ECW Semi-Finals: The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley: Fall 2, I Quit Match

The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley: I Quit Match

  • The Undertaker

  • Mick Foley

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley

The Following matchup takes place in Philadelphia, PA in the ECW Arena. All matches, unless other wise noted, take place under Extreme Rules.

3 Stages of Hell, Fall 2, I Quit Match:
No submission, no tap outs, no towels being thrown in. The only way this match ends is when one man says the words, "I Quit"
Jesus. I should have read ahead. No way will Taker quit. Foley goes out. 2-0 to Taker. Would I have voted differently if I'd read ahead? Hmm. I'm unsure. Foley beat Taker frequently in 1996. But Taker's prime years have been almost 10 years after that.
Last round we were all saying no one could beat Foley i an i quit match. How quickly we have to rethink that statement.

There is just no way I can try to picture the Undertaker quiting. He may get beat down and struggle to sit up, but he never would verbally give up. Foley has been tricked into saying I quit before, so I'll just go with that scenerio.
For those that are voting Mick foley on this one, could you care to give a reason, how can you ever possibly hear the undertaker (deadman) say the words...


Just thinking about it just seems so unreal.

Mick foley has said I quit in the past, and im sure if there is someone, its the Undertaker who can make him QUIT.
People were talking about a guy whos been put thourgh flaming tables,tumbthacks,been thorwn off the roof of the cell!

Would Foley say I quit?Never.The only time he has was a trick by the rock.Nuff Said.
I hate to do it, but I voted for Taker to tie things up between the two, I honestly cannot picture Taker saying "I Quit" EVER. Taker wins by threatening to Tombstone Foley on a set of Thumbtacks for the second time, Foley quits in 15 minutes, the first Tombstone on the tacks was too much for him to take.
Foley wouldn't quit neither would Taker. My first instinct is to go with Taker, however my after thought thinks when has Taker ever been on the end of a truely truely vicous beating. Ok he's had some beatings, but nothing like Mick Foley could deliever in a weapon friendly enviroment. Foley just wouldn't quit, forget about him been tricked into it, even Terry Funk couldn't make Foley quit, I just don't think Taker could. Alternatively I could vote Taker because he would probably kill Foley first, but I'm going to stick with Foley.
As memory serves, both men have tapped out once before in there carrier, however when you look at what both men have been put through' Foley comes out as the clear winner.

There is almost nothing Taker can do to Foley, short of setting him on fire, that he didn't do in the famous HIAC match, and I don't remember Foley giving up after either decent from the cell.

If I was actually booking this, I'd have it go 30 minuets and then have it officially declared a draw, but if we're forcing a winner, then I have to give it to Foley.

Mick is like a banana, you can bend it, bruise it, burn it, break it, eat it; it's still not going to say "I Quit".

Mick wins after taker says "I Quit" simply because he wants to go home.
At first this match sounds like it goes with Mick Foley, but once you think about it do you really think Taker is going to tap. I didn't either. Foley's been in two I quit matches before and lost both of them. I don't care how he lost he lost. Taker may not have been in this type of match before, but Foley hasn't done very well in this match. Taker wins to tie it up 1-1.
Oh my. Oh my indeed. I hope the people that are watching this match brough a soft pillow because this one could go on for days. Can you imagine either of these two saying those two words? I certainly can't. I voted for taker, as I can see him locking in one of his submissions and foley passing out to even the score.
Why did this have to be a i quit match i cant imagine undertaker saying i quit and mick foley got cheated out of a victory by the rock why couldt this be another type of match i cant choose so i wont.
As much as I can't imagine Foley saying I Quit, I can't imagine 'Taker saying it either. Honestly, can you imagine 'Taker verbally quitting, even in his more human phases? I can't. And so the match goes on forever, but I'd say 'Taker outlives Foley.
Hope everything's set for these two's funeral arrangements

Because there is absolutely no way i can see either of these men saying I Quit. The Undertaker won't ever verbally say it...probably fail to sit up..but I think he rather pass out than say those words...and Foley? Well Foley's just...Foley.

Dude only lost that match because the Rock had a recording of him saying it.

However, Taker could possibly force Mick to say it...depending on who he gets to threaten him with.(Mick lost one of these to Ric Flair because of Ric threatening Melina was it? )

So 'Taker takes it here...after a couple days fight with lots and lots of blood loss. I'd love to see this match:D
You people do understand that if the Undertaker did say 'I QUIT' it would completley ruin his chrecter and gimmick.
Whith Foley its slightly like that but not in the way, it would mean that he can't ever be the same person he was.
apart from being hardcore and taking damage, why doesnt everyone understand that The undertaker is million times better than Foley.
that'd be a long match. this match would sooner be stopped by loss of consciousness than either man saying i quit. unless taker outsmarts foley or mick has some sort of heart attack, this may never end
that'd be a long match. this match would sooner be stopped by loss of consciousness than either man saying i quit. unless taker outsmarts foley or mick has some sort of heart attack, this may never end

I agree totally with Polley. The match ends after a huge number of heavy shots from chairs, with one man unable to talk period. Probably from lack of blood to the brain. Its a draw.
Have to agree here. This match could go on for hours, as these two seem to enjoy beating the hell out of people, especially each other. Looking back, there's not much that these two haven't done to each other save for dismemberment, and even that was approached once or twice. If throwing him 15 feet isnt going to make foley say quit, i'm not sure what will. This has to end in someone simply not being able to stay conscious.
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