Great American bash is ruined!

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I can't believe Batista is taking on Mr. Kennedy at GAB! That is the stupidest
thing I've ever heard. I would never have thought Mark Henry would get injured, and since he did, it absolutley KILLED that match and hurt the PPV pretty bad because personally I think that was the best match on the whole card and now it's ruined! They should have added Batista to the World Title Match and made it a Triple Threat. That would have been so much better then the crap they came up with. It's gonna be a squash match and if it isn't, then they really did screw up The PPV because Matt Hardy can beat Mr. Kennedy but Batista can't? Come on!

What do you guys think?
I don't think it's ruined just because of one match, but i don't expect it to be a huge PPV, it has potinetal i just don't expect it to be on of the best shows of the year.
but there still is the undertaker vs the great kahli
thats ganna be kool
the rey vs booker is ganna suck too
booker t aint main event material and rey masterio sucks
anyone can beat him
Yea, I get your point. In still going to it though, just because of one match im not gonna miss it. Im not going to waste money because of one match.
yea haha
another thing
undertaker is getting to old
did you see him on ecw
he got man handled by the big show
man taker aint the same
Undertaker and Khali will also be good, but if it's a dominating squash match in Khali's favor, then I would say it was a bad PPV because that is a bad World Title Match. Rey Mysterio vs Booker T? All I have to say is that I hope Booker T doesn't win because we will never here the end of it from William Regal. ALL HAIL KING BOOGER! Besides what has Booker T done to deserve this horrible gimmick, he won three or four straight matches and didn't even get a trophy that says king of the ring. He has a throne and cape. He also didn't even face Kurt Angle beacuse he got hurt and if he faced Kurt, he would have lost no doubt about it.
king booker is so gay
i like him better as booker t
and plus
he won the king of the ring but so what
stone cold won it and you didnt se hime change his name to king austin did you?
Nope. But it definatley skyrocketed his career when after he beat Jake the Snake Roberts he acknowledged how he always talks about John 3:16 and changed it to Austin 3:16. He created the most popular catchphrase in wrestling history.
you got a point
but booker isnt stone cold
he was great in wcw but has sucked ever since
there aint really nothing to be proud of beating bobby lashley for the king of the ring
You guys gotta think. Booker t won the title in wcw 5 times and plus rey is hurt he will lose the title to booker and the booker will go into a feud with batista for the title so that he can get the title back. and then chris beniot will return. do any of you guys remember when booker t fought hhh for the title at wrestlemania that was the last time he fought in a main event
I told my dad that same thing about Booker T had a shot aganist HHH for the World Title but lost.
but that was in wcw
booker t aint a main event guy anymore
This seems odd to me to. I hoped Mr. Kennedy....(no forget it thats been done to death) would fued with Matt,his loss to him now makes no sense. Mark Henrey got injured the writers thought "who can we put in with Batastia who is over at the moment, maybe Mr. Kennedy.....Kennedy(sorry couldn't resist) ok and that's lunch!"This match shows everything that's wrong with the SD writing team at the moment no long term thinking. Just quick cheap pops with no long term ideas.:wwf:
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