How can the WWE give Cena time off and legitimize R-Truth to carry Raw

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Simply Amazing
We all know Cena has injuries and needs time off so what if he beats R-truth at capitol punishment R-truth gets all upset goes on a rampage destroys everyone and everything keeps going after fans maybe bring a "fan" in the ring and beat him down. Cena comes out makes save GM chimes in and says if R-truth wants a shot at Cena hell have to win MITB. he goes on to win MITB teases a cash in for a while then at SummerSlam after Cena has once again prevailed after getting his ass handed to him for the 30 millionth time R-truth comes out beats Cena down with a steel chair and cashes in and wins. The steel chair beat down would be the kayfabe reason cena is out.

After all this a new face emerges. A guy who has been working his self up through the ranks Zack Ryder. (Lets say that he gets a push in the next few months and wins the US title) anyway he comes out and says that he doesnt like what R-truth did to his buddy Cena that Cena supported him as he made his way to the top and that he will avenge Cena. Thus R-truth can carry Raw and a nice little push for Ryder as well and Cena gets some well deserved time off (and hopefully a change up to his gimmick) till say the RR where he comes back to win the rumble and take his title shot at whomever may be the champion at EC wins. Then we have Cena vs Rock WM 28 for the WWE championship.

thoughts? comments? what do you think should happen?
I personally don't think the WWE would build the show around Truth even if Cena takes time off. If Cena does in fact take time off, I see one of two things happening.

1) Triple H is the centerpiece of the show. I had read that they want to do a Triple/Taker rematch at Summer Slam and Triple H/Miz at Mania. I could see this happening the night after MITB since there is almost a month in between it and Summer Slam. You could make Triple H the center if the show without even putting him in the ring and use guys like Rey, Del Rio, Miz, A-Ry and whoever else to build your matches from.

2) Cena if he does take time off likely loses the title to whoever wins MITB, whether that be on Raw or the same night. Obviously that would have to be a heel and in that case I would say Del Rio would be a great bet. However, I think Miz should be Cena with a screw finish, A-Ry win MITB and come out and cash it in that same night against Miz and win. You can take the belt off him the next night, but you have already established him as a top face.
I don't want to be harsh or 'mean' but that idea sounds like something you would find in a Smackdown vs Raw game. Don't get me wrong if WWE wanted to invest in Ryder by pushing him in a world title picture that scenario is perfect. But let's be honest, Ryder has barely been on TV and has jobbed for god knows how long, I doubt they will turn a jobber into a mainevent face. Ryder is not the answer.

A man who can help legitimize R Truth as a champion while John Cena is absent is the one and only Triple H. Triple H is currently fit but is not on programming. He is Raw's second major face and he's not on TV. Triple H is reportedly rumored to face The Undertaker at Summerslam and Triple H needs to become fit and needs to reestablish himself as a top dog on Raw as many have forgotten about him. Triple H is a great candidate to put over up and coming heels such as Sheamus. Sheamus's fued with Triple H where he 'took him out' in the storyline did wonders for his career and R Truth feuding with a major star like Triple H will help his career. R Truth will beat Triple H at MITB to further push Truth and hopefully by then Cena or Morrison should be fit to challenge R Truth.

In Cena's absence Rey Mysterio should not fill up the space of Raw's face. Rey Mysterio has already lost to R Truth and doesn't need to challenge for the title again and Alex Riley is not ready for being Raw's face yet, still very inexperienced. Therefore Cena's replacement should be the very experienced multi-world champion Triple H.
I'm sorry however this is all hypothetical and most of it has little to no chance of happening. Look for Cena to win at Capitol Punishment and continue wrestling till Summerslam. If he indeed needs a break then he will get one after Summerslam. R-Truth cannot and will not carry the company, as frankly he does not deserve the title. Also, as much as I like Ryder I do not see him getting another WWE title shot for a long while. :confused:. Yes he has had a WWE title match before if you were wondering. Anyway there is too much fantasy in this and not a lot of reality.
i should have made myself clearer im sorry that I didnt but this is hypothetical i realize that the chances of this happening are less then the chances of me winning the lottery this is fantasy and just what i would like to see happen i am curious as to what you would like to see happen in Cenas absence
Since they won't even show Ryder when in his home town, the chances of him winning a title this year? about as much of a chance as me banging Kelly Kelly.

I agree HHH would be the logical choice. And that Cena needs time off. Who would fill in besides HHH? They really don't have anyone else on RAW who can carry the brand. Maybe a Y2J return? That's probably the only thing that comes close to a HHH return. Jericho was claiming the conspiracy thing before he left too. Yeah, I'll go with that. Drop the title to Truth, Jericho returns the next night and wins it. Furthers the conspiracy angle, and they don't have to chance leaving the title on truth for long. Gives Cena a few months off to heal up.

Stop it people! You really wanna replace Cena with Ryder!?!? That's like if Stone Cold had been replaced with Stevie Richards when he went out with his neck injury in '99. Ryder will be lucky if he isn't fired in the next 6 weeks!

If anyone is gonna replace Cena it will be either the safe choice: HHH or if they wanna take a chance it will be Morrison maybe Rey since they both have a recent history with R-Truth.
How many people are in denial about rey's run as the WWE champ being a failure? You can hardly click on a site like this without seeing the headline "Mysterio injured" or "Rey Mysterio working through injuries"

Quit asking for HHH to come back. It's not 1999 anymore. HHH coming back is a red flag, because it says that the WWE has zero faith in anyone on Raw to carry the load with Cena being out of action. And yes, I'm including Del Rio in that discussion.

Zach Ryder, good wreslter, just not main event material. But he's closer than Jack Swagger will ever get again. Swagger is the K-mart Kurt Angle.

R-Truth is getting serious heat right now. He legit has earned the scorn of the fans (something I'm sure many of you have forgotten is the role of the heel).

I wouldn't mind seeing R Truth get the belt. TYhink of the promo's he could cut, calling the belt his own little Jimmy.
I opened this thread hoping for a good discussion...only to find another one of the hundred "Push Zack Ryder" threads. I honestly don't understand the love this guy gets...but anyways, on to the thread.

If the WWE were to build the show around R-Truth, he needs another established face to really feud with and put him over. Triple H has been mentioned, but I see John Morrison as the next logical step, seeing as how JoMo already has an established history with R-Truth. I don't see this happening near SummerSlam, however. Then again, RAW does seem to be the new take risks show, so I could be wrong.
I opened this thread hoping for a good discussion...only to find another one of the hundred "Push Zack Ryder" threads. I honestly don't understand the love this guy gets...but anyways, on to the thread.

Ok i'm using Ryder as an example this goes to everyone please feel free to subistute Zack Ryder with anybody you want I used Ryder because of his friendship with Cena how that could be a possibility i understand it might never happen it was an example and yes in some form or another i would like to see Ryder pushed does it have to be this way no it doesn't this was an example of what could maybe be done in Cena's absence
R Truth already carries RAW. I don't know many people tuning in to see Cena. Do you?.. We all know what Jimmy Cena will do...salute...throw his hat, get booed...and do his lame move set.

I tune in to see what R Truth will do next...the Truth hurts!
R Truth already carries RAW

No. He doesn't. CM Punk carrys RAW more than Truth does. How do you skip over guys like Cena, Punk, Mysterio, Miz, and Del Rio to go to Truth?

I don't know many people tuning in to see Cena. Do you?

Quite a few actually. You ever seen an arena? Whats the #1 shirt there? Cena. What do you think those people do when RAW moves to a new city the next week? Just sit around and wait till they come back? No they TUNE IN to WATCH Cena.

We all know what Jimmy Cena will do...salute...throw his hat, get booed...and do his lame move set.

I could characterize any WWE star in 4 things as well. Truth - complain, say the word Jimmy lots, get booed, sneak attack. See how easy that is? Cena is how the WWE wants him to be, as is everyone else. You want freedom of your character? To do what you want? Go to another company. In WWE you do as the higher ups say.
That's because there are no Little Jimmy Shirts!! Hell, even Truth pointed that out("Even Zack Ryder got a T-Shirt?")..friggin hilarious and so true...the guy doesn't even wrestle in his hometown and is only on Superstars or in a match at an Axxess event.

Didn't you hear the "Little Jimmy" chants on RAW? Yes, little kids might watch to see Cena....but adults tune in to see R Truth...honestly, he is very refreshing and the fans laugh their asses of with Truth and truly get entertained.

I'm sorry, but nobody is tuning in too see Mysterio head butt a little kid and The Miz say Really 50 times. Punk has the potential to be sadistic but WWE has been holding him back.
Alberto Del Rio is pretty entertaining though no doubt, but getting stale quickly.

R Truth interacts with fans, marches down in costumes...tears down concession stands, he is very unpredictable in a predictable setting....he has great facial expressions...I think you need to open your mind a little bit....

>>>Quite a few actually. You ever seen an arena? Whats the #1 shirt there? Cena. What do you think those people do when RAW moves to a new city the next week? Just sit around and wait till they come back? No they TUNE IN to WATCH Cena. <<<<
I don't see Truth being able to carry Raw after Cena is gone w/o a stable of some sort... you could have Truth bring in some other guys for a NOD type deal and have them beat the hell out of Cena to the point he is out for a while (so that he gets time off) then have the group run rampant over the show for months, beating up anyone and doing whatever it takes to keep them on top. I can see Truth taking out Cena like he did JoMo but past that I can't see him doing much without some help.

Now on for the extreme it'll never happen but let's just throw it out there anyways since it popped in my head part. Once Truth starts going around with his stable and takes the title from Cena and takes him out you can bring the Rock in to take over the group and ride that all the way to Mania... hell you can have Rock take the title off Truth when taking over the group and have Cena win the Rumble to make the match at Mania a title match (Since Rock decided to back out of the match since he's already got the title).
That's because there are no Little Jimmy Shirts!! Hell, even Truth pointed that out("Even Zack Ryder got a T-Shirt?")..friggin hilarious and so true...the guy doesn't even wrestle in his hometown and is only on Superstars or in a match at an Axxess event.
If you really think an R-Truth Tshirt would out sell Cena, or Orton, then you got some issues. Zack Ryder would out sell Truth shirts

Didn't you hear the "Little Jimmy" chants on RAW? Yes, little kids might watch to see Cena....but adults tune in to see R Truth...

I'm an adult. I don't tune in to watch him. I watch because I like the show as a whole. Cena, Truth, Miz, Santino.. Hell, bring Mae Young's wrinkled ass out and I'd still watch!

honestly, he is very refreshing and the fans laugh their asses of with Truth and truly get entertained.
They are also sycophants and hypocrites (Tm of Y2J). They want something, then get it and don't want it anymore. They wanted Orton to be a face, now hate it. Wanted Christian Heel, but won't acknowledge it. People will be complaining about Truth in 2 or 3 weeks saying he's boring.

I'm sorry, but nobody is tuning in too see Mysterio head butt a little kid and The Miz say Really 50 times. Punk has the potential to be sadistic but WWE has been holding him back.
Alberto Del Rio is pretty entertaining though no doubt, but getting stale quickly.

Where are you getting your info about who people tune in to see? If no one is watching RAW for Cena, and Mysterio.. Why do they get the biggest pop's then?

R Truth interacts with fans, marches down in costumes...tears down concession stands, he is very unpredictable in a predictable setting....he has great facial expressions...I think you need to open your mind a little bit....
I never said I didn't like Truth, but saying he carries the company due to his past 3 weeks of work? All the people I listed before can carry the company if need be. Ratings were high when Miz was champ. Mysterio has a HUGE Latino following. Del Rio also I've heard. What has Truth done that shows he can carry the company on his own? Worked an angle with Cena.. Take Cena out, and whats he doing? You can only run a conspiracy angle for so long you know.. Ask Jericho.
Right now, I think Little Jimmy shirts would sell like hotcakes. They would be original, nobody has them, and people are chanting Little's a fact!

He would out sell Orton, and POSITIVELY Ryder. But no, not cena...

Little Jimmy is the "it" saying and it's hip now. The Truth Hurts

>>>If you really think an R-Truth Tshirt would out sell Cena, or Orton, then you got some issues. Zack Ryder would out sell Truth shirts <<<
Right now, I think Little Jimmy shirts would sell like hotcakes. They would be original, nobody has them, and people are chanting Little's a fact!
It's a fad. No, they would not outsell the more established stars. Would they sell? Yeah of course they would! But outselling guys like Cena, Orton, or Mysterio? Not a chance. You also underestimate how many people want that Ryder shirt. Look in the crowd, who has more signs? Ryder, or Truth?

Little Jimmy is the "it" saying and it's hip now. The Truth Hurts
So was parachute pants, and saying "Puppies!" in the 90's.. look how long that stuck around.
RAW needs another big name face to take Cena's spot when he takes a break. Only logical ones they have that could would be HHH, Mysterio, JoMo, or a returning Jericho. Truth is just one of many Heels, just has his moment right now. I do enjoy his stuff, but I'm not going to get my hopes up on him staying in the main event picture for long.
They are going to let R-Truth carry Raw for a little while. I mean let's face it, we are talking about a guy here that came out of nowhere and rose to a championship opportunity. If he doesn't win Sunday, it's a damn shame and a bad business move on WWE's part.
You do realize this isn't the first time he's been in a title match right? Maybe a one on one, but he's been in other title matches. No the bad business move is throwing the title on him in favor of Miz, Punk.. wait, now I'm repeating myself. This was already covered. There are other people on the RAW roster who CAN carry the show.
i think the best thing to happen is have big show beat cena and be wwe champion and feud with adr for the next few months until adr wins the title - this would big their feud up big time
TO ALL YOU LIL JIMMY'S & JENNY'S: Hate to pop your Del Rio balloons but the dude doesn't deserve the Brock Lesnar or Yokozuna treatment by getting a world title yet. Alberto while yes is the future but no he's not worthy of a WWE HW Title run yet but nxt year at the latest.

The Truth is Ron Killings has busted his ass off the last 10+ yrs in the WWE and TNA (I mean Impact! Wrestling) and deserves it. The reason why he was getting pushed was that his past real life stuff. If I was the WWE I would have Truth beat Cena so he can go rest for a month by doing promos and stuff. Ron Killings has been on the sidelines case they had nothing for him 'til now and "Sat there and Bided his Time"

Why does a guy like Del Rio or Ryder deserve it cause it took Eddie Guerrero 10+, Bret 10+, Shawn Michaels 10+, JBL around 9 yrs, Randy Savage 14+ to achieve winning the big one. "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!"
There is no way that WWE would put R-Truth running WWE.
R-Truth is still improving, he can be a good heel, but he isn't the best.

WWE has a lot of more valuable options, like Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, The Miz and even Alberto Del Rio.
Do not forget that if the WWE wants, even Evan Bourne could run the show, the creative team have everything in their hands, they just need to write that John Cena will lose the title cleanly against Bourne, and here you have your best next star.

I hope that John Cena takes some time off, because above everyone he deserves it.
Probably the ratings will go down in the first weeks, but as soon as the fans actually understand what they are trying to do, they will tune in again.
If HHH doesn't come back, CM Punk is my pick to run the WWE (and I'm not a mark) he already proved that he can be heel and face in a heart bit and we all like is work, he is natural talented.

The bottom line is that R-Truth will not run any company, at least for now, he is still getting his push.
One thing that a lot of people are forgetting here... How can you have a guy carry your flagship show if he cant cross the border? R-Truth can't come into Canada due to his past. They do episodes of RAW and PPV's here all the time. How can you do RAW or a PPV without the Champ? Yeah, he HAS been there for a long ass time now, but it wasn't until he turned Heel that everyone wanted him to be WWE champion. The general consensus before was that he's not "Main Event worthy" and wasn't great in the ring... Funny how things change soon as he starts a feud with Mysterio and Cena..
R-Truth's biggest road block to the WWE title is his skin color. The WWE has never had a black WWE Champion. The closest was The Rock but he identifies as a Samoan Republican. Its a shame because I think Truth is the best thing happening on RAW.
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