How Many Of You Here Support Trump?

There's a difference in the action, not much difference in the fact most politicians bend the laws to their advantage, even to the magnitude of Hilary Clinton. I'm not American so I have no say in who wins or loses, I have no vote but at the end of the day I don't care if I have an honest leader who does everything by the book nor would I expect one, I want a leader that can actually do a service running a country, I want a leader who can actually improve on things. I don't necessarily think Hilary will actually improve shit but I don't see her completely fucking shit up either, that's a real possibility with Trump. Hilary may throw a party when her parents aren't home and trash the place up but with Trump there's a real chance he'll burn the fucker to the ground.
Depends on how you think Trump will mess things up. If you're talking about typical Republican legislation, then sure. If you're talking about the crazy things he's proposing, then I can't realistically see them being implemented. Trump isn't dumb, but a lot of the electorate is, and he knows talking on their level will secure their vote, doesn't mean he'll actually implement it. He'll probably be a Nixon tier president, which is pretty mediocre on the whole, but not James Buchanan level.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill
One thing this political season has reinforced for me: my God I'm glad to be a Canadian. Because the thought of either one of these options becoming the next president of the United States is nauseating and frankly a little terrifying.

Trump is simply not competent to be the president. All bluster, all hype, no substance. No idea what he is doing and would be a disaster in the Oval Office. On the other hand we have Clinton who clearly has the resume to serve in the position, but I truly believe is dishonest and even more so, has a sense of entitlement which is a little scary too.

You have to vote. The whole idea of not voting is totally unacceptable. And I don't mean a write in, protest vote, I mean actually casting a vote for either one of the candidates on the ballot.

If I were an American, I think I would vote for Hilary Clinton. And I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
To be fair, you have Justin "It's 2016" Trudeau. He's nowhere near as bad as Hillary or Trump, but he's not exactly a great leader.

Also, I always thought you were a Republican Shocky. Surprised you supported Sanders.
I've been saying for a long time now that I think Trump is just saying this outlandish shit to get support which is obviously working for him, I don't even see him attempting to implement the crazy shit he's proposing, he's playing to the emotions of a chunk of Americans because he thinks it will work. He's far from dumb and he's not nearly as crazy as he sounds, I'm very aware of that.

Here's my thing though, he's spent so much time saying this crazy shit, playing to emotions that he has done pretty much nothing in regards to things that actually matter, on paper it seems like he has no plan, he has no answers, he comes off as a guy who's trying to win an election not a guy who's actually looking to run a country. When I say there's a real chance Trump will burn shit to the ground I'm not talking about any of the crazy shit he's saying, I'm saying that as of now you really have no idea what could happen with Trump, he's a monster gamble, it's either win big or lose big and I really wouldn't want to take a chance on a guy like that. Trump isn't crazy, but he might be inept when it comes to running a country.
One thing to keep in mind, you know, us internet people, are not all the people in the world.

We are still a minority in numbers and while most of our beliefs are liberal, peace loving and shit; there is a world out there that does not share your views at all.
You wanna know how corrupt Clinton is? Read the emails between her and that piece of shit Wasserman-Shits.... I mean Shultz.... I refuse to vote for either Trump or Shillary.
I'm a big believer in small government and capitalism, but the republicans sold out a long time ago on those ideals. Not really a Sanders fan myself, but I do feel for him having his own party work so hard against him. . I'm very libertarian in my political views. Gun to my head between Clinton and Trump, I pull the trigger myself.
I'm a big believer in small government and capitalism, but the republicans sold out a long time ago on those ideals. Not really a Sanders fan myself, but I do feel for him having his own party work so hard against him. . I'm very libertarian in my political views. Gun to my head between Clinton and Trump, I pull the trigger myself.

As Meghan McCain said on the night of Trump's speech, "The party I fought for is dead." Granted it had been for a long time but that pretty much made it official.
I've been saying for a long time now that I think Trump is just saying this outlandish shit to get support which is obviously working for him, I don't even see him attempting to implement the crazy shit he's proposing, he's playing to the emotions of a chunk of Americans because he thinks it will work. He's far from dumb and he's not nearly as crazy as he sounds, I'm very aware of that.

Here's my thing though, he's spent so much time saying this crazy shit, playing to emotions that he has done pretty much nothing in regards to things that actually matter, on paper it seems like he has no plan, he has no answers, he comes off as a guy who's trying to win an election not a guy who's actually looking to run a country. When I say there's a real chance Trump will burn shit to the ground I'm not talking about any of the crazy shit he's saying, I'm saying that as of now you really have no idea what could happen with Trump, he's a monster gamble, it's either win big or lose big and I really wouldn't want to take a chance on a guy like that. Trump isn't crazy, but he might be inept when it comes to running a country.

I agree that he seems more like a guy trying to win a election for the sake of it, but I don't think Trump has no position on these things that matter. Chances are he thinks immigration is a problem, but his proposition to build a wall is pandering to his demographic. I can just see him being a typical Republican candidate, which I dislike, but it's not a disaster waiting to happen.
As Meghan McCain said on the night of Trump's speech, "The party I fought for is dead." Granted it had been for a long time but that pretty much made it official.

Absolutely. It's an institution of corporatism, ignorance, and catering to the lunatic fringe of Christianity (not knocking all of Christianity, but certain denominations are far less tolerant than others). Trump calling McCain a coward, for being a POW, while Trump dodged the draft, was disgusting.
So... Milenko is the only one here who would vote for Trump over Hillary?

It comforts me to know that in this crazy world, somethings will always make sense.
One of the consequences of the rich and successful becoming more and more isolated from the rest of society, is that people have become infected with the idea that rich and successful people can't be complete and utter fucking idiots.
One of the consequences of the rich and successful becoming more and more isolated from the rest of society, is that people have become infected with the idea that rich and successful people can't be complete and utter fucking idiots.

You can blame the media for placing these people on a pedestal for that mostly. Don't know what the American tabloids are, but in Britain, the Sun, Mail, Express, Mirror and Star fit that to a T.
I agree that he seems more like a guy trying to win a election for the sake of it, but I don't think Trump has no position on these things that matter. Chances are he thinks immigration is a problem, but his proposition to build a wall is pandering to his demographic. I can just see him being a typical Republican candidate, which I dislike, but it's not a disaster waiting to happen.

I'm not saying it is a disaster waiting to happen, far from it, I'm just saying because he's spent most of his time pandering to emotions of his demographic we really don't know what to expect from him, there's a lot of uncertainty on how his presidential term would go if he got elected and through sheer inexperience in government politics it wouldn't surprise me if he did something really dumb that caused some damage. He may actually have some real ideas and plans in place that could end up being great but he really hasn't done or said anything when it comes to instilling any sort of confidence in him. I'm just saying (at least for myself) it's almost impossible to warrant voting for a guy who is inexperienced and hasn't shown a lick of a notion he could actually do something beneficial for the country. He might be very capable but I'm not going to know that unless he shows me something to think he is in fact capable.
Ignorance is not rebellion.

Anyway, I've identified as a radical for about five years now, shocking absolutely no one. I don't like Hillary very much, but the rhetoric in this election has at the very least shifted the party closer to something I find lies near my views. I'll take an unlikeable politician forced to keep a status quo I see as a positive and possibly even do some changes thanks to the angry rumblings of people like me and the Sanders groundswell over an actual nutter with a Vice President that is so backwards he might as well change his name to Mirror Mode.

If it means nothing changes, at least I keep my rights.

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