ECW's Tiffany in Playboy next month?!


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion


This marking the end of the PG Era?!

Answers on a postcard or a playboy mag.
Hasn't she already been in Playboy, like several times before?

Wonder if the WWE will advertise this at all. Probably not.

She's quite hot.
Apparently she done, but not as highly profiled.

She's also engaged to Drew McIntyre, lucky sonofagun!
Another reason for me to like McIntyre. Or hate him. Not sure which.
So, to summarize: People feel that a hot girl is hot, would "hit that," and are jealous of the man who gets to "hit that."

Thread of the year?
I have already seen her previous "articles" many times before. Pretty good stuff. Also, Drew likes to give her a Future Shock. (pun intended)
Tiffany and Kelly Kelly look like sisters. That's A-Okay in my book. Yes, I do keep a book.
Tiffany is hot. If you don't like her, I will personally remove your testicles. Either that, or I will respect your opinion. Depends on my mood.
I thought they'd choose someone else 'tis all. I ain't complaining on seeing Tiffany in Playboy. Just as long as it's not Vickie Guerrero.
OK- well I guess I broke a rule or something- asking for pics. SO I must appoligize for that. My bad :disappointed:

I google searched better (I guess) Im not sure what set of pics are what. Or which ones are more recent then the other- not even sure if anything I saw was actually from this years issue either.

But its a good thing she got the implants redone! WOW- her left nip was/is much higher then the right. I saw a couple sets of pics were its pretty noticable. But then I saw a set where they looked OK. Im assuming she had them fixed
I already posted in here, but I would impregnate Tiffany and we'd have a race of children that will make all jealous. Or just regular kids. Either way, I want to fuck her.
FalKon, say what you will, but I would stick my testicles in Vickie Guerrero. Something about that pig face makes me just wanna fuck her 'till she oinks. And just when she thinks I'm done with her, just when she thinks I have no more juice left, I'll say "You think you know me?", and start all over again.

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