WWE Bragging Rights 2010 - Team Raw vs Team Smackdown

The 7th man was suppose to be Mark Henry but he is having family issues. I am fine with Jackson on the team but Santino is a joke for this match. I wouldn't mind seeing Justin Gabriel in instead of him. Raw has no one with the potential of taking out Show except Sheamus. If Sheamus gets eliminated and Show is still active Smackdown wins. I can see Edge screwing over his team but not tagging himself in when Swagger needs it.
To be fair to Santino, at least people know who the heck he is. Tyler Reks.. Wha..?

I'm going to have to argue against this bit. Santino is, and forever shall be a comedy character. Sure, Anthony Carelli the wrestler may get re-branded and given a new gimmick but the character of 'Santino Marella' will never be a serious in-ring competitor.

Tyler Reks on the other hand, has potential. They've lumped him with that age-old 'scary big man' gimmick (oh, hey Mike Knox) but at least we know he is going to be taken seriously. With so many big names on Team Raw like Miz, Sheamus and Punk, it is a brilliant opportunity for a young guy to hang with the top talent.

Do i think he will get the winning pin? Probably not, but this match opens up a number of doors for him. What if he destroys Rey or Kofi after losing the match due to frustration? Would this feud not help him develop and get over?
Well the teams are complete. Certainly doesn't look like any of the teams could possibly come off weak. Even though I do feel that Smackdowns team looks much superior because of the fact that there's 3 former world champions on the team against 2 former world champions on the other.

I'm guessing Smackdown will pull this one home once again. It would really be the only choice if you ask me. Considering there's like nothing on team RAW that could truly compete with some of the power of team Smackdown.

So I see Edge or Big Show being one of the final guys to win this one. It's a elimination tag team match is it not?
To be fair to Santino, at least people know who the heck he is. Tyler Reks.. Wha..?

Are you kidding? Why does it matter who knows Santino if in the 3 years he's been in the WWE he hasn't had 1 match to par Tyler Reks' 2 minute bout with Kaval. He's an excellent wrestler and he will make a great heel.

Now for the post.
Smackdown's team will win this, they have the better team but a problem internally might be Swagger and Edge's ongoing feud or even Rey and Del Rio's.
I was Banking On Raw vs Smackdown Vs Nexus expecially with Harris and McGuillicuty in the mix. When are we going to see what Otunga can do, but Im happy with Big Zeke Being included in the mix, hopefully Kozlov takes Santinos spot.
Well the teams are complete. Certainly doesn't look like any of the teams could possibly come off weak. Even though I do feel that Smackdowns team looks much superior because of the fact that there's 3 former world champions on the team against 2 former world champions on the other.

Uhh... Ferb, Smackdown have four former world champions.

Anyway, this match actually looks quite good and I love the elimination aspect of it, although I feel it should have been saved for Survivor Series, but I digress.

It looks like I may be one of the only ones to actually be excited for this match, that may be because I am a mark for Raw vs. Smackdown feuds. Both teams look strong, with Smackdown having the stronger of the two. I don't really like Santino and Tyler Reks but I don't think they'll be in the match long. I'm actually glad Big Zeke is in, as I'm a huge mark for the guy and he looks to be in phenomenal shape. I am also glad The Miz is captain, as it shows how far he has come in just a year and it adds another feather to cap.

For who I think it going to win, I believe Raw with gain the cup this year. I'm basing this on last year; Smackdown had the weaker side yet somehow thanks for Big Show turning and I think the same thing will happen on Smackdown, only with Swagger or Del Rio costing the side.

Either way, I think it'll be a good match and I can't wait to see it.
This is just a thought, but what if Edge and General Manager of Raw are setting up something. A ploy to send Edge to Smackdown and cost them Bragging Rights. I know its a little out there but it would make sense as to why Edge and GM were 'at eachothers throats'. With that said IF Edge does cost his side, this would make Teddy Long make Edges life a living hell, putting him in matches with Big Show or Handi Cap matches with Del Rio and Swagger...etc. Its just a thought.
This is just a thought, but what if Edge and General Manager of Raw are setting up something. A ploy to send Edge to Smackdown and cost them Bragging Rights.

That's a clever idea. Something like that will happen for sure, as they will never have either RAW or SMACKDOWN get a clean win over the other. They don't want one roster looking weaker than the other, which is why this whole ppv is so meaningless. So something screwy will definitely happen.

Personally, I see Miz costing his own team the match. Why would he want to help Morrison, R-Truth and all those guys that didn't want him on Team WWE in the first place back at Summerslam? I think he'll sabotage his own team and not even participate in the match, because I think there's a very good chance he'll cash in his money in the bank if Barrett loses. It is "Bragging" rights after all. And who brags more than Miz?
If it was truly about Bragging Rights and which brand was better, then shouldn't it be the best of the best from each show in this match? Oh wait, the Raw team would DESTROY the Smackdown team if that happened. Oh well, guess that explains why we have the teams we do have. So.... on Smackdown's team we've got: Big Show, Mysterio, Swagger, Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks, and Kofi. Big Show is only captain to help promote his movie. Others like Swagger are only there because they didn't have anything else for them to do. The only person on the team who's really worth anything is Edge. Raw's team, who do we have? The Miz, Sheamus, R-Truth, Morrison, Santino, CM Punk, and Zeke. Really, WWE!? The Raw team sucks other than Sheamus. If team Smackdown takes him out, then that's it. Then again, team Smackdown falls apart without Edge, so it's almost even.

I'm going with team Raw as the winners in this match because then Miz will earn (Warning: Bad Joke) more bragging rights, and if he also cashes in his briefcase after having led his team to victory, then the PPV would certainly live up to its name, as far as his character is concerned. Well, he might not cash-in, but I have a feeling that the Raw team will win to elevate Miz a bit more. Cole will keep on hyping Miz every week about how he helped Raw win the match. It will be very annoying, but I am betting that's what we will be stuck with.

Team Raw will defeat Team Smackdown.
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Somebody is gonna screw over their brand, and I think it SHOULD be Morrison, because last year, he even said that SD is better, so why would WWE put him on RAW? Maybe to screw it over at BR.

However other than him, I can't think of a reason for 1 of the other superstars to betray their brand. Miz loves Raw, Big Show did it last year, Edge hates Raw, Sheamus seems to like Raw, Tyler Reks is too new to do anything that big, Jackson will go far into the match, cuz he's taking Henry's spot, but I don't see a betrayal, Kofi seems like too much of a good guy, R-Truth is still too far in his jobber stage, Mysterio is too much of an underdog/good guy, Santino will be the 1st eliminated, Del Rio actually might attack Mysterio, but thats it, CM Punk called Big Show a turkey so I don't think he likes Show very much.... and Swagger seems to serve no purpose other than a very tough guy to eliminate.

But I will tell you, keep your eyes on ALL of the heels, and pay close attention to recent feuds, because there is alot of tension between almost every superstar. Oh, and Edge eliminating Swagger this week wasn't the best thing Edge could've done for SD!

1 last thing, if I were to put my money on which brand will be betrayed, it's Smackdown. Look at Team SD compared to Team Raw, there isn't one slouch on SD, but on Raw, their team has just a couple of threats, I am a big JoMo fan but there isn't anyone that I see Morrison can pin other than Mysterio, Edge, MAYBE Rek. Santino won't pin anyone, CM Punk might be able to pin Reks, Miz only has the potential to pin Mysterio, Smackdown has to have the betrayal, or at least they need to make repeating massive mistakes. But unless that happens, Raw has no chance.

My winner- Team Smackdown
want raw to win but smackdown! will be the victor...excited to see Zeke i never saw him wrestle i didn't watch much of ecw hopefully hes a good wrestler...i hope they reveal the raw gm tonight and he rapes teddy longs butt-hole
No one knows much about Tyler Reks..what if he is actually a mole? He came in made an impact with Kaval...we don't know how good he is actually in the ring because we haven't seen much..and if he turned on the blue team it would not only put a lot of heat on him but also put him in a heck of a lot of feuds to keep him busy
SMACKDOWN! needs to get the win in this match. RAW is already the flagship show, them getting the win will prove nothing, it will hurt SMACKDOWN! by making them look week and people will think they really are the B show. With SMACKDOWN! making the move to SyFy more people are able to view it, it's time to push the entire roster and get the show on to the same level as RAW, a win here could be a point in that direction.

In the end the match really means nothing. The winner will brag for a week or two then there will be no mention of the match or the trophy until next year, if they still have the PPV. The WWE needs to add something to this match, like the winning brand getting the number 30 spot in The Royal Rumble or maybe that brand gets the last match at Mania.
They could even make the person who gets pinned have to join the other roster. Anything besides a trophy would add a little something extra special to this match and make it mean something.

My pick is Team SMACKDOWN!
I've been watching RAW/Smackdown the past few weeks, and the way Morrison has been mocking the Miz when he was introduced, and forcing him to fight Big Show by saying "he'll do it, he'll do it", I see Morrison turning on Raw here and going heel. Or an accidental chuck kick to Miz when it comes down to Edge, Big Show vs Miz and Morrison, causing them to fight and be ultimately eliminated together.
This match is probably the most un-related and not important match on the card. Who cares? The winning team gets 'bragging rights', by two weeks it will be like it never happened which means there will have to be a major heel turn or something to make it important.

Smackdown has been a huge push lately in the Raw vs SD feud (just look at last Friday's SD show, Smackdown won all of the team SD vs team Raw matches) but I think how the team wins will be more important. The Morrison heel suggestion does make a lot of sense, it will definitely involve the Miz in one way or another to put more heat on him.
Call it innocence but I absolutely adore this match. I loved it last year and I am willing to wager that I will love it again this year. I don't know what it is but I think it has something to do with the old style of Survivor Series. Survivor Series elimination matches always held some appeal for me and I think that the emotion of the match is always pretty easy to detect and the match itself can tell a story. I used to love watching these matches for that reason and I think it makes this match all the more special for me.

Add that tot he fact that you have some really great teams in this match and you have a recipe for a great match in my estimation. Sure, I may have picked the teams a little differently but you do get the feeling that this match actually means something to both of the brands, which it clearly doesn't. However, one could be excused for thinking that both the shows would like to win this match.

In actual fact though. I fully expect to see Raw coming out on top in this match come Bragging Rights. To me, there is just to many different angles going on in the Smackdown camp for them to be a cohesive unit and although the same problems exist on the Raw team, it exists to a lesser extent and that might be the ultimate undoing for the Smackdown team. Either way, I am really looking forward to seeing this match. If it unfolds that there is an alignment turn or some unknown factor plays into this match, then so be it. It will just add to the spectacle, for me anyway.
I have no doubt Raw will win...just because

1. Miz is team captain....It will further his push to ME status and give him something to gloat on the mic for a few weeks. Miz has lost at Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell in consecutive PPV's and needs a win whether he be last man standing or not.
When I first saw Team SmackDown my first thought was that Team SmackDown was solid!
Team SmacKDown consist of four former World Champions in; Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Edge, and The Big Show. It also consist of two stars who is sure to be elevated to the Main Event sooner or later in Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston. The odd man out in this match though is Tyler Reks. I never really understood why they didn't add Kaval into this match I personally thought he would've made SmacKDown not only look stronger, but would've been perfect for the team. I am still not sure what to think about Tyler Reks so I am looking forward to what he can do tonight at Bragging Rights.

Team Raw on the other hand whether people like to admit it or not is pretty strong as well. You have two former World Champions in Sheamus and CM Punk (four if you count John Morrison's and Ezekiel Jackson's ECW Championship) You have The Miz and John Morrison who like Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston will be elevated to the Main Event soon. And let's not forget that Ezekiel Jackson was in line for a push at one point. And R-Truth even though I hate to say it is talented, but is pretty much only there to even out the numbers like always. The person who I do not get is in this match is Santino Marella. He is a comedy jobber and hopefully he doesn't go over any of the SmacKDown guys who can benefit from a match like this.

I believe that like last year somebody will be turning tonight on their brand. And with the recent reports that Vince McMahon wants SmackDown to be the #1 Brand I wouldn't be surprised to see somebody turn on RAW (Ezekiel Jackson, Sheamus, or John Morrison) I see this match going to SmackDown tonight. They have looked strong throughout this whole ordeal and I think they need a lot of momentum especially with their move to the Syfy Network.
I see Smackdown winning this match only because Vince has said recently that he wants Smackdown to be the #1 show/brand. If it weren't for those comments I would have given the slight edge to Raw.

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