Hogans contract...


New Member
t's in hogan's contract that he gets to choose however the match can end and obviously he wants to win thats why he never looses..
The ending of this match was just like last years...oppenent hits finisher, hogan kicks out and then goes crazy and body slams and the leg drop..done
GameOver has a point, the matches are patheticly annoying and boring to watch, they shouldn't be televised let alone on a main PPV like Summerslam.
Well you guys feel how ya want to about the situation, I enjoy Hogan, seeing him makes me remember all the good matches he had, and hes the only reason I bought this PPV, besides King Booker.
GaMeOvEr201 said:
The ending of this match was just like last years...oppenent hits finisher, hogan kicks out and then goes crazy and body slams and the leg drop..done
I agree hes matches r repetitive
Hogan should really hang up his boots like your all rite there has never been any1 like hogan be4 and probebly never will but his matches are always ended the same and he just cant pull it off no more
i doubt he'll wrestle again, cause on Hogan Knows Best everyone almost wanted him done and that was last summerslam. this year, with another bad knee...i dont think he'd be allowed to wrestle again. but damnit, he should have passed the torch
He is past his prime, and let's face it, Hogan's character is all that made money. Now, I do love him for it, but he's never really had many wrestling skills. Big boot, legdrop, hulk up. It's the 80s all over again! At least Flair remakes himself, is funny and entertaining as HELL, is willing to job to a younger guy, is willing to be beat down and demeaned for the good of the show. I think Flair is a credit to wrestling, and in some ways, better than Hogan.

Flair is far from entertaining... Funny, but not entertaining... Like I said before... Hogan made the WWE what it is... If it wasnt for his whole "Eat your vitamins, say your prayers" skit... We probably wouldnt be talking about wrestling right now.... Flair = Completly overrated

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