General Great American Bash Discussion

You bring up some good points, Will, as always. I'd tweak two or three things, a little. For instance, I can't see them having the World Tag Titles defended on the ppv as they barely ever focus on that, so since Batista and Mysterio won't have a match, I could very well see them having a #1 Contenders match between Cena, JBL, Mysterio, and Batista, with the winner challenging CM Punk at Summerslam after Punk retains against Edge (who goes on to have a match against HHH at Summerslam, naturally).

Only two problems with that in my opinion are:

1) How do they break the wedding off without screwing Edge's title shots and such, as the wedding is July 11th and the Great American Bash is the 20th? If she's still General Manager after the wedding, he wouldn't want to call it off as she could still book him in ridiculously favored matches. So they sort of need to have her lose her GM position, I think, or have him get caught in using her so that SHE calls it off and stops helping him.

2) They can't really have Punk get a clean win over Edge if La Familia is still involved, as that would make it seem like Undertaker and Batista weren't good enough to get the job done, but Punk is. He could very well get the win by having Chavo screw Edge out of it in vengeance for him having used Vickie, though.

3) Who does HHH face if he doesn't face Edge at GAB? I can't see Big Show unless they follow the method you mentioned before (but even then, I can't see Big Show looking dominant, as HHH never wants to look like the weak one). Can't see him knocking Kennedy or Hardy out of the race...can't see him going against MVP as they'd probably rather have a feud maybe Umaga? Triple H would, for the umpteenth time, that he has no qualms about destroying Umaga and making him look like he can't possibly lose to the Samoan Bulldozer, so I can see it happening again.
After last night I fancy a Edge vs Triple H, WWE Championship match for the Bash. Originally, I thought they would give Jeff Hardy the shot but since Edge is now title less, I can't see him missing an opportunity at a World title.

Not particularly sure how they will handle the World Heavyweight Championship Match at GAB. Most likely I think is a JBL vs John Cena vs CM Punk Triple Threat Match, with Punk winning, somehow.

Also thinking due to the scheduled change in taping times for ECW that the WWE Tag Team Championships will need to change hands soon, to a team on Smackdown! Struggling to think who could challenge however. Jesse & Festus have been fazed out seemingly; while I can't see a heel vs heel tag match involving Hawkins & Ryder. So I fancy these titles to change hands, to who? Haven't a clue.
ok. does the WWE like not understand that EVERYONE hates JBL. He is the gayest person in the WWE. why is he even on raw? because he had one little feud with Chris Jericho? so now hes just a wrestler again? He should NOT be involved with any tiitle runs. He shouldnt be wrestling. If vince is trying to bring the ratings up... then why is he being so stupid and making the shows so boring. Get JBL the hell out of the mix. no one likes him or cares to watch him. And so did vince fake getting hurt only so he had an excuse for not giving away a million dollars anymore? stupid.
so. EDGE and vickies wedding is scheduled for july 11? the night of smackdown. or really since smackdown is recorded, it would be july 8th. Im almost positive that Undertaker will be returning on their wedding day to crash it. (many rumors that he will return as the American Badass with his motorcycle again) So the wedding is more than a week before GAB. So if Taker he going to be invloved with HHH and for the WWE Title: Edge, HHH, Taker in a triple threat. Now that i would love to see.
ECW- who cares. giving the belt to Henry was a dumb idea. No one likes mark henry either. Hes not a showman and will be a terrible champ. Kane should have stayed on ECW. moving him to Raw was a bad idea. So who could possibly fight Henry? it will probably be someone boring and i almost guarantee it'll be Finlay but i could also see Big Show being thrown in.but really no one cares about ECW anymore.
AS for RAW. like i said before...TAKE JBL OUT OF THE MIX. i would love to see a Cena, Punk, Batista match, but i know that that ****** JBL, will for some reason be thrown in. Also they need the get rid of Santino. Rey better not continue a feud with him. Rey is too good and well liked. It would be almost as bad as having JBL in the mix. Hopefully a feud will develop between cena, batista, and punk. They could get that going for a little bit, and then Randy Orton will be back to make things even better. I think in the next couple of months Raw could be getting very interesting and fun to watch. Some major title matches involving Punk, Batista, Cena, maybe Rey, and soon Orton, possibly kane too. Fuck JBL.
I'm just going out on a limb here but

WWE Championship Match
Triple H(C) vs. Edge
I see Triple H surviving and this being a long and good fued with Edge eventually screwing HHH out of the title down the road.

World Heavyweight Title Match
CM Punk(C) vs. JBL
Cena will get involed and cost JBL the win and at Summerslam expect the Triple Threat Match.

ECW Title
Mark Henry(C) vs. Matt Hardy
this one is just purly a hunch

Belfast Brawl
WWE Tag Team Titles
Miz and Morrison(C) vs. Finlay and Hornswoggle
Have a good hunch that it wont end there M and M retain.

Shawn Micheals vs. Chris Jericho
Y2J needs a ppv win and will get it with cades help gimmick match at Summerslam

Womens Title Match
Mickie James(C) vs. Kattie Lea
this one is tough for me if they dont build it more then Mickie will retain but if this gets real heated then Kattie will win the strap

World Tag Team Titles
Cody Rhodes/Ted Dibiase vs. Holly/?????
Holly will find a partner but the young guns will retain
This PPV is hard to predict but I'll give it a go:

WWE Championship
Triple H (C) vs. MVP
This one is out of the blue but allow me to explain. MVP suggested that he was better than most people on SD! a few weeks back and with Edge in another match (see below) Vickie Guerrero will do this to 'keep' MVP on SD!

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (C) vs. Edge vs. Batista
With Batista giving CM Punk a HUGE piece of help to win the Championship from Batista so he'll want a match. BUT Edge will want his re-match and revenge on Batista so this could be a match.

Tag Match
Chris Jericho & Lance Cade vs. Shawn Michaels & Kofi Kingston
I don't see either Jericho vs. Michaels or Jericho vs. Kingston going a way any time before this PPV so you through Lance Cade in there then you have yourself a tag team match.

ECW Championship
Mark Henry (C) vs. Kane
ECW will have a match on this card and it will probably involve an ECW Title match so a re-match and badda bing badda boom-we have that re-match.

U.S. Title Match
Matt Hardy (C) vs. Umaga
If they want to get Umaga over then they should give him the US belt. This will give him momentum going to SummerSlam and they can get the belt away from ECW.

Grudge Match
JBL vs. John Cena
These two are going to start up there o' so thrilling feud again and we'll see another match.

Rey's Return Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Santito Marella
They did a segment hyping this up on Raw so I wouldn't be surprised if this happened so why not.


Battle of the Athletes
Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin
This is more of a hope because Shelton is now on SmackDown and I was hoping he would have a push so a battle with a fellow up and coming super-star so jeff Vs. Shelton. Let this happen please! PLEASE!!!
ok. does the WWE like not understand that EVERYONE hates JBL. He is the gayest person in the WWE.
why is he even on raw? because he had one little feud with Chris Jericho? so now hes just a wrestler again? He should NOT be involved with any tiitle runs. He shouldnt be wrestling. If vince is trying to bring the ratings up... then why is he being so stupid and making the shows so boring. Get JBL the hell out of the mix. no one likes him or cares to watch him.

I like JBL, he may not be able to wrestle as good as he used to, but he is still a beast on the mic, and draws major heat as well. I would rather have JBL as champ over Cena, that for sure. You really thought last night raw was boring??

And so did vince fake getting hurt only so he had an excuse for not giving away a million dollars anymore? stupid.

Any better Ideas on how to get out of giving away a million every week?

so. EDGE and vickies wedding is scheduled for july 11? the night of smackdown. or really since smackdown is recorded, it would be july 8th. Im almost positive that Undertaker will be returning on their wedding day to crash it. (many rumors that he will return as the American Badass with his motorcycle again) So the wedding is more than a week before GAB. So if Taker he going to be invloved with HHH and for the WWE Title: Edge, HHH, Taker in a triple threat. Now that i would love to see.

I really dont see any of that happening at all, and for the great american bash, haha i think not.

ECW- who cares. giving the belt to Henry was a dumb idea. No one likes mark henry either. Hes not a showman and will be a terrible champ.Kane should have stayed on ECW. moving him to Raw was a bad idea. So who could possibly fight Henry? it will probably be someone boring and i almost guarantee it'll be Finlay but i could also see Big Show being thrown in.but really no one cares about ECW anymore.

Who cares if he's not a showman, plenty of champs over the years who were practically ******ed on the mike. like you said, no one cares about ecw anyway.

AS for RAW. like i said before...TAKE JBL OUT OF THE MIX. i would love to see a Cena, Punk, Batista match, but i know that that ****** JBL, will for some reason be thrown in. Also they need the get rid of Santino. Rey better not continue a feud with him. Rey is too good and well liked. It would be almost as bad as having JBL in the mix. Hopefully a feud will develop between cena, batista, and punk. They could get that going for a little bit, and then Randy Orton will be back to make things even better. I think in the next couple of months Raw could be getting very interesting and fun to watch. Some major title matches involving Punk, Batista, Cena, maybe Rey, and soon Orton, possibly kane too. Fuck JBL.

Whats your problem with Santino, a God on the mic, and is hella funny, great segment with rey mastro last night, maybe rey could learn a thing or two from santino, like how to complete a sentence. Personally I hope cena dosent get to even lay his hands on gold this year!
WWE Championship-Triple H (c) vs. Umaga
-I expect this to be a filler title match, with Trips retaining

World Heavyweight Championship-CM Punk (c) vs. JBL vs. John Cena
-After watching Raw, I expect this match to happen, with Punk getting the victory, pinning JBL, and setting up Punk/Cena at Summerslam

Grudge Match-Edge vs. Batista
-I'm sure no one wants to see this again, but Edge is furious, and he wants Batista to pay for costing him his WHC. So I see a possible match between the two, with someone getting DQ'd.

Another Grudge Match-Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
-HBK wins by DQ, after Jericho snaps and him and Cade go to work on HBK. Thus setting up another match between HBK and Y2J at Summerslam.

Women's Championship-Mickie James (c) vs. Katie Lea Burchill
-I see Katie Lea winning it here, and then their feud concludes at Summerslam, with another Katie Lea victory.

ECW Championship-Mark Henry (c) vs. Big Show
-No clue who Henry fights, so Show gets a rematch, but Henry retains.

US Championship-Matt Hardy (c) vs. Chavo
-Vickie feels Chavo was cheated out of a victory, so she gives him another shot, but fails to win, so Hardy retains.

MVP vs. Jeff Hardy
-I see these two starting up a feud, that will go for a bit. So this starts it off. I see MVP winning with a roll up and his feet on the ropes, or maybe a handfull of tights.
So a lot of you guys think that the U.S. Title is heading back to Smackdown, but I have to disagree. I think that it's going to stay on ECW for the foreseeable future. I think that the WWE Tag Team Titles are heading back to Smackdown. I know technically they're part of Smackdown, but John Morrison and The Miz have held them since I think November/December. But What I see happening is a Smackdown Tag Team taking the titles from Morrison and Miz. The only team I can think of is the Edge Heads. Vickie could do a number of things, like just strip them of the titles, or have an actual match (in which La Familia will probably interfere)... either way, I think that Ryder and Hawkins will have the titles sometime soon. Then everyone can get that Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison feud they want.

But many of you are saying you think there should be a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship match at the Great American Bash. I think not. I think that RAW has had too many triple threat matches and fatal fourways this past year. . . well, I mean I think that there have been too many people involved in the title hunt recently. John Cena needs to get involved in a feud outside the realm of the title, at least for the next month. Hell, he and JBL can feud again if they want to, but I'd rather not see a triple threat. I'm all for a singles match between CM Punk and Batista at the Great American Bash... maybe even like some of you all said a CM Punk vs. Edge rematch at the Bash... but if Edge regains the title, the WWE Championship better come back to RAW.

All in all I'm hoping for good feuds heading into the Great American Bash.... and that doesn't count Jamie Noble vs. Kane.... how stupid...
It's to early to say what the WWE title mach is going to be but there will probably be a batlle royal and the winner named #1 contender itl probably be eather Big Show or Jeff Hardy (more likely Hardy) eather way Trips will retain and head into Summerslam as champ unles Vikie strips him of the title.
The WHC will be eather a remach where Edge regains the title and brings it back to SD after wich he makes Vikie strip Triple H of his WWE title and sends it to Raw so it has a world championship to, and in the proses sarting a Edge/Triple H feud in wich Trips wins the world title ,this feud will go on till Wrestlemania whit a few interupions an probably beyond
eather that or Punk faces Cena and JBL or Batista in a triple threat mach
Batista will want to be in the mach because he'll say that he is the reason Punk is champion ,bacause whithoud him he wouldnt have beaten Edge afterwich there will be a JBL/Batista mach to deturmen the 3th guy for the mach Batista wins and makes the mach Punk/Cena/Batista.
Well, after RAW last night it looks like we're getting Cena vs. JBL.....again. Now it looks like they're feuding over the control of Raw. I think that their match at GAB will be multi-man such as a six man tag with John Cena and Cryme Tyme vs. JBL, Cody Rhodes, and Ted Dibiase. The stip could be something like "Winner gets to choose the new Raw GM" or something like that.
Also, after last night, it seems pretty much guaranteed that we will see Chris Jericho vs.HBK. And I think the World title match should be CM Punk vs Batista with the rivalry revolving around Batista saying that Punk would never have won without his help. This could also trigger the long awaited Batista heel turn.
for the whc i could see a triple threat and a fatal four way:
punk vs rey vs cena vs batista or replace one with jbl
rey and punk's speed could go well with batista and cena's brawn
( if u dont already know, rey will be wrestling 100% in july, enough time for GAB)
wwe title:
i could see jeff, big show, edge, or umaga going for the title
umaga has been done before, edge is okay, big show not in awhile and jeff is a real good opponent so i see jeff, edge or big show in the title picture
edge will probably screw it up if hes with la familia. if taker stays on smackdown then i see a major feud for him and trips

us title: i honestly could careless about this title but it will probably be on the line hence "great american bash"

ic title: possibly kofi vs cade or maybe another y2j vs kofi considering the rematch last night sucked

y2j vs hbk if y2j is not in match with kofi

ecw title: mark henry vs ???
honestly ecw has no one else unless big show or kane gets a rematch

wwe tag team: miz morrison vs some smackdown team

world tag team: dibiase/ rhodes vs holly and a veteran

those are my thoughts. i really only focused on the whc and wwe matches
the PPV is on my birthday so I might as well predict

Triple H vs. Edge
obvious at this point. Triple H will probably retain and will begin a feud with Jeff Hardy spiking the Trips heel turn and they will have a match at Summerslam.

CM Punk vs. Batista
Batista will probably also have a heel turn and say CM Punk wouldn't have won the title without him and blah blah blah. He will then challenge Punk for the title and Punk will say yes. Punk wins with GTS.

Matt Hardy vs. Elijah Burke
Just a guess that i would like. Hardy would probably win with the Twist of Fate.

Kofi Kingston vs. Lance Cade
With all the HBK vs. Y2J and Y2J vs. Kingston and Cade helping Y2J this is pretty obvious. Kofi wins and it leads to HBK and Kofi vs. Y2J and Cade at SS

Mark Henry vs. Big Show
With Kane moving to Raw and Big Show in the Triple Threat Match, this would be more realistic than anything. Henry wins with the big Worlds Largest Splash thingy

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Y2J challenged HBK to a match at GAB and Shawn basically never backs down from a fight so this will probably happen. Y2J will win and as i said earlier, SS Cade and Y2J vs. HBK and Kofi.

John Cena vs. JBL
with Cena costing JBL the World Title on Raw this will probably happen too. Cena will probably win, as always, and that will start a big fued

Rey Mysterio's Return
Rey vs. Santiko Macaroni
Rey will return and with what transpired on Raw this will happen with Rey winning with the 619.
Grudge Match
Now i don't see how people haven't come to this conclusion but yess.
Jamie Noble vs Paul Birchill: i think it highly likely specially with the amount of love Paul has for his sister i dont think he takes lightly to Noble hitting on her, i could see a fued coming out of this.

I don't think anyone's mentioned it because if anything, it would be assumed that the feud would be strictly on Raw as opposed to taking up ppv time. Noble will probably become the guy designated to job to Burchill to make him look good until they're ready to have a feud between Burchill/Kofi for the IC title, which I can't see them doing for at least a little while because they most likely will bring Cade/Kofi into the mix very soon. So I'd be looking for Kofi vs Cade for the Intercontinental championship as a possibility for the Great American Bash....or possibly even HBK & Kofi vs Jericho & Cade, with two single matches taking place at Summerslam.

On a different topic....after tonight's ECW, I'm wondering....are they seriously planning on having Mark Henry against Tommy Dreamer? Lol. Come on now. I was thinking that it would be Finlay but it looks like they want him to continue with Morrison & Miz (unfortunately as those two should be booked better than to have to work with the midget). Hardy is still apparently with Chavo and still has the US title, so he won't go for the ECW belt until he loses that........god, I hope we don't get Henry vs Atlas Ortiz the way that guy made a terrible debut haha.
I'll do another list a bit nearer the time but for now.....

WWE Championship (confirmed?)
HHH vs. Edge
With HHH probably retaining, most likely with a clean pin and a rematch in a cage/cell at Summerslam.

WHC Title
CM Punk vs Batista
This is not a match I particularly want to see, but it could quite easily happen. CM Punk gets fed up with Dave telling him he couldnt have won the title without him, and nails him with the WHC belt, thus starting a potential CM Punk heel turn. Punk retains....for now....

John Cena vs JBL
This is for the control of Raw or something, but the match is interrupted by the return of Regal, who wants his reign as King back. maybe leads to a Regal vs Cena a SS.

Y2J & Lance Cade vs Kofi Kingston & HBK
This would be a pretty sweet tag-team match with lots of good spots and great wrestling. With possibly the heels going over.

As for the other PPV potential's:
Kennedy - maybe a feud with Regal/Burchill
Matt hardy - hopefully not against Chavo, I hoping for Shelton Benjamin
jeff Hardy - Who knows. versus MVP? I'd enjoy that.

Still too early to tell where the storylines are going to go but I'm sure all my predictions will be shot down within a week or so!
CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena vs. JBL vs. Batista
JBL will claim that he got jipped out of the title last Monday. Cena makes another open challenge in the ring. JBL interrupts again and they end up fighting in a #1 contender's match, refereeds by Punk, which Cena wins. JBL will again declare martial law and put himself in the match. Batista comes out and confronts Punk. He says he respects him as a champion but wants the kid to prove himself. Punk gladly accepts Batista's challenege and it becomes a Fatal-Four Way Elimination Match. Cena first eliminates Bradshaw after an FU. Batista eliminates Cena after a spear. Punk then eliminates Batista after a GTS.

Triple H (c) vs. Edge
Saw this one coming a mile away.
Now that Edge has apparently called off the wedding between him and Vickie, what will this have in store for the Undertaker??

Chris Jericho/Lance Cade vs. Shawn Michaels/Kofi Kingston
Jericho and Cade go over Michaels and Kingston after Jericho makes HBK tap to the Walls of Jericho. This sets up a rubber match for HBK and Y2J at SummerSlam.

Mark Henry (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer
Teddy Long grants Dreamer a title shot but Henry will simply be too much for the Dream Machine.

Rey Mysterio vs. Santino Marella
Rey makes a triumphant return to WWE after recovering from an arm injury. He defeats Marella after a 619.

That's it so far, I'll be sure to be back with more.

For now....

WWE Championship
HHH(c) vs. Edge - Judging by the spoilers, it looks like Edge is ridding himself of La Familia and Vickie. I look for Edge to take the strap here with the aide of his new partner(s) in crime or La Familia in a swerve. Inevitabley leading to HIAC re-match at SS with Trips taking the belt back(he wants to get to Flair's 16 titles remember).

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Batista - Pretty obvious Batista goes heel in the next few weeks and goes after Punk in a fit of jealousy that he is the champ. Punk will escape somehow with the belt.

John Cena vs. JBL - Duh. They are obviously pushing JBL as an important heel. This time, I think he will actually win a couple of times over Cena.

Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston(c) vs. Lance Cade - It will be a semi decent match until Jericho naturally tries to interfere on Cade's behalf, only to have HBK show up and they further set up the match at SummerSlam. Kofi retains in the confusion.

ECW Title Match
Mark Henry(c) vs. Tommy Dreamer - Yikes. Bell rings. Dreamer gets squashed. The end.

Rey Mysterio vs. Santino Marella - Santino entertains with his mic skills, then his lack of wrestling ability get him beat.

Worls Tag Team Title Match
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase(c) vs. Hardcore Holly & ????? - Typical "Get revenge on ex-partner" match. The young team gets the win to further their cred.

Match for new Diva's Title
Michelle McCool vs. Natalya Niedhart - If they have any sense, they will give the strap to Nattie. She is the most talented female wrestler they have right now on either show.
World Title Match:Edge vs. Triple H-This match is all but confirmed.I expect it to be a pretty good match.I don't believe these guys have had a one-on-one match and this will be a fresh feud.I am eager to see this.Trips wins.

WWE Title:Cena/Punk/JBL/-After the whole RAW debacle,I see this one happening.I don't see why not.It would be something interesting.Could turn out to be a pretty good match even though Punk would have to work on his back muscles to carry the other two through the match.Punk wins.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho-Yeah we all know its gonna happen.The feud is coming to a head and it will be a great match.The feud is reaching a boiling point.It's time to see these two 1-on-1 again.HBK wins

Both Titles on the line(ECW and U.S.):Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy-There is no one else that I could think of.Except Show.But we should keep this title match all ECW for once.Henry wins.

WWE Tag Titles:Rhodes/Dibiase vs. Holly/Kane-Holly will be looking for revenge and will seek out the meanest,biggest,baddest man to team with.Tag Champs retain.

World Tag Titles:Miz/Morrison vs. The Midget and The Man who used to Love to fight but know loves to play wack a mole-I don't see this feud ending.I don't wanna see this match again but I guess we prolly will.Horny/Finlay win.

IC Title:Kofi Kingston vs. Lance Cade-I see this happening.Cade will try to get the title for him and Jericho.Kofi wins.

Womens Title:Mickie vs. Katie Lea-It will happen.You'll see.
Really, it's too early to predict most of this, but yeah, I looked at the spoilers and Edge contra Triple H is almost certain now. I don't know what will happen here. Most likely scenario: Edge gets buried in a 10-minute squash. Hopeful scenario: they have a decent competitive match, with the loser winning at the next PPV. Less likely, but possible.

I agree with the above poster - Rhodes and DiBiase will retain whoever they face - Holly teaming up with Kane sounds good. Another, more enjoyable but less likely alternative would be Burchill. IC title? Yeah, I agree, Kofi vs Cade, Jericho is being moved again to ME status. Which is good. Not sure Kofi will retain though. They could well have Cade winning, because...

...of the WHC title. For the life of me I cannot see Punk winning here, assuming he even manages to keep the belt until the Bash. He's just not over enough. They gave the belt to him for good drama and shock value and to get a title back on RAW. He's not a credible champion. I reckon Cena/Punk/Jericho in a triple threat, with the newly-heel Jericho winning in heelish manner. This seems perfect. Punk "cheated" Edge out of the belt with MITB: Jericho's/Cade's current gimmick is that they are "honest men" heels. So Jericho beats Punk, right? I also don't think they'll give the belt to Cena for a while yet. Too many people still have bad memories of his monster run with the WWE belt. If they go down that route, the "Cena sucks" and "You can't wrestle" chants will return in short order. Cena's getting great face pops by not being in the title picture permanently. Why ruin that?
Most likely scenario: Edge gets buried in a 10-minute squash. Hopeful scenario: they have a decent competitive match, with the loser winning at the next PPV. Less likely, but possible.

Buried in a 10 minute squash? Dude, Edge is not some mid-card punk HHH can just steamroll over. He is the top heel in the business, and one of the best of the last 10 years. IF WWE ever asked him to job like that, I'd guarantee you he would quit in 2 seconds.
Buried in 10 seconds huh? Kinda funny you should mention that seeing as thats exactly what happened this past monday when Edge dropped the World Title to CM Punk. If he can job to CM Punk (Thats what it was don't kid yourself) who's to say he won't to Triple H.
I agree it is too early to speculate matches what with the draft just gone and no clear feuds or storylines:

Chris Jericho vs HBK
Jericho has already challeneged and injured eye or not HBK will accept so we can assume this match is a definite.

WWE Title
Triple H vs Edge

No doubt Trips will retain but i can see it being via DQ or countout i dont think he will get a clean win over Edge so early in thier feud.

World Title
CM Punk vs Cena vs JBL

Now im not a big fan of Punk holding the gold but to be fair i think he should at least hold it until Summerslam where he will lose it to Batista.

These are the only possible match ups i can see at the moment
Rumored Matches:

World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H. (c.) v. Edge: If this happens, I'll be thrilled at the possibility that Edge could win another World Championship as he'll then pass the 5 time Champion mark and move into a higher class of unique Champions.

Unfortunately, I don't see Triple H. losing his Championship on a b-show Pay Per View. I mean, it could always happen and Edge is a more deserving Champion as Triple H. is better at chasing the title, but the question is when will Edge & Vickie split which logically would lead to Vickie turning face and making Edge an even better heel?

I honestly think with the amount of shear heat Vickie is getting, her helping Edge win this Championship would only increase to a massive boiling point. But at the same time, you need to understand that too much is overkill. And Vickie giving Edge Championships/title shots has happened all year, so its becoming very old. In the end, I hope Edge wins.. but I can't honestly say he would.

E.C.W. Championship: E.C.W. Rulz: Mark Henry v. Tommy Dreamer: Am I even seriously wanting to see this? No. But by the looks of Tuesday night, its being built? I suppose Dreamer represents the final piece of old-school E.C.W., and could have some credibility for Mark Henry to defeat him. I mean, that is if Dreamer wasn't already a huge jobber.

World Heavyweight Championship: Indy Punk v. Glass Ceiling: Hopefully he'll hit it and die. :lmao: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

If Edge v. Punk doesn't happen in a rematch, then Punk v. J.B.L. v. Cena will likely headline the Raw side of things. Whats worse, if that does then Punk will almost very likely retain, by getting the Randy Orton/Wrestlemania type victory. He'll get beat down most of the match, both Cena & J.B.L. will attempt defeating him and attacking each other to gain that pin.. then one will hit their finish, allowing Punk to knock them to the outside and steal the victory.

Chris Jericho v. Shawn Michaels: How banged up with H.B.K. be? Thats the big question. I honestly see this match happening through storyline events as being "too soon." Shawn will likely accept, because he doesn't know how to say no.. and Jericho should pick up the victory, over a less than 100% H.B.K.
Im assuming they will have this at the GAB. but if a mod think's it is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.
It's down to Michelle Mccool and Natalie for the newest belt in the WWE, the Diva's Championship, Wich Sadly look's more respectful then the WWE Championship. They are saying that the title will have the same credability as the WWE Women's Championship. I don't know why they are bothering with this title, There is very few diva's that can actually wrestle. I also don't think this belt will last that long they would be better off having the WWE women's title on both roster's. I don't know who would win this as Natalie was the first person to be elected but at the same time The WWE seems to be pushing Michelle alot lately. I Think it would be better to have Natalie win it as she is a better wrestler and having McCool win it after a couple of month's would make her more over then if she was to win it now.
well i gotta say the title looks amazing its bye fare the coolest looking championship in wwe this is my first time actually seeing a brand new championship made and defend i think its a good idea for a championship but u really only have 3 girls who could win it mccool,nattie,and victoria kellys getting better maryse SUCKS VAGINA(shes a girl when men suck they suck balls so) and cherry needs to get here own thing instead of teh stupid 50s shtick
I don't see the point of this championship at all. The women's division already sucks and now they want a second championship? They really need to separate the women that can actually wrestle from the eye candy.

I must say, the belt looks amazing, quite possibly the coolest looking belt currently in the WWE. It's sad that this belt is most likely going to be defended in wet t-shirt and bikini contests (considering that Smackdown only has 3 Divas that can wrestle) while the real Women's Championship looks incredibly dull compared to the Diva's Championship.

Anyways, on to the match. My guess is Michelle McCool will (unfortunately) go over Natalya. Afterall, she is the All-American Girl and the match is probably going to take place at the Great American Bash. Though I hope Natalya wins considering that she is much more experienced.

PS. Natalya looks hot with her new hair color :p

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