Favourite Bret Hart matches

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I've got no business being in this threa huh?? why is that? cause i ont get all wet over bret hart and his matches.. His best match was with HBK at WM12. I'll gie credit where creit is due. for 60 minutes he was almost able to keep up with the best ever, I'll give em that..
so every time dxparza acts like an attention starved child I think I'll just bring up another great Bret Hart moment. hopefully he eventually gets drowned out. it's hard to say what his issues are, since I'm not too sure how he was brought up.

but i remember one of Bret's US title defenses against Booker T. they had a few good matches together in WCW, but this one really stands out. it was in January 99 sometime, and the end featued Hart clocking Book with the ring bell as Booker was strangling Bret with the camera cord on the apron. A short TV match sure but a hot ending nonetheless.

And the reason I don't say why you don't belong in this forum parza is because I already said it in my post, LongHessa said it perfect. Now go away before I beat the f**k outta you. I put you in the camel clutch, I break your back, I f**k your ass, and THEN I make you humble. Have a good day Mr. dxparza, worse than Brian Blair, worse than Hulk Hogan!
there was soo many i liked him and owen at wrestlemania x him and shawn always did great vs stone cold at survivor series and mania 13 i rlly cant decide my fav
worse than Hogan?? damn thats pretty bad. wow, I never thought ya'll woul get so butt hurt for me stating MY OPINION.. let me say that again.. MY FUCKIN OPINION..
Let's see, my favorites are:

Bret VS Jerry Lawler in the Kiss My Feet Match. (the ending is hilarious)
Iron Man Match (Shawn VS Bret) WrestleMania 12
Bret VS Stone Cold Wrestlemania 13
Any Match with Bret and Curt Henning
Any Match with Bret VS Owen Hart
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