Finally The Grishites Get What They Long For!!


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Todd Grisham For YOUR New ECW Announcer​


So i just read an article on WZ which brought a mighty fine big smile to my face, which is saying something considering im sat in Bridgend, the hell hole of the Earth...

Todd Grisham might be the new Head Announcer for ECW!! Now im a big fan of the Grish, u might even say im a "Grishite", and i dont think im the only one!! This guy has everything, looks, charisma, a legion of fans and most importantly, experience as the (subsitute) head announcer of Raw!!

Now considering how the untalented Mike Adamle (boooo) got his start interviewing, then moved to ECW and then Raw GM, i dont think its too much to think that given The Grish's obvious skills that he will be Head PBP Announcer for Raw by Survivor Series, a role he deeply deserves for his continued dedication to the company which has made him a fool for so long!! Its only a matter of time before The Grish is Master Of The WWE Universe!!

So in conclusion, the millions....AND MILLIONS...of Grishites around the World are about to get what they want, some decent quality exposure for Todd "The Grish" Grisham!! Awesome!! :D


how can a man this good looking possibly fail???
There is a reason he's stuck in backstage segments, and on the 30 minute show that only guys like me watch outta bordom while waiting for the Pay Per View to start. He's not a good color annalist. I don't think Tazz would work well with a guy like this.

I doubt anyone could drop any lower than Mike Adamle, so it'd be a step up, unless Adamle shocks everyone and remains the announcer on E.C.W. as well, which I highly (and hopefully) doubt happens. However what should happen, is the one thing that never should've happened in the first place. Joey Styles being brought back.

Sadly, they moved him for a reason. And chances are they aren't likely to backtrack, just because they're trying something new with Adamle. (And risking their Flagship show because of it) I think you're onto something with Grisham, and to be honest.. who knows, maybe he could work out.

I just like hearing Joey Styles call matches in general though. There is also the off-shoot chance that any number of random other individuals could be brought in. I doubt we'll get any old W.C.W. guys, but I can hope. :lmao:
He definately should not be a colour analyst because as much me and all the Grishites love the Grish, he is no JBL or Jerry "The King" Lawler, however i think he at least has the capability to be at least a Michael Cole!!! His work as the presenter of the Taboo Tuesday PPV's where he got to actually act serious was spot on and he came across very well!! especially in the eyes of the millions of Grishites!!

As for bringing back Joey, i think he is settled in his new role and it wudnt do anyone any good to have him back in the long run. Giving Todd his much deserved chance would give him a shot at becoming a long term solution to the problem they have when replacing JR, and at the moment he seems like a good option when the others are Adamle and Cole (who i dont rate)

So i for one, am very excited to be getting the chance to see one of my favourites get a shot at the big time!!

i must confess to have never really followed WCW, i wasnt really aware of it that much other than the shitty highlights program that was on Channel 5 which was the equivelant of watching Velocity, except they didnt have The Grish to turn it into a quality hour of television!!

I'm sure he'll do better than adamle but todd's voice has always been the same to me, stale.I just hope that he will take a new aproach if he become's the new ecw commentator
I haven't heard much of Grisham's colour commentary but I have got the Ladder Match DVD which he presents. The whole humour thing he tried to do on the DVD was IMO crap. I appreciate that there is a niche for that kind of humour but man did that annoy me. He better not be as much of a clown on commentary.

I hope he's good on commentary, because Tazz is no Gordon Solie. But at least you can say that he is a step up from Adamle, although anyone would be. I think he's basically a dead cert for the ECW job, as I don't see Styles returning to TV anytime soon if ever.
Well first of all, I don't think Todd Grisham would do a good job. His voice is terribly annoying, and would definitely not work well with Tazz. Grisham should be left in the backstage segments and on internet shows on I would much rather have Joey Styles take Mike Adamle's former job. As he is a much more interesting colour commentator than both Grisham, and Adamle. I always remembered hating Grisham when he would pop up on a commercial during RAW or Smackdown a few years ago, and update the Canadian fans of what is happening with the WWE in Canada. He was, and is very annoying. In my opinion, he should not fill the position.
I hadn't really heard Grisham do commentary before, so I couldn't judge him ahead of time. But since ECW tonight was so goddamn awful (Delaney against Hardy? Hardy on the mic? Atlas on the mic? Another Hornswoggle/Finlay/Miz/Morrison match? Ortiz? Bad cameo by Chris Harris?) well it left me no choice but to listen to Grisham more intently than to watch the garbage on the screen.

First impression verdict is in: Nay.

Grisham may know more about the actual wrestling holds and the history of the WWE than Adamle, but he wasn't funny, he wasn't witty, he wasn't energized (thankfully he wasn't also too energized in the shitty Don West method), and he flubbed a lot despite how he's apparently had experience in the past.

Now don't get me wrong...Adamle was not witty, energetic, or a cunning linguist at all. However, he has something that Grisham doesn't have: he's interesting in a terrible way. Adamle was so awful that it provided some entertainment in the way that you could at least look forward to listening to what new and exciting idiotic crap came out of his mouth. Adamle is the commentator equivalent of the film Weekend at Bernies 2. Its totally unnecessary, its oblivious to what it should be trying to strive for, and at the same time, its hilariously bad. So despite it being a horrible, horrible film, its funny to watch, cause its just pathetic. Adamle was pathetic in a funny way because he tried so hard and got when a baby tries to stand up but they're too top-heavy and they just slowly fall on their ass.

Grisham isn't skilled enough to hang with JR or even Cole, and he isn't funny or entertaining enough to squeak by on energy alone. Everyone starts off with a blank slate to me, but right now, Grisham took his first step backwards.
Todd as ECW announcer is bad, bad, BAD!!! It's like WWE is TRYING to make ECW fail. I hate to say this as I like to give most people an honest shake, but man, Grisham is just horrible. He's a terrible interviewer and really doean't have that same niche most of the other announcers seem to have. I would rather have Tony Schivonni (Butchered that spelling!) and Eric Bischoff do it man!
I don't like Todd Grisham, be it as an announcer for Heat or as an interviewer. He isn't a "character." He's too generic. I don't like Mike Adamle, but at least he was entertaining with his constant screw-ups. Nobody can ever replaced Joey Styles, but surely they could do a better job than this. How about Josh Mathews or someone?
I agree with the previous couple of posts. After watching ECW last night and listening to Todd Grisham, I couldn't help but think that he wasn't any better than adamle at announcing. Maybe he just needs time to settle in though.
Wow, just wow, you guys realize that you are bitching about who's announcing the C-show, who the fuck gives a shit, it's ECW it gets shit ratings as is, and I can promise you it has nothing to do with who's calling the action, get over it already, it's not like he's calling Raw or even SD!, IDK about the rest of you but when I'm watching a match I'm more focused on the match than what the commentators are saying, good fucking god just get over it already Joey Styles is not coming back and the ECW of old is dead and gone, WWE is not trying to "ruin" it they are trying to make the show there own, I am getting sick and tired of all these "old school hardcore" ECW fans bitching about the the ECW we see today, you don't like it the CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL!!!!!

And if I remember right, it wasn't that long ago that you people were complaining about Amadle, saying anyone would be better than him, you get a new announcer and you still bitch, it's just fucking stupid
Just a quick reply to justinsayne.

I am getting sick and tired of all these "old school hardcore" ECW fans bitching about the the ECW we see today.

it wasn't that long ago that you people were complaining about Amadle, saying anyone would be better than him

First of all, on a message board that attracts this many posters, you cannot assume that people who post messages stating one thing are automatically the same ones who post something else. You're just assuming that the people who aren't all that impressed with grisham last night were the same ones complaining about the new ECW and the people who complained about adamle. That's three different groups, and while there may be some overlap among individuals, you have to realize that they could very well be three different opinions.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I wasn't all that impressed with Grisham, and stated so. But I don't have any fond memories of the old ECW, and I said for a while that I thought adamle was funny and didn't have a problem with him. So please don't get all bent out of shape and think that we are all fickle and changing our minds.

Wow, just wow, you guys realize that you are bitching about who's announcing the C-show, who the fuck gives a shit

I think it's more along the lines of having a discussion and stating opinions. I don't think anyone is as upset about this as you are making us out to be.

I am getting sick and tired of all these "old school hardcore" ECW fans bitching about the the ECW we see today, you don't like it the CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL!!!!!

Dude, with all due respect, maybe you should take your own advice. If you get this angry over posts, feel it necessary to rant and curse at everyone, and don't like what you are reading, then maybe you should just stop reading that thread and move on to another one.
Wow, just wow, you guys realize that you are bitching about who's announcing the C-show, who the fuck gives a shit, it's ECW it gets shit ratings as is, and I can promise you it has nothing to do with who's calling the action, get over it already, it's not like he's calling Raw or even SD!, IDK about the rest of you but when I'm watching a match I'm more focused on the match than what the commentators are saying, good fucking god just get over it already Joey Styles is not coming back and the ECW of old is dead and gone, WWE is not trying to "ruin" it they are trying to make the show there own, I am getting sick and tired of all these "old school hardcore" ECW fans bitching about the the ECW we see today, you don't like it the CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL!!!!!

And if I remember right, it wasn't that long ago that you people were complaining about Amadle, saying anyone would be better than him, you get a new announcer and you still bitch, it's just fucking stupid

To be fair, speaking for myself, I've been saying for a while now that although Adamle is bad and they should replace him if they wanted us to actually take him seriously, I still find him entertaining in a god-awful way, like watching a train wreck. My whole gripe about Grisham is that he's no better than Adamle, but he isn't even funny to listen to. At least with Adamle, you could look forward to laughing at the nonsense that he comes up with, but Grisham isn't someone you can point your finger at and laugh. He's just a bore. I'd rather them find someone that's either good like JR, or hilariously bad like Adamle. I don't even care if Styles came back, just someone that works. When Tazz can't go 3 words without stuttering, you don't want to pair him up with a guy who thinks "shaman" is pronounced "salmon".

On the other note, I completely agree with you about those that continually complain about Styles and the old ECW. The "Vince is killing ECW" argument is getting so old, especially how with every single change, it suddenly becomes "the final nail in the coffin". Styles is taken away, its the final nail in the coffin. They're snubbed in the draft, its the final nail in the coffin. Henry becomes champ, its the final nail in the coffin. They change the belt, its the final nail in the coffin. How many final nails does this thing need? ECW is not and never will be the original. Vince isn't going to suddenly make it so every match is Extreme Rules. He isn't going to start pushing "ECW Originals" to the main event like Richards and Super Crazy. I'd much rather just have them change the name from ECW to something else. That way, people can stop bitching about it.
Todd Grisham is bad, but not as bad as Adamle or even Coach. Ive heard him commentate on Heat before and he isn't really that bad. I mean ECW is the C show so I think Todd was a good choice in all honesty. I agree with Justin is saying that people always bitch about any little thing. Grisham actually impressed me on ECW which is more than what I can say about Adamle when I first heard him. I mean sure some people including me found Mike Adamle entertaining to listen to because he made many mistakes and was a laughing stock, but after a while even I got sick of hearing the guy stuff up over and over again.

While Todd may not make many jokes, at least he knows all the wrestling moves and knows his WWE history. WWE basically got Mike Adamle off the street and just shoved him into the commentary position. The guy clearly knows nothing about wrestling. I can cope with Grisham on ECW and he gives the show a better feel than what Mike Adamle gave it. The WWE has at least put a decent replacement for the commentary position. They have really been shifting a lot of the commentators around lately. I wish they leave it as it is now so every brand has decent commentators at least.
Todd Grisham is bad, but not as bad as Adamle or even Coach. Ive heard him commentate on Heat before and he isn't really that bad. I mean ECW is the C show so I think Todd was a good choice in all honesty. I agree with Justin is saying that people always bitch about any little thing. Grisham actually impressed me on ECW which is more than what I can say about Adamle when I first heard him. I mean sure some people including me found Mike Adamle entertaining to listen to because he made many mistakes and was a laughing stock, but after a while even I got sick of hearing the guy stuff up over and over again.

While Todd may not make many jokes, at least he knows all the wrestling moves and knows his WWE history. WWE basically got Mike Adamle off the street and just shoved him into the commentary position. The guy clearly knows nothing about wrestling. I can cope with Grisham on ECW and he gives the show a better feel than what Mike Adamle gave it. The WWE has at least put a decent replacement for the commentary position. They have really been shifting a lot of the commentators around lately. I wish they leave it as it is now so every brand has decent commentators at least.

finally someone else who spotted that Todd was nowhere near as bad as Adamle, and THATS A GOOD THING!!! all people did while Adamle was in commentry was bitch, and now their bitching that his replacement isnt as bad!! how the hell does that make sense?

personally i thought considering IT WAS HIS FIRST NIGHT he made very few errors, managed to sound very professional, and most importantly, dropped the stupid geeky style he was using as the backstage announcer. Give The Grish a few weeks and he will certainly improve, as has been said by a select few, he knows alot more than Adamle and when him and Tazz form a partnership and get used to each other he will come good.
finally someone else who spotted that Todd was nowhere near as bad as Adamle, and THATS A GOOD THING!!! all people did while Adamle was in commentry was bitch, and now their bitching that his replacement isnt as bad!! how the hell does that make sense?

personally i thought considering IT WAS HIS FIRST NIGHT he made very few errors, managed to sound very professional, and most importantly, dropped the stupid geeky style he was using as the backstage announcer. Give The Grish a few weeks and he will certainly improve, as has been said by a select few, he knows alot more than Adamle and when him and Tazz form a partnership and get used to each other he will come good.

Well for the argument of "why are people complaining when they thought Adamle was bad", you have to think of it as more than just a black and white situation. Just because Adamle wasn't the next Jim Ross doesn't mean that anybody that replaces him is going to be wonderful.

Hypothetical situation: you're like me, you don't like ketchup or mustard. Someone gives you a hot dog with ketchup on it. You ask for a different one, as you don't like what's on it. They respond by giving you one with mustard. The thing you hated was replaced, but does that mean the thing you got as a replacement is automatically good? No. So why should you eat the mustard hot dog and be ecstatic about the situation?

Its a little silly to be comparing hot dogs to wrestling announcers, but hey, I haven't eaten anything today and I'm starving so its the first thing that came to my mind lol. But the point is still valid. I've said it a million times before in my life, and I'll say it until I die: "change for the sake of change is not necessarily a good thing. Change that involves an upgrade is, but not every change is a better alternative". Adamle and Grisham in my point of view are both bad announcers, but I at least had fun listening to what an idiot Adamle was, while Grisham is just deadpan. That commentary is the equivalent of Bobby Lashley's mic-work and Lena Yada's interviews lol.
i have to disagree, i thought Grisham at the very least showed potential, something Adamle never did. Grisham was professional, made very few mistakes and they could be put down to opening night nerves, seems like an actual fan and showed at least a basic knowledge of some WWE history. This too me is an upgrade from Adamle.
As for the Adamle is so bad hes average arguement, lets face it, this wouldve worn of very quickly for even the most hardened of Adamle supporters...theres only so much you can take of someone contunuously messing up and saying rediculous things.
So for me at least, I would take Grishams slight professionalism, potential and "averageness" over Adamles lack of professionalism, potential and talent
Grisham didn't do too bad of a job, actually - I just saw last week's WWECW. He's loads better than he was as a commentator for HeAT, because we all know nobody can even pretend to have enjoyed or have gotten excited by Heat in its last years. I've seen like one good match on there. Grisham is doing a pretty good job so far, and although he's not my number one choice, he at least exhibits even basic knowledge of WWE and its product.
I don't have a problem with Grish as long as he has a good partner. He's just starting this announcing and he's a bit green just like most of them were at some point. Give him some time and he'll be fine. Matt Striker is an absolutely stupendous announcer, so that will help. Now what I'd love to see is a Striker/Joey Styles team. ECW isn't really extreme anymore though except for Bourne and there's no old ECW guys left so Styles might not fit as well anymore anyway.
So consensus is, Grish was a good choice to finally get his break and I can only hope Striker realized how good he is at announcing and stays there because he could be the next big thing as far as announcing goes. And to Grish, congrats and I think he's not that bad..he just needs some time to get better.

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