
I'm still wondering how Israel's treatment of Gaza is anything other than the "crime against Humanity" that the UN has described it as.

1,441 Palestinian Children have been killed since 2000, as opposed to 124 Israeli Children

6,348 Palestinians have been killed, compared to 1,072 Israelis

Israel has faced no fewer than 65 UN resolutions, and the Palestinians have faced none. If the Israelis are truly in the right, why would the UN have told them they were committing wrongs 65 times?

# Resolution 608: "...‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians"

# Resolution 636: "...‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians

# Resolution 641: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians

# Resolution 672: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount

# Resolution 673: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations

# Resolution 681: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians

# Resolution 694: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return

# Resolution 726: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians

# Resolution 799: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

Those are a few of the resolutions. The most recent, at least. Oh. And the second figure I posted about the Palestinian dead are a little off, they don't take into account the dead from the most recent West Bank incursions.

If the Israelis are doing all of this to protect themselves...what exactly are they protecting themselves from? Killing 6 times as many men as Israeli adults were killed, or killing 10 times as many Palestinian children as Israeli children?

EDIT: Sure, fight a nation that actively wages war or attacks your population. But don't claim it "retaliation" or "to keep our nation and citizens alive" when you're killing 6 times as many adults and 10 times as many children as your aggressors. At a certain point you've passed the point of "retaliation" and crossed into "fucking them up because we can."
because the terrorists LIKE TO USE CIVILIANS AS HUMAN SHIELDS! that's why they dig themselves in houses.

Edit: so what would you like to happen razor? are you one of those assholes that want Israel to be wiped off the map? Or are you one of those who just hate Israel just to hate on Israel?
Even so, it does kind of weaken the Palestinian's claims over 'their' land. Seeing as it hadn't been their land for years.
because the terrorists LIKE TO USE CIVILIANS AS HUMAN SHIELDS! that's why they dig themselves in houses.

Does that really explain a disparity such as this in the statistics? Seriously?

And how many civilians are okay to be killed in the name of fighting terrorists? 10,000? 1,000,000? The entire country?
Edit: so what would you like to happen razor?

I would like the Israelis to allow international aid into Gaza, and to stop indiscriminately bombing the fuck out of Gaza. Keep your nation and defend it if you want. Just don't take down 1,000 children and 6,000 civilians in a 10 year period while you're at it.

For the record, I deplore the civilian casualties involved in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars as well.
are you one of those assholes that want Israel to be wiped off the map?

You caught me. I'm a anti-Semite who wants Israel wiped off of the map. Here's a hint:


Or are you one of those who just hate Israel just to hate on Israel?

I hate any government that denies basic human rights to a group of people for land that could be peacefully maintained if they just left it alone. Peace agreement after peace agreement has been offered to the Israelis. Go back to 1963 borders and all of the killing stops. Netanyahu denied it every time. And the PM after him, and the PM before him, and the PM before him.

You act as if I hate all Jews or something. I don't like that the Israeli government is killing thousands of innocent civilians and denying peace in the interest of building some houses on land that they didn't own 50 years ago.

Defend your nation. Don't kill 10,000 innocent civilians to your own 2,000 innocents and act as if it's morally correct.
I pose the question once again. Would you support the American Indians taking over the amount of land from Louisiana to Arkansas, then taking land from Mississippi to build homes for their people? Then, when people in Mississippi were pissed and attacked for their old land that their homes used to stand on, the American Indians bombing the fuck out of and completely denying aid to Mississippi from the rest of the United States?
I'm still wondering how Israel's treatment of Gaza is anything other than the "crime against Humanity" that the UN has described it as.

1,441 Palestinian Children have been killed since 2000, as opposed to 124 Israeli Children

6,348 Palestinians have been killed, compared to 1,072 Israelis

Even you aren't crazy enough to deny that they are at war, right? I mean, that is an actual war. Both sides run missions against each other. Are you condemning Israel for winning? Do you know the best way to save the lives of Palestinian children? Have Palestine stop using suicide bombers on Israeli buses.
Israel has faced no fewer than 65 UN resolutions, and the Palestinians have faced none. If the Israelis are truly in the right, why would the UN have told them they were committing wrongs 65 times?

Israel is banned from being on the UN Security Council. They have no voice in matters of conflict.

Those are a few of the resolutions. The most recent, at least. Oh. And the second figure I posted about the Palestinian dead are a little off, they don't take into account the dead from the most recent West Bank incursions.

Fuck you. The Jewish people have been persecuted for centuries, and it is always because people like you. They charge interest, so let's kill them. They own businesses, so let's kill them. And now, the argument is they fight back against those that kill them by using the same methods they are attacked with. Instead of condemning both parties, let's make excuses for the Arabs so they don't attack us and side with them because we are too big of *****es to fight for ourselves. Don't fight for yourself. Roll over like a bitch and appease Arabs. Fuck you, fucking pussy. Maybe I support Israel because I have a pair of balls, unlike our dumbfuck President and his minions of college kids and stoners who don't want to grow up that have no real world experience. Let's let the least qualified person to rule the world with his drugged out groupies. Bunch of fucking morons. Israel is the only country that has it right. Do you know why the Palestinians have stopped attacking Israel? It's because Israel said fuck you pussy American liberals and fuck you Europe, we are going to fight back and preserve our religion before we let mindless liberals take our people off the Earth. If no one is else is going to fight for Israel, it will fight for itself, and fuck you for questioning that. If not for some dumb luck, a terrorist could have crashed a full plane into a full city on Christmas, and it's all because we think that appeasing Arab terrorists will make them leave us alone. I praise Israel. Kill anyone who is a remote threat. Protect your people. Don't be like America.

If the Israelis are doing all of this to protect themselves...what exactly are they protecting themselves from? Killing 6 times as many men as Israeli adults were killed, or killing 10 times as many Palestinian children as Israeli children?

Once again, dumbfuck, you're bitching at Israel for winning? You are a fucking moron.
EDIT: Sure, fight a nation that actively wages war or attacks your population. But don't claim it "retaliation" or "to keep our nation and citizens alive" when you're killing 6 times as many adults and 10 times as many children as your aggressors.

You just don't get it.

At a certain point you've passed the point of "retaliation" and crossed into "fucking them up because we can."

I have absolutely no problem with this. People have been fucking us up because they can for the entirety of history.

How dare you turn this thread, that I started, into a soapbox for your anti-Semitic rants. You are truly an idiot. This was my thread, you butted in, and made it our thread, for whatever reason, and I never said shit. Now, you turn my thread into a place for you to spout nonsense far beyond your limited understanding? Ludicrous.
anti-semitic rants? Where?

Was it where I said that the Israeli government shouldn't be killing thousands of civilians? Or was it where I said that they should allow international aid to Gaza?

Not once did I say anywhere that all Jews were wrong or that the Israeli state should be destroyed for the "greater good of the Middle East" as most of those "anti-Semetics" say. I just said "Hey, how about killing less civilians and letting needed medicine and materials into Gaza?"

If that's anti-Semetic and you want to bust a nut over it, then sorry. I can see your point if I called for the death of Israel. I could see that. Never did though.
What? I dropped the flotilla a day ago. Israel was right to board the ship, and I'll reserve further judgment of their actions until the independent inquiry is made. If the people aboard the Turkish vessel attacked first, I will completely rescind my previous statements about Israel being wrong for the flotilla boarding and the people who were killed. No soldier should have to take a beating during a gunfight because he chose to bring a gun instead of a club.

I'll admit, I might have jumped all over Israel prematurely for the blockade boarding. But on the subject of allowing international Gaza aid I'll stand strong on.
Gaza, The West's all Israel's land. So is the Sinai Peninsula for that matter.

Throughout history, it has been the goal of everyone to take land from Israel. Why should I expect current times from being any different.
Alright, so will you answer me about the scenario above?

Suppose the Cherokee Indians were given back a piece of their old land. From Dallas, Texas to...let's say Mississippi border. They get into a war with Mississippi and completely kick ass. They take half of Mississippi. They then take extra land that they had a hundred years ago and kick off the Americans living there now to build settlements.

The people that used to live there are pissed off, so they attack back. The Cherokees fuck some shit up, and completely blockade the rest of Mississippi. They then bomb the Americans that are living in Mississippi over and over again, day after day.

Are the Cherokees in the right?

And I'm not wanting to take any land from Israel. Let the Israelis keep Israel.I'm being yelled at like I want Israel to die and all Jews to be rounded up to be shot to Mars. I don't. Far from it. Just give the Gazans basic humanitarian aid and I can swallow the Israeli settlements. Basic humanitarian aid that nations from around the world are wanting to send in. That's all I ask.
2 things:

1. There's archaelogical evidence that the natives came over from Russia when the earth was 1 piece of land but that's semantics.

2: Almost 90% of the "humanitarian" aid goes to the terrorists. NOT the civilians. Hammas controls the aid. How much are you willing to bet Hammas is withholding aid just to get sympathy from people like yourself to their cause. It's absolutely pathetic.
Are you condemning Israel for winning?

This is the real problem caused by media intrusion and sensationalising warfare. In a conflict that you did not start, you are expected by ludicrous international opinion to show restraint just because you are better equipped and better trained. God forbid in a conflict there might be casualties and that one side will face more than the other...

This demand is even more ridiculous in Israel's case. Not only is she condemned for defending her land, she is expected to show restraint in the face of a guerilla campaign by unscrupulous individuals who are willing to kill themselves and innocent civilians on both sides to wipe Israel from the map.
2: Almost 90% of the "humanitarian" aid goes to the terrorists. NOT the civilians. Hammas controls the aid. How much are you willing to bet Hammas is withholding aid just to get sympathy from people like yourself to their cause. It's absolutely pathetic.

Doug has a point there. Look at the first live aid. The money raised allowed the war to continue, with the net result being a worsening of the situation for the very people they were trying to help.

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