Gears of War 2 has been released


Is hanging up the boots
There old Gears thread hasn't been used for 4 months so I thought I'd make a new one.


Anyway this game was released last week and I may be getting it for christmas. From reviewers and from friends, I hear this is one of the best games ever made. I have the first one and I loved it, especially the storyline in the campaign. The graphics have improved and is one of the best looking game ever released. The online capabilities have improved any even bot assistance is included when playing online.

There is more variety in weapons and a brand new addictive mode called Horde Mode. This is where you and teammates can battle up to 50 waves of locusts (enemys) and this is available in Co-op and online.

Overall, it sounds very good and I will most likely end up buying this instead of Call of Duty: World at War. Gears of War 2 is only available on Xbox 360. So if you have a 360, what are your thoughts on the game? Will you buy it or have you already bought it?

Let your thoughts be heard here.
Definitely going to get it. I also enjoyed Gears of War 1 very much on my 360 (almost finished it on the hardest difficulty too, though I can't beat the last boss lol), so I'm really looking forward to this one. I'm currently playing Dead Space though, and really don't have time (or money) for anything else lol... but GoW 2 and Farcry 2 are definitely on my list ;)

Plus, that horde mode you mentioned sounds nice... maybe finally an online mode for me, yay!

From the screens I've seen the new bosses are freaking HUGE too... so I suppose we'll be treated to some really nice bossfights in GoW too!

But hasn't GoW also been released on PS3? Or at least on PC? So probably they'll also release the sequel for those systems?
Very pumped for this game. I played the first Gears of War at a friends house because I don't have an X-Box. I loved it. This game might actually make me break down and get an X-Box 360. As much as I hate them I must have this game. I've heard some real good things about it so if it's anything like the first one I will be playing it forever. Probably trying to beat it on all difficulties. Then probably getting a headache along with it.
But hasn't GoW also been released on PS3? Or at least on PC? So probably they'll also release the sequel for those systems?

Nope, Gears of War 2 is an Xbox 360 release only. I think Gears of War 1 may be available on PC, but I'm not 100% sure in all honesty. The game is developed by Microsoft, which means it will never be available on PS3. Similar to Halo. I am definitely getting this for Christmas. I shall be playing it at my friends house on Thursday, so I might let you know how good I think it is ;)
Got it. I've played online a bit at a friends to.

It's more of the same. Nothing wrong with that at all. 'Cos at the same time it's "bigger, better and more bad ass". I'm nearly finished with the campaign and it's been pretty good; it's enjoyable on your own and highly enjoyable when you team up with a buddy. The new weapons are great, the new enemies are great and, most importantly, the new executions are great. Beating a lizardman's face in after shooting out his legs has never been so much fun. Double team chainsaws also rock my socks.

Onto Horde though. Why are all you Americans such inconsiderate dicks? It's the impression your countrymen give off online. If one of you gets downed after you completely fuck up, I'll charge in (normally alone), pick you up and get you back to safety. But I've had it where I've picked a guy up, been downed and watched as the cunt I just revived runs away!
I loved this game. From the opening scene it was balls to the wall action. The story was way better than the first one. The new Locust enemies are a welcomed addition as well, my personal favorite being the battles against the Brumaks and the Grinders. Game is real hard too, which is great. Some of the new guns are insane, such as the mortar launcher. Sure it slows you down from running to barely jogging, but it does a crap load of damage.

I tried Horde mode, goodness it's crazy hard. Didn't even get past level 1 because my partner got shot and i would feel like an a-hole just leaving him there so i went to revive him and got shot myself. Great game and recommended to everyone.
Onto Horde though. Why are all you Americans such inconsiderate dicks? It's the impression your countrymen give off online. If one of you gets downed after you completely fuck up, I'll charge in (normally alone), pick you up and get you back to safety. But I've had it where I've picked a guy up, been downed and watched as the cunt I just revived runs away!

Not just americans, most people are assholes on Xbox Live. Remember, the bigger your gamerscore, the bigger your penis. Atleast in their heads.

Anyway, I was REALLY hyped for Gears 2, only topped by Fallout 3, and well.. I ended up being a little dissapointed. Not that it's not a good game, because it is, it's awesome, but it's not as great as I hoped it to be.

Especially the online. Horde is awesome, but the rest is basically just.. the same. There's a few new gamemodes, with Submission being the best in my opinion.

It was probably just my high expectations kicking me in the ass though. The Game IS fantastic, just not as fantastic as I hoped it to be.
i bought this the very first day it came out. after playing GOW 1, i knew i had to get this one.... i enjoyed the storyline for gears two almost as much as gears one, but isnt the first always the best? i enoy playing horde with my friends and cousin online, and i was very happy when i found out i could have some of the maps from the old game! although i miss fuel depot terribly, i am satisfied with everything in the sequel to gears of war 1.
A Gears thread that hasen't even reached page 2 =[ That makes me sad. Gears 2 is easily one of the best games out there. I play it online so much. At first the online was bad but since they've fixed it I've rarely had a problem. Any other advid players of Gears 2?

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