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Thoughts on the team of Enzo Amore and Big Kass working with Zack Ryder? The gimmicks seem a lot alike to me, the cocky attitudes, catchphrases, the Jersey Shore look and mannerisms. I could see the three of them working well together, itd be humorous and entertaining and all 3 bring a little different in-ring style.

Kass as (obviously) the big guy, Enzo as the "cruiserweight" and Ryder as a blend of each and the "big name" to go along with the hungry rookies.

I've been dying for WWE to find something relevant for Ryder for awhile now, maybe this is the opportunity?

Badda boom... Realest guys in the room.
Maybe... Enzo and Cass have more of an authentic feel to me but it would be a good place for Ryder to go since they are still using him. I would prefer Enzo and Cass by themselves and they are already going to have Carmella as a manager/diva/maybe both.

But a friend brought up a possibility to me - I can see them using Enzo as a mouthpiece/manager with the crazy hair and mic skills for Big Cass because of Enzo's size.

Hopefully they don't. I have a feeling those guys are going to be down in NXT for a while for some polishing but they are very entertaining and will make it up and you are starting to see SAWFT shirts regularly time to time in the crowd on WWE shows.

EDIT: Spelled it freaking "Kass" without noticing. :eek:
SAWFT is definitely over. The whole sing-song entrance thing they do always gets the live crowd engaged. I hope you're wrong about Enzo being used as a mouthpiece/manager, but as you said, the size could be a detriment.
Yeah it might be an oddball team for the big stage... especially tagging with a guy who is 7 feet tall (cause you can't teach dat). Cass has been getting bulkier and can already step over the ropes and who knows what Vince thinks (he supposedly doesn't watch NXT?).
I would love for them to use Ryder. I just don't believe they will. And I just get the gut feeling that Ryder would only lead to Enzo and Cass being given the same treatment Ryder gets now. It's a shame, but it's all Zack Ryder's fault for getting himself over. That'll teach him to get popular without the help of Vince McMahon!

Yes that was sarcasm, and we all know Vince's ego is the reason Zack Ryder hasn't been pushed properly, and likely never will be. Personally, Enzo and Big Cass are my two favorites right now. They're just so entertaining. And I have a feeling they will be something really big if Vince allows them to be.

How you doin'?
I'd puke if they let that nerd Ryder join Cass and Enzo. Nah no thank you. Cass and Enzo are legit tri-state area new yorkers. Ryder is a pretender from long island...can't see it, don't want to see it. The trio of Cass Enzo and Carmella is perfect.
Ryder seems to cartoony to fit with the more gritty (yet stereotypical) Enzo & Cass.

I like them both, and honestly to me is still a mystery why Ryder isn't competing for the midcard titles rather than jobbing.
Being punished for getting himself over on the Internet, then he made a new series basically trying to reinvent himself as a serious wrestler that had him ending the Broski gimmick and they put a stop to that. Now he's still "woo woo woo" and doesn't even play that over the top character anymore.
Why would anyone think tainting as good an act as Big Cass and Enzo with Zack Ryder? Eugh. Hell no. If anything, Cass and Enzo show why Ryder has bombed as massively as he has. Cass looks like a legitimate athlete and has a major presence. He's 7 feet after all and you can't teach that. Meanwhile Enzo doesn't come off as goofy. He comes off as quirky American-Italian that's just funny. His gimmick makes it seem organic. Ryder? No. Ryder comes off as an idea for an MTV show.

Much rather accept Carmella.
HELL NO! It's already been said, but I'll say it again. WHY IN THE HELL would you want to ruin the awesome gimmick that Enzo and Big Cass got going by bringing them down with a corny, annoying, cartoon-like, jobber like Zach Ryder?

If what I'm saying is confusing you, then let me spell it out.

Zach Ryder is S......A......W......F........T. SAWFT!!!
Enzo and Cass are the best things on NXT for me, they are easily the stand out attractions who are ready to move up to WWE with no tweaking of their characters needed. As long as you keep them away from Cena for a year they could be the new DX. I really think they are that good.
Enzo and Cass are a little more rough around the edges, sort of "ghetto" for lack of a better term. Ryder is really just kind of a goof. I don't think they would blend well. Also, I pretty much think Ryder is done for. I would not be surprised to see him on the list of the next wave of future endeavors.

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