HOLY BALLLLS, the 8/16 Raw LD Has Got Boxes Full of Pepe Sylvia

They're really going to have to shake things up tonight to keep the story interesting if they plan on running it that long. Tonight was a good start, but they have to do more. Revealing what their "purpose" is, besides the vague takeover deal, would be nice.

Well, if they reveal too much too soon, it'll make things boring really fast
I like the new belts. Very retro and unique.

I also enjoyed RAW and felt it was a solid B.
Well, if they reveal too much too soon, it'll make things boring really fast

True, but it's been about 3 months now. I think the "too soon" ship has sailed. They can just reveal their plan, and simply build and expand on it with good writing/booking. They can't keep going about this the way they have been any longer.
True, but it's been about 3 months now. I think the "too soon" ship has sailed. They can just reveal their plan, and simply build and expand on it with good writing/booking. They can't keep going about this the way they have been any longer.

Not if the WWE expects to keep the angle going through Survival Series; if they move too quickly, they'll be lucky to keep the angle going through the next PPV
True, but it's been about 3 months now. I think the "too soon" ship has sailed. They can just reveal their plan, and simply build and expand on it with good writing/booking. They can't keep going about this the way they have been any longer.

Not picking on you SV, just happens that your quote is the one I saw. There isn't really anything wrong with what you said, But I wasnted to use it to illustrate a point.

Why does everyone keep saying it's been three months already? The first beatdown on Cena, the one where Danielson choked the ring announcer, happened on June 14th. Today is August 16th. That...let me do the math...that is two months and two days.

Fuck me, I can't stand to see an angle last that long! Why couldn't they do it all in two weeks? Hell, last night everyone was complaining that with the SS loss Nexus was over and done and they wanted it to go longer. Same damn people are complaining that its taking too long to develop. Make up your minds people...
The booking was extremely intelligent tonight.

1) Team Nexus kicked ass all over Raw, then just barely lost at Summerslam. Obviously, that means there is a weak link somewhere. How else to find it than to completely welcome the GM challenge and grow from it?

2) Barrett just beats Jericho. Clean. Makes sense. Especially after that Wasteland. But Barrett is the NXT season one winner, right? Needs to look dominant.

3) Unification of Tag Team titles into one, coherent title has been a long time coming. Carrying four to the ring every time isn't bad, but it isn't necessarily good either. The change to a single belt works.

4) Tarver over Danielson because of Miz interference only serves to build to their upcoming (and incredibly cool) feud. Miz will use it to lose the US belt and go on to cash-in the MITB briefcase and main event. Danielson will use it to solidify a mid-card presence before reviving the Miz feud to go up to the title picture.

5) Orton RKOing Gabriel after the match shows that Nexus is still green overall. What person pulls a countout over Orton then doesn't watch him for the RKO? We know he's going to be pissed. Keep an eye on that fucker. Now Gabriel knows.

6) That tag match win doesn't even matter. R-Truth and Morrison? Really? Lulz.

7) Edge spearing Slater after the win tells the same story as Gabriel/Orton. Sure, you won. But you have to watch out for the veterans. They know how to reach deep and fuck you up when you think they're down. Now Slater knows as well. Don't turn away after the win.

8) Young over Cena is just as simple as the others. He's John fucking Cena. Kicking him into the ring steps is not going to stop him from doing anything. He's been in Hell in a Cell and numerous Cage matches. Do you really think anyone who has held the WWE title is going to go down because you threw some steps into their face?

The simple fact of the matter is that Young underestimated Cena and paid for it.

9) Nexus shunning Young is them cutting away the fat they think is there. Seeing as how all we've gotten from Nexus is one big cohesive unit bent on destroying John Cena, and now Team WWE, the cutting of Young makes complete sense.

Rookies being rookies, I'm afraid.

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