Favorite Local Bands

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
What are your favorite bands that are local bands (haven't made it big yet) and why? A few bands that I like around the St. Louis area are Brook Royal and Hollow Point Heroes. I'm not sure if Brook Royal has been on any big tours to get exposed yet but I know HPH hasn't. Hollow Point Heroes are my old roomates cousin's band and I thought they where pretty good, and I really dig Brook Royal's sound.


Can I say my band? :p

One band I really like is a band called Farewell Alice, they formed at our school and have left by now, but there music is great. Their music is sort of a mix between punk rock and hard rock. They have 3 people in the band, a guitarist/vocalist, a bassist and a drummer, and their chemistry is amazing. They haven't been on any big tours, they're still as far as I know trying to find some gigs, but what i've seen from them has been amazing.
Can I say my band? :p

One band I really like is a band called Farewell Alice, they formed at our school and have left by now, but there music is great. Their music is sort of a mix between punk rock and hard rock. They have 3 people in the band, a guitarist/vocalist, a bassist and a drummer, and their chemistry is amazing. They haven't been on any big tours, they're still as far as I know trying to find some gigs, but what i've seen from them has been amazing.

I just listened to one of their songs, not exactly my cup of tea but they have a unique sound. But you just got their name out to one more person and that's really the point of this thread.

Another local band that I freakin' love is Ludo, again I'm not sure how well they have been exposed but they put on an awesome show.

One of my favourite local bands from up in my hometown was a high school band known as A Name Unheard (ANU). They used to have a song called New England that I really liked. I want them to go on to be something special, but I think they broke up, havent followed after moving out of town. They have a wide array of music, from punk to funk. Their site is http://anameunheard.com/, but the song is not on there. Milo the great is a great song, with a bit of a funk sound to it.

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