How Over is C.M. Punk?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't watch ecw, mainly because im not that interested and I don't get that on my television, so the only information I get about ecw is from written reports. So a the Survivor Series, it was the first time I ever saw C.M. Punk in a wrestling match. What I was most surprised about was the crowd reaction he received, im pretty sure he got the loudest chants of the night by far. So im wondering, was this chant largely due to the fact that they were in Philadelphia, home of ecw, and they were just giving him the props. Or is C.M. Punk really that over with the fans. If he is, then that is excellent for the wwe because then they have another young talent with the remarkable ability to have the fans love him. And if this is the case, then I also hope that they don't do to Punk what they did to Cena ala shove him down people's throats until they got tired of him. If Punk is this over, then I hope wwe builds him up in the appropriate manner.
CM Punk is over because he is a so called god in the indy circuit and is pretty good on the mic, but his wrestling doesn't impress me too much.
CM Punk is a different creature to Cena. People can't get sick of Punk, there is nothing they can point at and complain about. He is a great talker, has got one of the best gimmicks in wrestling, and he can put on as good a match as anyone.

As for him being over. There is no doubt that CM Punk is over with the fans, however, I'm not sure he is as over as the Survivor Series PPV and Philly fans would have you believe. And for the record, Philly being the home of ECW has nothing to do with his pops. Not many old ECW fans watch the product any more. The drop in the ratings from 2.7 to a now 1.7, IMO consists almost entirely of old ECW fans that tuned in, saw that the ECW name and legacy was being dragged thru the mud and were so humiliated by what they witnessed that they never tuned in again. However, Philly also being the home of Ring Of Honor would most likely be the reason for the larger than normal pops. Don't get me wrong, CM Punk is very very over, but not to the extent that it came off as at SS.

And to the dude above me that said he wasn't impressed by Punk in the ring, how can any WWE wrestling impress you if he doesn't? Punk is consistently in the top 3 to top 5 matches of the week as far as WWE goes.
I'm surprised with how well WWE have built him up. When he made his debut on Heat last year apparently Triple H and H.B.K. among others said he could'nt work. I thought because he had'nt hot Trip's approval he was doomed. I know he's not going to get the title at December To Dismember but I think he would be a great choice. Vince is reluctant to put the title on R.V.D. which I understand, and I like Lashley but I dont want him as a World Champion. Punk has got it all and I hope WWE continue to push him as hard as they can.
CM punk is the best wrestler ECW's got. i see him walking out of D2D as the Champ. having him be part of Team DX was great i was not surprise to see them all survive i thought Team DX was the most dominate team when the teams were announce.
CM Punk is one of the top 5 workers in wrestling. He can have a great match with almost anyone, his promos are perfect for his gimmick, and just by looking at him you can see the passion he has for the business and the excitement he brings to the wwe.
CM Punk is the f'n man. And yes, he was over with the crowd because of the ROH connection...but he is that over no matter where he goes. I think it won't be long before Vince has no choice but to put some gold around his waist. And, btw, "Straight Edge" isn't just a gimmick, it really is the way he lives his life...and on a side note...he is a lucky mofo, hookin up with a chick like Maria.
If you dont believe the hype roll over to and search for CM Punk!

His matches on there such as the one with Rey Mysterio and Eddie are classics. Also he had some barn burners with Samoa Joe that trumps anything out there today
C.M. Punk is great!!! he is by far probably the best in ecw and i hope he wins the title at December 2 Dismember. they probably wont have him win it though cuz he is so new. Lashley will probably win the title, which i think is good too cuz lashley is great in the ring too, but his promos are not too good. Anyway, CM Punk is the future of the wwe and he would be much better on raw,but he is gonna dominate ECW!!!!!!!!
CM Punk's style of wrestling stands out amongst the simplistic, musclehead style that dominates WWECW. Of the non-Originals, he is one of the few that seems to be over in any way. I would be disappointed if he gets paired up with Kelly Kelly (who really is just a waste of time and space) - I want to see him live up to his punk billing and show a bit more of an attitude outside of the ring, aside from mocking an easy target like Shannon Moore.

Other notes: It's disappointing that we won't get to see the Pepsi Plunge, but of course it was deemed "too dangerous" by the suits at WWE. I also think that CM Punk has a theme that begs for pyrotechnics. They should shoot off a few when the first scream in the song begins.
CM Punk isn't nearly over enough. He needs to be pushed way more than about five guys I can easily name right off hand in any of the WWE brands. He's a glimpse at what the WWE could be if they removed their heads from their asses. I just pray to whatever god listens, that someone registers this.
Hopefully wwe is giving him a steady push, not to fast but not to slow....hes already in a match where the ecw title is on the line which is a good start. It can show how he can run for gold and he is worthy of it
I agree with mostly everything that has been said. The only flaw I see with C.M. Punk is his size. Him competing with the big guys will be tough, because he isn't very jacked. A little bit more muscle, and he's good
aww i love cm punk. hes a pretty good wrestler. he better not get paired with kelly kelly; she might be 'pretty' but if he gets paired up with a chick [besides maria, since everyone knows they're together & i think people would like that] then to me he wouldnt seem to great anymore. That girl is ******ed and would just make him look horrible. i also hope they dont push him too quickly, i want him to be around for a long time, not like another Brock Lesnar story.
Kasey said:
CM Punk isn't nearly over enough.

have you been watching anytime cm punk comes out? can you not hear the fans? perhaps you should go onto and watch his videos and listen to the crowd.

and yes CM Punk is one of the best new WWE guys. Shame he cant use the pepsi plunge tho. imo thats one of the best finishers
ctighe said:
have you been watching anytime cm punk comes out? can you not hear the fans? perhaps you should go onto and watch his videos and listen to the crowd.

and yes CM Punk is one of the best new WWE guys. Shame he cant use the pepsi plunge tho. imo thats one of the best finishers
He's not over half as much as he could be with the right push. He doesn't deserve to be sitting around squabbing with Mike Knox over a blond airhead, or wrestling to a pathetic DQ or countout finish against someone like Test, but instead should be fighting for a belt in some serious matches with guys who can work more his speed. Instead of dumping him in matches that last no more than five minutes, they should seriously give him the airtime to wrestle his kinds of matches. The kinds of epic encounters that he and Samoa Joe used to have on the indy circuit. I mean, $hit, those guys could push a match past thirty minutes (while keeping the crowd insane) and not even think twice about it. Guys like Punk should be at the forefront of a revival of their product delivery as a whole. Not just a quick fix to draw in some smarks like me who know full well about CM's previous work pre-WWE.
CM Punk is the only reason I watch ECW. I have always thought he was a good wrestler & he has pretty good mic skills. I used to watch him in TNA. I think he has gotten better in ECW though.

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