Favorite Author or Favorite Book

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Reaper of Miracles
What kind of book do you guys like to read? If you don't have a favorite book then how about a favorite author?
I'm assuming that this would go in the entertainment section because books are a form of entertainment.

My favorite Author is Steve Alten who has written such books as Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror, The Trench, and Primal Waters. He has written others such as Domain, its sequels Resurrection and Phobos, Loch, Goliath and Sorceress

some other books Ive enjoyed are, Raptor Red by paleontologist Robert T. Bakker which has an interesting back story to the book as well.

Another book is, In the Presence of Mine Enemies by historical fiction writer Harry Turtledove

And one of my all time favorites, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

I also enjoy other works by authors John Steinbeck, Michael Crichton, James Patterson, and Tom Clancy

So with this being said what are some of your guys favorites?
I;m a big Stephen King fan (although I don't really like horror all that much, it's kind of funny actually lol... I like his science fiction books better). My faves are Dreamcatcher and the Running Man, and I'm just about to start Cellular when I'm done with school this semester.

I also really like Joseph heller (of Catch 22 fame) and Dan Brown.
For laughs I like American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and Fear and Loathing by Hunter Thompson. For other novels there are a ton of different writers that I get down on depending on the style (I'm a big horror, sci-fi, action dweeb). I typically prefer comic books over novels, though. Superhero fantasy has been my medium of choice since the age of four.
One of my favourite books of all time is Rainbow Six, by Tom Clancy. People told me that it was a hard read, but i found it nice and Easy to read. Another book that I have found very good is Imperium by Robert Harris, Its about the late Roman republic as regards to Cicero, heavilly plot driven but worth reading even if you know the historical fact behind it. As for favourite Author I would add David Gemmel in there. I can't wait for the last book he ever wrote to come out this year.
As what Prax said I'm a huge Stephen King fan. My favorite book by him his Shawkshank Redemption. I also loved the movie. My othe Fav Authors: S.D. Perry(Resident Evil Writer), J.K. Rowling and Tom Clancy.
My job doesnt really require me to do anything so I read a lot. But I'll read absolutley anything. I go to The Works where they have book's for like £4. I brought The Hoff's book the other week. Not because I'm a fan but because it's cheap. It's a good read though.

Chuck Palahniuk is my favorite author. Personally I think Fight Club is his worst book. It made a great film but the book in my oppinion is average. I would reccomend Survivor to anybody who's never read one of his book's.
Probably Terry Pratchett's, Good Omens...

One of the few books I'd be willing to read again and again.
My job doesnt really require me to do anything so I read a lot. But I'll read absolutley anything. I go to The Works where they have book's for like £4. I brought The Hoff's book the other week. Not because I'm a fan but because it's cheap. It's a good read though.

Chuck Palahniuk is my favorite author. Personally I think Fight Club is his worst book. It made a great film but the book in my oppinion is average. I would reccomend Survivor to anybody who's never read one of his book's.

I find the book is exactly like the movie give or take a couple of chapters/scenes, lol.

Didn't he write the screenplay too?

Anyway, I liked the book but I felt like i woulda wasted less time just watching the movie, which i had already seen.
The book was very similar to the film. I just did'nt like the way it was written.

I have a nasty habbit or buying WWE book's as well. The only one's I've liked are the two Foley book's ans the Billy Graham one.

The Austin,Flair, Lawler, Hogan & Bischoff book's were a complete missed oppertunity. They could have been great, instead there incredibly average.

Edge & Chyna's are complete and utter shite.

If I could reccomend a wrestling book it would either be Pure Dynamite, the Tom Billington book. Or The Wrestling by Simon Garfield.
I liked the Austin and Hogan and Flair books because they gave me an insight into the wrestling world I didn't really have before (and I don't think anyone had, really... at least not us regular folk), so even if they were "missed opportunities", I found them very enjoyable. I guess the age of the Internet kinda ruined that for a lot of people?
I like Stephen Kings "The Shining" and "The Dark Tower Series". Right now im reading#4 Wizard and Glass.
Frank Herbert and the Dune Series. Damn the first book is just great. It was written in the middle of the Cold War, but it reflects so much of what today's society is. I read most of the big book series, Like Lord of the Rings, (Which I'll probably get crapped on, but a very average book, just with big words).

The Foley books have easily been the best wrestling books out there, but I'm looking forward to getting ahold of Controversy Creates Cash.

I've collect X-men since Uncanny X-men #160, so taht's roughly 300 comics in that line and all of the 2nd Series. I got hooked on that damn cartoon, and now collect mostly out of habit.
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