Eric Bischoff's War Against the "10 Percenters"; Calls the IWC "Irrelevant"

Its a work.

He knows the IWC makes up a majority of the veiwership, he is a heel, trying to piss people off, or gauge how much he can piss people off.

I would say that 15 pages and two threads later, he did it with good reason.

It's still not gonna make people wanna watch their product.
Bischoff just wanted to get ppl talking, and he has, and maybe more people will watch to see what all the arguing is about, which will help TNA. It's free advertising really, personally I don't think it will help much but it's not a bad tactic. Besides, when your're at the 1.2 mark almost anything is worth trying to pop a few tenths of a point.
If IWC is unimportant why does Eric talk about us so much? You can only get so many to drink your koolaid. I for one use to love TNA but IW isn't the same or as good. They even went as far as banning people from their facebook page for expressing their dislike of the product. I was one of them. But I find it funny the lengths they will go to shut people up.
Bischoff is right on the money with this. How many of us hate Cena's character? Most of us do, but does WWE listen to us? No, because for each person that hates Cena, there are at least thousands of people who love him.

How is Bischoff right? What proof does he have that he's right? I certainly see no facts to support his opinions and in fact I see evidence that proves he's completely wrong.

For all of his/their excuses, TNA has been unable to grow their audience. Pure and simple. This isn't about WWE, Cena, VKM, etc.

It's about the plain and simple fact that he and Hogan are failing, and miserably so, at their job.
Bischoff just wanted to get ppl talking, and he has, and maybe more people will watch to see what all the arguing is about, which will help TNA. It's free advertising really, personally I don't think it will help much but it's not a bad tactic. Besides, when your're at the 1.2 mark almost anything is worth trying to pop a few tenths of a point.

No, I do not think this is a good business advertising at all.

Who in the hell is gonna wanna watch a product that call's them irrelevant? This has nothing to do with getting more fan's, becuase by saying stuff like this you'll lose fan's.
No, I do not think this is a good business advertising at all.

Who in the hell is gonna wanna watch a product that call's them irrelevant? This has nothing to do with getting more fan's, becuase by saying stuff like this you'll lose fan's.

It's interesting to watch the commentary from obvious TNA fans isn't it? Anything TNA does is "to get attention and it worked" is the usual excuse. It is convenient to be able to chalk up every stupid thing they do as just that. That way, no matter what they do, hey, it's brilliant!!!

Which is why their ratings continue to be flat. Because it's all a strategy!!!

Eric Bischoff
Seems like 90% of the audience loves what the loudest 10% hates. So who really matters? The 10%er's can't get over the fact that they are irrelevant. Ratings don't lie. Research doesn't lie. IWC smarks need to get over it.

This seems like a very ambiguous statement and I'm surprised that no-one has picked up on this yet. First off he speaks about 'the audience', he doesn't differentiate between who are members of the IWC and who are not. It is this 10% he describes as irrelevant.

The last part relates to 'smarks', the simple definition is 'smart mark' and is meant to include all who want to know everything they can about the sport including the private lives of the wrestlers, what happens backstage and in the running of the business and 'spoilers' in regards to wrestling storylines. In reality many members of the IWC don't want to know what's coming (which is why this good forum has a no spoiler policy) and it varies from member to member how much they care about backstage politics or private lives. What I believe Mr Bischoff is referring to is the other definition of smark, who are the haters who never have anything really constructive to say but just delight in ripping apart everything about the product.

WZ is a very diverse group; we have general fans, WWe lovers, TNA fans and Indie aficionados; old and new school; smarks, marks and casuals; lovers and haters. As such I struggle to believe he was having a pop at our entire populace because we actually are a fair representative of those that watch and attend shows. I've seen some people claim that the IWC hates Cena, I must be hallucinating then because I could swear that I've seen Cenation sigs quite regular. Another good one I have read is that we would have Daniel Bryan champion, something I am yet to see anyone claim.

I think this is a lot of panty twisting over nothing... well unless you actually are a hater;)
How is Bischoff right? What proof does he have that he's right? I certainly see no facts to support his opinions and in fact I see evidence that proves he's completely wrong.

For all of his/their excuses, TNA has been unable to grow their audience. Pure and simple. This isn't about WWE, Cena, VKM, etc.

It's about the plain and simple fact that he and Hogan are failing, and miserably so, at their job.

Prove it then. It is funny how in one sentence you want facts from Bischoff and then turn around and say both he and Hogan are failing miserably. Show me your facts because if if you show me what I think you are going to show me then it is not miserable at all. You have no financial proof, house show numbers or financial numbers, and definitely have no idea how much money they make from merchandising or sponsors.

This is what Eric Bischoff talks about. The people who go onto message boards, like yourself, and spew out nonsense with no evidence or facts to back it up. But that is how the IWC works and I find it amusing that people take offense to something Eric Bischoff said about them because you don't matter to anything in wrestling.

1. IWC has ruined wrestling

2. Most of the IWC have big heads

3. Most in the IWC thinks they can book wrestling

4. Most in the IWC think they know the ins and the outs

5. Most in the IWC think they know the exact history of how things happened

Then you tie in the fact that for some reason because people in the IWC "think" they know it all they and feel the need to not look anything up or even provide evidence of what they are talking about.

Eric Bischoff is right. The wrestling business would be a lot better without people like Brian in Austin around.
I agree with Bischoff here, the IWC is the minority of the wrestling fanbase and should'nt be looked upon or though about. There are irrelevant to the major promotion's may it be WWE, TNA, ROH, Japan, or any other wrestling organization's. Not one company has ever listened to the IWC, and the IWC smark's can whine and complain all they want, but neither McMahon nor Bischoff wil ever care about them.

The IWC is a bitch-fest of people complaining about what they want, and if they get that, they want something esle.

Not sure about the other organizations but ROH's fanbase is made entirely of the IWC and look at where that got them. From an HD channel hardly anybody has (comcast in my area doesn't carry HDnet) to syndicated tv somewhere (I think) on the west coast. Also Women's Superstars Uncensored caters to the IWC as well. (So much so that they try to pass off what they do as a real sport by keeping track of win/loss records.)

But you have to read the facebook thread when Eric talks about this subject.. He's not saying that 10% of the overall fan base is irrelevant. He's saying that 10% of the IWC is irrelevant. But in my opinion Eric should rephrase that. Instead of bashing the IWC he should be bashing the trolls (who he's really talking about) who come on his page and Dixie's page and say stupid things like Hogan sucks, Bischoff sucks, Fire Russo, TNA sucks make sexual innuendos towards Dixie Carter, and the guys who sit and watch impact with a stop watch in 1 hand and a pen and note pad in the other
Not sure about the other organizations but ROH's fanbase is made entirely of the IWC and look at where that got them. From an HD channel hardly anybody has (comcast in my area doesn't carry HDnet) to syndicated tv somewhere (I think) on the west coast. Also Women's Superstars Uncensored caters to the IWC as well. (So much so that they try to pass off what they do as a real sport by keeping track of win/loss records.)

But you have to read the facebook thread when Eric talks about this subject.. He's not saying that 10% of the overall fan base is irrelevant. He's saying that 10% of the IWC is irrelevant. But in my opinion Eric should rephrase that. Instead of bashing the IWC he should be bashing the trolls (who he's really talking about) who come on his page and Dixie's page and say stupid things like Hogan sucks, Bischoff sucks, Fire Russo, TNA sucks make sexual innuendos towards Dixie Carter, and the guys who sit and watch impact with a stop watch in 1 hand and a pen and note pad in the other

ROH is now on a channel that is only in 22(?) percent of the market. That isn't even enough to get recognized in the ratings. They also got bought out by a guy who has a huge amount of debt to pay off. I got that info from PWTorch live cast when they went to the guys website and found something. They gave the link, but I didn't write it down.

People need to realize the ROH deal isn't as great as you think it is.
I say this every week. Anyone that thinks what happens around here, and in the IWC in general, means anything is delusional. Congrats, 12.5 people agreed with you. Do you want a cookie?

Best part about this true statement? That it pisses off the people that love the X-division even more which helps get his current story over even more. Anybody that thinks Bischoff doesn't know the wrestling business is silly. Say what you want about him but the truth is that the model that WWE runs on is one that Bischoff came up with not Vince.

Excuse me and with all due respect. Which show gets higher ratings? Raw or Impact?
Excuse me and with all due respect. Which show gets higher ratings? Raw or Impact?

That has NOTHING to do with what he just said. We all know Raw gets higher ratings, they are on a better channel, network and more known.

With all due respect, which show gets higher ratings? Spongebob, Power Rangers or Raw?
That has NOTHING to do with what he just said. We all know Raw gets higher ratings, they are on a better channel, network and more known.

With all due respect, which show gets higher ratings? Spongebob, Power Rangers or Raw?

Thank You. Raw gets better ratings. All I needed to know.
As genial as ''he thinks he might be'', Heel Bischoff still sucks. His gimmick is getting really old! He is nowhere close to being a Heel VKM and he is still just rehashing old WCW garbage... Who can look me in the eye and tell me that the actual TNA product is NOT a relative copy of old WCW material?? And a Heel Hogan simply doesn`t help exorcising the old WCW image... I`m still pretty loyal to TNA and week after week, I see crap I used to see 8 to 10 years ago! I guess I`m just getting old and their stuff is simply ''amazing''! Oh well... What do I frickin` know? I'm just IWC... :D
As genial as ''he thinks he might be'', Heel Bischoff still sucks. His gimmick is getting really old! He is nowhere close to being a Heel VKM and he is still just rehashing old WCW garbage... Who can look me in the eye and tell me that the actual TNA product is NOT a relative copy of old WCW material?? And a Heel Hogan simply doesn`t help exorcising the old WCW image... I`m still pretty loyal to TNA and week after week, I see crap I used to see 8 to 10 years ago! I guess I`m just getting old and their stuff is simply ''amazing''! Oh well... What do I frickin` know? I'm just IWC... :D

Dude, Bischoff created the evil boss character Mcmahon copied it after the Montreal Screwjob. Now on topic, Bischoff is right the IWC is irrelevent because half the time we don't know what we want. Take for example Thursday, Gunner pinned Sting clean and people complained:banghead:. Sting being pinned means that he is no superman, and that Anderson could pin him to win the title tonight.
All I have to say is Hook, Line, Sinker. You IWC dirtball losers are reacting exactly how he see's you are. A bunch of whiners and bitcher's who think they are the gods of booking. Just wondering how many job offers Vince, or TNA has offered you clowns yet?

Man, if the ICW were booking, Daniel Bryan would be champ all time, the biggest storyline would be what set of random matches would occur for that week, and no talent, no charisma, no nothing "young talent" would be all over the show. Thanks but no thanks.
All I have to say is Hook, Line, Sinker. You IWC dirtball losers are reacting exactly how he see's you are. A bunch of whiners and bitcher's who think they are the gods of booking. Just wondering how many job offers Vince, or TNA has offered you clowns yet?

Man, if the ICW were booking, Daniel Bryan would be champ all time, the biggest storyline would be what set of random matches would occur for that week, and no talent, no charisma, no nothing "young talent" would be all over the show. Thanks but no thanks.

What, so you thought you'd come in swinging your ePeen with this "I'm too smart for this shit" spiel?

Ten points. You're awesome.

How can someone posting on a wrestling forum not consider themselves a part of this IWC [whatever the fuck it is!]? The term is a bit off really, and you're just parroting Bischoff here, a man whose track record is somewhat less than stellar. Sure a lot of the IWC [dammit I grit my teeth every time I type that!] do want a wrestling product that lacks the mass appeal, but there are definitely some sharp minds out here, noses pressed up against the glass.

I dunno what my point is, but your tone irked me.

Excuse me and with all due respect. Which show gets higher ratings? Raw or Impact?

Completely irrelevant to the point being made. You simply can't compare the two, Raw's a household name and has been since The Monday Night Wars™.

Don't know if I've chimed in my opinion yet in this thread, but I think Bischoff's right about us so called "Ten Percenters" to a degree. That doesn't mean he's not a bit of an ass-hat, mind, nor does it mean that he's always right.
Bottom line here is that Bischoff is wrong about the fans. Fans are important to any sports-related entertainment entity. When you alienate any portion of them, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
If you could only have one, you would certainly choose a face over a nose. That is the point. Why try and please this small minority of the IWC that bitches and complains about every little detail because they think they know better even though they know nothing about the business? Why would you cater to this small percentage when there is a much greater percentage that does not want everything changed? Especially when that 10 percent is going to just find something new to bitch about because if they have nothing to complain about then they have to deal with their own pathetic life.
Or alternatively, he could act like a professional and keep his mouth shut. This is a more attractive option than potentially pissing-off people who can give TNA money.
@shatterdreams - of course you try to please 90 over 10. However, who is to say that the quiet 90 don't feel the same as the vocal 10? At least the vocal 10 gives you a chance to correct yourself, the quiet 90 can vanish unexplicably.

Truth is, after a year and a half it sounds like TNA is moving in the right direction. Less faction-Hogan-Bischoff-power struggle-centric (which is a pretty common theme in the IWC, so "irrelevance" has some insight).
If you guys listened to the interview he said the IWC makes up 10 percent of all of wrestling mans. Then he said the 10 percent he was talking about was the 10 percent of the IWC.

You know the ones who think criticism begins and ends with TNA sucks without giving any reasons and who take what every site on the internet says as the gospel. There are several people on this site who are like that.
@MB - If I remember back correctly this thread was started due to a Bischoff Tweet (not an interview). In my opinion, the interview was just his way of trying to dig himself out of a hole. You can take the interview as his word, I don't.

He may have been trying to play up his role as a heel (similar to Hogan's "hacked" Facebook posts), but even that is questionable.
@MB - If I remember back correctly this thread was started due to a Bischoff Tweet (not an interview). In my opinion, the interview was just his way of trying to dig himself out of a hole. You can take the interview as his word, I don't.

He may have been trying to play up his role as a heel (similar to Hogan's "hacked" Facebook posts), but even that is questionable.

Dig himself out of what hole? He doesn't like the 10 percent(ers) and has openly made that public for a long time. Why would he all of a sudden try to get out of the hole like you say? All he was trying to do was elaborate on that during the interview because the interviewer asked him about it.
You believe that he is being truthful in that he was referring to 10% of 10% (or 1%). I don't believe him. If I wanted to criticize 1% of wrestling fans, I would have called them "One %'ers".

I really think he hates the IWC, not just 10% of 10% (not that I blame him since him and Hogan get beat up on a regulat basis here). I think he realized that his Tweet was a stupid PR move and changed his story by coming up with a false explanation.

If I am wrong than I apologize but I assume that the interview that you are referring to took place after the Tweet. After he had time to change his story.

If so, bottom line is that I don't believe his 10% of 10% interview comment to be truthful. You believe him.

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