How big is a singles match against HHH

A match with Triple H at Wrestlemania is absolutely massive. CM Punk might not think so but I'm sure it would be an honour for everyone else. HHH is a 13 time World Champ and has had some awesome matches and feuds through the years. He is undoubtedly a legend and wrestling him is a big deal. Ok, he isn't Rock, Austin, HBK or Hogan but he is probably in the tier just below.

If Punk doesn't want to face him then they should give the opportunity to someone like Dolph Ziggler who could benefit. Bryan is the obvious choice but if they use him elsewhere then someone like Ziggler could shine in this match and would, I'm sure, be grateful.
At this point Ziggler would be happy to just be on the WM card.

Bryan vs. Triple H makes sense story line wise and going over the myth of Triple H as a true legend would work for the ultimate underdog character. It would be an awesome story and match but that would fall on Bryan's shoulders. It would be a another case of H being a leech.

If H is such a super power let him screw Batista out of his title match and have those two square off. Let's see how much fans give a shit about that match.
So a singles match with HHH? You wanna know the outcome?

HHH gets into the ring with [insert name here]. He does slow, boring moves because he's a bad guy. He doesn't sell much, he wants the opponent however to sell. He'll do some holds, run around and pose, act angry, make noises, and win or lose will take all the credit.

Then this happens:
A one on one with Triple H is a big match because they make it a big match. Triple H is great, however, he is not perceived as a legend. Most smart fans think he is overrated.

Personally speaking, it's a mistake to put a Triple H match after Undertaker's. Undertaker matches take the crowd on such a tole that they never fully get back into until the main event. Minus Triple H at WM X8.

I usually don't take interest in triple h matches. I usually know the outcome and it accomplishes basically nothing but triple h going over. He doesn't have a title. Nor a streak. He should be doing the y2j and putting dudes over yo.
A match with HHH at Mania is a huge deal for the vast majority of the locker room. For guys like Roman Reigns or Dolph Ziggler or Cessaro or Christian, it would be a huge deal. Like it or not, HHH is a legend. As others have said, the only reason he's considered to be a lesser star to The Rock or Austin is because he's been a constant force since the attitude era. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and we've not had any distance from him unless he's been injured. HHH is a legend and anyone who says differently is kidding themselves.

The problem is that, at this point, Punk is also a legend. If he were to never come back to Wrestling, he'd still be considered one of the best of all time and would enter the Hall of Fame. No question. For someone of Punk's status, a match with HHH isn't as big a deal. Especially when Batista, who left and proceeded to badmouth the product and the locker room for three years before returning and being handed a second Rumble victory and a main event at Wrestlemania over guys like Punk or Bryan who have been working their asses off for years get passed by. Would Punk have been upset with a match against HHH if Bryan won the Rumble? Only Punk knows the answer to that.
It's a big match depending on who you are, I mean for a guy like Cesaro or Ziggler it would be huge, for a guy like Bray or Reigns it would be a launching pad. Other than that though, like most things involving Triple H since he became one of the family, it is overblown in it's importance, He hasn't got a Mania legacy like HBK or Taker on any level, and his status as an elite is simply due to the fact WWE controls the wrestling world, but to many fans he's a good talent who was in some big matches, but not an iconic figure.

Him needing to get his win back over Brock last year was the worst thing about that Mania, it made zero sense, but hey, he had to get one over on the legit UFC badass at the show of shows for errr....well because he wanted to. To waste 3 of Brock's PPV dates on matches with Triple H was so irritating and self serving, and now he's using the same overreaching sense of importance with his buddy Batista, treating him like he's The Rock or Austin.

Personally I'd be more than happy for Triple H to skip wrestling at Mania unless he's gonna put over a guy like Reigns or even his boy Sheamus, that's the only thing I want to see from him at this juncture.
Every one is jumping down punks throat . when we have yet to here his side people can say what they want but no one but punk knows . i my self think its a work i could be wrong
For an up-and-comer, it's a big deal. Say what you want about Triple H, but he can make stars. For Batista, Sheamus, Cena etc. at Wrestlemania, it was a big deal. For Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt this year, it would be a big deal.

But for someone like CM Punk, who's in the prime of his career and isn't going to get any bigger, then it's kind of a waste. Especially considering he's your second biggest full-time draw. A main event full-timer should only take on a part-timer when that part-timer is a huge deal, like Rock, Lesnar and Undertaker. Triple H himself isn't a huge deal.


It can and probably will make Roman Reigns this year.

But for a guy like CM Punk who's done everything under the sun, it really isn't anything special.

Especially since we saw the match with similar buildup and scenarios in 2011 (HHH vs. Punk, breaking kayfabe in promos, "This is Phil Brooks talking to Jean Paul Levesqwesuahshk", etc.).

Really I think Punk has been halfway out for a while now and had no incentive to work Wrestlemania if it wasn't the main event. He probably would have been fine with a heel program for the title with Daniel Bryan ending in him jobbing and Daniel leading a Yes chant to close Wrestlemania.
For an up comer like Reigns it is a pretty big deal but for someone like Punk, it probably isn't. I think if they storyline was deeper and there was a huge stipulation then it could be though, but seems to me it was going to be just a one on one match.

Look at the facts:

Mania 28 - WWE Title match vs Chris Jericho
Mania 29 - Streak Match vs Undertaker
Mania 30 - vs Triple H

He has gone backwards. If they were going down this route then maybe it should've involved Vince McMahon for control of WWE. If Punk was to win he could be the new GM of Raw or something.
You know what? Maybe I'm an asshat. Maybe I'm unreasonable. But I....really, really think HHH is not as big of a deal as HHH believes HHH is and in reality, a match with HHH at any PPV, mania or else, is...not a big deal.

For a new guy, yes. Maybe. It can launch a career to go against a big name, but a match vs HHH does not and will not draw a goddamn dime. It was the Taker streak that caused taker vs HHH to sell as a mania match. HHH vs sheamus sure as hell didn't sell. In fact; HHH really isn't that big of a deal for mania. I understand punks frustrations. I really do.

I do think Punk is throwing his toys out of the pram but he wants leverage. I guarantee he will be back and will main event wrestlemania 31. He will get what he wants because he's seen everyone else do it. The rock. Batista. Taker. Brock. They can disappear for a year to 8 years and get paid a stupid amount, millions more than their deal would have been worth if they stayed with the E, and be given all the high profile matches.

This is just punks way of getting main event next year...and you watch it happen.
The way I view WrestleMania, since WrestleMania XIX (Greatest WrestleMania EVER!!), there are 4 Main Events:

The WWE Championship Title match
The World Championship Title match
The Undertaker WrestleMania Streak match
The Special Attraction / McMahon / Celebrity match (starting at WM XIX with Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon)

Since the unification of the WWE Championship Title and the World Championship Title, we are down one WrestleMania Main Event.

Triple H, to me is somewhere between the Cerebral Assassin physically, and the Cerebral “@$$-@$$-in” the position of power, the new Mr. McMahon, if you will. I think, and I’m probably one of three people in the World who think, that Triple H is a Main Attraction Star. I don’t agree with Punk and even if there was no possible Triple H vs. CM Punk match, I still wouldn’t agree with anyone just walking out while under contract, especially during WWE’s “Playoff” months, better known as “The Road To WrestleMania”.
For an up-and-comer, it's a big deal. Say what you want about Triple H, but he can make stars. For Batista, Sheamus, Cena etc. at Wrestlemania, it was a big deal. For Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt this year, it would be a big deal.

But for someone like CM Punk, who's in the prime of his career and isn't going to get any bigger, then it's kind of a waste. Especially considering he's your second biggest full-time draw. A main event full-timer should only take on a part-timer when that part-timer is a huge deal, like Rock, Lesnar and Undertaker. Triple H himself isn't a huge deal.

I agree. This would have been great for Punk at WM 27 but not now since he's winding down in his career.

Punk needed a more significant match at Wrestlemania. I honestly thought he should have been considered to win the Rumble or atleast be a double winner with Batista like Luger/Flair in 94 I believe
Squaring up against any multi-time world champion and ring veteran, especially one that runs the company, can be a huge deal. Like some have mentioned, if Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt were to face Triple H this year it would be a tremendous push. However, someone like CM Punk, who has already faced Triple H and has a ring style better suited for other opponents might not benefit as much. The rivalry and match would be stale, and I doubt WWE could distract Punk marks from the fact that someone who should be main eventing this year is instead facing someone responsible for causing major harm to his last push. Although, I feel that if you get any sort of opportunity to be a part of Wrestlemania you should take advantage of it. You're there to impress, its a group effort for the company that made you what you are today. Punk vs Triple H isn't main event material, but its a lot better than a couple of years ago when it was Punk vs Orton in the middle of the card.
For an up-and-comer, it's a big deal. Say what you want about Triple H, but he can make stars. For Batista, Sheamus, Cena etc. at Wrestlemania, it was a big deal. For Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt this year, it would be a big deal.

But for someone like CM Punk, who's in the prime of his career and isn't going to get any bigger, then it's kind of a waste. Especially considering he's your second biggest full-time draw. A main event full-timer should only take on a part-timer when that part-timer is a huge deal, like Rock, Lesnar and Undertaker. Triple H himself isn't a huge deal.

Totally agree with everything said here. It never made sense for Cm Punk the way it did for D. Bryan. Even for Reigns it would do wonders as it would legitimize him as a main event player. I'm sure Punk didn't mean any insult to HHH as he's one of the greatest ever, and it's likely that he was thinking along the same lines when deciding against the match.

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