GAB '06 Review/Aftermath Thread....King Booker is NEW World Heavyweight Champion!


Championship Contender
Post your review of GAB here and discussion whatever implication it will have Smackdown in the upcoming months.

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This was a good choice for WWE we desperatly needed a heel WHC since we havent had one since WM21
Can Somebody Post The Slip Kristal Had During The Four Way Bra And Panties Match?????? Anyone Please
How did Matt Hardy get into the GAB? What's the story?

Will Regal feud with Finley?

King Booker makes a fine champion!
Nah Regal wont feud with Finley I dont think. And KIng Booker wont last two seconds against Batista.

It was so obvious Chavo would turn against him but they havnt put any decent reasons for why?
EDIT: Just realised this goes in the spoiler section(the results)
I was disoppointed with the Undertaker Big Show match, i would have thought that match would be more interesting in the prision or more brutal, but it wasn't really anything spectacular.
Chavo helping Booker win? I saw that coming weeks ago. Probably it will be something to do with Eddie and the way Rey keeps praising him. But I think Rey will get another chance because he had the title. But he will lose thanks to Chavo again.
What a shame! GAB demonstrated that Smackdown is in big trouble.

They had to change all the line-up and let me tell you it wasn't a good one.

The main storyline in this GAB was supposed to be Batista's revenge on Mark Henry! With Mark henry out, this GAB was already a second class PPV.

Then Lashley out! GAB now was a third class PPV.

Khali out! No PPV left.

And too predictable!

Someone in this forum mentioned that Smackdown was a PG-13 version of RAW and I refused to agree. Now after watching (and waisting my time and money) GAB, Smackdown is a joke.
wrestlemaniaxxx said:
What a shame! GAB demonstrated that Smackdown is in big trouble.

They had to change all the line-up and let me tell you it wasn't a good one.

The main storyline in this GAB was supposed to be Batista's revenge on Mark Henry! With Mark henry out, this GAB was already a second class PPV.

Then Lashley out! GAB now was a third class PPV.

Khali out! No PPV left.

And too predictable!

Someone in this forum mentioned that Smackdown was a PG-13 version of RAW and I refused to agree. Now after watching (and waisting my time and money) GAB, Smackdown is a joke.

I agree totally here. Smackdown needs to be taken off the air or needs to get some help. ECW is now canceled because of the joke of all PPVs. The Punjab Prision Match was a joke in itsself because:

A.) It's an Indian Match and you took out the Indian?
B.) You have 2 big guys that are on different shows facing and neither used a weapon (when Big Show is suppose to be the ECW World Champion.)
C.) You had Khali come out and make a complete ass of hisself.

Then you have this storyline of Chavo and Rey, which you could obviously predict the ending of this match, that goes on forever and then just like that he turns on him to give Booker T the title to hold on to until SummerSlam where he will lose it to Batista. This PPV was such a joke. You had the fucking Bra and Panties match after the Punjab Prision Match (which should have been the Main Event). Then you have Batista vs Ken Kennedy. I just want to know where in the hell Ken Kennedy comes in the play vs. Batista? That match was a joke. Choke him out in the corner, yeah let's make Batista lose on his first PPV back. Oh about forgot to mention the joke of the US Title match. You have 2 Europeans facing for the UNITED STATES Championship at The Great AMERICAN Bash? That's hillarious. It might just be WWE Creativity that's going down the drain, but it ruint a once was a good night for many many people and showed how horrible Smackdown is right now.
peopleschamp said:
Where did you get that from???

The ECW shows this weekend in Michigan were canceled to provide WWE with Show in the main event and also bring others to the PPV in case they were needed as well.

Im guessing thats this weeks show?
Every match sucked apart from the opener between pitbulls and L&K. That was a the best wrestling match of the night. The punjabi prison match was awful. The crowd was quiet 3/4 of the way through it and their wasn't any major spots. The only one i can think of was when taker legdropped big show thru the outside table. And if those things on the table where weapons, as JBL said, why wern't they used? And the ending. Lmao. The only way i thought you could win was climbing over the top. Being fall away slammed through the gate which isnt even locked? Stupid. The rey vrs booker match had an obvious ending as you all claim, and it did. Apart from the first match, I enjoyed the regal vrs finlay match because of JBL's commentary. HILARIOUS. Other than that, the GAB had so much potential, but it got 4/10 in my book.
The Great American Bash was the worst PPV that I have ever seen in my life. The two least talked about matches, the tag titles and the cruiserweight title matches, were the best of the night. SmackDown is the saddest excuse for a wrestling organization that i've ever seen in my life. The Punjabi Prison match had all the makings of a cool match....but it was the dumbest thing ever. for one thing..the first cage was stupid because the Undertaker got locked in...but easily climbed out anyway. when they fell through the cage...the "door" opened before the big show even hit it....and what in the world was khali doing??? the cage had he goes and climbs the other side??? it was STUPID even the bra and panties match was boring. The batista/KK match was more hardcore than the prison match, but also had a terrible ending, and the main event was about as uneventful as they long can you have two people sit in the middle of the ring and punch each was terrible. It makes me want to call the WWE and demand a refund, because it was the worst show i'd ever seen in my life. I couldn't have been more disappointed. They need to have another draft lottery, and change the WWE up a little bit, cuz right now it's TERRIBLE
atknsn_04 said:
The Great American Bash was the worst PPV that I have ever seen in my life. The two least talked about matches, the tag titles and the cruiserweight title matches, were the best of the night. SmackDown is the saddest excuse for a wrestling organization that i've ever seen in my life. The Punjabi Prison match had all the makings of a cool match....but it was the dumbest thing ever. for one thing..the first cage was stupid because the Undertaker got locked in...but easily climbed out anyway. when they fell through the cage...the "door" opened before the big show even hit it....and what in the world was khali doing??? the cage had he goes and climbs the other side??? it was STUPID even the bra and panties match was boring. The batista/KK match was more hardcore than the prison match, but also had a terrible ending, and the main event was about as uneventful as they long can you have two people sit in the middle of the ring and punch each was terrible. It makes me want to call the WWE and demand a refund, because it was the worst show i'd ever seen in my life. I couldn't have been more disappointed. They need to have another draft lottery, and change the WWE up a little bit, cuz right now it's TERRIBLE

Id agree on everything but the draft lottery. FORget the brands totally.Anyone any show.

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