Greatest forgotten Tag Team

Captain Jive

Champion of Planet Earth
When we think of great teams, we always say Road Warriors, Steiners, Hart Foundation, Rockers, etc. My question is who do you think was a great team that just got lost in the history books. No limits, any time period, any company.

My pick is the Orient Express. They had some great matches with both the Rockers and LOD.
My pick is the Orient Express. They had some great matches with both the Rockers and LOD.

That's a good call - a really good team.

I'm going to put in a mention for The Southern Boys/Young Pistols team of Steve Armstrong and Tracy Smothers. They had one of the best matches of 1990 with The Midnight Express at the Great American Bash and a good fun feud with the Freebirds. I don't think I've heard them mentioned in years but they were a superb little team back then.
there was a tag team back in the late 80s that called themselves the New Breed. they were Sean Royal and Chris Champion. they were short lived, but man were they off the hook. they were doing moves that didnt get popular til the early 90s in ECW. in other words, highly dangerous aerobatic moves, they even had a real short program with the LOD til Chris was in a car wreck and broke his arm, they broke up then and never get back together or even wrestled again I think.

I miss 80s wrestling!
Lex Luger & Sting

These 2 are kinda like DX, very best of friends and their tag teams were more or less on/off...everytime they teamed together I enjoyed them...The also did fight against each other, but hey, every team for the greatest forgotten tag team..has to be Sting/Luger!!
they were both accomplished wrestlers way before strike force started, martel was the AWA world champ for a while, and santana was the intercontinental champ a couple of times.

they were just transitional tag champs, they took the belts from the hart foundation and lost them to Demolition. they had the stupidest theme song too "girls in cars"
one of my favorites growing up, The Headbangers. haha, those guys always made me laugh, and really the crowd loved them too. were one of the teams used to get The New Aged Outlaws over.

also another personal favorite was The Smoking Guns
I'm going to say MNM from 2005. I just don't hear them talking about the tag team anymore. It's like when Edge is wrestling they might mention E&C or if Matt Hardy is wrestling they mention the Hardy's. Then you have John Morrison in the ring they really don't mention it at all. The bring up Miz and Morrison but you don't hear them talking about MNM that much. For me I much prefered MNM to Miz and Morrison. I liked Miz and Morrison but the fued MNM had were great and what helped Morrison get over in the first place. They only lasted a year but they had great fueds with LOD, Eddie and Rey. They were great and their entrance was awesome. They might not have lasted as long as other tag teams but IMO the fact they lasted at least year is GREAT especially with how short lived tag teams are today.
The Two-Man Power Trip. Every time I think about that tag team between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Triple H one word comes to mind, "Devastation". How ever short they were they left an awesome impression not just because of how devastating they were together but the sheer unpredictability of it. I still don't believe it sometimes.
My pick is the Minnesota Wrecking crew - Lars , Gene , and Ole Anderson. They would concentrate on a body part and worked it for the whole match. They were one of the more dominate tag teams in the 70's and early 80's. They later brought in Arn Anderson for the last incarnation. All of the members were solid wrestlers and they helped shape tag team wrestling.
my pick would be the team of iron sheik and nikolai volkoff--a great heel team that i dont hear much about anymore and ill always remember the amazing heat they got when it came time for the russian national anthem.

lets also not forget the most famous jobber tag team ever--THE MULKEY BROTHERS!
Dude Love and Stone Cold. HAHAHA that one i remmeber watching and laughing my ass off, had one super serious take no crap character, and one out for a good time character. was promo gold
OMG somebody paid homage to the Mulkey Brothers...mulkeymania, you have my permanent admiration for that. I think the R&R Express (not Rock & Roll but rather "Raging" & Rude) of Manny Fernandez and Rick Rude deserve more credit than they were given. They dominated the tag team scene in the mid 80s NWA and became the most feared tandem around, taking the titles from I think the Rock & Roll Express and leading up to some great matches and a legendary feud.

A close second for me is Ivan & Nikita Koloff. Their chain matches versus the Kansas Jayhawks were brutal and intense.
I nominate the Wild Samoans, Afa and Sika, who for me don't get nearly the recognition or credit that they deserve for having been a great tag team. Their unorthodox moveset, their power, and their ability to sell and draw heat made them a fixture in wwf rings in the early 80's. In addition, both Afa and Sika,if I'm not mistaken, are still operating their wrestling school. Both guys were great contributors to the wrestling business.
Without a doubt my pick here goes to Demolition.

(Cue Entrance Music)

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Just listen to that. It makes you want to go out, rip the heads off of little blond haired plump cheeked kids, and shit down their necks. I loved Demolition as a kid, and they were a menacing menacing tag team that still hold the record(unless I am mistaken which I doubt) for the longest reign as tag team champions. With that fact laid out there, you really never hear much about them even though they were right there in the middle of all the action with LOD, Hart Foundation, Rockers, etc... I thought "Now these guys mean business" and they did. Demolition was very unique, and very entertaining. When I think of great tag teams of the late 80's or early 90's I instantly think of Demolition.
A team that was not long lived but I always enjoyed were the Eliminators in the first and only ECW. Saturn and Kronus were a couple of bigger guys doing moves that the smaller guys were doing, but they could also do the power moves and the high impacts too. Not to mention they were just mean and ruthless.

Another team that i think that could have gone a long ways was the Can_Am Connection, Rick Martel and Tom Zenk. They were a good team, good chemistry amd were on their way to get the belts. Then Zenk had a falling out with martel and the WWF and he left. Of course in its place Strike Force was formed.
I gotta give a vote to the Fantastics, Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rodgers. They were great workers who had great matches with the Midnigh Express(both versions)and some great bloody brawls with the Sheepherders in the UWF !

Another team that's forgotten and shouldn't be is the team of the late Dick Murdoch & Adrian Adonis. These former WWF tag champs were great promo guys and fantastic workers who I think are 2 of the most underrated workers of the past 30 years !
New Age Outlaws. Road Dogg was good on the mic and unlike most tag teams, he could get the crowd on his side & chant along with him easily, he was like The Rock of tag teams. And without the two being in the 98 version of DX, the best DX version of all time, DX would be stale as fuck when it came to being comic because it would be HHH, X-Pac & Chyna alone. X-Pac & Chyna couldnt pull off being comic to save their lives, HHH would be the only one to bring comic to the group but not much of it as HBK helped him bring comic into the group in the original version but when Road Dogg & Billy Gunn joined, they added more comic into the group as they were supposed to childish & funny anyway, so without New Age Outlaws in the group, DX wouldnt have been all that great back then and it was the 98 version of DX who helped make the Attitude Era in the WWF.
I was always a fan of Too Cool. I wouldn't call them one of the greatest tag teams, but they were really entertaining. They were even able to make Rikishi relevant.

But a team that I feel is one of the all time great overlooked tag teams is, The Natural Disaster. With at combined weight of over 850lbs, Earthquake and Typhoon were two men who wrestling legacy are in this team.
The killer bees would be my pick. They were the faces who could cheat to win a match and the crowd cheered when they put on the masks. They had a great feud with the Hart foundation but were never able to capture the gold which was a disgrace due to how over they were with the fans.
The killer bees would be my pick. They were the faces who could cheat to win a match and the crowd cheered when they put on the masks.

I never understood why the Killer Bees were faces. They almost ALWAYS cheated with their masks! But yeah, the crowd ate it up.

Other seldom recognized tag-teams I would mention are Valentine & Beefcake and the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers.

and how about Edge & Christian as "Los Conquistadores"?
How about the Beverley Brothers? Had the potential to be the number 1 heel tag team in the old wwf along with a good heel manager but never got the belts!
I gotta also add Ted Dibiase & Steve Williams. In 1985 they ruled the tag team division in what may have been the best promotion in the U.S. that year the Mid-South promotion !

Ted was one of the top 10 workers not just in North America but in the entire world that year ! He was a bad ass heel who could do it all ! Steve was one of the most improved workers in the business that year going from about 290lbs of fat to a lean 260. He was soooo much better than he was the year before, and the credit goes to Dibiase for that for taking Steve under his wing and making him a champion !

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