How Great is AJ Styles!?

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
On a scale of 1-10...

I give him a 12. :)

For the past several months my favorite wrestler has been going from AJ Styles to CM Punk to AJ Styles to CM Punk to AJ Styles to CM Punk to AJ Styles..

Usually it's after I watch WWE I'll switch to Punk, then I watch Impact Wrestling and I'll switch to AJ Styles.

I believe AJ Styles is better than ever, right now.

Seemingly since feuding with Bully Ray he has taken it up another level(as if he wasn't good enough before). But the fire in AJ Styles these days is just crazy. You can see it when he throws his punches in the ring, down to everything he does.

He doesn't just let his opponent walk all over him, he walks all over his opponent. Good example tonight in his match with Gunner.

AJ Styles hits a lot of high IMPACT(pun intended) moves, and he hits them dead on usually.

His mic work is still "ehhh.." but you know what... this is pro fricken wrestling.. and wrestling matters... so who cares about his mic work? His heart for wrestling is so big that it just beats through his chest and is clearly visible in everyone of his matches.

I just hope its only a matter of time before AJ Styles is on top of the mountain again. Though with losses to Bully Ray... and Gunner.. gotta wonder what direction he is truly going in.

Looking forward to the 4-Way next week between Styles, Daniels, Jerry Lynn, and Rob Van Dam.. and I hope my boy Styles gets the win... however.. I feel Rob Van Dam may continue to hog the spotlight.

So now let me ask ya'll.... How friggen great is AJ Styles?!?

(P.S. sometimes I feel the need to make threads about wrestlers because I feel they aren't getting as much recognition as they deserve. This is one of those threads.)
A.J. Styles is one of the best young workers in the entire industry. He is right up there with C.M. Punk, and he blows away the competition whenever given the chance. He is amazing in the ring, as not only can he work the heavyweight style, but he can also work a high flying style, as he was the feature of the X-Division when the company began. It allows him to vary his style up match to match. He has put on some of the best matches in TNA history with Angle, Joe, and Daniels, and should be the face of the company. He is one of those few immaculate talents who could put a broom over in a wrestling ring and still look good the next week. He can work with just about anyone in the ring and have a great, main event caliber match. And he can also talk, regardless of what so many people would like to say. He is great on the microphone and shines when given the chance, and could be the face of the company easily. He should be instead of Anderson, Hardy, or any of Immortal. Yet he lost to Gunner tonight. It really speaks volumes.
A.J Styles is good and I really think this guy should be the Tna world chanpion. I also believe he should be facing off against immortal not sting. I'd say A.j is my favorite wrestler in tna. If I had to rank a.j I'd say he's on the same level with john morrison their about equal.
If I had to rank a.j I'd say he's on the same level with john morrison their about equal.[/QUOTE]

OMG! :banghead: I think im going to be sick... this might be the worst comparison i've ever seen... A.J. styles is one of the best in ring competitors ever, He pretty much built a company from the ground up. john morrisons a upper mid-carder. if john morrison retired today, I'd bet most people in 10 years would forget about him. he's done absolutely nothing of historical significance, and im not even going to start listing A.J.'s accomplishments. So long story short, :disappointed:
AJ STYLES is actually very good, great worker, can work against just about anybody, from small men like him to big men, styles is of course a wrestler of this era, fast paced and highflying but he unlike many highflying spot-fest wrestlers can tell a story, can wrestle any type of match also, so yes he's very good, one of the best in the world right now.
The cool thing about Styles for me is that I have literally been watching him since WCW when he was Air Styles in the Tag Team "Air Raid". Even back then when he was green, I had a feeling he had that "It" factor coming his way. As a younger wrestler, he just seemed to improve every time you saw him, and it hasn't changed. He does what he asked, it seems, even when it's bad as a storyline, but the matches he gets into always makes the payoff worth it. As for the above comparing him to John Morrison, I also can say that I am shocked that you have so little faith in AJ. He blows John Morrison out of the water in every aspect of the industry. AJ has the potential to be one of the greats uttered in the same sentences with guys like Ric Plair, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Piper, Guerrero, etc. I appreciate his work and love the fact that even though TNA is considered to be such a sub par promotion by most people in the IWC, yet it arguable has two of the best wrestling machines in the industry in AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. I can't wait for AJ and Daniels, no slouch himself, to lock it up one more time at Destination X back in the six sided ring, old school style! That match has the possibility of being match of the night, as per the norm from these two.
AJ and Fourtune as a whole are some of the best all round wrestlers in the buisness at the moment. The only person I put close and it's an obvious one in Punk.

Personally I think AJ could be huge, he's a fantastic wrestler and as much as he may not be the best on the mic he's certainly not the worst. If used correctly he could be TNAs Austin but they continue to have him lose to folk like Dreamer, who while I have a lot of respect for isn't even in is his league. If TNA have any sense they'll have Destination X result in a AJ Daniels feud which will just be fantastic wrestling and then have him feud for the title afterwards, and eventually win it, while making him their Cena or whatever.

If you haven't guessed I love the guy and seriously think he should be the hottest commodity in the industry behind Punk at the moment. It literally saddens me that TNA keep pushing him to the spot then seemingly forgetting about him and letting him drop back to the mid card.
If I had to rank a.j I'd say he's on the same level with john morrison their about equal.

OMG! :banghead: I think im going to be sick... this might be the worst comparison i've ever seen... A.J. styles is one of the best in ring competitors ever, He pretty much built a company from the ground up. john morrisons a upper mid-carder. if john morrison retired today, I'd bet most people in 10 years would forget about him. he's done absolutely nothing of historical significance, and im not even going to start listing A.J.'s accomplishments. So long story short, :disappointed:[/QUOTE]

A.J Styles is not one of the best in ring competitors ever. You must be joking. A.J Styles doesn't belong up their with Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle period. A.J Styles is an all time Tna great in their short time but not an all around great. The reason I compare Styles to Morrison is they're extremely similar. Both great in ring competitors and they both don't have great mic skills. If Styles was in the wwe he'd be a midcarder as well he wouldn't be a world champion as he was in Tna. If Morrison was in Tna he would no doubt about be a tna world champion.
IMO AJ is the very best in TNA right now!!! He can work with the heavyweights and lighter weigh class!! Also he is better than morrison right now!! By all rights he should be the TNA world champion!!! IF AJ was in the WWE knowing vince he be buried but rightfully he would at least be the US Champion contending for the WWE title!!
A.J Styles is not one of the best in ring competitors ever. You must be joking. A.J Styles doesn't belong up their with Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle period. A.J Styles is an all time Tna great in their short time but not an all around great. The reason I compare Styles to Morrison is they're extremely similar. Both great in ring competitors and they both don't have great mic skills. If Styles was in the wwe he'd be a midcarder as well he wouldn't be a world champion as he was in Tna. If Morrison was in Tna he would no doubt about be a tna world champion.

yeah, Im definitely not joking. As far as in ring ability goes, A.J. styles is one of the best ever, bar none.

And as far as john morrison being TNA champion, I highly doubt that for a couple of reasons.

Reason 1. Mic skills. His are mediocre at best. I don't see him being able to carry promos week after week like a champion has to do.

Reason 2. ring style. In WWE john morrison is a great high flyer because he really has no competition in that niche. That wouldn't work in TNA because alot of the x division guys are much better high flyers and work a much faster pace than morrison and thus would probably make him look like shit (including A.J).
If I had to rank a.j I'd say he's on the same level with john morrison their about equal.

OMG! :banghead: I think im going to be sick... this might be the worst comparison i've ever seen... A.J. styles is one of the best in ring competitors ever, He pretty much built a company from the ground up. john morrisons a upper mid-carder. if john morrison retired today, I'd bet most people in 10 years would forget about him. he's done absolutely nothing of historical significance, and im not even going to start listing A.J.'s accomplishments. So long story short, :disappointed:

If John Morrison retired today he still would have made as much as an Impact or more than AJ ever has....nothing against TNA but for now at least they are seen as the minor leagues and miles away from WWE, at least JoMo has had great moments at THE BIGGEST STAGE OF THEM the greatest company in the world today, he has been in the ring with and beaten some hall of famers and legends....
AJ, on the other side, yes he helped carry TNA since its inception but come on, how is that gonna matter as of right now in the history of wrestling if the company's importance doesnt near WWE? for me they have had the same impact on wrestling or JoMo has had a bigger impact
yeah, Im definitely not joking. As far as in ring ability goes, A.J. styles is one of the best ever, bar none.

And as far as john morrison being TNA champion, I highly doubt that for a couple of reasons.

Reason 1. Mic skills. His are mediocre at best. I don't see him being able to carry promos week after week like a champion has to do.

Reason 2. ring style. In WWE john morrison is a great high flyer because he really has no competition in that niche. That wouldn't work in TNA because alot of the x division guys are much better high flyers and work a much faster pace than morrison and thus would probably make him look like shit (including A.J).

See here's my take with Styles I undoubtedly think he's one of the best wrestlers today but if your talking about all time greats I don't think Style s belongs up their with Taker, Jericho, Michaels, Angle, and Flair because A.Jhasn't done it on the big stage. As for Morrison I don't think you've seen his best stuff. Morrison can wrestle a variety of styles you should see his match against cena on ecw he made cena look great you should see his fantastic matches against Punk, Mysterio for the ic title, and his world title match against Hardy that's great wrestling. That's why I compare the two their both great wrestlers. If. Morrison was released tna would undoubtedly actively persue him and within 2 to 3 months he'd be their world champion. As for mic skills being an issue thet put the belt on rvd who's god awful on the mic.
As for Morrison I don't think you've seen his best stuff. Morrison can wrestle a variety of styles you should see his match against cena on ecw he made cena look great you should see his fantastic matches against Punk, Mysterio for the ic title, and his world title match against Hardy that's great wrestling.

Heres the difference, he didn't carry those matches. look at who he was facing.

Cena- whether you like it or not he's going down in history as one of the best ever.

Punk- Probably in the top 3 of wrestlers in the world today.

Mysterio- One of the best, if not the best, cruiserweights in history.

Hardy-When sober he's still one of the best performers working today.

Meanwhile A.J. just pulled a four star match out of an ageing bubba ray dudley. A.J. styles can put on a great match with anyone while john morrison can't.

A.J. has also been a part of legitimate historically great matches (see somoa joe vs A.J. styles vs Christopher Daniels, unbreakable 2005), and that can definitely not be said about john morrison.

As for him not doing on the big stage, neither did sting, so does that make him any less of a legend? Does it make his contributions to wrestling less significant, just because he didn't do it in WWE? A great wrestler is a great wrestler, regardless of the company.
Heres the difference, he didn't carry those matches. look at who he was facing.

Cena- whether you like it or not he's going down in history as one of the best ever.

Punk- Probably in the top 3 of wrestlers in the world today.

Mysterio- One of the best, if not the best, cruiserweights in history.

Hardy-When sober he's still one of the best performers working today.

Meanwhile A.J. just pulled a four star match out of an ageing bubba ray dudley. A.J. styles can put on a great match with anyone while john morrison can't.

A.J. has also been a part of legitimate historically great matches (see somoa joe vs A.J. styles vs Christopher Daniels, unbreakable 2005), and that can definitely not be said about john morrison.

As for him not doing on the big stage, neither did sting, so does that make him any less of a legend? Does it make his contributions to wrestling less significant, just because he didn't do it in WWE? A great wrestler is a great wrestler, regardless of the company.

Okay dude I don't mean to be an ass but after this post im gonna stop debating you because your post are getting dumber and dumber. You claim Morrison's matches don't deserve that much credit because Morrison was in the ring with great wrestlers yet you
say A.J was in a historical match with Daniels and Joe yet A.J gets all the credit because Daniels and Joe aren't great wrestlers right? Then you say A.J deserves all the credit for his match against Ray because Ray sucks as a wrestler right? Newsflash it takes two to tango my friend. Then it appears you say Stings a legend and he never was on the big stage.
What the fuck? Stingss a legend for his matches against ric flair in the nwa and wcw. Stings a legend because he was one of the top players when wcw was the top wrestling promotion in the mid to late 90's. Stings a shell of his former self in Tna he's a legend because millions of fans paid to see sting take down hogans ass at starcade in 97. Now do you see the difference between all time great and great wrestler.
Can't help but think people are overrating Styles. Currently at least. He's a fabulous wrestler on his day, as proven over 8 years in TNA. But is he really the worker today he was 5 years ago? There's just no comparison as far as I'm concerned.

Naturally he's hindered by TNA booking, but on PPV he just doesn't deliver like he used to. He always has good matches, but I no longer get excited about an A.J. Styles match. Which is a shame because I really should.
yeah, Im definitely not joking. As far as in ring ability goes, A.J. styles is one of the best ever, bar none.

And as far as john morrison being TNA champion, I highly doubt that for a couple of reasons.

Reason 1. Mic skills. His are mediocre at best. I don't see him being able to carry promos week after week like a champion has to do.

Reason 2. ring style. In WWE john morrison is a great high flyer because he really has no competition in that niche. That wouldn't work in TNA because alot of the x division guys are much better high flyers and work a much faster pace than morrison and thus would probably make him look like shit (including A.J).

Lol If Morrsion went to TNA hed become champ in his very first match.
TNA makes every ex wwe superstar a TNA champ, Morrison can make an awesome champ.
Morrison and AJ have the same ring skills, nothing that AJ has done Morrison couldnt.
Can't help but think people are overrating Styles. Currently at least. He's a fabulous wrestler on his day, as proven over 8 years in TNA. But is he really the worker today he was 5 years ago? There's just no comparison as far as I'm concerned.

Naturally he's hindered by TNA booking, but on PPV he just doesn't deliver like he used to. He always has good matches, but I no longer get excited about an A.J. Styles match. Which is a shame because I really should.

I think his PPV performances could be down to the fact that a few years ago, Styles and TNA were still trying to make themselves known to a wider audience, so as there was more at stake it seemed to get the best out of a lot of performers. I wouldn't say he's lazy now by any means, but I think because of the influx of more recognisable names over the past few years to garner attention for TNA, the pressure has come off of Styles' shoulders to go as all-out as he used to, and that has affected his performances to some degree.

However I think he's got a lot closer to being the all-round package now despite the excitement factor of his matches going down. Flair was a godsend to Styles as it was noticeable how soon after Flair arrived and Fortune formed that Styles improved vastly on the microphone. He's unlikely to go down as one of the best ever, but it's a good sign that Styles didn't rest on his laurels of just being a high-flyer and added some tools to his overall arsenal.

The only thing I'm not sold on with Styles is his big 'AJ' tattoo on his side, but I believe that it's a reference to his children which is a nice touch. I doubt this would be obvious to a casual viewer though.
AJ Styles is Mr TNA to me. When I think of TNA, I think of Styles. He has been there since day one, and was their golden boy and torch bearer for years.

However, as the years have gone on Styles does seem to be less of the focus as TNA seem intent on draining every last dollar they can from the 40-50 year old former WWE-WCW wrestlers that they bring in, even though the match quality is far, far worse.

In my eyes, other than Kurt Angle there is noone in TNA who can touch AJ when it comes to putting on great, entertaining matches. He can really do it all. I have never seen someone with so many innovative moves and creative ways of taking down an opponent. He flys better than anyone in the business, and can also WRESTLE when he needs to. To me, Styles is one of the best wrestlers in the world right now. His athleticism is unmatched in TNA.

Styles has improved alot on the mic over the last few years, but still he is not great.This is the only thing holding him back as you need to be able to talk to help create your story, gimmick and make a feud mean something. It cannot all be done in the ring. If AJ never makes it to the top of he business, his mic skills will be the reason why.

I would personally love AJ to use a couple of submission moves too, and add those to his arsenal as it really would make him the complete wrestler, and kill of the "spot monkey" statements once and for all. He basically guarantees the best match on any card he is on and should be the face of TNA once again.

I have been a fan of him ever since he held the initial TNA tag belts with Jerry Lynn and also the X Belt and I hope to see AJ back as a champion soon. He more than deserves it.
Morrison was released tna would undoubtedly actively persue him and within 2 to 3 months he'd be their world champion. As for mic skills being an issue thet put the belt on rvd who's god awful on the mic.

I don't understand how this analogy is relevant when one considers that on the worst day of Rob's career, in his worst match ever, he would still be ten-fold better in the ring than Morrison will ever hope to be.

Attempting to put Morrison in the same class of in-ring competitor as AJ(or RVD for that matter if that is what you were intending to do) shows a sickeningly over-inflated opinion of JoMo's abilities.
Really? PWI, a respected wrestling news source listed AJ Styles as the #1 wrestler. Plus watch the guy! He is simply phenomenal! He is one of those guys who can have a good match with anyone. His mic skills are better than people give him credit for.
Okay dude I don't mean to be an ass but after this post im gonna stop debating you because your post are getting dumber and dumber. You claim Morrison's matches don't deserve that much credit because Morrison was in the ring with great wrestlers yet you
say A.J was in a historical match with Daniels and Joe yet A.J gets all the credit because Daniels and Joe aren't great wrestlers right? Then you say A.J deserves all the credit for his match against Ray because Ray sucks as a wrestler right? Newsflash it takes two to tango my friend. Then it appears you say Stings a legend and he never was on the big stage.
What the fuck? Stingss a legend for his matches against ric flair in the nwa and wcw. Stings a legend because he was one of the top players when wcw was the top wrestling promotion in the mid to late 90's. Stings a shell of his former self in Tna he's a legend because millions of fans paid to see sting take down hogans ass at starcade in 97. Now do you see the difference between all time great and great wrestler.

First off, sorry about my post getting dumber and dumber (I was getting high while posting :rasta:).

Second, I basically said John Morrison can have good matches with great talent (which if you can't do, you should probably get out of the business), while A.J. can literally pull a great match out of anybody.

Third, I never gave A.J. all the credit for his match at unbreakable 2005, I was simply pointing out the fact that he has been part of a historically great match, something john morrison has never done.

Fouth (and final), you were right about sting. That was a bad comparison. A much more fitting comparison would be Bret Hart. When bret hart achieved all of his accomplishments in WWF, WWF was the number 2 company in the united states. Now just because he accomplished those things in the number 2 company, does that make him any less of a legend?
AJ Styles = Bret Hart + HBK with a splash of Benoit.

He's underrated only because he's never had a serious WWE run. He's the best undersized Heavyweight doing it today.

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