Favorite Wrestler From Each Company


Pre-Show Stalwart
Fans of wrestling are very diverse of many different generations...to a wrestler they may site Ric Flair as the greatest from wcw based on his title reigns and career span. But there was still Sting and Goldberg who the ufc generation were into.

For WWE some may choose Hogan because he is the most famous of all time and took wrestling to pop culture in the eighties...some may go with Stone Cold Steve Austin because he is the most original and realistic at the time or Shawn Michaels because he is the best in ring performer. Some may say Bret Hart...

For TNA some may go with an original like AJ styles, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett even RVD or others...

Here's were you decide...

1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why.

My Picks...

1)WCW: Sting...Chris Jericho comes in a close second
2)WWE: Stone Cold Steve Austin
3)TNA: Aj Styles
4)ECW: Raven

Now I am aware wrestlers worked for more than 1 of the companies so you can answer with the same wrestler as many times as you choose but use your imagination while they worked for said company who did you consider your favorite/ who left the best body or work.
... Why is this not in the general wrestling forum?

Favorites is easy. When you ask who is the best, that gets a lot more difficult to justify.

1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why.

Goldberg. He was just plain f**king awesome. Every time he did anything in the ring, I felt the need to stand up and cheer him on. Best badass ever.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why.

Randy Savage. He's the best wrestler of the modern wrestling (PPV) era. Any category you want to look at Savage is in the top 5. He receives a LOT of love from the fans, and yet I STILL think he's under-appreciated.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why.

I still haven't watched much of TNA. I keep wanting too, but then I get bored and forget to tune in next week. So take my pick with a grain of salt, but Christopher Daniels always seemed cool to me.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why.

The Raven. To me, he IS ECW. Absolutely loved everything about his gimmick, his in-ring ability, and his talent on the mic as well.
CaptainCollegiate, if you aren't going to actually contribute your own thoughts to the question posted, please don't be a troll. Also, it's favorite, not best. Now, on to my answers:

1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why: Gotta go with the Icon, Sting. He had such a great clash with the nWo and was a key member of the Wolfpac.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why: Presently it's Daniel Bryan, but all time goes to the Game Triple H. That guy just bleeds WWE, and he busts his ass daily.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why: AJ Styles, hands down. He might not be the best on the stick, but he can do great things in the ring.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why: Tommy Dreamer, no doubt. He was the Heart and Soul of ECW and he busted his butt when the crowds weren't the biggest out there.
WCW - Chris Jericho. Even though he never got a top level push, he was superb on the mic and equally talented in the ring. By 1998, I was sick of the nWo, and Jericho was a nice breath of fresh air.

WWE - Stone Cold Steve Austin. The most entertaining superstar I've ever seen, no one has delivered more memorable moments in my mind than him.

TNA - Not a fan.

ECW - Rob Van Dam. I wasn't an avid ECW guy, but I saw enough to be dazzled by RVD's unparalleled athletic ability.
WCW- Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Yeah I know that he's isn't bringing in anything positive or good into wrestling these days but back in the 90's when he first turned heal he was awesome. One of my favorites from that period in wrestling.

WWE- Triple H. Triple H has always been one of my most favorite wrestlers since 98/99. He's got in ring skill, mic skills, a bad ass look, and is the king of kings.

TNA- Kurt Angle. The best wrestle in the world. He is the only Olympic gold medalist in professional wrestling, he can always out perform anyone and put on the best shows.

ECW- Rob Van Dam- "RVD 4:20 means I just smoked your ass!" Enough said.
1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why.QUOTE]

My favorite WCW wrestler would be either DDP or Sting. I enjoyed both matches and was never disappointed by their performance. Sting was better at telling a story, and DDP represented the common man.

For WWE it would have to by Shawn Michaels with Rowdy Roddy Piper a close second. Shawn is/was the best in-ring performer, and Piper was the greatest speaker in the WWF/E.

I haven't watched much of TNA; however, I've always been impressed with Samoa Joe. He just seems to be one of those ligitimate bad guy.

I would have to say the that Tommy Dreamer is my favorite ECW competitor. I just always got a sense of realism from watching his stuff.
1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why.


Why would you include WWECW in this? Seriously, it was WWE, if you include their version of ECW.. might as well say who's your favorite in Raw and Smackdown also..

WCW: Scott Hall - Every time he was on screen I marked out.. Scott Hall was the man, just too bad he let drugs and alcohol get the best of him.. a close second would have to be Diamond Dallas Page, I love the diamond cutter.. marked out every time he hit that move

WWE: This is a tough one, but I gotta go with Triple H - been a huge fan of his since he started DX with HBK back in the day.. but if we go with current, younger stars, it'd be CM Punk.. and no not because of his damn promo that everyone in the world marked out for.. i started becoming a huge fan of his probably around 2008, but definitely became a favorite when he started the Straight Edge Society..

TNA: James Storm - and no not because he finally won the title.. I've been a huge fan of his for a while now, since AMW to Beer Money to his singles run.. i love me some Tennessee Cowboy, of course I've always been a fan of the beer drinking gimmick :)

ECW: Sandman - Like i said up top, I've always been a fan of the beer drinking gimmick.. Sandman wasn't the greatest wrestler but he could swing a mean stick.. a close second would have to be Raven..

and yeah, i know i mentioned the beer drinking gimmick but didn't include Stone Cold in my list, he was great and all... but I always liked a few people more than him :)
WCW goldberg the man dominated the company for years he had everything a superstar needed great entrance and he held 4 fuckin belts at once nuff said

ECW rob van dam lol no one else is worth it

TNA aj styles the best athlete in the history of professional wrestling amazing moves attire entrance you name it

WWE john cena no one can match his passion and he is the best "SUPERSTAR" period and they are wwe superstars not wrestlers
WWE- The Rock (The Rock is my favorite wrestler of all time period so naturally he's the easy pick here. The greatest talker of all time in the history of the sport or entertainment or the universe itself, absolute 100% charisma and always entertaining as good guy or bad guy)

ECW- The Sandman (my favorite ECW wrestler of all time, he was cool, had a super long entrance with the beer and the smoking and the singapore cane which he wacked the hell out of people with and busted himself open before the match started. He was the coolest guy to me, and it's hard when you have guys like Tazz and Sabu there as well, but I gotta go with Sandman)

WCW- Sting (I cant pick just one nWo member, they appeal to me as a group and as much as I like Hogan, I prefer him in WWE under the red & yellow better so Sting is the next coolest thing. Goldberg was the man when I was young, he'd smash guys quickly, but Sting always appealed to me too as the mysterious stranger in the rafters. He didnt even have to do much, he was just the shit moreso than anyone else in WCW

TNA- Mickie James (she's the reason I started watching. I never liked TNA at all, but would check in on Kurt, or Sting but Mickie's release pissed me off and I needed to see her so I watched regularly because of her, and The Knockouts are the best thing over there, no guy comes close other than Angle to them and Mickie's the best they have.
ECW- Taz, He was the face of ECW when ECW was at it's best. He jumped ship to WWE literally right before they got their national cable TV deal, and neither one them where every they same.

TNA- Aj Styles, top three if not number one best in-ring worker going today.

WCW- Booker T. He was with WCW through their heydey till the end and when I refer to heydey I'm talking about the time between signing Hulk and shortly became the biggest wrestling organization in the world till they they finally lost the ratings war in 1998. Harlem Heat in my opinion one of the top five tag teams of all time. They had the most WCW tag title reigns then anyone in its history. Those are numbers that other great teams like The Hart Foundation and The Rockers or even DX (HBK&HHH) for that matter don't come close to. He then went on to basically be among one of two homegrown stars to be pushed to the top stop. Unfortunately it was a little too late for WCW, as for him he went to shine in WWE.

WWF- Randy Savage. To me if you take a look at it Randy Savage was the more superior talent then Hulk Hogan in the 80s and early 90s. I really believe that Savage was ahead of Hulk in both ring work and mike skills. Even his gimmick and personality was more developed and defined. However Hulks character was aimed at sending positive messages and moral direction towards the youth and that generation seemed to eat it up. Having had my childhood play out during the attitude/austin era i don't really understand why but they went ape shit for it.
WCW- Eddie Guerrero- was awesome in the cruiserweight division had amazing feuds with malenko and jericho

TNA- Dont really watch it much but in terms of what they have brought to tna then i gotta go with kurt angle arguably the best wrestler in the business

ECW- Mick Foley- No reason other than....its MICK FOLEY

WWE- Me personally jericho all round great....great mic skills...great in ring ability...great as heel and face and arguably greatest entrance into the wwf/e of all time. More importantly i cant remember the last time i saw a really bad jericho match he works well with everyone and doesnt mind putting young guys over.
WCW= Sting due to the fact he is the best known wreslter who did not sell out to macmahon and go to wwe and this i think has also contributed to his success and fame in TNA

WWE= its a tie between HBK (cause he was simply surrounded by controversy with the whole Michaels and Hart feud and also being known for being a core member in DX, the Kliq, and the NWO), Steve Austin (well he represented the man who can tell his boss to piss off and i admire people wo dont give into the man...plus he is un predictable) and lastly the Undertaker (he is the only person still in the WWF/E to have appeared on RAWs first episode, his persoana's have never been boring and his accomplishments in the ring)

TNA= Although i dont watch it much im gonna say Kurt Angle just cause he is well known and is continuing to make an impact (no pun intended) on wrestling

ECW= either RVD cause of his high flying type style or Sabu cause he dont care about his bodies well being
WWE - Triple H. No one comes in over the Cerebral Assassin for my all time pick unless we call it a draw and put a number of guys of a top pedestal.

WCW - DDP. Of all the WCW made talent nobody clicked with me more than DDP. From the days of "The Diamond Mine" all the way to the final days of WCW he was always a personality that resonated with me.

ECW - Taz. When he reinvented himself from the Tazmaniac to simply Taz, this guy became the baddest man in wrestling at that time as far as I am concerned. I would be willing to put this incarnation of Taz against any of the greats of the Attitude Era and watch most of them crumble.

TNA - Unfortunately I can't think of any TNA originals that I really like so I just have to go with someone on their current roster and that goes to Jeff Hardy, post heel turn. I always wanted to see him make a heel turn and bring out his dark side a bit and he did rather well. My favorite version of Jeff Hardy ever.
WCW - Goldberg I guess, never watched much WCW so don't have much knowledge of the subject.

WWE - HBK, never failed to entertain me and nearly always the best on the card when he wrestled. Don't really give a fuck about all the controversial shit that happened in his early career... He never did fuck all to me.

TNA - Christopher Daniels, despite his current ridiculous murderer gimmick this guy has pretty much the whole package. Always been a huge fan.

ECW - Raven, this guy is ECW to me. Great wrestler great character.
1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why:

I'll go for the Icon, Sting! The way he fought against the NWO was great to watch. He was really key in wolfpack too! Goldberg would be second because he was just so badass!

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why:

The Rock! 9 time world champion, the best on the mic, great in the ring, I always liked him more than Austin because The Rock was constantly entertaining in and out of the ring. The Rock's feuds with Triple H, Mankind, Hogan, were all unique and memorable. Brett Hart and Austin come joint second, Brett is way to underrated for what he was. In the ring he was amazing! He was more of a hero to me than Hogan, and still is. Austin was the really cool anti hero that was rebellious constantly in nature which I really enjoyed watching. But The Rock will always be number 1.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why:

I like Mr Anderson, WWE dropped the ball with him. I really think he could've become something great. Maybe not the next Austin as he likes to think though.But of all time I would say AJ Styles. He has always been loyal to TNA, the guy is great in the ring and has never got the credit he deserves.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why:

Tommy Dreamer. He was ECW all the way. He made everything seem so real, and put on memorable matches. He was always my fav. There is no wonder why he is called the heart and soul of ECW. He even said that he never wanted to be champion in his ECW career, just goes to show how much respect he had for ECW. I will never forget his rivalry with Raven.
Favorite wrestlers:
Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal- He got his wrestling license one year underage and was the most wanted wrestler by every company in 2005
he's got a good attitude and great skills and all that's missing is a bit
more charisma. 150 moves in his arsenal, 28 years young.

Alex Riley-I really can get behind him.
CM Punk-I didn't jump on the bandwagon, he's just perfect as a person and a professional wrestler.
Dolph Ziggler-great in the ring, improving on the mic.

Drew McIntyre- He is not boring if you are a wrestling fan.
Alberto Del Rio- annoying in the way he is booked and very under-rated inside the sqaured circle.

Shawn Michaels- uh duh.
Chris Jericho-best in the world at what he does.
Ricky Steamboat- The Dragon!
Macho Man Randy Savage-best entertainer and athlete.
Dean Malenko-best wrestler ever
Eddie Geurrero-best wrestler ever.
Chris Benoit- best wrestler ever.
Matt Hardy-nutcase but good wrestler when he pushes himself.

John Morrison-the magestic highflier- the brawling battler-the tenacity filled technician. The amazing acrobatic talent, the parkour prince!
A bit sloppy at times but hey he's got a good 8 years under his belt.

Kofi Kingston- 5 years in the biz. Sloppy, over-rated, overpushed + exciting, high energy, friendly, hard working.

Mason Ryan-Impressive.
Joe Hennig-get-him-a-push-NOW
The Miz-AWESOME on the mic, pretty good in the ring and definately improved. A HUGE inspiration to me.
Rey Mysterio Jr.- I may question how good of a person is but he's a legendary vet.
Santino- he's better than WWE has forced people to believe.
R Truth-Average wrestler, amazing character.
Zack Ryder-from Evan Bourne's punching bag to breakout star, give him a hand folks!
Eve Torres-better than the reputation she has.
Gail Kim-good.
Melina-good in the ring, flexible as hell.
Beth Phoenix-powerful
Natalya Hart-Bret Hart girl version.
Kharma-can't wait for her to return!
Christian- proved me wrong time and time again.
Edge- great.
Cody Rhodes-he's IC champion that's all you need to know.
Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson- nuff said.
Heath Slater-I swear he's the next Miz.
Randy Orton-always switching things up, telling a story and bringing it in the ring.
Sheamus-GREAT! He deserved that main event push for sure when he came to WWE.
Trent Barrete- underated-CLAP CLAP CLAP underated CLAP CLAP CLAP-underated . . . .
Tyson Kid-Think Bret Hart in his early 30s late 20s.
Yoshi Tatsu-underated as hell!
A.J.- good spirit, good skills.
Tamina-great in the ring.
Percy Watson-interesting/not bad.
Claudio Castagnoli/Antonio Cesaro- the best around # 2.
Mike Quackenbush-the best around
Chuck Taylor-awesome.
Eddie Edwards-great.
Colt Cabana-Hi, Colt Cabana how ya doing :D!
Davey Richards- If you don't know who he is you are very deprived.
Austin Aries-to compliment him in the ring would be an understatement
he is THAT damn good and great on the stick.

AJ Styles-phenomenal!
Alex Shelley-GREAT wrestler
Chris Sabin-amazing wrestler
Brian Kendrick-epic wrestler
CIMA-epic wrestler
Christopher Daniels-epic wrestler
Dave Finlay- great wrestler,
Dragon Kid- INVENTED the dragonrana
Jimmy Hart- very interesting.
Shima Xion- GREAT attitude great gimmick great skills.
Jack Evans-underatted technician and extremely talented cruiserweight
He has around 60 moves in his arsenal and has trained in Japan, mexico etc.
Jimmy Wang Yang-fantastic and smooth in the ring and air.
Jimmy Jacobs-good in the ring
Jushin Liger-INVENTED the Shooting star press
Aero star-spot monkey personafied.
Mistico/ Sin Cara- legendary/ way too cocky and unpolished in other styles.
Low Ki/senshi/Kaval-are you serious I have to explain this? He is a ring
warrior maybe he's not an entertainer but he can fight.
Naruki Doi-AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kota Ibushi- greatest light heavyweight in Japan.
Prince Devitt- look him up
Teddy Hart-cocky but good
Tiger Mask{ all of em}-epic
Gregory Helms- great in the ring
Rob Van Dam- He IS the show.
PAC-technically underated, highflying impressing, supreme athleticism.
Paul London- slick, sick and quick/ technically sound
Frankie Kazarian- good moves, good pyschology.
YAMATO- good moves, cool name.
Ted DiBiase Jr.-he's not boring at all if you are a wrestling fan.
Great in the ring, tenured in Japan.

KENTA-invented the GTS -- ENOUGH SAID :D
The Rock- his mic skills overate his in ring skills but Jericho confirmed in his book that the Rock is good in the ring and rock has put on epic wars in the ring. Great selling and athleticism.

Jeff Hardy{least favorite ever}-I'm 17, I officially became a smark in 2009 and grew to hate Jeff, not as much as a person but I've heard
that he's a nice guy but can be very cocky but I feel he is a horrible
in ring competitor and athlete but an amazing risk-taker and a veteran
who he is just very very lazy. In Japan where I exspect perfection in the ring he botched and got winded in less 5 minutes and the guy he was in the match with was wrestling the American style better than him. When you can't even lace up your boots to JUST wrestle or even
attempt to then I can't be a fan of you and Hardy fans/marks I'm not jealous get it through your heads that I am not jealous of a poor exscuse for a professional wrestler. I'm in highschool so I'm okay with
potheads despite being straightedge myself.

Commentary/play by play:
Josh Matthews
Jack Korpela
Booker T
Eden Stiles
CM Punk
Matt Striker
Scott Stanford
Jim Ross

Tokyo Dome
I was just a little child back then, and only watched random episodes of wrestling. That being said, the only wrestler I remembered was Sting, so I'll go with him.

Whatever I watched of it is not in my memory, and I don't consider WWECW worth even this mention.

Mrrrrrrrrrrrr... Anderson!! wait for it... Anderson!..
There are truly many exiting wrestlers in Impact, like AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy (heel), Beer Money... but for me, Anderson is the favorite. I can't point out what exactly makes it this way, but an Impact with Anderson on it is an Impact worth watching.

Chris Jericho
There are a few WWE wrestlers I actually like, mainly CM Punk from the current roaster. There used to be other greats, like The Rock, SCSA and HHH back in his prime. But for me, my all time favorite wrestler will always be Chris Jericho.
He isn't the best at any single aspect in wrestling, but on a scale of 1 to 10, he's 8 or 9 at everything. Apart from real life smarts, I suspect he's on the par with Edge there, aka 10/10.
The combination of all his attributes, in my oppinion, really made him The Best In The World At What He Did (pro wrestling) at the time.
WCW: Goldberg - even though he rarely had many promo's on the mic, his in ring charisma was enough to win over any fan

WWE: The Rock/Shawn Michaels - both of these superstars were elite on the mic and amazing in the ring

TNA: In ring entertainment (amazing red) best overall superstar AJ Styles

ECW: Sabu - loved watching every single one of his matches, a high flying hardcore freak! what more could you want?
WCW - Sting

WWE - The Rock; most unique and entertaining ever in my opinion. Kurt Angle a close second-how the crowd would chant you suck but then as soon as his matches would begin, the crowd would cheer their asses off for him because of his outstanding matches.

TNA - AJ styles, since the beginning, has put on some excellent matches(unfortunately pretty average on the mic)

ECW - SABU, straight business all the time, crazy f****r, everything ecw was about!
WCW -Cactus Jack

I love the Hardcore Legend that is Cactus Jack and I could have picked him as my choice for ECW, WCW and WWE but I'll put him here because his matches with Vader and Sting are now legendery. I love watching Cactus Jack from his time in WCW as much if not more than any other point in his career.

WWE - The Undertaker

Not only in WWE but my favourite wrestler of all time in any company. I adore everything about his deadman gimmick. As a huge fan of horror and things of that nature, I was always going to like The Undertaker character. First time I ever saw him was against Kamala at Summerslam 1992 and losing the WWF Championship against Hulk Hogan. I have stuck with him throughout his long amazing career at the top of pro wrestling. Even though I never cared for the biker gimmick I still wanted Undertaker to win. He has entertained me so much over the years both in and out of the ring. A true wrestling icon.

TNA - Beer Money

I would say Jeff Hardy but I want to go for somebody who did not make a name for themselves before coming to TNA. I have chosen a Tag Team because I view them as one guy when the work together. Beer Money bring out excitment in me that I have not had since I was younger watching Undertaker, Austin and Triple H wreck everything in site. I don't like their theme song at all if I think about listening to it outside the context of wrestling but as an entrance song it is one of my favourites and I feel the best in any company for a long time. Going back to the days of when you hear the first second of the song you know whats about to happen. They are great in the ring and are getting better and better on the mic.

ECW - Raven

I love the Raven character and the name. He entertains me everytime he gets in the ring. I love hardcore wrestling and he is one of the best. His feud with Tommy Dreamer was epic.
WCW- Chris Jericho
Jericho may have found more success later in WWF/WWE, but I loved watching Jericho evolve as a performer in WCW. It was the first major step in his career that led to him becoming a legend, he may not have done the things he wanted to in the company but he was the most entertaining guy on that show by being himself, goofing off in hilarious promos and putting on legendary matches with the likes of Guerrero and Milenko.

WWE- Randy Orton
I was a fan of this boy from the minute he walked into the WWE, back then he was young and green but full of potential and I saw it in him from the very beginning.I think that definitely contributed to my love for him as a wrestler, because I followed him from the start of his time in the company and stuck with him through the highs and the lows until he became what he is today. He went from being his father's son to a legendary superstar that dwarfed the success of both his father and grandfather, and now he and Cena are the two biggest names in the WWE. I have always been a Randy Orton fan and I always will be.

TNA- AJ Styles
The first time I saw AJ in a match I was instantly a fan, the guy was just the right size that he could hang with the big men and fly with the smaller guys, his moves were phenomenal and he carried himself like a man who knew he was good and didn't need to prove it. He is one of the most entertaining guys out there, I always wanted to see him in the WWE but now that Impact is really evolving I think he's got a good home there and I love that he's stayed and been dedicated to the company, and although he isn't the face of the company right now he's still a top dog and I can't wait to see him chasing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship again.

ECW- Rob Van Dam
The first man I think of when looking back on ECW and one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, RVD. I first became a fan of Rob for his exciting style but later I realized it wasn't just that but it was the way he carried himself and the fact that he would do whatever it took to hurt his opponent. His matches in general are my always awesome because his style is so ruthless and the fact that he still brings it today just like he used to is amazing, I loved him back then more than ever but I loved him just as much after leaving ECW.
WCW: Sorry for continuing the monotony but, easily Sting. From Flair & the Horsemen to Vader / Luger backed up by the Dangerous Alliance to the nWo - I never tired of rooting for the Icon. It was literally Niagara Falls when I watched him and Flair after the final Nitro.

WWF: Christian, damn his unremarkable physique because between his ability in the ring, his diversity for character (he can play the face role much more convincingly than his, one time, storyline brother) to his ability to captivate audiences without resorting to Third Wall tactics, he is easily my favorite.

TNA: James Storm, I've stated this before in another thread but I think he is the complete package. Very good in the ring and I love his mic work - I even enjoyed what he did with his terribly handled original singles run when he garnered some great comedy in his series with EY.

ECW: Mike Awesome, the only fathomable reason I can find for him not being huge in either WCW or the WWF is extreme backstage politics. For me, he had the last laugh though - stealing the show in the original One Night Stand. I miss ya, big lad.
1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why. Ric Flair, hands down. I realize he's from all over the place, but I got into Flair when he was in WCW. He was the reason i tuned in, not Hall and Nash, not Hollywood Hogan. Ric Flair! Wooooo!

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why. It's a really close tie between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. I think if we split it into WWE and WWF, I would be able to choose both of them! HBK has the longer, greater legacy but I've been a huge Jericho fan his entire career.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why. I know it's not a popular choice, but I'm going to go with Jeff Jarrett. He's the founder and the "King of the Mountain" not to mention a WCW legend. I know he gets a bad rap because of TNA creative and their stupid decisions, but I choose to think of JJ as one of the greats in the business.

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why. Don't really know... I wasn't into ECW back in the day, and I never really liked it when they brought it back.
WCW: Buff Bagwell. I was pretty young when it was around but for some reason I was a fan.

WWE: Jeff Hardy. I loved the long chase for the WWE title, the energy from his entrance, and all the risks he takes. Pretty amazing. Current fav would have to be CM Punk since WWECW.

TNA: Tough choice. I'd say Christian Cage while he was there. Currently it would have to be Mr. Anderson. Love this guy on the mic and in the ring.

ECW: Raven. I've always liked Raven in any company he was in. Great matches.
WCW: Ric Flair mostly because of his title reigns. Usually a uy who gets a ton of title matches and wins pisses me off (*cough, cough* CENA) but I liked how Flair got the title opps.

WWE: Anyone who knows me well would think I would say Justin Gabriel. Alas, he shares my fav spot with Edge seeing as they're tied for first. Justin because I've always loved him so that clears that up but Edge is the other one because he actually entirtained me when he was aroud (I got to see the end of his career). He returned to WWE at the same time I did (I used to be into with my bro then we faded away; I came back to it) and instantly made me laugh, smie and have fun watching matches. Even when he was heel I enjoyed his promos and matches! That means something for a beginning fan. Plus, he main evented the first WWE event I ever went to (which happened to be his last one in Pittsburgh).

TNA: Kazarian. The sig explains it. I'm a sucker for X-Divsion and high fliers (I know they're the same thing). Plus, I really like his character, which reminds me of my own fav (Justin Gabriel) because they're the big team players, both heel and face.

ECW: Tommy Dreamer. For both WCW and ECW I watched some of the old matches and I liked Ric Flair in WCW and Tommy in ECW. I like Dreamer because he was great on the mic and cut better than decent promos. Not to mention he waas pretty awesome in the ring.

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