How should Mark Henry make his return?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
So i'm not ashamed to say that I am a HUGE Mark Henry fan and I know a ton of people dislike him but you can not deny that he plays the monster heel to perfection. He is intimidating and always seems like a threat.

He has been out injured recently (not for the first time) and will eventually make his return and he is apparently in really good shape and has dropped a lot of weight.

So how do you think mark should return?

I'd like to see mark return as a face and re-open his hall of pain on the heel jobbers and eventually go into a small feud with brock lesnar possibly leading to a survivor series match where lesnar can go over henry and end strong before he moves onto his WrestleMania feud. That's just what I'd like to see personally but I know it wouldn't happen.
I'm not a Mark Henry fan myself but I know there are a lot Mark Henry fans. No way should he return face. He should reintroduce his Hall of Pain to mid-carders before going back to the World Title Picture. That's what got him over in the first place. Unlike Wade Barrett, he could return without using vignettes as he's already an established superstar. The second his theme song hits, people are gonna go, "Whoa". Remember him appearing as CM Punk's surprise challenger to the latter's WWE Championship on Raw? People gasped.
She should return....

in the 2013 Hall of Fame!

No disrespect. I really enjoyed his last run and his world title reign was something fresh ironically. But he will NEVER be better than the Hall of Pain Gimmick.

So unless he returns SHORTLY with the same gimmick just to have a "Final Run" and put over some young guys he hasn't in the past, just hang up your boots and go into the HoF big man!

He signed when HBK won his first title for Christ sakes!
When ever Henry returns, he should stay heel and head straight for Ryback. He should try tearing down Ryback after one of Ryback's squash matches on Raw.

They should go straight into a feud of who's stronger with Ryback winning in the end. This would be a great way to raise Rybacks stock. Have him beat all the big guys like Henry, Kane and Tensai up to Mania where he can go one on one with The Big Show. After winning a feud with Big Show he should start looking at the WHC. title picture.

After his feud with Ryback, Henry should think about retirement.IMO.

That is how I would book Henrys return.
I would like to see him bring back The Hall of Pain for one last run. I greatly enjoyed his title run, but I don't see him topping it. They need to bring him in and start destroying people right away. Would love to see him and Sheamus feud over the World Title. The injuries seem to set him back quite often though, and I think he should come back for one last run, and then retire. The World Title was an exclamation point on his career, and he should start winding down now.
Have him destroy Ryback AND CLAY on his first match back. Then Tensai, then the Big Show. Eventually you could have him feud with Ryback. Have a huge back/forth feud going that leads to Ryback losing (but looking like a real fighter who never gave up). That way Ryback gets credibility/respect and Henry looks the dominant heel that he was last year. Then, he can challenge Wade Barrett for the #1 Contenders spot!
I'd have him back at Summerslam.

Punk retains in the Triple Threat match, Big Show & Punk are backstage at this point. Cena gets on the mic and thanks everybody for supporting him, etc.. He's sorry he didn't win the title and maybe it's time to step away for awhile. (James Storm)

Then.. BAM, Mark Henry jumps him out of nowhere. Beats the hell out of him, goes out the ring, grabs the steps then brings them into the ring, hits the World's Strongest Slam on the steps. Putting Cena out of action. Kicking off his Hall of Pain with some new inductees. (Random jobbers, JTG, Barretta, etc)
Starts a fued with Punk the next night on RAW after also attacking him.

Eventually have Cena return, costing him the title setting up that fued.

So have Punk Vs Henry for the title then Eventually Henry Vs Cena at some stage in the future.
Sexual Chocolate!!! Obviously this will not happen, but would be fun to see for someone who has been a fan of Henry since his Nation of Domination days. If Henry is towards the end of the line I think it would be best for him to return as a face. It would be good for someone that has been in the business for as long as Henry has been to receive cheers rather than boos. Henry plays both sides well though. If Henry plans to keep wrestling for a while longer then his gimmick is not much a concern for me. I really like King of the words storyline involving Ryback. When Ryback gets his push that would be a not so bad direction to go with it. Regardless of his heel/face status as long as Henry is in the ring I will be happy.
Mark henry Vs His Son/Mae Youngs hand. DO IT!

It would be hilarious and is the type of humor vince gets off on. Mark henry can shake his head the entire time with "WTF" looks. Then he squashes his son/hand. Still makes him look strong.

He grabs the mic and says he wants real opponents and wont be treated like a joke.
I think he should return as a heel ... after Sheamus narrowly defeats someone to retain his World Heavyweight Championship, Mark Henry will come out and destory Sheamus... put him through a table and snap a chair on his ankle and put him in the Hall of Pain.

This will cause GM Booker T to have to vacate the WHC title and start a tournament which Mark Henry will end up winning.

Mark Henry will then go on at least a 2 month reign as champion as Sheamus is 'recovering' and then Sheamus will return to claim what he believes is rightfully his. They will have a match inside Hell in a Cell.
If he returns as a face, this should be used to hit two birds with one shot, he returns for his last run (asumung he wants to retire) and totaly destroy Tensai, or at least put him out of TV until Tensai gets better, and have a strong face while one of the top faces (Cena) can take a break, or if he continues being a heel, he should definitly goes after Ryback, saying something that he's undefeated because he hasn't had a real oponent, and he's the newest hall of pain inductee, that way, if Ryback is really worth it, it can put him over, this feud can make or break Ryback, back to the face thing, this can start at SummerSlam, bare with me here, after the Brock Lesnar/Triple H match, when it's over, Brock start to attack Triple H with no remorse, destroying him, then out of nowere, Mark Henry appear and make the save running Brock Lesnar out of the ring, that way, and trust me on this one, the crowd will go nuts, and can start a high profile feud for Henry, i think he deserves it.......
I was under the impression that his last feud with Christian last year WAS his last big run... Henry's a menace and he fills a certain niche nicely, but the big man is not "getting" old any more, he's there. Big guys put a lot more strain on their bodies, so maybe his time has come.

If he did indeed get to enjoy a last run, just give him the WHC already. He's believable, so why not? He's been with the company for ages. Have him as a face, give him a dominant run for about two months or so, the have him give the belt (and a nice rub) to a younger face in a face v face match. I would watch that...
When ever Henry returns, he should stay heel and head straight for Ryback.

That's a good idea. Ryback isn't yet at the stage where he's "ready" for guys like Kane or Cena; guys who could actually give him real trouble. Clearly, WWE has wanted to bring Ryback along slowly, feeding him two bums at a time or lower-carders like Jindar Mahal. At this point, a returning Mark Henry would be the perfect opponent for Ryback.

Let's face it, after many years of trying, WWE finally found a way to make Mark an impact player. Yes, his frequent injuries were usually what stopped him, since the company was reluctant to build a major program around him only to have him sit out for up to a year after hurting himself, causing all the time and investment to melt away. But the angry Henry with his "House of Pain" finally did it for him.....this coming after he allegedly announced his intention to retire in 2012. Whether this was a rumor or not, he's on his way back, lower in weight and apparently anxious to try it all again.

Even a couple of years ago, it was painful to watch Henry jobbing to virtual nobodies as his career wound down. The thing is, even as he returns now, I don't think WWE is going to ever make him as successful as they did last year. Yes, he'll make an impact as a fearsome monster again, but I don't see him winning the heavyweight title this time least not on a sustained basis, as before.

Incidentally, I think it would be a serious mistake to bring him back as a face; the jolly fat man routine they've laid on him before. Obviously, his greatest success came as an angry, brooding giant. Having him turn happy would look ridiculous at this point in his career, plus it flies in the face of what has already worked for Mark.

Let him be meaner than hell, let him terrorize some mid-card guys for a couple more years......then it's off to retirement.
Second what Sally just said.

Henry had a storming few months late last year, and it was a strong reign in comparison to the hot potatoing of the WWE championship over on Raw. The fact that it took Big Show in a chairs match to lift the strap off of Henry proves (in kayfabe terms at least) that he was a dominant, almost unstoppable champion.

As far as his return goes, it should pick up right where it left off. Much like how the Barrett Barrage is soon to return, the Hall of Pain should similarly do so. Of course, he'll be fed jobbers for a few weeks in order to readjust to the spotlight, but by Survivor Series I expect him to be in an upper-mid card feud.
Those who have said Ryback: I can see where you're coming from. Assuming that Ryback will go over, it would be unwise however for this to be Henry's first feud if the aim was to re-establish Mark as a monster heel. Nevertheless, if Henry were to hand Ryback his first loss, but Ryback would win the rubber match to blow off the feud, I think that would pay off without hurting either superstar.
If they bring Mark Henry back as a giant wuss who fancies his brand spanking new little kitten I will piss on any WWE merchandise that I have bought......That being said, there is only one way to have Mark Henry.......a MONSTER heel
Let him be meaner than hell, let him terrorize some mid-card guys for a couple more years......then it's off to retirement.

^^ I like this idea. Mark Henry has proven he's a great impact. The WWE could certainly use him in terms of "testing" upcoming talent as to how they would fair against this brute of a man. Henry has proven he's a good talent, he's proven he's decent in the ring, and he's been entertaining as hell this past year; yet I still don't see him becoming World Heavyweight Champion nor the WWE Champion ever again.

Maybe he could catch lightening a bottle twice; however, I feel he better serves as putting talent over and really giving newer guys a feel for the business. Nothing says "I deserve to be World Champion" like beating the hell out of a proven large bloodthirsty machine.
Henry could easily employ the same attitude as before but still pull off being a face. Would WWE allow such a mean angry good guy? I'm not sure but I would prefer a face run just to see him work with some new guys.
I personally really like the idea of Henry coming back and starting a fued with Ryback. I think he should interupt a couple of Rybacks matches maybe cause Ryback to get DQ'd by coming in and destroying whoever Ryback was facing and then looking at ryback and telling him that how you do. Have Henry talk trash to him each time it happens. Then after about 3 weeks of it you have Ryback attack Henry after Henry once again gets him DQ'd. Have Ryback and Henry battle to a standstill befor security has to. Real it up.

Then put them in a match the next week on Raw or Smackdowm with them battling evenly throughout the match nad it ending in a no contest. Have them battle to no contest a couple weeks in a row to show neither man can gain an advantage over the other. Let their fued end in a match at mania in a cage or HIAC where again they go back and forth with ryback over powering Henry in spots and Henry doing thesame to Ryback. If its a steel cage have Ryback winning the match by ripping the door off the hinges of the cage to get befor henry makes down the cage to touch the floor.

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