Elimination Chamber 2013 LD

Really good PPV. It's hard to pick a match of the night but Rock-Punk was great. Also, The Shield going over and clean pinning Ryback was probably the biggest shocker.
So far, this year's Wrestlemania is:

The Rock vs. John Cena II for the WWE Championship
Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship (possible triple threat)
Team Hell No vs. Brodus Clay and Tensai for the WWE Tag Team Championship

No sign of The Undertaker either, so this might be the first Wrestlemania in a long time without him being a part of it.
So far, this year's Wrestlemania is:

The Rock vs. John Cena II for the WWE Championship
Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship (possible triple threat)
Team Hell No vs. Brodus Clay and Tensai for the WWE Tag Team Championship

No sign of The Undertaker either, so this might be the first Wrestlemania in a long time without him being a part of it.

Way too early to assume these.
Way too early to assume these.

I agree with The Undertaker thing. To think though that the tag titles won't be a part of Wrestlemania is a bit far out there, and there's no teams to book unless someone else emerges in the following weeks. You have Clay/Tensai, "broken up" Rhodes Scholars which have already lost 12151 times to Team Hell No, Mysterio and Sin Cara which haven't been on TV or consistent in months. Prime Time Players possibly. Other than that, it's not going to be anything special.
I agree with The Undertaker thing. To think though that the tag titles won't be a part of Wrestlemania is a bit far out there, and there's no teams to book unless someone else emerges in the following weeks. You have Clay/Tensai, "broken up" Rhodes Scholars which have already lost 12151 times to Team Hell No, Mysterio and Sin Cara which haven't been on TV or consistent in months. Prime Time Players possibly. Other than that, it's not going to be anything special.

The Shield..
I agree with The Undertaker thing. To think though that the tag titles won't be a part of Wrestlemania is a bit far out there, and there's no teams to book unless someone else emerges in the following weeks. You have Clay/Tensai, "broken up" Rhodes Scholars which have already lost 12151 times to Team Hell No, Mysterio and Sin Cara which haven't been on TV or consistent in months. Prime Time Players possibly. Other than that, it's not going to be anything special.

Of course it's not going to be anything special, Team Hell No hasn't helped the belts. If we're lucky we'll get a four corners tag match at Mania and that's if they don't drop the belts on RAW and have Bryan/Kane clash at Mania one last time.
IMO, Swagger vs. Del Rio could be WAY more interesting then Cena vs. Rock. But it will be VERY racially charged with Del Rio being the face, expect the line we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us to be used. Maybe a T-Shirt.
I smell a Punk vs. Heyman/Lesnar feud. Punk will blame Heyman for positioning the ref to get knocked out before he had the Rock beat, and Lesnar will naturally get involved. But then again, how does Punk pose any sort of threat to someone who no-sold the Pedigree at SummerSlam last year?
Great show, i enjojed it. When Dolph didnt cash in it was obvious that it would be Swagger or Henry but very entertaining match and Shiled winning over 3 major faces was very unexpecting. Punk/Rock 2 was good but ending graphics probably killed my theory about Mania tripple threat. :(

Except for couple of matches set to Mania they got too many guys(major guys like Jericho, Orton, Ryback, Sheamus, Ziggler etc.) with nothing going on so it would be very interesting Raw tommorow to see the aftermath of these night and finale of the road to Wrestlemania. :)
Well nothing on the wrestlemania card so far makes me want to pay money to see it.

LMAO, you're making this judgement based on two matches, the show is well over a month away, give it time man.

Really good PPV. It's hard to pick a match of the night but Rock-Punk was great. Also, The Shield going over and clean pinning Ryback was probably the biggest shocker.

:lmao: Yeah the Shield pinning the guy who hasn't won a match on PPV since like September sure was shocking :rolleyes:
I'm extremely pleased coming out of tonight's event, love how most people saw a couple results as predictable yet were completely swerved in the end.

Jack Swagger and ADR is a match made in heaven due to Swagger's current angle. Why did Swagger win? Because nobody truthfully saw it coming and it was meant to shock, if you felt shocked then WWE have succeeded in their mission. With his current persona and ADR being Mexican they could build a good feud into Mania. With both being good wrestlers the match could be even better.

I enjoyed Rock/Punk. Contrast to their previous meeting, more psychological and slow paced. Thought Punk had it for a split second but happy The Rock won. Cena versus Rock II, or depending on what the plans are for Punk, Rock versus Cena versus Punk will be a fitting main event. Twice in a lifetime is already the slogan.

And I predicted on my Twitter The Shield winning. No point in giving Ryback, the biggest victim in their conquest on injustice the feel good victory a month before WrestleMania when they could do it at Mania and make it much bigger. Don't know how they'll go about it, but I have no doubt It'll happen. Enjoyed the six man tag match, thought both sides had their moments to shine.

Overall, very pleased. Can't wait for Mania and the matches It'll bring.
It was a pretty good PPV. I was a bit upset that Dolph didn't cash in but he'll do it eventually. I liked it and I hope that Wrestlemania is even better.
Pretty good ppv overall. Hell who am I kidding that was awesome. The only sad part for me was Undertaker no showing but they now have an alternate option for Punk if Taker can't go. Triple Threat.
Good PPV but I am not looking forward to wrestlemania at all. Rock/Cena 2 feud which will completely blow since, what the hell are they going to talk about that they didn't talk about a year ago? And how good will the match really be a second time? Swagger is not main event material and makes everything he's a part of boring. Punk? Facing Taker in a predictable match where he loses. Or even worse, taker doesn't show up at all and punk is inserted into a triple threat match. Brock/HHH 2, which is designed for HHH to get his win back in a match that will be boring, and a bunch of other matches that i can't care about.
LMAO, you're making this judgement based on two matches, the show is well over a month away, give it time man.

:lmao: Yeah the Shield pinning the guy who hasn't won a match on PPV since like September sure was shocking :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but no part of me wants to see Swagger in a match for the World Championship :lmao:
I'm sorry but no part of me wants to see Swagger in a match for the World Championship :lmao:

It's pretty obvious that match is going to be the one they start the night off with, just skip the first 10-15 mins. of the 4 hr. show, & you should be fine.
What happened to Cena when Ryback was being pinned? (in kayfabe, because I know he wasn't meant to stop the pinfall)

Because it looked like something was missing. Couldn't catch it what really happened, did Reigns or Ambrose pull him?
What happened to Cena when Ryback was being pinned? (in kayfabe, because I know he wasn't meant to stop the pinfall)

Because it looked like something was missing. Couldn't catch it what really happened, did Reigns or Ambrose pull him?

I was wondering that myself. I think Ambrose grabbed Cena's ankle keeping him from breaking the pin?

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