Favorite Family Guy Characters


That's all folks.
I figure I would post a little in the Movie and TV sections for Dave so here goes. Who are your favorite Family Guy Characters (with the exception of Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and Brian Griffin)?

Capt. Glenn Quagmire

Stewie will always be my favorite recurring character. But next in line is the airline pilot, retired navy captian, hypersexual, heartless sex hound, wacky, crazy, but also very entertaining, foot loving, heart crushing, stuck in the1950s, sexy motherfucker, Glenn Quagmire (voiced by Seth MacFarlane). Quagmire has often made me laugh the most next to Peter and Stewie, and he's not even the main character. When I was a little younger, I would always turn my tv down in my room so my parents couldn't hear it. Quagmire was the sole reason I wasn't allowed to watch Family Guy five or six years ago.

Quagmire, while funny, can also be quite serious. Like in the episode Jerome in the New Black where Quagmire completly rips Brian a new one for being a hypocritical jerk. He can also bring a tear to your eye. For example the episode Quagmire's Baby where he learns of his illigenamate daughter. He wants to get rid of her, but becomes emotionally attached. Overall, Quagmire is someone who I find very funny and very necessary during each episode. He's funny, and an overall great character to have to get a couple good cheap laughs. Quagmire, is by far, my favorite character (with-in the guidelines of this thread anyways).

Click HERE to post your favorite Family Guy Cut-Aways.

Click HERE to post your favorite Family Guy Fight Scenes.

Who are you favorite Family Guy characters? Remember, Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris Stewie and Brian are all off limits here. None of the main characters with the exception of Peter's friends and neighbors. So yeah, don't spam and shit...go.

Herbert The Pervert

My favorite support character in the series (next to the Greased-Up-Deaf-Guy) is Herbert.
I love nothing more than a sick joke, and when Quagmire isn't around, Herbert provides the best of the best. A World War II veteran, and neighborhood pedophile, Herbert is beloved by all, with his gay and pedo jokes, and lovable whistle voice. His sexual lust for Chris will always remain funny. He's made me laugh since I was young enough to be one of his targets.​
You fucking took mine Xemnas. I hate Family Guy, but it has its moments where it makes me chuckle. Adam West was a good addition to the show, and I always thought episodes featuring him were the best. I also liked the Goldman's for the sheer hilarity of the episode when Peter put a Hitler scarecrow out front to scare Mort away. That was the highlight of my Family Guy viewing. Other than that, I find the show bland and boring. I will say though, they have some good characters on there.
I thought Family Guy was okay for the first couple of seasons, but I turned on the show pretty quickly. The humor can be bland, and the constant cutaway gags drive me nuts. I might glance at an episode of Family Guy every now and then, but I don't follow the show on a regular basis.

As far as favorite characters go, I was always fond of Joe. He can be nuts, but his angry tirades can be hilarious. Seeing Joe challenge a huge mutant rat to a fight in the Y2K episode was so funny. I also enjoyed the few episodes with James Woods. He had this dark sense of humor, and I really did enjoy his character. He was the crazy best friend who was betrayed by Peter. The episode where he steals Peter's identity is awesome. I'm also a fan of James Woods, so this character was a real treat for me.
Damnit, Xenmas took the one I wanted to use. Family Guy has taken such a nose dive in my eyes that it's gotten to the point where I actually like American Dad a lot more now. I'll still watch an episode now and then but for the most part, I'm over it. Anywho, here's my pick:


This guy always makes me laugh. They use his voice on other things, like the Bumblebee and the Shark gags, but I always get a laugh out of him. "Ohh Nooo."

Other than that, there isn't a whole lot of recurring characters I give a shit about.
As a die-hard fan of the show, there are many characters that give me the giggles. If you are asking for one though, I guess I will have to go for Stewie.

The best thing about the characters, in my opinion, is when they just ask like the should act, you know? There is nothing funnier to me than when Stewie acts like a proper baby and Brian acts like a dog. I was watching an episode the other night and it there was a cut-away gag about Brian going for a ride in the car. Although I have seen it numerous times, it still cracks me up every single time I see it. The same goes for Stewie too. I was watching an episode entitled “Baby Not On Board” last night and the character of Stewie really stood out. When he needed to change his diaper and there was no one around to do it, I thought that was one of the funniest moments. Stewie is a baby at the end of the day and sometimes it is nice to see him actually act like it. I know it cracks me up.

However, Stewie will get a couple of mentions, so I should go ahead and list another favourite. Death is a character that I really enjoy. I have been watching this show from the very beginning and some of my favourite episodes have revolved around the character of Death. A particular favourite of mine is where Peter tries to get Amy, the pet store girl, to go out with Death. Last night I watched an episode where Peter went back to being 21 and thought it was surreal that he was friends with Death... Just one of the many quirks of the show that make me laugh.

There are so many characters that bring me great amusement, it would take me a long time to list them all but those are the main two that give me the most laughs. A primary character and a recurring character will do for now.
Mayor Adam West


I think Family Guy is a fairly funny show. I much prefer Simpsons, South Park and King of the Hill, but its randomness does make me laugh. I chose Adam West simply because he is hilarious and responsible for most of those laughs. I'm not sure if he's ever appeared in a scene and not made me laugh. Whether it's his battle with the noid, his cat launcher or his ability to think that he can resolve a town wide protest by jingling his keys, he is not just my favourite recurring character, but my favourite character in the whole show.
I like the entire cast of Family Guy other than the creepy old man. My favorite of all is the performance artist because he has such a funny voice and the parodies he voices over are always hilariously perfect fits. When I see bees, sharks, or the crooked block in Tetris I imagine them having the performance artist from Family Guy's voice saying random things just like in the show. Honorable mention also goes to the phony man who I enjoyed seeing come back for Something Something Dark Side. They need to use him more.
If the main characters are off limits then it will have to be adam west, how funny and stupid is this guy. Some of things he says just makes me laugh so much. "My names not adam we.. Or is it". Haha classic

Anybody that didn't laugh during the episode where James Woods stole Peter's identity is not human. Especially when he follows the trail of candy, and after each one, "Oh, piece of candy. Oh, piece of candy."
i have to say Ollie Williams the black reporter, he has those one liners that make you laugh so hard, "ITS RAINING SIDEWAYS." And on top of that he yells them out. funny ass shit
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I love that seagull that appears in several episodes laughing, including one in the cinema where he keeps ruining the Adam Sandler film, and another in series 10 when he is on Carter's boat.

Absolutely brilliant. My brother sometimes puts on that laugh, and it always cracks me up.


My favourite "main" characters are easily Stewie, Peter and Quagmire. Those 3 are consistently given the funniest lines in the show. If I had to pick one of them, it would probably be Stewie. Some of that baby's put-downs are perfection.

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