Evan Bourne


First Australian WWE Champion
I apologise if this thread is shit or has already been posted.

Ok, well we saw Zack Ryder get taken over by Evan Bourne on RAW and if memory serves me correctly, which i doubt, he won last week as well. Also, we saw him leave the ring with gail kim hanging off his arm. Now i have two questions.

1. Are we seeing the start of an Evan Bourne push? not a major push, just something to get him above the jobber status.

2. Will him and gail kim become a thing now?

Now i believe i have to post my ideas, so im going to go with hopefully for both.
Mark Henry left the ring last week with Mark Henry, and this could either start a feud between Bourne and Ryder, or this could be one off. Bourne hasn't had any meaningful feuds yet on Raw, and he isnt doing much. But, it's Evan Bourne, he can only sell and do flippies. Not really that much of a wrestler
no evan bourne is not gettin a push he did the same thing as mark henry n beat zack fn ryder exactly. bourne wont get no push he to small he was signed to stroke vinces ego cuz no one turns him down
Evan Bourne is NOT too small. Point in fact, Rey Mysterio. He is small as well, yet he was world champion. I think if given the right opportunity, Bourne will not disappoint.
As much as I love Evan Bourne, he just won because they are doing the angle with Zack Ryder losing every week trying to win the divas heart's. I would love to see Bourne get pushed though, but with Vince's love for big men, it probably won't happen except if Bourne gets a huge fanbase and starts selling merch like Mysterio.
Well Rey Mysterio is getting older so they might be pushing him to be Rey's eventual replacement. I wouldn't mind a passing of the torch match between Rey and Evan.

Evan definitely has the ability to be the next Rey. They should give Yoshi a push too so we could have an eventual Evan/Yoshi feud.
I'd like to see him get a push, but I don't think it will happen yet. I think it was more of just another guy for Ryder to lose to. Rather than a start of a push for Bourne.
I would like him to get a push with Gail Kim as his valet, also see him trying to team up with Mark Henry and they try to win the unified tag team titles, or try and challenge the Miz for the U.S. title because the Miz will eventually win the tag titles with Jericho because the Hart Dynasty needs someone to feud with on raw. Except for that I really don't see Evan Borne getting much of a push than that , unless he turns heel and joins the SES, and feud with Rey Mysterio.
First of all, You can't compare Rey and Bourne because they small. Rey been doin this wrestling ish forever....my fault off topic. 2 Evan Bourne beat Zack Ryder!!!! Not Dolph Ziggler, or JoMo or any other top teir mid-card guy. ZACK F'N RYDER! Woo Woo Woo? I didn't kno it! lol Yes maybe one day Evan would get a Rey push...but think about it. Before Eddy died (r.i.p) Rey was mid carder. taggin with edge and pushing guys like JBL to ME status. Rey wasn't ME until AFTER Eddy died. Eddy was so over at the time and Vince so happen to have another Latino better that Chavo to push....Enter Rey. But we can't say Evan Bourne finna get pushed because he beat Zack Ryder. If anybody gets pushed it should be Mark Henry and getting beat up by Batista. But that ain't happening because Vince don't like black people. And he about to fired Teddy Long!! Just another brotha gone by the wayside.
Well Rey Mysterio is getting older so they might be pushing him to be Rey's eventual replacement. I wouldn't mind a passing of the torch match between Rey and Evan.

Evan definitely has the ability to be the next Rey. They should give Yoshi a push too so we could have an eventual Evan/Yoshi feud.

i believe dos coras jr. is the replacement of rey mysterio... as for evan bourne, i don't see him getting a push..what could he simply get a push for? us title? cruiserw...wait a minute this belt is retired...there would be no point..he would wsin for like 2 weeks then what? take on cena?
Evan Bourne get a push ? Your reading comics there. He's going to be a next to be released in the line with the likes of carlito. But I do believe he more than deserves a push. Great athletic ability, minimal body fat, and good wrestling technique he's can definitely be like mysterio and be a champion in his own right. The only problem I have with him is when he is pitted against the likes of Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry and undertaker. He's just too inferior for a push and will only be on the production line for the next set of WWE releases. Sad state of affairs.
Evan Bourne is NOT too small. Point in fact, Rey Mysterio. He is small as well, yet he was world champion. I think if given the right opportunity, Bourne will not disappoint.

Uh that title was meant for Eddie Guerrero but on topic... I think that Bourne will get a push sometime or another I don't mind the guy at all. Now whether this will be it is the question. It won't be anything big just a little push just a bit past jobber I reckon.
just winning a match is not a push, u people freak out about the most minor things, so wat he beat Zach Ryder, Ryder sucks, like really really bad. Evan is too small and u cant compare him to Rey, it would take the death of some talent to put him anywhere, jus like with Rey, Rey would stil be mid card had it not been for Eddie dying, Bourne is heading no where, and we have to suffer through his matches so all the little kids can ooo and ahh over the shoot star press, unless a real cruiser division is made he will go nowhere.
its not much of an acclompishment to beat a jobber but i hope it is the start of a push . i like quick athletic guys.
it could be the start of a us title push? or a fued with ryder we'll have to wait and see.
Honestly, I don't think this is going anywhere. They might have a few mixed tag matches, but I don't see that "feud" going anywhere. Honestly I hope they do something with him. Bourne would do great things out of the WWE, they need to use him to their advantage. But in due time. Hell, everybody thought Swagger was getting buried but look at him now; WHC. Just be patient and see how it plays out.
I don't think so. Last week Mark Henry left the ring with the girls. Also, Bourne has been winning matches almost every week. I think he's just stuck in a perpetual win a match every week but get no push dimension or something like that.
Personally i like ryder and bourne. i would love tosee a push for bourne so that he could get out of the ultimate jobber role that he is in. he is a major work horse in the company and can put on a good show. wouldnt mind seeing him feud with ryder or even someone like the miz or tyson kidd.
Evan Bourne get a push ? Your reading comics there. He's going to be a next to be released in the line with the likes of carlito. But I do believe he more than deserves a push. Great athletic ability, minimal body fat, and good wrestling technique he's can definitely be like mysterio and be a champion in his own right. The only problem I have with him is when he is pitted against the likes of Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry and undertaker. He's just too inferior for a push and will only be on the production line for the next set of WWE releases. Sad state of affairs.

What? Evan Bourne is probably one of the least likeliest to be released. He's the best seller/jobber in the WWE at the moment, and definitely one of the top high fliers.

Bourne won't be getting a push, but I'd like to see it. Dunno what they are trying to do with Zack Ryder though.
Evan is kind of in uncharted waters in terms of upward mobility with the WWE. He sells great and gets big pops. He has athleticism and charisma. On the con side he is small and unproven on the mic. Evan fits perfectly with the WWE's current PG push, but he did not have the same advantages that past cruiserweights who main evented had.

Mysterio had plenty of time to prove himself and get himself over against other cruiserweights for years (Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, etc.) before being able to compete on levels with main eventers, and even that took years. From what I recall it took him beating Scott Hall on a fast 3 count and winning a lottery to face the WHC that began to give him opportunities. Bourne has no one to legitimatize him. Outside of Jericho I can see no other main eventer that would put Bourne over.

I see Bourne always getting a quasi-push, but can't see him main eventing any time soon. And whomever said that Bourne will be released is foolish. I can't think of a single popular wrestler getting future endeavored for the lack of a push. The only popular wrestlers who got released all had heat with management (Mickie James, Matt Hardy) or had other legal/substance problems. It takes a while to build pops and you just don't throw that away.
just winning a match is not a push, u people freak out about the most minor things, so wat he beat Zach Ryder, Ryder sucks, like really really bad. Evan is too small and u cant compare him to Rey, it would take the death of some talent to put him anywhere, jus like with Rey, Rey would stil be mid card had it not been for Eddie dying, Bourne is heading no where, and we have to suffer through his matches so all the little kids can ooo and ahh over the shoot star press, unless a real cruiser division is made he will go nowhere.
I strongly believe Mysterio wouldn't still be midcard if Guerrero was still alive.. The guy was super over and would eventually fueded with Eddie for the Title and I would believe Rey would of get a reign as champion.. People talk about Mysterio being small but what you fail to realize is that Eddie, Benoit wasn't much bigger and they captured World Championships.. Despite not be jacked, I believe Bourne has the potential to become a underdog World's Champion cause he has a "it" factor to him, he just needs to improve on the mic..
Evan Bourne beats Zack Ryder and people in the IWC calls it the start of a push for Bourne. Wow. That's a mind blower right there.

When was the last time Zack Ryder won a match on television? It might be yesterday, it might be six months ago, but the truth is Zack Ryder hasn't done a single thing I care about since the Major Brothers came along. Since then, it's been sliding from one terrible gimmick to another. Evan Bourne getting TV time where he's not jobbing to someone isn't the start of a push, it's keeping him from being completely irrelevant by having him beat someone who already is completely irrelevant. Now Evan Bourne can continue jobbing to other wrestlers without looking like a total bitch.

Here's why Evan Bourne isn't going to get pushed. He's too small and too white. Rey Mysterio succeeded because he had already gotten over in an organization much less biased towards big men (although WCW never would have put the world belt on someone like Rey, David Arquette notwithstanding.) He continued to succeed because he is a HUGE draw for the Latino market. What does Evan Bourne offer uniquely? You can reach your hand into ROH, CZW, or any other minor league promotion, and when you pull it out it'll be covered in 5'10", 170 lb. guys who can do a SSP.

I personally like Evan Bourne. He's exciting to watch, but I don't kid myself that the days of watching exciting wrestling are over, and that this is the day of listening to exciting wrestling. The announcers control the momentum of the show these days; you don't have to know a wristlock from a wristwatch to succeed, all you have to be is muscular and good on the mic.

I'll give him this. He has potential to be the next "little guy" in WWE, and pro wrestling has always been able to make use of the "little guy". It's one of the best narratives in our human existence. The overmatched little guy uses his intelligence and craftiness to defeat the hulking giant. (See: David v. Goliath.) But Evan Bourne, as much as I like him, will never reach the heights that Rey Mysterio had in WWE.

As far as potential for fame goes, I think it's 50/50 as to whether Bourne would be better in TNA or not. He gets exposure in WWE, and people seem to react when he goes to the ring. (This, in and of itself, is not reason enough for a push.) He'd get better storylines in TNA, or at least be featured more prominently in whatever abortion TNA is pushing at the time. But he's almost certainly making more money in WWE, and for all those guys talking about the love of the business, the ones with any common sense in their brains are counting their cash for the day they can't (or aren't allowed) to do what they love anymore.
The funny thing to me is that Ryder is getting more T.V. time losing every week than Evan Bourne and people are asking if Bourne is getting the push? Haha. No Evan is not getting a push, and if he is I have to scratch my head. I don't get pushing a spot monkey, i mean seriously does he even know how to talk? ok maybe a bit overly sarcastic there, but what is there to gain from pushing Bourne? How much merch can he possibly sell? He's a guy that's there to make other guys look good, which he does well. I personally don't care for him, but the point is he will stay at the same spot and keep doing what he does best, get the hell beat out of him and some flips.

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