Fixing Bragging Rights

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I think Bragging Rights has the possibility to be a very great PPV it just doesn't truly have that Smackdown Vs Raw Theme so I'm writing on how I would refine the concept of Bragging Rights.

No title matches (in a way). I would have the WWE Champion face off against the World Heavyweight Champion instead. See who is the better champion. Also, I would have an IC VS US Championship to see who is better in non title match. This would be one of the many various matches that must be Smackdown VS Raw matches. I think these matches have a very good possibility have having a large draw if properly pushed and pursued.

Make this the new Survivor Series. They can scrap Survivor Series. It may be a classic PPV but honestly it's lost its touch. If they were to scrap Survivor Series and put some real work into this PPV I think it has the possibility to be a PPV that lasts for years to come as long as they don't change it up as much. Instead of having Survivor Series incorporate the elimination tag matches as Smackdown VS Raw. This has great potential and I would also make madatory two elimination tag matches. All these matches accumulate points for your respective brand.

Next I would have a divas over the top challenge with the divas of both brands(equal number on both sides) face off and the winning brad receiving a point. This would be a great way to allow the divas to get even more air time on T.V and it would allow for them to get showcased. Also it incorporates the divas in a way that shows that the divas wil not be defending the title. I think this is more interesting and more better looking than a normal singles divas match.

GM Picked Wrestler Match. Explanation the general manager of the respective brands decides to pick a superstar who will represent the brand against the other general magers superstar They would have two picked superstars for two matches in order to have an odd number of matches. I think this would allow for some "dream" matchups to occur and it would allow for true competition to occur. I think it would be a great way too have interesting match-ups and give stars and interesting break from wrestling their respective brand wrestlers.

A better prize. So here is my proposal for a new prize. Have the GM of the winning brand award a brand MVP at the end of the night to the brand who has the most points and that person not only gets true bragging rights over everyone else on their brand but also allow them to select one person from the other brand and send them to the winning brand. I think this would be a good shake-up and be something people look forward to.

Sample Card:

Raw WWE Champion Miz Vs Smackdown WHC Champion Edge in a non title match

Daniel Bryan Raw US Champ VS Kofi Kingston IC Smackdown Champ

Divas Over the Top Challenge
Smackdown Divas (Laycool, Beth Pheonix, Kelly Kelly, Rosa Mendes) Vs Raw Divas (Alicia Fox, Bellas, Natalya, Maryse,)

Elimination Tag Match Team Smackdown (Kane, McIntyre, Barett) Vs Team Raw (Sheamus, Morrison, Punk)

Elimination Tag Match Team Smackdown (Mysterio, Christian, Alberto Del Rio) Vs Team Raw ( Evan Bourne, Dolph Ziggler,Dibiasi)

GM Pick Match
Raw Pick- John Cena VS Smackdown Pick Undertaker

GM Pick Match 2
Raw Pick Randy Orton VS Smackdown Pick Cody Rhodes
I don't think they should scrap Survivor Series at all, I would much rather see them just merge the Bragging Rights concept with the Survivor Series concept, I would do a lot of things somewhat similar to how you have them plan, champion vs. champion matches for the WWE/WHC titles, & US/IC titles, put the Diva title on the line in a battle royal, featuring all the divas from both brands, and a triple threat for the tag titles with the champs defending their belts against on team from each brand, I would have a 5 on 5 elimination match with one team representing each show, and then maybe two singles matches, these could be the matches where the GM selects a person to represent their brand, I would also have the draft the next night on Raw, the show that wins the most matches at the PPV would get the first overall pick in the draft, and would be able to select whomever they wanted from the other shows roster
I like some of your ideas. I like the 5 vs 5 elimination tag match they have though. That's my only problem with you're presenting. Instead of having the World Champs face off, I'd have them as the respective brand's captain. If you like the idea of having the World Champs face off, I'd have the midcard champion be the Captain of their respective brand's team. I like you GM picks matches as well. Great way to really get the GM's involved in their show's pride. These could be potential epic matches (like the Cena vs Taker match you gave an example of).
I agree that Survivor Series should go. It's lost it's meaning and the only reason it's still around is because of "tradition." The 5 on 5 matches don't mean as much anymore. Now it's
just two superstars in a feud picking 4 partners each. Hell, they're not even picked properly anymore, now we just get told that these are their partners. And if the two superstars are feuding then what's the point of having a 5 on 5 match? Does it end the feud? No. Does it mean anything? No. Does it give a sense of victory over the other person? A little bit. Does it drag the feud out for at least another month onto the next PPV? Hell yeah it does.
As for the prize for the winning brand, i had a thought.
Let's say that one year, Smackdown wins overall. The superstars who represented Smackdown in the tag match, get put into a match on the friday. The winner of that match is the number one contender for the next PPV. An alternate version of this could be that only the WINNING superstars from Smackdown get put into a number one contender match. I only use Smackdown as an example because they've won Bragging Rights two years in a row.
As for the champions, they can fight each other simply for....well, Bragging Rights.
I always thought that the winning team should be allowed to appear on the losing teams show. For example, SmackDown! has won 2 years running, so their stars should be able to appear on RAW whenever they want, but the RAW stars can't go to SmackDown! or something like that.
Well, what you're suggesting would mean that they'll have to completely forget about their ongoing feuds over the titles, all of them - WWE, World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, US, Divas, and I don't see this happening. Also I don't agree that they should scrap Survivor Series. In my opinion, they need to replace Bragging Rights with just a normal non-gimmick PPV which would build the feuds for the Survivor Series PPV.
I agree with alot of what I'm reading here. Essentially, people just want higher stakes then a trophy for Bragging Rights. Well, there's a plethora of possibilities.

-A spontaneous draft pick. Kind of like a Money in the Bank for the General Managers.
-A title shot for the team captain at the other shows top belt.
-Surviving members of a team guaranteed a title shot on their own show.
-The ability for stars to show up on the other show (credit silverwraith720)
-Immunity (like Test won at the end of the Invasion angle, but nothing was done with it)

And so on. All the event needs is higher stakes, because nobody gives an eff about the trophy.
i'd have the 2 teams fight for the right for their respective roster to appear on raw exclusively, as Raw is the WWEs number 1 show, the longest running tv show etc.

example, if team smackdown wins the smackdown roster switches to rawe and gets to be on the number 1 show, and the raw roster has to go to smackdown and appear on the number 2 show.

i'd have a 5 on 5 ladder match. 1 guy from each team starts the match , they have a red buzzer for raw hanging above the ring and a blue buzzer for smackdown. everytime a wrestler reachers their respective buzzer and presses it another guy from their team enters the match. A team wins once they have all 5 guys active in the match and then they have to climb the ladder and press their respective buzzer 1 more time.

the match could be epic and the winning them then takes their respective roster and gets to Raw for a whole year, while the losers are relegated to smackdown.
i'd have the 2 teams fight for the right for their respective roster to appear on raw exclusively, as Raw is the WWEs number 1 show, the longest running tv show etc.

example, if team smackdown wins the smackdown roster switches to rawe and gets to be on the number 1 show, and the raw roster has to go to smackdown and appear on the number 2 show.

i'd have a 5 on 5 ladder match. 1 guy from each team starts the match , they have a red buzzer for raw hanging above the ring and a blue buzzer for smackdown. everytime a wrestler reachers their respective buzzer and presses it another guy from their team enters the match. A team wins once they have all 5 guys active in the match and then they have to climb the ladder and press their respective buzzer 1 more time.

the match could be epic and the winning them then takes their respective roster and gets to Raw for a whole year, while the losers are relegated to smackdown.

No, no, and no.

For one thing, you've just told your audience that one team is on the loser show. Don't even bother watching it. Their losers! Damn losers.

Your ladder match sounds cool, but I don't think WWE needs anymore variations of the ladder match. If we have a PPV devoted to Money in the Bank, we don't need another one devoted to another variant.
i'd have the 2 teams fight for the right for their respective roster to appear on raw exclusively, as Raw is the WWEs number 1 show, the longest running tv show etc.

example, if team smackdown wins the smackdown roster switches to rawe and gets to be on the number 1 show, and the raw roster has to go to smackdown and appear on the number 2 show.

So let me get this straight, you want the SD! GM to select 5 of his best superstars to compete in a match where if they win then he loses them to SD!, but if the Raw team wins they get to say put? there is so fucking much wrong this idea, for one the GM have nothing to gain, so why wouldn't they select nothing but jobbers to fill out the teams I mean, secondly you just shat all over SD! and made the show look like it's a home for wrestling rejects

i'd have a 5 on 5 ladder match. 1 guy from each team starts the match , they have a red buzzer for raw hanging above the ring and a blue buzzer for smackdown. everytime a wrestler reachers their respective buzzer and presses it another guy from their team enters the match. A team wins once they have all 5 guys active in the match and then they have to climb the ladder and press their respective buzzer 1 more time.

the match could be epic and the winning them then takes their respective roster and gets to Raw for a whole year, while the losers are relegated to smackdown.

Yeah congrats on your graduation from the Russo School of Booking, now perhaps you forgot this isn't TNA we're talking about a WWE PPV here, not the company known for bad booking and ridiculous gimmick matches, maybe we should electrify the ladders too? :rolleyes:
Here's What Id Do

1. Keep the 5 on 5 elimination match that they do now

2. Have The #1 contender on Raw face the WHC from SD and the #1 contender from SD face the WWE champ from Raw... and do the same for the rest of the titles.

So for example, going based on the WM27 card... it would be as follows

1. Edge would face Cena for the WHC
2. Miz would face Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Title
3. Daniel Bryan would face Kofi Kingston for the IC title
4. Sheamus would face (SD #1 contender for IC title) for the US Champ.
5. Eve would face (Someone from SD) for the Divas Championship
6. Slater & Gabriel would face (Raw #1 tag team contender) for the Tag Titles
7. The 5 on 5 Elimination Match

Doing it like that you can see who the better show is because either show could end up walking away with every title in one night.

So you could have
Cena- WHC
Miz- WWE Champ
Daniel Bryan- IC Champ
Shaemus- US Champ
Eve- Divas Champ
Santino & Kozlov- Tag Champs
Raw wins the 5 on 5 elimination match

And then the SD or Raw people who lost their titles could use their rematch clause on the next show. I mean we've had it before where the WWE and WHC are on the same show, so why not do it like that because then one show can try and prove its better then the other by sweeping every event
I agree with thrown. I think a random draft pick would be awesome or the chance for the winning captain to recieve a shot at the opposing shows championship. Or maybe with the remaining member to be in a championship scramble match. I just feel that a goofy cup kinda leaves the seeming kinda like a waste. Its kinda like a second rate survivor series. There needs to be something to sweeten the pot for the fans. It should make people want to watch it. I think keeping The Rock around til summerslam for the big match with Cena is key to making WWE ppvs a success. He is doing it now and WWE needs that.
The winner of the PPV should get the ultimate prize, a stake that is actually meaningful... The Live Monday Time Timeslot.

If Smackdown wins, they get to be on Mondays live and Raw wrestlers go to taped.

Quite honestly who gives a F about winning a trophy, or who is "the" best champion.

Obviously there would be issues with the USA network about changing over, but that is solved by keeping the name RAW, but then stamping Smackdown over it.
Bragging Rights needs good meaning. A lot of good meaning. The problem is, you don't really feel the hatred between the two brands. You don't feel the US vs. Them ordeal.

It needs to be Raw vs. Smack-down across the board. It has to be two shows feuding with one another.

First and foremost, you need a match and gimmick, that's consistent. Someone that hold's tradition. So, you have a 5 on 5 elimination match. And you call it, the McMahon Cup match. Not the Bragging Rights cup match. But the McMahon Cup Match. You add the stipulation of, the winning team of the brand receives a big money bonus, and are aloud to have a free draft from the other brand. For example Team Smackdown wins, so they can draft, Sheamus for their program. The McMahon cup match, needs to be the main event. It needs to be the big deal. Even if both programs have 2 main eventers and 3 mid-cards on both sides. It needs to be the top deal.

Second, Champion vs. Champion. It's like have a double main event.

Mid-card Battle royal.

At least 3 different cross promotional feuds. Like Danial Bryan taking of Kofi.

And last be not least... Saturday Night, on Free TV. Try to get it on NBC!

Instead of having a pay-per-view, have the event on free television. I miss those days having Saturday Night Main event. I miss those bad ass supershows on TV. Bragging Rights could be that show. It can showcase the talent you got, and bring in some new viewers.
The thing that makes a MLB All-Star Game better than every other sport's All-Star Game is that which ever league wins the game gets home field advantage for the World Series. This needs to be done for the Bragging Rights elimination match for anybody to give a rip about.

There are two ideas I came up with. One is that which ever brand gets the win in the tag match will serve as the final match of the evening on the the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania. We still won't know who will headline them since Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber will choose those guys eventually, but the brand will certainly be happy to know that their brand hosts the closing match at WM.

If we don't want to make Bragging Rights be worth that much. At least guarantee that at the Royal Rumble, whatever brand wins the BR elimination tag match will hold the coveted #30 spot (#40 is they decide to continue with it again). So if SmackDown wins, a SmackDown superstar will be guaranteed to take the #30 spot. If you wanna go one step further, let's say Raw lost, which means a Raw superstar will have to start at #1.
I don't think Survivor Series needs to be scrapped,but Bragging Rights could the last PPV of the year.Then Survivor Series can be used to wrap up any ongoing feuds.The night after Survivor Series,the GMs can call for a meeting with all the superstars of their shows to tell them to let bygones be bygones,and to concentrate on Bragging Rights.

Obviously you'd need bigger rewards than just a trophy.Give them number one contender spots and/or give them the number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble.I like the idea of champion vs. champion matches.I like the idea of big battle royals with 5-10 mid-carders from each show,or 5-on-5 elimination matches.The WWE definitely have enough wrestlers to do both a battle royal and a elimination match.

With the superstars they have now,they can easily pull off a card like:

Miz vs. Edge.Champion vs. Champion

Raw pick vs. Smackdown pick. Triple H vs. Kane.Undertaker vs. John Cena.One really big match.

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett. Champion vs. Champion.

Alberto Del Rio,Christian,Drew McIntyre,Rey Mysterio and Big Show vs. Randy Orton,CM Punk,John Morrison,Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan. Whoever wins the elimination match becomes number 1 contender to his show's world title.That way they can team up with whomever they're feuding with but it also runs the possibility of them screwing over their teammates.

Corre vs. Nexus vs. The Usos vs. Santino and Kozlov vs. a bunch of other teams in a gauntlet match for the tag team title.Have them reunite the Hart Dynasty or something.

Put a bunch of low and mid-carders in a battle royal.Whoever wins can be number 30 in the Royal Rumble match in a month's time.Or they switch stipulations with the 5-on-5 elimination match to be the number 1 contender.Hell,they can even make a match out of it.Battle royal winner vs. Elimination match winner later in the evening,whoever wins gets to choose his reward.

Divas battle royal match.The filler match.

A card like that is certainly possible and exciting enough for people to watch.I wouldn't say that the PPV needs to be fixed,but it can definitely be improved.
survivor series is 1 of the big 4 PPV so its hard to get rid off but TBH this PPV lost its touch and its idea should be scrapped up and given to bragging rights.

have the 5 on 5 and there team leaders should be the brands world champion

US vs IC champions

divas championship match(challege from other brand)

tag team championship match(competitor from oppisite brand)

bragging rights match sd vs raw

and other fueds matches

the PPV can be holded by points each time a brand superstar wins a match that brand gains a point at the end winning brand is undisputed.

yes they is like no gain in this becuase RAW will for ever be the flag show but they need to have a better prize than a trophy.
They should cross the ideas but keep the name Survivor Series, it has a long history to it. Have the main event be Raw vs Smackdown but the other matches just be a mix of good vs bad. Have the main event be 4 v 4 & the others be 5 v 5. This way the main event can be long & give those guys the most attention.

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