The WWE Future Files - Evan Bourne

I think it's going to be awesome, Evan Bourne paving the way followed by Bryan and Kaval, i honeslty can't wait, i guess a simple way of doing it would be have people like Cena lose to Bryan and Bourne because they're just too big and slow to catch the guys that way they could legitimize having smaller guys at the top. Plus the smaller guys have always had to take bigger bumps than the bigger guys, for a start they have to fall further and second they seem to fall more often so surely the amount of punishment they can take has to be a factor, it all just gets me a bit excited for the furture of WWE, small guys, big attitudes, bring it on!
This exites me and worries me at the same time.

I'm worried mainly because why did it take Cena to approach Vince to get this guy the proper recognition it deserves? The guy has talent, it was obvious, but Vince didn't see it/chose not to see it.

And further to that point, if it took Cena going to Vince, is Vince only doing this to keep Cena happy? How long will this last?

I'm exited because Bourne is getting a push (although main event is not the place to start this push). And secondly because Bourne along with DBD and Kaval are showing that smaller guys seem to be getting somewhere.

What annoys me about this push is that it's clearly come from nowhere. To have a guy being buried for a long time, to be slung into main event just isn't credible. Think the last time it happened was when "The Brian Kendrick" was slung into the scramble match. It doesn't work.

What I'd do (although the nXt faction may mean this storyline wouldn't work). Have Cena mentor Bourne. It'd be much more convincing. Have Cena pick him as a future star, and then maybe have Cena in Bourne's corner for a while (may be a nice distraction from him being constantly in the title picture). Build Bourne to United States level. A much more convincing and progressive build up.



Bring back the Cruiserweight Title. Again - the nXt faction doesn't help this - but once that settles - Kaval, Gabriel, Bourne - the perfect way to start the division off.
That's a heart-felt story and all, and I'm sure Sydal is thankful in real life for John's support, but Bourne is not a main event star by any means, because he lacks the single most crucial aspect that all main eventers carry – a personality.

Sydal is a card-carrying member of the DPC, and as a member it's unquestionable that he's inexplicably vanilla and boring. If other DPC card-carrying members like Morrison and Kingston couldn't get over, what in Sam Hill makes any of you think Bourne will?

Bourne may as well change his name to Shooting-star Press, because it's the only facet of his character anyone gives a fuck about.

I somewhat agree with you, but tell me, when have you ever really gotten to see what Evan can do on the mic? BTW, just a sidenote, but I absolutely DESPISE when people throw out a wrestler's real name. We get it, you're smart and can use Google. :offtopic:

Anyway, the only real thing I'd say against you is that The SSP isn't the only exciting move he has in him. He does a lot of high flying shit that gets the kiddies worked up. The kids, you know, the demographic that the company is catering to? Yeah, they eat his shit up, despite the lack of a personality.

Also, Morrison and Kofi are over. Not Main Event over, but the crowd isn't silent when they come out, they cheer accordingly, and they stay excited during the match.
I an see Bourne getting a big push, first teaming with Cena, and now management realising that the smaller guys have great potential too. His in this week over Jericho and then being one of the first in the ring to back up Cena, he's getting moe inclusion in the show, this will only help him and hopefully get a title run soon.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I have so much fun writing about the superstars that have been forgotten in the history of the WWE, that I thought I would go in the opposite direction see if we can get some more fantastic discussion going in the WWE section. In the Forgotten Files, I considered the WWE careers of some of the most un-noteworthy people to ever wrestle in the WWE. However, in this series of threads, I will hopefully get your thoughts on how the careers of some of the current WWE roster will pan out. In the first thread, we start with Evan Bourne.


Now, I am aware of what Evan Bourne can do inside a ring. However, I would be lying if I even pretended to know what I was talking about when it came to Ring Of Honour. I have been told by a reliable source that Evan Bourne could be so much more if he was allowed to use some of his moveset in the WWE that he did in ROH. Whether that is true or not, is completely irrelevant because E van Bourne needs to work under the constraints that have been imposed upon him by the WWE rule Book, which is very large to say the least.

However, since the first moment that I layed my eyes upon him, I have felt that he has the “it” factor that is needed to go all the way to the top. The way I see it is if Rey Mysterio can be a World Champion twice, then there is no reason that Evan Bourne can’t do it. This is further ratified by the fact that I would much rather watch Evan Bourne work a match than Rey Mysterio. However, not everyone feels the same as me and I respect that. Evan Bourne has done nothing since he came to the WWE and would be have been a good candidate for a Forgotten File if it was not for his recent push against the likes of Sheamus and Chris Jericho.

Now, there is no doubting the fact that Evan Bourne is a valuable asset to the WWE. Whether you would like to admit that or not, he is talented. Some of the moves he can perform in the ring are absolutely wonderful to view and get me out my seat continually. His finisher is probably one of the most spectacular and perfect finishers in all of the WWE. In much the same way that Randy Orton’s “RKO” seems to just fit him, the Shooting-Star Press works the same way for Evan Bourne and I couldn’t imagine him with another finisher. The WWE seem to make a big deal of his finisher and will show it in replays at least 400 million times per match.

Bourne is also one of the best at selling another competitors move set. Sometimes though, Bourne can be guilty of overdoing it and not leaving a lot to the imagination. Yeah, he we get it, you’ve been kicked in the gut! You don’t need to roll around on the floor as though you are shitting out your tonsils! However, he does a better job than some of the people in the WWE and shouldn’t be attacked too much for over-selling when he is still pretty green. He is not stiff like Kaval and he is not boring in the ring like Dolph Ziggler. Yes, he is perfectly average at most things.

However, for all his failing and successes in the WWE ring, he has had no real effect on the WWE masses. In fact, they pretty much have no opinion towards him. He is a high-flyer that can’t seem to get the crowd to cheer for him. Have you ever heard of such a fucking thing!? His finisher a lone should be enough to warrant him a place in the fan’s hearts but it’s never that simple is it? AT the end of the day, the fans just don’t want to see him yet. They don’t see the attraction of him and I must admit, that I have a hard time imagining where he will go in the future. However, this was all changed in the recent weeks…

With a clean pin on Sheamus on Raw and then a wonderful match against Chris Jericho last night at Fatal 4 Way, it looks as though the fortunes of young Evan is changing. With two clean victories over two of the best wrestlers and personalities on the WWE books, I would be very surprised if his immediate future does not go one of two ways:

Option 1

People are so impressed that he put on a great match against Chris Jericho that they start to believe that Evan Bourne has the credentials to start making some waves in the upper mid-card of the WWE. This could lead to him facing off against anyone from Sheamus to The Miz. I would imagine that if the fans buy into this recent push, he will be feuding with The Miz within a couple of months and will have won the Championship from him not long after.

Option 2

The fans go into a super IWC rage and start booing him because the WWE have begun to push him without him being a fan favourite, like they usually do. The IWC are a fickle bunch after all and this recent push could result in him being booed out of the building on a regular occasion for getting a Cena push, perhaps the dealiest of all pushes? If this is the case, we could see Evan Bourne being given his P45 within the next few months.

Two very realistic option have been set out but which is more realistic?

I have to, and want to, believe that Evan Bourne will eventually get over with the fans. He is a high-flyer with bags of talent and as long as he can get an angle and really immerse himself in it, I see no reason why he should be left out in the cold. My hope is that he can find that angle soon and can start to move up the WWE ranks.

But what do you think?

- Does Evan Bourne have what it takes to get over?

- What do you see in his immediate future and beyond?

- Is Evan Bourne going to be with the WWE in a year?
I'm a big fan of Evan Bourne and his work in the ring. To me, he isn't a one trick pony which some people have called him. He has a ton of potential to make it in WWE.

Does Evan Bourne have what it takes to get over?

What does it take to get over? In-ring ability. Yep, he has that by the bucketload. An affinity with the fans. Again, he has that, they are very much behind him. But one thing he lacks, and it's a big deal, is that charisma and mic skills. I'm sure he has them inside him, but we haven't seen it. He has to go further than being small and waving his arms about. To get over, you have to be good at talking. Look at John Morrison and Cody Rhodes. Can't talk and can't get over. Evan will have to overcome this.

What do you see in his immediate future and beyond?

He is supposed to be getting a big push. Pinning Sheamus and Jericho is all well and good but he needs a title to carry around. With The Miz as US Champion, that seems like the obvious route and it could produce a nice little feud. Or he could go that one step further and be World Champion. You're probably thinking "how can that happen, Raw is full of main event talent". Four words: Money In The Bank. It's a possibility that he could win it and cash in on SmackDown. He's a face, so that is an obstacle. Faces don't really cash in MITB. If he does get into the Main Event scene, he needs to sort out his selling. He can't kick, kick then get his head taken off by a clothesline. He has to appear smart like Rey Mysterio to make him believable.

Is Evan Bourne going to be with the WWE in a year?

Unless something crazy happens, i'd put money on it. This time next year, he will no longer be the glorified jobber that he has been accused of being. He will be an upper mid-carder, a legitimate contender and an heir to Rey Mysterio's high-flying throne. As long as he can sort out those pesky mic skills.
I do belive he has what it takes to go over i like his moves fast paced action really do belive over time he will be a top five 5 face.In his immiediate future i see him really step it up and get a good mid card feud in the future i see maybe 2 or 3 mid card titles (IC or US) but that is all he will get i honestly can not take him seriously as WHC or WWE champion. I do see Bourne with WWE in year still.Evan though really dosent appeal to me that much i dont hate but i dont like him either but i will say i have not seen a better shooting star press like that in a while i think the last time i saw one that good was when Billy Kidman would do them.
I CANNOT believe that this punk beat Jericho. Way to go WWE, you really know how to bury your superstars...

It's been well know for a while now that Jericho WANTS to put superstars over, he feels he has accomplished everything possible there is to accomplish in the WWE and feels the right thing to do is to help create new stars. Jericho is not one of those selfish main-eventers who's afraid of losing his title or even losing his match, he realizes he wont be in the WWE forever so he's trying to create some new stars.

I give him a thumbs up for that :)
It's been well know for a while now that Jericho WANTS to put superstars over, he feels he has accomplished everything possible there is to accomplish in the WWE and feels the right thing to do is to help create new stars. Jericho is not one of those selfish main-eventers who's afraid of losing his title or even losing his match, he realizes he wont be in the WWE forever so he's trying to create some new stars.

I give him a thumbs up for that :)

I completely understand that & knew that from a few days ago when it similar stories were posted in this site. But my thing is that Evan Bourne is NOT in the same league with Chris, it just isn't. I know Jericho isn't selfish, which is one of the main reasons why I like him. My gripe with this is that, even though Jerhico might have gone to management and said, "hey, I don't mind putting guys over if that's what's asked of me," management, in the fairness of what this man has done for THEIR company, should have been big enough to say, "nah, Chris. You've done so much for us over the years, I know you don't ask for it & won't ask but listen, let's give you a good sendoff." It's bullshit to think that Jericho doesn't deserve better, just like JBL deserved better. Just because he wants to leave, or whatever the case is, I don't really know, doesn't warrant a losing streak like his last name is Mallukey. For goodness sake, Evan will NEVER be a world champ, never a main eventer and certainly never on par with some of the greats. I know this doesn't hurt Jericho overall, but I guess all I'm saying is, some things need to be done decently. This isn't happening here.
To be honest I know very little about him, wish I could have seen his match with Jericho from last night because from the LD it sounded amazing.

His size will be the only thing that hinders him because it sounds like he has a lot of talent.
I completely understand that & knew that from a few days ago when it similar stories were posted in this site. But my thing is that Evan Bourne is NOT in the same league with Chris, it just isn't.

Your reaction is exactly what the WWE Creative team, and Jericho himself, wants. They want fans to be shocked with the people Evan Bourne beats. What better way to get him over than having him beat someone like Jericho? It's not that unbelievable to see Bourne beat someone like Jericho, or to pin Edge in a tag match. It's a great place to start.

As has been said, the biggest problems Evan Bourne has is charisma and mic skills. But considering he's backed by the likes of Jericho and John Cena, I'm really hoping to see him improve in those areas.
to me, thin, fast paced guys are not believable champions, and am i the only one whos sick of looking at his big grin, i hate when wrestlers are smiling every second. idk. maybe im just not a fan.
I don't see Bourne as a top level champion, but his matches with Jericho were really impressive. He can have a very good career in the mid-level range for sure. And I commend Jericho for pushing the younger guys and knowing that his career/legacy is that he is one of the best in the business and doesn't need the spotlight anymore.
Your reaction is exactly what the WWE Creative team, and Jericho himself, wants. They want fans to be shocked with the people Evan Bourne beats. What better way to get him over than having him beat someone like Jericho? It's not that unbelievable to see Bourne beat someone like Jericho, or to pin Edge in a tag match. It's a great place to start.

As has been said, the biggest problems Evan Bourne has is charisma and mic skills. But considering he's backed by the likes of Jericho and John Cena, I'm really hoping to see him improve in those areas.

I'm not trying to make the kid seem like he isn't worthy, but let's keep it real, he's not. I just don't believe in Evan Bourne, never have and never will.
i really gotta agree with midnight express 2009, sure evan bourne is entertaining but there is no way he is going to be world champion material.. nothing against evan but little guys and world titles dont mix at best i see him winning the united states championship
He'll be the Ultimate Jobber in 6 months time. He just doesn't match up to what Vince see's as a WWE superstar. I like him but he's just too small to match up with the big boys. As far as beating Y2J, Jericho could make Hogan look good in the ring!
Evan Bourne has a good move set and is exciting to watch, but like many others have said on here, he is too little. A match against Mysterio would be cool to watch, of course not at this time, being that Rey is the champ and Bourne does not deserve a shot, but in the future.I dont see this happening at all, but I would like to see a Cruiserweight Division again. These smaller wrestlers do not match up well with the big guys in the WWE, so bring that division back and put it on Smackdown or something. We all know SD could use a little more excitement, IMO
I see Bourne being the next Jeff Hardy(minus the drugs). When Jeff first struck out on his own away from Matt, did anyone really think he would become 3 time World Champ? I WANTED him to become champ, but I didn't think it would actually happen.I see the same thing happening with Bourne. Give it 5 years, and he'll be a World Champ. Right now, they need to keep doing what hes doing. Don't give a title shot yet, even if it is for a mid-card title. Wait about a year. Keep the fued with Jericho going. Its great for Bourne. In about 6 months give him a title run. By title run I mean make him seem like that title is the only one that matters. Take the US title. For now lets assume The Miz will be US champ in 6 months. Have Bourne come out saying how Miz doesnt deserve the US title, etc. Have a match, have Miz win. Try again, have Miz win again, but dirty. Then finally have Bourne win the title and actually be proud of it. Act like the title is a big deal. Act like having it is an honor. Eventually have him lose it, but try like all hell to get it back. Move on to a different title, the IC belt. If they keep good things that this in mind, I really see Bourne being the next Mysterio. Its all about booking.
- Does Evan Bourne have what it takes to get over?He has the necessary basic skills; yes. However, that said he obviously need to develop a bit more on making a connection with the crowd beyond his finisher and one-off flash moves (as you say he sells like a champ tho'). It's for this reason that I'm actually glad WWE puts constraints on moves, as it forces their talent to look at the big picture, which has nothing to do with the depth or breadth of one's move-set. Anyone who says otherwise, imo, doesn't truly get the point of the business.

- What do you see in his immediate future and beyond?
It all depends on how he's booked and who he gets to work with. If someone like Jericho can keep on working with him and make him look better than he is yet to be (as evidence again by last nights match on RAW), and mentor's him outside the ring on the real challenge he still needs to overcome, then the sky's the limit for the guy as long as he listens, and doesn't get sidelined with an injury after one of his spots. Immediately, he'll finish up with Jericho and they they'll probably lower the flame on him a bit to see if he's matured and truly learned anything from this recent nudge. If he can show that he has indeed learned and can properly apply the newly acquired skills he may just be in line for a much stronger push in say 6 months or so.

- Is Evan Bourne going to be with the WWE in a year?
That's entirely up to him. If he follows along and does what he needs to do there is absolutely no reason for him to be released from WWE. Only things that I could realistically see happen:
  • He hurts himself so bad that his rehab time would be so long as to have no need for his services upon his return. (Note to Melina: get better soon, for your career's sake)
  • He runs amok of the wellness policy under the pressure to get bigger for his push.
  • He doesn't learn from, recognize, or take advantage of the opportunities afforded him.
  • In a mad dash for power he chokes out a high ranking --perhaps tie wearing-- WWE staffer on live television.
I've liked Evan Bourne since he debuted with the WWE. I did know he was in ROH, but I never saw a match, but I did hear great things about him for about 2 years before he came to the WWE. I was very excited when he came and he hasn't disappointed in that regard in his matches.

Last nights match with Chris Jericho was fantastic! That's something Raw needs at least once a week. Bourne has the tools (even with the restrictions imposed on him) and talent to make it far in the WWE. With the youth movement and the smaller guys getting a chance to rise like The Miz, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio, you'd have to assume Bourne will get some sort of shot.

I see Bourne with a United States Championship run, or Intercontinental run if he goes to SmackDown down the road. I think Evan could use some promo time and a program with Chris Jericho would really help. Jericho's done it all and is very vocal about pushing the young talent and creating new superstars. Right now, the future looks good for one Evan Bourne!

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