G-Mods - Staff moves


Excellence of Execution
I didn't mention this in the regular Board Room because I just like seeing ideas flow, but I'll give the G-Mods the skinny on what I'm REALLY thinking.

I'm thinking we need one or two new G-Mods. I'm also thinking we have some very good candidates. I'm thinking we make one or two new G-Mods, and then replace their spots with regular mods. Who the regular mods are would depend on who becomes G-Mod.

My nominees for G-Mod, in the order I think they deserve it:

1) D-Man

2) IrishCanadian25

3) jmt225

4) Mighty NorCal

Between those 4, I think we can come up with 2 new good G-Mods. I would also ask that, even if they are G-Mods, they still focus on the areas they currently inhabit. But, with those four, it would allow us to bring on two or three new mods, such as Jack-Hammer, Ferbian and/or GuyCompton.

Let me read your thoughts on this. And let people throw names out for regular mod.

Isn't it great to be in the know on the cool stuff and laugh at the misdirection?
D-Man for G-Mod. I've thought this for awhile. He's flat out owned the WWE sections and never misses a beat in there, plus he rarely screws up if ever. Easy choice for me.

IC, maybe if he wants it, but I like him better as the NWS section mod. I'm fine with him staying there or being promoted and would support either as I see them as equal.

jmt....I'm split here. He's PERFECT as mma mod, but that's a very niche spot. It's like Doc in graphics: he's great at that, but I don't know if he's branched out enough. Not saying no at all, but I'm not sure here.

Norcal: see IC. Also his job being constantly in flux can hurt this for him, which is obviously beyond his control.

So of those, the only I'd be completely sold on is D-Man and IC if he wants it.

As for the other three:

Jack-Hammer: he's the hot pick for it as he posts everywhere, although for some reason I get a NoFate vibe off of him. No justification of it but really more of an instinct. He'd be the leader though as I definitely could be wrong.

Ferbian: he reports a lot, but I'm not sure if that makes him worthy of a spot. Maybe though.

GuyCompton I've never actually seen how great he is. He's growing on me, but I'm still not sold on him. Not at all saying he's bad or anything. Just that I haven't seen him as being as great as a lot of people say he is.

I know I wasn't really sold on any of them, but I'm not 100% finalized on any of these. More really just initial reactions.

Another person I would consider for a mod spot is Dave. He's very quietly consistent, but he does a good job all around.
For G-Mod I would definitely do D-Man as first choice without a shadow of a doubt. He's consistent all over the shop, even if I disagree with his posting in the wrong place infraction spree he seems to love :p

IC and Norcs would depend on their job but would be a great 2nd choice.

JMT I feel is bottom of the list, but still a great choice.

As for other mods I mentioned in the proper section I think Doc should be given WWE as well as graphics as he does do the bit of moderating there when needs be and I know he reads the threads even if he doesn't post in them.

If IC goes to G-Mod then without a doubt Dave should be NWS mod, he's brilliant in all areas there and is consistent with the fed and the wrestling sections. I didn't want to mention him in the main board as he's someone I would class as a bud off here.

Ferbian's on all the time, posts in every thread ever and reports a lot always spam, never not spam. He would be a great pick.

Guy I'm not too bothered about to be honest, I think he;d do a good job but he's very over rated.
Meh, maybe I'm just the lone voice here but I'd think Norcal without a doubt would deserve the next G-Mod spot considering the only reason he stopped being one was because of his job.

D-Man...eh, I like D-Man, but I'd rather see someone like JMT in the G-Mod spot because of the length he's been on staff, his dedication to helping the board in the MMA and Movies/TV sections, and the fact that he's a really mature, cool guy to boot who would do just as well with the G-Mod spot as his current one. D-Man I'm sure would do well with the job though, I don't doubt that.

As for regular mods...without a doubt GuyCompton is one of the top guys on my list. Also, what about Dave? Kind of shocked he isn't a mod already to be honest.
When's Norcal away next?

He'd be above D-Man in my eyes if he's not away for a while
The more I think about it the more Dave should get the spot above Guy
Just so you guys know, the ball is rolling on Staff membership, and it's picking steam up quickly. Expect some announcements over the next couple of days.
My nominees for G-Mod, in the order I think they deserve it:

1) D-Man

D-Man for G-Mod. I've thought this for awhile. He's flat out owned the WWE sections and never misses a beat in there, plus he rarely screws up if ever. Easy choice for me.

For G-Mod I would definitely do D-Man as first choice without a shadow of a doubt. He's consistent all over the shop, even if I disagree with his posting in the wrong place infraction spree he seems to love :p


Thanks, guys.

D-Man...eh, I like D-Man, but I'd rather see someone like JMT in the G-Mod spot because of the length he's been on staff, his dedication to helping the board in the MMA and Movies/TV sections, and the fact that he's a really mature, cool guy to boot who would do just as well with the G-Mod spot as his current one. D-Man I'm sure would do well with the job though, I don't doubt that.


Just kidding, X. Thanks, man.
All the G-Mod moves are finished. I thought it'd be best to let IC25 enjoy some time as a regular mod before asking him to take more responsibilities again. Otherwise we probably would have added a 4th G-Mod.

Welcome to the three new G-Mods.
I figured IC would have turned it down if offered to him right away. But it's nice that I can ban him now.

"The circle is now complete."

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