Friday Night Shine 2/27!

The bell rings and the first match in the history of DCW is underway! The two competitors circle each other, both very apprehensive about starting out. After many false starts, the pair finally lock up and begin jockeying for position. Kidd takes control early by powering Garcia back into the corner where the referee asks them for a clean break. As Kidd backs away, he lunges at Garcia with an elbow but the luchador is one step ahead of him. He slips behind Kidd and the two change places. Kidd is in the corner now as Garcia chops away, getting the first pop in company history. He whips Kidd across the ring where he bounces off the opposite corner and staggers to the middle of the ring. Garcia is waiting on him and in a great display of athleticism, he jumps into the air and takes Kidd over in a hurricanrana!

Garcia races to the top rope but Kidd is one step ahead of him, sliding out to the floor to break up the momentum. Garcia plays to the crowd who are immediately on Kidd's case. The brash young man doesn't take this well and yells at the people to shut the hell up. As he is jawing with a member of the audience, Garcia is waiting on him. Kidd turns around and gets caught by another hurricanrana onto the concrete! Garcia gets up a bit slowly and throws Kidd back into the ring. Kidd gets to his feet slowly as Garcia is waiting on the apron for him. The luchador comes off with a springboard dropkick but Kidd steps out of the way, sending Garcia crashing to the mat below. After a brief shake of his head, Kidd picks Garcia up and immediately lands a standing clothesline to knock him back down. Garcia holds his head as Kidd sneers at him.

Kidd picks him up again before putting him down with another clothesline. Kidd gives a throat slit as if to say it's over. He sets up behind Garcia, waiting for him to turn around for the Shocker. Garcia spins around but is ready for the kick the to midsection. He grabs Kidd's foot and shoves him backwards into the ropes. Garcia lands a huge superkick to the chin of Kidd, sending him back over the top rope and crashing down to the floor again! As the referee's count hits 6, Kidd is back to his feet but not for long as Garcia lands a picture perfect baseball slide to send him into the railing. He sets for a plancha, but Kidd sees it coming and gets out of the way in time. Garcia is able to stop his momentum and lands on the apron. Kidd slides in under the opposite ropes and charges at Garcia. Edwin catches him with a high kick to the head to send him reeling. Garcia sets for another springboard but in mid setup Kidd throws himself against the ropes to crotch Garcia on the top rope! With a running start, Kidd jumps off an opposite middle rope, spins around in mid air and catches Garcia's head to pull him down for the Shocker! The cover, the count, and the victory for your winner, David Kidd!
The bell rings and the first match in the history of DCW is underway! The two competitors circle each other, both very apprehensive about starting out. After many false starts, the pair finally lock up and begin jockeying for position. Kidd takes control early by powering Garcia back into the corner where the referee asks them for a clean break. As Kidd backs away, he lunges at Garcia with an elbow but the luchador is one step ahead of him. He slips behind Kidd and the two change places. Kidd is in the corner now as Garcia chops away, getting the first pop in company history. He whips Kidd across the ring where he bounces off the opposite corner and staggers to the middle of the ring. Garcia is waiting on him and in a great display of athleticism, he jumps into the air and takes Kidd over in a hurricanrana!

Garcia races to the top rope but Kidd is one step ahead of him, sliding out to the floor to break up the momentum. Garcia plays to the crowd who are immediately on Kidd's case. The brash young man doesn't take this well and yells at the people to shut the hell up. As he is jawing with a member of the audience, Garcia is waiting on him. Kidd turns around and gets caught by another hurricanrana onto the concrete! Garcia gets up a bit slowly and throws Kidd back into the ring. Kidd gets to his feet slowly as Garcia is waiting on the apron for him. The luchador comes off with a springboard dropkick but Kidd steps out of the way, sending Garcia crashing to the mat below. After a brief shake of his head, Kidd picks Garcia up and immediately lands a standing clothesline to knock him back down. Garcia holds his head as Kidd sneers at him.

Kidd picks him up again before putting him down with another clothesline. Kidd gives a throat slit as if to say it's over. He sets up behind Garcia, waiting for him to turn around for the Shocker. Garcia spins around but is ready for the kick the to midsection. He grabs Kidd's foot and shoves him backwards into the ropes. Garcia lands a huge superkick to the chin of Kidd, sending him back over the top rope and crashing down to the floor again! As the referee's count hits 6, Kidd is back to his feet but not for long as Garcia lands a picture perfect baseball slide to send him into the railing. He sets for a plancha, but Kidd sees it coming and gets out of the way in time. Garcia is able to stop his momentum and lands on the apron. Kidd slides in under the opposite ropes and charges at Garcia. Edwin catches him with a high kick to the head to send him reeling. Garcia sets for another springboard but in mid setup Kidd throws himself against the ropes to crotch Garcia on the top rope! With a running start, Kidd jumps off an opposite middle rope, spins around in mid air and catches Garcia's head to pull him down for the Shocker! The cover, the count, and the victory for your winner, David Kidd!

If it wasn't known already. This pretty much proves yet again why OCW is the 800-pound gorilla around here.
Same ending, most of the same spots, no backstory, no interest in it. That took me about 10 minutes to write.
It was great. I am still looking forward to Shine though, if only to post my picture again. I'm sorry, I love it.
Note to Deadman: notice in there all the little things that take up time. The referee counting to six for example. That's a few words, but it buys you almost fifteen seconds. You have Kidd hitting the floor, maybe Garcia being restrainded from going after him, and then the count. Same thing with stuff like arguing with the fan. That all takes time.
Yeah I can't wait for the show either. I'll have to read it when I get home, but it could be entertaining as hell.
Ya, we'll have to see. I honestly expected the dark match to blow me away, considering how great Deady says the show is... but... I hope he updates with your advice lol. A.K.A Epic Fail
I will try my 100% best to entertain the hell out of everyone tomorrow. Just so I can say IMO KB put my ass in check. and the Matches to look for will be the WHC and Anarchy matches.
Meltdowns and their new format are a lot easier to read than it used to be.

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