Hernandez In The Main Event

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Lord And Master
Staff member
He began his singles run a year ago and even though he needed time off for his neck surgery, he's only grown as a single's star. He seems like a perfect fit for the TNA main event scene. He's good on the mic, he's big, a Super-Heavyweight, incredibly strong and he can even do a bit of high flying. I can see him as a great World Champion. Face or Heel. What doyou think?
As much as I am a mark for him, I think him and morgan teaming together is good for the both of them. Be a killer tag team, squashing everyone till the Hogan clusterFck is done.
Hernandez i love his moveset love the way he can fly for a man his size but theres 1 big problem he cannot work a mic to save his life ive actually studied the guy i dvr the october episodes of impact and i find nothing wrong with his moveset but he puts me in the mind of rey mysterio and batista combined together in 1. Batista-keeps his words short and corney and mysterio andytime he might try to extend his promo time he uses his hispanic words.
Yeah I'm not sure if he has the total package to be a big Main Eventer. Maybe as a face but not sure as a heel as his mic skills aren't brilliant.
I don't see his mic skills as a problem. TNA circles itself more on the wrestling aspect of the program rather than the storytelling. The mic skills aren't as important. He has a strong voice, keeping his words short won't hurt him.
Before Hogan came in I would have agreed with you but Hogan said a few times on iMPACT! 'If you can't wrestle and you can't talk, go up north!'.

I think he and Morgan look a decent team atm, so let's see what they do with them first.
I just want to know what happened here... didnt hernandez win a shot at the Title last year at feast or fired, or the year before... and then didnt the BI take it... still dont remember him gettin his shot. I would like to see, Hernandez vs Joe go at it for the Number 1 contentership. This would be an awesome match as there both big boys and can both utilize awesome move sets. Not to mention he build up the could have for this match. Hernandez would obviously be the face as Joe is an awesome heel. I would watch TNA just to see these too going at it. Forget Styles vs Angle and add in the whole Tomko thing... i want Joe vs Hernandez... and with Hogan and Bischoff you know these two would get some pretty good tv time because they can both draw. And at the same time I think hogan should set Hernandez up to work on his mic skills outside of work for awhile with Kevin Nash. Nash could definently teach him how to work the mic. But as i said, I WANT HERNANDEZ VS JOE!
well seen as my last name is hernandez i mark out for him i even bought his shirt lol. but im a big heel fan so i would like him to be heel and beef with morgan as good as they are all good things come to end and i can see morgan bein face in the storyline
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