Gamers unite -HQ

My Game of the Year. And this was one hell of a year for videogames. Cuphead, Danganronpa V3, Super Mario Odyssey, and so many more. Persona 5 may be the greatest RPG I've ever played.

I'm approaching the third Palace but am enjoying it immensely. This is the first in the franchise that I've played but it's a kind of battle system I really enjoy. Can't believe that I've not given the others a chance.
If I had to pick a game of the year out of all the new games I've bought and played this year, it would easily be Horizon Zero Dawn. I had forgotten about that game what with Assassin's Creed: Origins and Shadow of War, but the Frozen Wilds reminded me how good Horizon really is.

That game is amazing. Of course, I haven't played Persona 5 or Breath of the Wild yet, so.....
Can I just say that No Man's Sky is one of the most overhated (if initially overhyped) games ever? I'm playing it right now, and having a blast, even if it's far from perfect.
Someone beat Mario Odyssey without jumping, and by someone I mean the same person who beat Breath of the Wild without climbing.

Not sure what reward he gets out of this, but he deserves whatever it is.
Can I just say that No Man's Sky is one of the most overhated (if initially overhyped) games ever? I'm playing it right now, and having a blast, even if it's far from perfect.

I bought it about two weeks after release, it was okay but it got old fast due to it being soooooooo repetitive. I tucked it away and waited for some of the updates and it got to be playable again for a bit. I fully agree that it was overhyped and the developers did a piss poor job of delivering on their promises, but some of the backlash the game faced was due to the gamer community being toxic as fuck.
I bought it about two weeks after release, it was okay but it got old fast due to it being soooooooo repetitive. I tucked it away and waited for some of the updates and it got to be playable again for a bit. I fully agree that it was overhyped and the developers did a piss poor job of delivering on their promises, but some of the backlash the game faced was due to the gamer community being toxic as fuck.

I can't stand the gamer community, it's one of the few reasons I don't identify as a gamer despite the fact I play video games almost everyday. Even on reddit, a site that generally has a liberal/kinder slant than the rest of the internet, I find gamers incredibly whiney and entitled. The stuff with BF2 was fairly reasonable, but I can't tell you how many times I see gamers complaining about how GTA Online gets more attention than GTA 5 single player, or how Bethesda are lazy monsters because they haven't announced a new Elder Scrolls Game.

And again, this is mile behavior for gamers. When I play comp on Overwatch, I dread getting someone that is racist or sexist because I know I won't be able to concentrate on my game (thankfully this is a rare occurrence, but not rare enough), and I can't stand it when people do nothing but complain about how the game is unbalanced or unfair.

Then again, what do you expect? It's a group composed predominantly by white, adolescent males with underdeveloped social skills.
I can't stand the gamer community, it's one of the few reasons I don't identify as a gamer despite the fact I play video games almost everyday. Even on reddit, a site that generally has a liberal/kinder slant than the rest of the internet, I find gamers incredibly whiney and entitled. The stuff with BF2 was fairly reasonable, but I can't tell you how many times I see gamers complaining about how GTA Online gets more attention than GTA 5 single player, or how Bethesda are lazy monsters because they haven't announced a new Elder Scrolls Game.

And again, this is mile behavior for gamers. When I play comp on Overwatch, I dread getting someone that is racist or sexist because I know I won't be able to concentrate on my game (thankfully this is a rare occurrence, but not rare enough), and I can't stand it when people do nothing but complain about how the game is unbalanced or unfair.

Then again, what do you expect? It's a group composed predominantly by white, adolescent males with underdeveloped social skills.

My thing is that by and large, I often find myself agreeing with the complaints. It does bother me that Rockstar promised additional single player content and never delivered for 5, because they got a hard dick for the Online cash grab. I do get annoyed that instead of announcing new projects, Bethesda seems content on just porting Skyrim and FO4 to VR and Switch. The difference is I don't send in death threats or feel the need to launch into long winded social media rants with liberal use of racist and homophobic slurs. I'm not sure if I could name a community that is more entitled.

I rarely play Overwatch these days because of the community. If you play quick play you often get unfocused and undedicated players or a team full of Honzo and Widow, but if you play competitive you are expected to stick within the meta and deal with a ton of people bitching over character usage and roles. I have a hard time playing sports games online because you have to constantly deal with players who cheese the games or quit when they are losing.

I'm to the point where I have really drifted away from online gaming in the last year. Unless I'm playing with friends, its a rarity if I even plug in my mic anymore.
My thing is that by and large, I often find myself agreeing with the complaints. It does bother me that Rockstar promised additional single player content and never delivered for 5, because they got a hard dick for the Online cash grab. I do get annoyed that instead of announcing new projects, Bethesda seems content on just porting Skyrim and FO4 to VR and Switch. The difference is I don't send in death threats or feel the need to launch into long winded social media rants with liberal use of racist and homophobic slurs. I'm not sure if I could name a community that is more entitled.

I rarely play Overwatch these days because of the community. If you play quick play you often get unfocused and undedicated players or a team full of Honzo and Widow, but if you play competitive you are expected to stick within the meta and deal with a ton of people bitching over character usage and roles. I have a hard time playing sports games online because you have to constantly deal with players who cheese the games or quit when they are losing.

I'm to the point where I have really drifted away from online gaming in the last year. Unless I'm playing with friends, its a rarity if I even plug in my mic anymore.

Of the complaints I listed, the only one that really bothers me is the no ES6/constant re-releasing of Skyrim. The GTA 5 stuff doesn't bother me because GTA Online is a buttload of fun, free, and the online missions e arguably more fun than the story mode missions. The FO4 stuff doesn't bother me because, honestly, how many people are playing Fallout for the dialogue?

But that's not really the point, I just felt like sharing my opinions on those issues. You nailed it: it's fine to have issues with games, gaming companies, or the industry on the whole, but it's not okay to take it to the places an alarming amount of gamers take it to.

It sounds like the XBox community is more toxic than the PS community. It is a fairly uncommon occurrence that I come across someone that is truly toxic in most of my online endeavors. More than anything I just find people that annoy the bajeezus out of me, but that's usually because they're 16, and 16-year-olds suuuuuck.
Rainbow Six Seige has the biggest collection of toxic players I've ever seen. Yes, that even includes all the COD Black Ops games. Seige is a great tactical game too and it's a shame normal people have to mute everyone when playing.

Why did he do it? Idk, probably an angsty teen who wanted to rage against the machine.

Why is this deserving of a reward? Somehow he took the primary mechanic for at least one of those (Zelda's climbing) and put it aside.
Technically, with Odyssey, bouncing off Cappy (as in walking into him rather than jumping on him after throwing) and capturing a target mid-air don't count as jumps... yet talking to an NPC does count as a jump. But you know, whatever.
The Switch has sold 10 million units in 9 months, the same as the PS4 in its first 9 months. The difference here, however, is the holiday season is still in full swing.
Nintendo predicts they'll have sold approximately 16.7 million units by the end of March 2018, which I can definitely see.
Rainbow Six Seige has the biggest collection of toxic players I've ever seen. Yes, that even includes all the COD Black Ops games. Seige is a great tactical game too and it's a shame normal people have to mute everyone when playing.

That's too bad, I played that game for a few months after it came out and thought it was really fun, I just happened to suck at it (aiming is not my strongest suit in FPS games, which is why I main Winston in OW). That said, I'd generally try to group up with guys I knew I enjoyed playing with.
The Switch has sold 10 million units in 9 months, the same as the PS4 in its first 9 months. The difference here, however, is the holiday season is still in full swing.
Nintendo predicts they'll have sold approximately 16.7 million units by the end of March 2018, which I can definitely see.

And the biggest Nintendo fan boy on the forum doesn't have one.
That's too bad, I played that game for a few months after it came out and thought it was really fun, I just happened to suck at it (aiming is not my strongest suit in FPS games, which is why I main Winston in OW). That said, I'd generally try to group up with guys I knew I enjoyed playing with.

Same problem, I love it but can't aim worth a shit so I always pick a shotgun. I have everyone muted so after people try voting me out of the game and the majority of players fail to get me out I start getting messages to turn off the Xbox, leave and you suck ect ect ect.

COD always had screaming kids and idiots, but Seige just got worse and worse to a point that the company started posting ideas on how to deal with all the toxic players, something I've never seen before.
Started Persona 5 last night. Decided to buy after looking for a new game and seeing the monstrous praise online.

Only about 3 hours in mostly tutorial stuff which I read is quite long but really picks up afterward. Enjoying it thus far though.
Picked up Witcher 3 for cheap on the Xbox One. Didn't get very far last time and I'm in the right mood for RPG games lately. Can only saturate yourself with so many shooters before your mind begs to explore other genres.
Someone made an HD recreation of Donkey Kong Country 2, or at least the level below and a bit more.


His username is Blob Van Dam, which is also a plus.
Got Mario Odyssey and already love it after only a couple of hours. Being a dinosaur was fun lol so was going 8 bit. I unlocked the Gold outfit and Luigi outfit right off the bat thanks to my Amiibos.
Playing Mortal Kombat XL. Can't believe how awesome this game is. The characters and range in moves is the best I've seen in the series. The Fatalities are gruesome and it has a good Story mode that lets you play a variety of era specific characters, classic and new/kids and whatnot. There's a female character named D'Vorah who is a combination of Reptile and a giant, virus infested favorite character outside of Raiden. She is so deadly and fast it's awesome to use her. This game has renewed my interest in Mortal Kombat. Come at me bro.

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