Fallout or The Elder Scrolls?

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
Both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series are created by Bethesda Softworks, but I'd like to know your verdict.

Personally, I played The Elder Scrolls' series from the 3rd installment which was Morrowind. I hadn't even heard of Fallout beforehand, but I'd heard of The Elder Scrolls from it's earlier installments such as Daggerfall and Arena.

I've played both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls and I was really dissapointed with Fallout. I had high hopes coming into playing Fallout because I was entirely impressed with how Bethesda Softworks presented the Elder Scrolls series. I've played The Elder Scrolls religiously since Morrowind on PC, through to Oblivion on PC and Xbox 360. Fallout just didn't do it for me. I have such a hard time playing that game, it angers me; I just can't play that game without feeling mortally wounded inside.

What do you prefer? Fallout or The Elder Scrolls?
Fallout has recently become a Bethesda Softworks production, it was originally an Interplay Entertainment production back in 1997.

The first Fallout was a top down, turn based RPG, it had a great feel to it and the story was fun as hell. Fallout 3 and the upcoming Fallout: New Vegas reflect Bethesda Softworks efforts and restyling of the series. They've also stated that while they wanted to stay true to the original as much as possible they wanted to make it their own, which they did in a great way.

It's really hard to pick between the two. If I were given the option of playing either the first Fallout or an Elder Scrolls game, I'd play Fallout. But if it's between Fallout 3 or Morrowind or Oblivion, I'd have to say that it just depends on my mood. They may be the same game for the most part, but they offer completely different worlds and attitudes.
Thats WAY too hard to pick. I played Elders Scrolls Obilivion first, so I 'd go for that one.

Can't wait for Fallout New Vegas though, but also hope they do make an Elder Scrolls 5. THAT would be epic!
I've only ever played one Fallout and game and one Elder Scrolls game. I bought Fallout 3 on a whim because my mate knew it's history and said it was an awesome game. I bought it and realised he was right... this game was awesome. After I played through it I checked out online videos of the previous Fallout games that were released for the PC and they look like great fun.

My brother bought Elder Scrolls IV roughly around the same time as I bought Fallout 3. He said the same to me, told me to lend it off him because the game was ''amazing''. I played it for a few hours and couldn't get into it. I thought the game was pretty terrible and couldn't believe it was made by the same people who made Fallout 3. So in my opinion Fallout pisses all over Elder Scrolls. Then again it does seem like because I got Fallout first I didn't give Elder Scrolls a fair chance.
I've only ever played one Fallout and game and one Elder Scrolls game. I bought Fallout 3 on a whim because my mate knew it's history and said it was an awesome game. I bought it and realised he was right... this game was awesome. After I played through it I checked out online videos of the previous Fallout games that were released for the PC and they look like great fun.

My brother bought Elder Scrolls IV roughly around the same time as I bought Fallout 3. He said the same to me, told me to lend it off him because the game was ''amazing''. I played it for a few hours and couldn't get into it. I thought the game was pretty terrible and couldn't believe it was made by the same people who made Fallout 3. So in my opinion Fallout pisses all over Elder Scrolls. Then again it does seem like because I got Fallout first I didn't give Elder Scrolls a fair chance.

That's completely the opposite to what I think. I know that I haven't give Fallout a fair chance, but when I play it I just can't stand the game. I'm always out of ammo, haven't got a clue where to get any health replinshments from and everytime I'm close to getting somewhere some big ass mutant comes and hits me with a nailboard. I know that if I gave Fallout a chance then I'd probably like it yeah, but I just literally can't play that game. I don't like it.
Oblivion really isn't that great of a game. For some reason Bethseda decided to dumb the game down. They added some things, but ultimately they made it easier than it used to be. Morrowind was a much better game in that it was actually difficult.

Playing Fallout 3 is akin to playing Morrowind. You really have to learn to play the game, you have to determine to make your character stronger in certain aspects early on and not try for a broad spectrum of abilities and powers all at once. I could play Morrowind for days on end but trying to play Oblivion for me is like having my teeth pulled. Fallout 3 v. Morrowind would be a difficult choice for me, but Fallout 3 v. Oblivion I’m normally going to choose Fallout 3 unless I’m in an Elder Scrolls mood.

Leeds Guy, the older Fallout games, Fallout and Fallout 2 are great fun. They are different than Fallout 3 by far, but they just have the attitude about them that makes them enjoyable games. Kinda like the Space Quest games starring Roger Wilco.
In my limited knowledge of both series past games, I definitely prefer Fallout 3 to Oblivion. I have only played these two, so forgive me. Before I got a 360, I played Oblivion around a friends house, and didn't really enjoy it. However, when I finally got the Xbox, I borrowed Fallout 3 from a friend and loved every minute of it, even going out to get the GotY edition when it was released. After this, I thought maybe I should give Oblivion another go, so I bought the GotY edition of that, and still could not get into it at all. It felt like it would be good, but I just didn't enjoy it in the same way I did Fallout.
I generally prefer Elder Scrolls. I've only had the joy of playing Fallout 3 though, and had the joy of playing Morrowind (including Bloodmoon) and Oblivion (Including Shivering Isles and Knight of the Nine). Overall I have had more joy in playing these games than Fallout 3.

Not because of the fact that I think badly about Fallout, but because I just generally found a more liking to Elder Scrolls because it's not as "shooter" like dominated, which is something you could get your hands on in so many other games, where as this is more medieval alike, which sells it more to me.

They both have a great amount of game-play available, as well as the size of the landscape (Something that can be hard to deal with at times as well, easy to get lost..)

So really it's a hard choice, because I love both series, however if I had to choose just one because of lack of money or something, I would purchase Elder Scrolls.
Jeez hard decision. I've only played Oblivion of the Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3 of the Fallout series. Both great games, with plenty to do. But i think i would have to go with Oblivion by the slimmest of margins.

When i first rented Oblivion i was bored of it after 15 minutes, and took it back to the rental store and got Mass effect instead (Great game as well). So i really played Fallout 3 first out of the two. I loved it i loved the setting i love the story i love the gameplay, the VATS. It was amazing. I beat it then i figured i never gave Oblivion a real chance, so i rented it again.

My God what a great decision to give it a chance. Setting is awesome, the story is great and so is the gameplay. There are so many missions i never truly beat the game, i beat the main story but never the entire game, there was just so much to do. Not so with Fallout 3, which i beat completely. My beef with Fallout is that while though i love the setting, i get bored just walking around in dirt by myself with nothing to do. The towns are so spaced out its ridiculous, not until you can fast travel does it make it bareable. I like to interact with NPC but there really arent that many in Fallout. Oblivion no matter where you are there's usually alot of people there, except when you go into caves which is like half the missions. The gameplay is much better

So overall i give a slight edge to Oblivion based on gameplay but both are great games.
As far as series go, it's easily Elder Scrolls. If we talk about the last installment of games, I give the edge to Oblivion very very slightly.

I'm not even going to get into the abominations that are the spin offs of the Fallout series, but I personally don't feel that Fallout 1 and 2 have aged well, playing both of them again last month. Fallout 3 was a great game, but there were key points from the Elder Scrolls series that made me not like it as much.

I haven't played the first two games in the Elder Scrolls series, but I do know that Morrowind and Oblivion are great, great games. Most people like Morrowind over Oblivion, but I do not, so I'll focus on Oblivion. Oblivion had so many more quests than Fallout 3, making the gameplay last longer. Fallout 3 does have the edge in having more DLC, but I think that Shivering Isles and the Knights of the Nine are better together than the combined DLC of Fallout 3.

This could and probably will be a completely different discussion after New Vegas comes out, because it seems the major problems I had from Fallout 3 are fixed.
I gotta go with Fallout on this one. I played Morrowind and Oblivion before in the past and they were good, but Fallout 3 was the game for me. I'm not really a big fan of knights, dragons, and that magic stuff. I'm more into realistic, relatable, and urban games. Fallout 3 was definitely the game that changed the way of how I look at games now and which ones to like.

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