Goldust vs Cody Rhodes


Dark Match Winner
I am at the point where i have always enjoyed goldust, and i think it's time to get goldust vs cody rhodes, Brothers against brothers, like the old days owen hart vs bret hart, but seriously, the legacy is not exactly a dominent spot, after all it's just like the nod the nwo was more of a threat taking over these guys are just like the mean street possie, they just take out people but still get the asses handled to them,, I would like to see Cody vs goldust, i think they could keep the storyline going and eventually bring back dusty rhodes to end the feud all together by taking out both of his sons...what do you all think?
If they wanted to then they would have mentioned it when they faced off at the Rumble. Instead the commentators didn't bring it up. Probably because they didn't want Cody to be associated with his older, out of shape, has been brother.

This wouldn't do anything for either of them.
If they were going to do this, Goldust would have to drop his gimmick eventually. The way things are booked now, Cody would just annihilate the jobber Goldust and no one would care.
I'd like to see Goldust just be Dustin for once. Maybe if he did he might have a chance to be more than a joke in the ring. I dont dislike Dustin/Goldust at all, but as a fans stand point, i'd just like to see more than a 90's gimmick that lost its shine years ago. I mean he tried it in WCW and TNA and nothing ever worked for him. Dustin, please just retire Goldust and end your career as yourself. Just maybe you will be seen as a wrestler and not a laughing stock. I believe you have more in you then just Hornswaggles sidekick.
Borrrrinnnnng! I for one would not like to see this stroyline ina ny shape or form. Golddust is long past it and Cody is not a wrestler I would like to see in the WWE in the near future never mind in a prominent feud, especially with Golddust. Why do you think that this would be a good feud? It makes no sense. Sorry to trash your idea but it will never (I hope), and should never happen.
Horrible idea. Goldust was severely unrewarded for his level of talent back in the day, but nowadays nobody wants to see him. Cody Rhodes is well-liked by management and is decent enough in the ring to avoid "he sucks" comments. Goldust is the past, Cody at this moment in time has a future.

Then there's the fact that WWE have gone out of their way to not acknowledge Goldust is Dustin Rhodes... in fact have they ever done so? The Hall of Fame ceremony perhaps, but that is not a place to base storylines on (Snitsky and Khali appearing with their wives, Umaga dressing trendy). They clearly don't care for Goldust and see big things for Cody, so they wouldn't give Goldust the rub of being associated with him, and without the storyline it just becomes a squash that doesn't help either of them.
i think they should do it it could be a good way to get cody over and out legacy and end goldust for good start off with goldust getting like a shot at the us belt but losin all the time and the cody gets jealous sayin his brother is past it and a joke and shouldnt get a shot at any belt and in goldust final shot at the belt cody runs in and costs him the belt fued for while goldust vs cody and then dustin comes out and says if he cant beat his little brother he will leave the wwe for good and cody gets the win
They've hinted at it.
There was a promo where Cody was talking to Ted about being in the Legacy I believe, and Cody turned around and saw Goldust and they had a little chat, mentioning "dad" in it.
And they had the face off at the rumble.

It could be done, but it probably won't be. Goldust has his little thing going on, and Cody is learning how to get squashed by Main eventers... Which Goldust could've taught him...
Anyway, they're just in 2 different place right now, and it doesn't look like they're angles will cross.
Oh God please no. I don't know why Goldust is still around, he is a has been. He doesn't have any business with someone who they are trying to build up as a future main eventer.

Right now, I don't think anyone is really interested in seeing Goldust take on Cody Rhodes or even thinking about them feuding down the line. And even if someone was, they are both doing something already. Goldust is hanging with Hornswaggle and Rhodes is in Legacy. Even though Legacy has been made to look weak, feuding with Goldust would be a step down for Cody after main eventing ppv's and episodes of Raw.
Goldust is a perfect example of why I hate the PG rating of WWE now. He was *gold* (pardon the pun) a decade ago. He was a perfect pyschotic, creepy heel. And Dustin still has the talent to play this role still. Unfortunately, Goldust cant be the character of old thanks to the "kid friendly" vibe the WWE is now implying.

I miss the Shattered Dreams :(
Pretty much agree w/ everyones response...A feud between these two would be about as boring as a hog pen match between Vickie G. & Santino...Oh wait their doing that.....I lump in Goldust now w/ Hornswaggle & Santino(which is a damn shame)...Comic relief wrestlers...The goldust of old was one of my favorite characters in the history of the WWE...But now they gave him back that terrible electrocution gimmick....and Cody Rhodes...Don't even get me started on him...The guy has no personality, no charisma & basically has a spot just because of who his father is...He should quit wrestling and go into being an Abercrombie & Fitch model....The only thing the kid can do in the ring is a drop kick..I must say that drop kick is Bob Holly esque...Im just saying :conehead:
Then there's the fact that WWE have gone out of their way to not acknowledge Goldust is Dustin Rhodes... in fact have they ever done so?

As someone noted, there was a backstage segment on RAW a while back where they interacted, which was basically used as a promotional spot for the Best of Starrcade DVD. Goldust told Cody that some of dad's best matches are on there and he should study it, and Cody blew him and "dad" off. That was right before they had the brief in-ring Rumble confrontation.

And if you want to go farther back to his previous runs in [WWF], then they couldn't have been more clear in acknowledging Goldust was Dustin than when he came out as himself and burned the Goldust outfit, declairing Goldust dead. He went on to wrestle as himself for a while, but did not get over and returned to the character his next stint at company.

That's exactly why he is destined to play Goldust for the rest of his life, on and off, whenever the WWE feels like they wanna throw him some pocket change as enhancement/comedic talent. Because he has had several chances and failed repeatedly to get over as himself (in WCW, WWF, and TNA), or as another gimmick, and been unable to do so. But the Goldust character ran its course years ago as a character able to be taken seriously.
I would love to see the feud as I think it would be a perfect way for Goldust to get his edge back. The brother vs. brother feud would be much to personal for Goldust to be his current jovial self. Give him a little bit of a makeover, something darker (but nothing like his ridiculous TNA outfit) and let him start cutting the creepy promos he used to. WWE was PG when he debuted and he still had a disturbing edge so he could certainly pull it off now.
There aren't many brother vs. brother feuds, so I'd love to see Cody Rhodes and Goldust.
Kane and Undertaker was a good feud, but they weren't REAL brothers. Owen and Bret had a GREAT steel catch match. Other than those two, I can't think of any other simbling rivalries.
I would actually like to see this. Goldust was actually above average in the ring of Raw last week and I think that he can still be useful to the WWE. I know he wasn't successful in his run as Dustin Rhodes, but maybe he can continue to play the Goldust gimmick, but be acknowledged as Cody's brother.

As for Cody, he isn't going anywhere despite being in the Legacy. It's obvious Ted's the one the WWE is pushing. Honestly, I can see Cody being off of TV after the Legacy breaks up. A feud with Goldust would be something for him to do and a perfect oppurtunity to get him over in an entertaining way.
Due to the fact that Goldust is no longer anything worth while, I agree with several that Goldust should scrap the "Goldust" and become Dustin Rhodes. Hell, at the Hall of Fame, Dustin said he'd always wanted to be like the American Dream.

Well, give the jobber his chance! I could see a feud between Cody and Dustin (after the Priceless/Legacy fallout) whereas Dustin comes out to Goldust's music, and says no one takes him seriously anymore. Cody then comes out, pokes fun at Dustin, then attacks him for being a jobber. Feud started. Dustin comes out next week, claiming to be better than Cody, and becomes the new American Dream, taking on Dusty Rhodes' legacy.

But then again, Cody/Dustin probably won't get this push.
Dustin's reached the point now where he's too out of shape to be credible as Dustin, too bland to be a good Goldust, and then there's the mild point that he was never anything great in the ring. Sure, he had an IC run or two and didn't do badly for himself in a dead in the water WCW (ok, I lie, but he at least got a storyline).

Bottom line, for any long term good to come out of this, big brother has to put little bro over. This happening will be met with the general response of no-one actually caring. Even Cody vs Daddy Rhodes no-one will really care about. Dusty outside the territories was an unmitigated disaster and he's pretty much Jerry Lawler, only he just elbows people as opposed to the 4 punches (standing, wind up, falling and top rope) that Jerry can do.

Put Cody over someone credible as opposed to the has been family member
Ok some think Goldust v cody would be a bad idea but what if it was becauseof Cody being forced out by Ted Dibiase for his brother and Cody finds his brother Goldust now been myself which works because he was the United State Champion In WCW beat Steve Austin. The Rhodes Brothers vs. The Million $ Brothers and it adds to the tag team Divison :wcw:
i totaly agree the old goldust was great, then he started goin down hill, he became more of a comedian like when he was put with booker and now he is basically a jobber. i like goldust but i think its time to put that gimmick away and bring out the real dustin rhodes.
This might kind of work where Cody and Golddust have a match. Cody disgraces him by washing off his make up and putting the camera in his face. "Your Dustin. GoldDust is dead!!" Chokes with a bull rope(Daddy Dust loved the bullrop).. Next week Cody is getting his ass kicked by whomever when suddenly Dustin(no makeup) comes down and saves Cody. They form a tag team. Dustin tells Cody how his little brother has showed him how stupid he was and not be true to the Rhodes name. Shit, Dad can even manage them..
Golddust should not face Cody Rhodes any time soon. Instead, when Cody Rhodes and Ted Debiase split from Randy Orton, Golddust should serve as the manager of the two as faces. They could say that Golddust as a multi-time Intercontinental title winner, he is perfect to teach Rhodes and Debiase the right way to win.

They have no need to cross paths now. Put them together and they have a reason to brawl. The problem is that Golddust is not getting any younger.
As a fan of both these two I would not object to them facing at all, but that's just me being selfish as common sense would say that they should least not anytime soon. Goldust would probably drag Cody down and undue the work he's putting in so far trying to get over. Perhaps when Cody is more established but for the moment he needs to stick to serious competition. A match between Dustin Rhodes and Cody Rhodes may have more appeal than Goldust v Cody imo....
IMO, they could do this match... on "Superstars". It wouldn't take up any time on RAW, half the counrty wouldn't even see it, and the die hard wrestling fans that actually know these two are brothers would get their pants all sticky, even if commentary didn't make notice of it.

But a match on RAW, or even the possibility or a rivalry? That'll not happen in the forseeable future. Rhodes is busy with Orton every monday night, and Goldust is Goldust.
When Goldust and Rhodes had a confrontation a while back, I thought something was going to develop out of that but I guess not. It would be a nice little feud since Rhodes isn't doing anything major besides being Orton's henchmen.

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