the only guy at present on the heel roster who oozes main event status. Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rios are the only guys I can see holding gold at this point that is not Punk or Shemaus. Cena is elevating others at this point to strengthen the roster, Orton is suspended, Jericho doesnt need the belt. Christians best days have passed, Big Show may get a short term monster heel run with the title, but thats it.
Christian and Rhodes are nothing more than IC title material. Anyone who thinks they are is a ******. Right now they need Barrett to come back and be champ. Del Rio works as champ too because of all his nonsense (broken English, ring announcer, cars) make him easy to hate. Audiences really have no opinion of guys like Christian or Rhodes, therefore they cannot be champ.
Cody Rhodes isn't ready to be WHC in my view. He's come a long way and he's done an overall great job as IC champ. I do think he'll be in the main event one day and I've no problem with WWE not just rushing to put Rhodes there. They've made such mistakes before and they've had great success with taking things slow and steady with Rhodes. It's amazing, to me, how far Rhodes has come in just slightly more than 2 years. When he was part of Legacy, I saw NOTHING in this guy. WWE eventually got him out of Orton's shadow and has slowly pushed him along since and it's working. Rhodes is only about 27 years old and I can understand WWE not wanting to do with Rhodes what they did with Orton or Cena. Both of them were solidified main eventers by the time they were Rhodes' age and both of them are already at a point in their careers where they don't need the titles. That goes especially for Orton as he's only 32 years old and he's already a 9 time World Champion. Rhodes' time will come, but there's no rush.

As for Sheamus, I've always been a fan of him. I had faith him him when he came out of nowhere a few years back and became WWE Champion. I think he's much better as a heel than a babyface, but heels have frequently dominated the World Championship pictures on both Raw & SD! for a few years now. It can't hurt WWE to have a strong babyface as champion, which certainly applies to Sheamus as does the fact that he's very over with fans. As I said, he's better as a face but I think he's done a good job as champion. It wouldn't have bothered me at all to see Bryan retain the title as he was doing a helluva job in my eyes. I look for Bryan to win another World Championship down the line, probably not this year, but I'd say it'll happen.
cody rhodes is more deserving? why because hes not a big guy? cause hes not friends with trips? get real Sheamus looks the part, he is everything the world heavyweight champ should be, he's also easily the most mobile/skilled heavy man in the ring atm. Rhodes has just come off being fed to big show, he lost his title to christian in a match that was less than spectacular, also not to get picky but he is like a 190 pounds! hes not big enough to be a convincing threat, he also has no martial arts backround to legitimize himself or any high risk acrobatics to take down a stronger opponent, unless you count the disaster kick...... he'd need something comparable to sweet chin music, or hell even the disaster kick, but it would need to be shown working week in week out. To sum up cody hasn't earned a thing, and Sheamus is where he is, cause hes damn good!
It's not that Cody Rhodes isn't ready character-wise. I just don't think he has the look. He wouldn't fit to being a world champion, no offense meant.
WWE did it with Henry and the years of service championship but he just happened to be a good champ heel.

Cody I personally don't like and never have and feel he is where he is BECAUSE of his father. But maybe in the future he will prove me wrong.

Regal has said he has no issues putting over others and helping out. He recently ripped Jericho for being all about him and not about helping the younger guys.

but how is Mark Henry's heel character any different than he was before? he has had this same sort of character before and they never pushed him. if anything, he improved once he became champ which is weird. With Cody, i see your point but it didn't help Golddust and i never watched his dad wrestle so he has no influence over me and my opinion. But i can see how that might help in corporate.

With Regal, that is the real strange and confusing part. he has been willing to put guys over yet he gets wasted. kind of shows that Vince and wwe are not as sharp as they claim to be - if they were, Regal would be a champ and elevating the young guys. i mean really, remember a few years back with the Evolution/Eugene angle and Triple H beating Regal to a pulp? did Hunter really need to be elevated? didn't help Eugene much either. so strange.
Sheamus is only the champ right now cause he is the only viable option at the moment not because he is that damn good. Orton would be champ but his suspension was looming. Henry is out with an Injury his last World Title run was one of the Best WHC runs in a while and far better than Sheamus's current boring run with the title. I don't hate Sheamus but to say Cody Rhodes isn't a legit threat cause he has no Martial arts backround. As if Sheamus has any kind of Martial Arts backround. Sheamus isn't some badass behind the scenes either. He is just a bigger guy than Rhodes lets not kid ourselves here. I think if Ryback was ready they would be more inclined to put the Belt on him rather than Sheamus. Ryaback is IMO better in the ring than Sheamus is more fun to watch more intense he is just developing his character right now every week. He is getting a slow monster Face push which is rare but he is starting to click with the crowds which is good. As much as I hate to say it another guy out who i am sure the WWE would have rather put the strap on is Wade Barrett who I also can't stand. I like Sheamus but I just don't think he WHC material.
I think Sheamus is a good world champion and a great fan favourite. To me his irishness makes him a breath of fresh air and his skin tone is a good contrast to the usual fake tanned wrestlers we're all used too. He also has great mic skills and even when he's being lame its easier to put up with because its with an Irish accent. His a big guy, he's tough and so is his character and he suits being a face world champion. I saw Sheamus on Conan once and Conan was on purpose really giving it to him and making fun of him to the point where it did look like bullying and Sheamus never lost his cool so that shows me he's a mentally strong guy too.

He's definitely an improvement of a champion compared to Daniel Bryan who in my opinion should never win anything more than the united states championship if that and I stress if that.

However who would I want to see as World Heavyweight Champion? The Big Show. He's a big guy and that big belt suits him better than anyone in my opinion. I think he could be made an unstoppable champion. He probably has the best wrestler acting skills out of anyone and its believable that he'd be able to beat everyone on the roster. I don't care how old he is and I don't even like the idea of giving the younger guys "a shot" I like when the veterans run things and the younger guys wait their turn until they're veterans unless they're something special and I mean REALLY special like what the rock was.
but how is Mark Henry's heel character any different than he was before? he has had this same sort of character before and they never pushed him. if anything, he improved once he became champ which is weird. With Cody, i see your point but it didn't help Golddust and i never watched his dad wrestle so he has no influence over me and my opinion. But i can see how that might help in corporate.

With Regal, that is the real strange and confusing part. he has been willing to put guys over yet he gets wasted. kind of shows that Vince and wwe are not as sharp as they claim to be - if they were, Regal would be a champ and elevating the young guys. i mean really, remember a few years back with the Evolution/Eugene angle and Triple H beating Regal to a pulp? did Hunter really need to be elevated? didn't help Eugene much either. so strange.

I don't think Dusty was with WWE during the whole Goldust thing. He was still with WCW back then and came in after. He has been there now for a few of his "returns". But by then he was already a niche character who was pretty much a lower mid-carder. Cody is even worse and I don't get WHY people find him so appealing. He doesn't have the mic skills of his father or brother, or in ring ability of his brother.

Yeah I never got the whole Regal thing. In WCW I loved him with the Blue Bloods. He was A GREAT GM but failed that drug test.
The problem is Sheamus isn't nearly as over as the WWE likes to believe -- if you've ever been to a live event, you can attest to this. Without Orton (and his willingness to put guys over) there really isn't anyone that can revive the title right now.

For my money, the strap has to go to Barrett when he comes back. He has the best future of potential guys, he was the WWE's top heel before his injury.
I'd rather like to wade barrett as WHC.I've always pictured him as the next HHH-a strong,brutal heel.Cody & Ziggler are way too overrated.I like sheamus.Sadly he isn't that over within the crowds,judge his appearance without a megastar.Danial Bryan-a heel,gets a bigger pop than him,what the hell!If someone takes the title of sheamus,it's barrett.
Allow me to be the be first to say it in this thread. No one should be the WHC. The belt should be unified with the WWE Title already. The brand split is over; there's no need for two titles anymore.

I've long been a proponent of unifying the title because I think it would lead to a more competitive main event scene. For the past 5-6 years, we've all bitched and complained about how the WWE is lacking in main event talent. And because the WWE lacks main event talent, we've seen guys like The Miz win the WWE Title ... we've seen guys like R-Truth and JoMo headline ppv's in WWE Title matches. It's unlikely that any of those three wrestlers would've made it to the midcard in the late 90's or early 2000's.

But consider that in the early 2000's, the WWE was dominated by ten wrestlers: Austin, Rock, Trips, Angle, 'Taker, Kane, Show, Foley, Jericho and Lesnar. One of those ten wrestlers always had the title... another was always challenging for the title... and at least two others were always challenging for the right to be the next in line for the title.

The WWE isn't terribly far from that type of depth with their current roster. Four of those main event wrestlers are still on the roster: Jericho, Kane, Show and Lesnar while guys like Cena and Punk have become the two most popular guys in the company. Add in Bryan, Del Rio, Shaemus and Christian, and you've got a pretty strong top-10...

Those top-10 guys should be fighting for right to be WWE Champion ... they shouldn't be split in half with one group fighting for the WWE Title and the other fighting for the WHC Title. That model has actually made both titles look weak.
Whoever the WHC should be, it isn't Shaemus. I'm not sure who I'd like to see hold the gold, but I know I liked where things were going back when Mark Henry was champ. It turned sour after Daniel Bryan won.
The problem is Sheamus isn't nearly as over as the WWE likes to believe -- if you've ever been to a live event, you can attest to this. Without Orton (and his willingness to put guys over) there really isn't anyone that can revive the title right now.

For my money, the strap has to go to Barrett when he comes back. He has the best future of potential guys, he was the WWE's top heel before his injury.

Couldn't disagree more. I went to the recent Smackdown taping in Hershey, PA and Sheamus's cheer was louder than Orton's. I was surprised. The year before, Orton was the ONLY wrestler who got any kind of ovation. Younger fans especially love Sheamus.
Sheamus is doing an admirable job as World Champion.

Prior to WrestleMania, I greeted the idea of Sheamus with the belt with apathy at best - and with something approaching dread at worst. His feud with Daniel Bryan had been given about as much attention as I lavish upon the homeless at London Bridge. I give the homeless a cursory glance and then carry along my merry way, I don't seduce them and make tender love to them - in case that analogy confused you.

Post-WrestleMania, Sheamus has been given more screen time, more promo time, more ring time and, generally, more time to make me care about him; he's done well with what he's been given. With the microphone, he's produced stuff above the standard of dog farts and psuedo-Irish folklore, and carved out some character definition. In the ring, he's had some of the better matches on the card whenever he's on. A legitimate champion; a fighting champion; a distinguished, unique, charismatic champion. Looking at the current roster, there doesn't seem to be anybody preferable to Sheamus as World Champion. There's certainly nobody I'd be absolutely gagging to put in his spot.

However, I don't appreciate the likes of Christian and Cody Rhodes being dismissed off-hand. People often make much of 'being ready' to be world champion. I spend just as much time wondering just what the hell 'being ready' means. Christian was half of one of the best feud for the world title in recent memory - I'd have "ready" tattooed on his back, or perhaps branded on him like cattle. Rhodes lives and breathes professional wrestling; he has all the tools necessary to play the lead villain on WWE's declining B-show. High praise indeed.

There's a lot of talk of build and development and realising potential. I understand it, I just don't buy it all. No, don't have a twitchy trigger finger; don't hotshot everybody who shows a hint of being somebody to a world title. Still, I'd rather that than a wrestler not have a timely and well-deserved push when the time comes.

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