Has the wwe lost its mind?

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Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness

As noted, the 6/7 "WWE vs. ECW" special drew a final 3.1 cable rating and had WWE management very happy about the number. Speaking of WWE management, PWInsider.com is reporting that they felt a big reason the show drew the number it did was because of, get this, John Cena. It is no secret that despite the fan backlash, WWE is still very high on Cena and will be giving him credit anywhere they can take it. It will be very interesting to see what kind of a rating ECW starts with this Tuesday night on the Sci Fi Channel as it will be a better measure of the audience interested.

John Cena?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! I think its safe to say that the :wwf: has now offically gone totally bonkers! This just made me laugh out loud!
They make John Cena look like he's almighty powerful enough to take out ECW alone, but without ECW, it's obvious that the WWE would be suffering with the dull storylines that they have going on right now.

Cena as the WWE Champion is boring enough.

I think it's all about Sabu right now. Him and Tazz have been pretty entertaining this week. The whole WWE vs. ECW this time around has been much more entertaining than the 2001 InVasion.
The WWE are not out of their minds; they are just expert spin machines who will do everything they can to make their golden-boy champion look good. Their statement may or may not reflect how they actually feel about Cena, but it’s their job to make their #1 guy seem bigger than he is.
I just hope they don't ruin the new credibility of WWE by making Cena take down every wrestler there or something tremendously stupid like that. It's bad enough that they made Sabu look weak in that Wednesday match when Cena locked on that STFU and actually picked up the win, via DQ. If it wasn't a DQ win, they probably would've made Sabu lose, because obviously Cena the WWE Champion is being shoved down our throats.
I don't think John Cena will turn into the Hulk Hogan in his heydays. John Cena is beatable and that makes him believable.

The Rated-R Superstar is STILL the most watched champion, no? If WWE has gone bonkers, wouldn't they make him champ again?
I will tell you this if the WWE didnt make John Cena look like he can take every wrestler then the storyline would have been dull. Plus this is also a good way to make him a heel is him thinking he is better than anyone else.
WInsider.com is reporting that they felt a big reason the show drew the number it did was because of, get this, John Cena.

Heh, I think it was probably more the fact that John Cena was facing sabu.
i watched because john cena was n the M.E,it really did help and it may get me 2 order ONS
Just wwe management speak..

Cena is still going to be wwe champ after ons if you ask me, hes gonna screw rvd out of the title.

then he better run for his life for real.
Bord-E said:
Just wwe management speak..

Cena is still going to be wwe champ after ons if you ask me, hes gonna screw rvd out of the title.

then he better run for his life for real.
ur danm right he better run for his life... Cena dusnt hav a f***in clue wats going to happen to him at ons if he wins.
I know deep down inside Paul heyman must be pissed if RVD doesn't win. Do you really think Heyman is the one who wants Cena to go over RVD, nope. I know Heyman likes Sabu too and would be happy to see him win but I think Heyman would rather see RVD win but I guess even though he's booking the event with Tommy Dreamer, Vince still overrules them.
In an ideal world, WWE would have Cena lose at ONS and move him to Smackdown to feud with Rey as a Heel for the Belt. Vince (through Cole) would announce (after Cena moves to Smackdown) that there will be a tournament for a new WWE championship. This would give guys like Kane and Carlito a chance to really be pushed as champs. But like I said, in an ideal world.
Cena is gonna retain its to obviuos, they have been pushing that match 2 much and pretty much ignoring that sabu has a major chance at taking the wh title, sabu will win and fued with rvd for it in ecw.
Bord-E said:
Cena is gonna retain its to obviuos, they have been pushing that match 2 much and pretty much ignoring that sabu has a major chance at taking the wh title, sabu will win and fued with rvd for it in ecw.
I doubt it, I think Rey will win too and the ECW will be without a title.
well sort of?If u think cena sux then austin sucked both had a very limited supply of technical wrestling ability,i can think of may-b 3 trademark moves for SC and 1 involves a mudd hole.
And what if i was or am disrespecting Austin he was all hype,flash and sizzle Cena iz the new age Austin!
Austin was the greatest ever, his title reigns never got boring and he had more wrestling ability in his foot than Cena has in his whole body. It really doesn't make much sense to me to compare the wrestler with one of the greatest title runs if not the greatest to Cena...Which 90% of the people hate.
i dont care about other people (like U) when i watch Cena,i c stone cold.He punches,kicks and then, the stone cold stunner the stone cold stunner,he was fun 2 watch but he didnt have the best run ever
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