ECW Leather Strap/Four Corners Match: Edge vs. Ricky Steamboat

ECW Strap Match - Edge vs Ricky Steamboat

  • Edge

  • The Dragon

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Jesus Christ, how the fuck is Edge winning this by such a huge margin?!??!, Steamboat is simply an all around better wrestler than Edge, all Steamboat has to do to win the match is touch the four ring posts in succession he is certainly more than capable of out wrestling Edge, and then taging the ring posts and getting the win, suggesting Steamboat wouldn't be able to win based solely on the stipulation would be about as ******ed as saying Shelton Benjamin could beat Hogan if it were a ladder match, this is a case were the stipulation doesn't mean shit, because Steamboat in his prime was simply better than Edge has ever fucking been at any point in his career, do the right thing vote Steamboat
I voted Edge. First of all, in an ECW match, Edge has the experience advantage. TLC, EC, HiaC, I Quit matches, and I could go on, have conditioned Edge to an extreme environment.

Secondly, strap matches are won and lost based on cashed in opportunity. Edge is the ultimate opportunist. Steamboat could outwrestle Edge, but all Edge needs to do is slip out of the ring. There is no countout to worry about, and if anybody knows how to take every advantage he can to neutralize his opponent's advantage, it is Edge. Steamboat lost most of his matches to Flair because Flair took advantage of every opportunity that occurred for him to lie, cheat, or steal.

Edge is much bigger and stronger. In a match that requires dragging someone around the ring, Edge has a supreme advantage. Steamboat would either exhaust himself outwrestling Edge, and not be able to drag him, or wear himself out trying to drag Edge, and not be able to take full advantage of wrestling ability.

Furthermore, this argument about the crowd doesn't pan out. ECW crowds are awfully smarky, and we all know who the smark hero is in this match.
Furthermore, this argument about the crowd doesn't pan out. ECW crowds are awfully smarky, and we all know who the smark hero is in this match.

Absolutely. When was just about the only time in his heel run a whole goddamn fucking ARENA has been chanting "THANK YOU EDGE!"? Hmm, might have had something to do with ECW, that one.

And frankly I see no reason to put Steamboat over on wrestling skill. Sure, he was a very good worker, but so is Edge, The Man Who Never Has Bad Matches With Anyone. I don't think he has any more impactful amateur-style offence, so this one goes to Edge. He's a 9-time world champion for a reason, folks.
Absolutely. When was just about the only time in his heel run a whole goddamn fucking ARENA has been chanting "THANK YOU EDGE!"? Hmm, might have had something to do with ECW, that one.

This has been so god danm many times already I can't fucking beleive I have to say it again


And frankly I see no reason to put Steamboat over on wrestling skill.

Maybe because they're wrestling skill is what pretty much every motherfucking match comes down to

Sure, he was a very good worker, but so is Edge

Edge is and never will be anywhere near Steamboats level

, The Man Who Never Has Bad Matches With Anyone.

What a load of shit, everyone has bad matches, Hell Edge has had some of the worst matches I have ever seen, their match at SummerSlam was absolute shit, and that MITB/Loser gets fired Ladder match they had on Raw was possibly one of the worst ladder matches I have ever seen

He's a 9-time world champion for a reason, folks.

Because he can't keep the danm thing for more than a fucking month, yeah Edge is good at winning the title but as soon as he has to put the danm thing on the line he loses it faster than he won it, face it Edge may be one the single worst world champs to ever step into a WWE ring, at least when Steamboat was NWA World Heavyweight champion he held it for 76 days (and did so in a time where there wasn't new world champs on a monthly basis), has Edge ever held any world title for more than 30 days?

Steamboat is simply just better than Edge is every way, therefore Steamboat should win this match
Edge has had 5 title reigns. First one was 70 days, second was 105 days, third 29, fourth 49, current is 31+.

So, what exactly were you saying about Edge not holding a title past 30 days? He has 1 title reign under 30 days. Edge takes this fight, he is the ultimate opportunist and in a match where it's all about opportunity, Edge, will ultimately win.
Edge has had 5 title reigns. First one was 70 days, second was 105 days, third 29, fourth 49, current is 31+.

Edge has had 9 title reigns actually, how convenient for you to forget about the WWE title, where his second first, third, and fourth WWE title reigns were 21 days, in fact if you add up all 9 of Edge's title reigns you'd see that he only holds the title on an average of 49.7 days, average all of Steamboats title reigns together and he holds the title on average of 76 days, basically Steamboat > Edge

So, what exactly were you saying about Edge not holding a title past 30 days?

LMAO, almost half his title reigns are less than 30 days
He has 1 title reign under 30 days.

No, he's had 4 of 9 under 30 days, and his current on is just barely surpassed the 30 day mark

Edge takes this fight,

Not really I fairly confident that Steamboat would wrestle circles around Edge, lock him in a double chicken wing and keep the submission locked in until Edge passes out from the pain, this would free Steamboat up to tag the four ring posts, and win the match

he is the ultimate opportunist

Edge hasn't been the ultimate opportunists for years, he's just been lucky when challenging for the title when it comes to defending the title he usually loses, if he were this so called ultimate opportunist that everyone makes him out to be he wouldn't be losing title belts every other fucking month now would he
Holy shit, Justin! I'm not even going to quote and break down all the crap you're spewing. Let's just sum it up to say you're a very whiny loser. Raven lost, you're crying worse than a newborn after being slapped on the ass.

Steamboat is better than Edge in every way

That's something you said, right? (likely taken slightly out of context but more or less it)

So.. because Steamboat held onto the Intercontinental Championship (for 65 days) I suppose you're going to argue that he was a better mid-card Champion, in his prime, than Edge was in his early years.. right? Wrong.

Edge won the Championship not once, but 5 times. Three of these reigns was during one of the biggest booms in Company history - when W.W.F merged with the W.C.W, (& E.C.W) and Edge was taking on new challengers as well as old rivals. He held the title(s) for 35, 15 & 63 days. His longest Intercontinental reign was 2 days shy of beating Steamboat's.. so why does Edge beat Steamboat here? Because Edge defended his Championship on more television (mainstream) shows, and had bigger opportunities to lose the title - yet didn't.

Oh, but that was just the mid-card, right? It's not the best of the best, it's not the Heavyweight division - right, Justin? So let's compare Steamboat's Heavyweight title reigns to Edge's, to see who's better.. oh fuck, that's right STEAMBOAT NEVER FUCKING WON A W.W.E WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! So even if multiple reigns of Edge's have gone by the wayside in under 30 days, he's still managed to hold the fucking title each time 20+ days at a wack longer than Steamboat's even been capable of coming close to it.

And let's not forget, oh that pesky time/era difference - Wrestling has changed since the 80's, Justin, titles are more prone to change hands quicker because Wrestlers wrestle more, and have more high profile contests and match-ups. Steamboat was an NWA/WCW Heavyweight Champion in the fucking late 80's (89, to be exact) and he defeated (then lost it back to) Ric Flair. During the 76 days he held the title, (about 2 and a half months, to be exact) exactly how many high profile feuds and matches could Steamboat have had - to defend and retain his Championship?

On the flip side, the W.W.E runs a Pay per view every 3 fucking weeks.. so Edge's lack of retaining isn't due to being weaker, or unimpressive.. it's due to defending the title more, and having a more hectic schedule - one Steamboat likely couldn't handle.

So what's next that makes Steamboat so much greater? Wrestling skill, right Justin? I see you running your mouth about how he'd wrestle circles around him, right?

Well there you go. Arguably one of the greatest wrestlers in the business, past - present - or future, Kurt Angle - and Edge defeated him in a solid one-on-one wrestling match. Not just any match, but a high profile, Pay per view match, in which something major was on the line. Still gonna run your mouth?

Oh, I'm sure somehow this Edge wouldn't be the same one, right, cause skills diminish and apparently it just happens that Steamboat would be facing Edge at his best physical condition, but Edge would somehow only face Steamboat through his worst, or some other illogical crap, right Justin? Anything to make it look like a career mid-carder could stand even a remote chance in hell against beating a guy that you just wanna claim is awful, because he beat one of your favorites.

I don't know what's worse, you actually posting the crap you're saying and trying to make others believe in the nonsense, or actually thinking you've gotten into the head's of other posters and made them believe in it.

Either way, Edge wins this hands down - he shouldn't have an issue, and the only way it's even close - is because of whiny cry-babies who can't stand that he's still in the tournament. Plain and simple, get over it.. oh, but next time be sure to VOTE EDGE. :p
Yea, for all the shit I hear about how fantastic Steamboat was, I dont really remeber any memorable promos from the guy, he has never won the world title in the WWE, and I find his WM3 match to be terribly overrated. Ive never understood what the big deal was with that match. Maybe its just me.

Edge on the other hand, has delivered countless memorable promos, matches and moments, is a 9 time champion, and has ME'd Wrestlemania twice now. I think Edge is pretty underrated by most of the people in the non "zomg Edge is so awesum" camps.

I take Edge here easily, especially in the ECW enviornment. Steamboat was never a guy really renowned for his hardcore brutality. Edge is.
Ricky Steamboat was a special type of performer, won who would go out every night and physically give everything he had. He worked hard to improve his ability up until he retired. He put on some of the best matches of all time, and was one of the most skilled wrestlers of the 1980s. He is a former World Champion, beating Ric Flair in the Nature Boy's prime. Steamboat is one of my all time favorites for his ability.

But, I'm still voting Edge. Edge is also very good in the ring, not as flashy or polished as The Dragon was, but I can only name maybe 4 other guys who were as skilled as a wrestler. The problem was, that he was never over enough to be anything more than a lower level main eventer/upper mid carder. He was well respected, and should have been, but The Dragon wouldn't beat the best of the business, aside from his one world title reign, which, if I remember correctly, was rather short. Edge's character is sneaky and devious, Steaboat's character was wholesome and honorable. Physically, The Dragon has the, um, edge, but in terms of character, Edge is too smart to drop this match to The Dragon.
Steamboat was a guy that couldn't cut promos worth a shit. He did not, by any stretch, have the gift of gab. If he had, then I think he could have been a completely different level of performer.

Steamboat was one of the real work horses for any company he worked for. He could be counted on to go out into the ring and put on a great match against whoever he was with. Often times, his matches stole the show. However, when it came to main event status, he usually came up short. He chased Ric Flair and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship all throughout the early to mid 80s and always came close, but never got it. Flair was the draw, even though Steamboat was the better athlete. While he finally did get the title in 1989, it was mostly done as a show of respect as they'd done to guys like Ron Garvin or during Dusty Rhodes' third reign with it. Steamboat was never intended to be a long term champion.

While he's a better overall wrestler than Edge, Edge has made his singles career the past several years by planning ahead. He's a schemer and an opportunist that will use each and every dirty trick he can possibly think of to give himself a leg up. That kind of planning has given him victories over more physically resilient guys than Steamboat. I think Steamboat will give Edge everything he can handle in the match, but he'll overlook something, he'll get careless for a few moments and it'll be all Edge needs. I can see Edge seemingly laid out on the canvas while Steamboat is dragging his seemingly prone carcass around the ring, touching all four corners. While Steamboat touches the top turnbuckles, Edge secretly slaps the bottom one of each forner while he lets Steamboat wear himself out dragging his 250 pounds of dead weight around the ring. As Steamboat goes for the last turnbuckle, Edge leaps to his feat, tugs hard on the strap. Steamboat, unprepared, is unbalanced as he's spun around and that's when Edge hits the spear and then touches the last turnbuckle to win the match.
A.)How the fuck does the abiltiy to cut a fucking promo win you a match?

B.)of course you're gonna remember more of Edge's Promo, and matches, you are watching the shows as they happen, most of Steamboats promo's and matches happened in the late 70's early 80's back before most of the posters on this site were even fucking born

C.)The only thing edge out does Steamboat in is the ability to be a heel, and that's because Steamboat went his entire career as a face, and last I checked this was to determine who the better wrestler is not who's the better heel, and in this case it's Steamboat

Also I realize at this point in the game their is little to no chance Steamboat is going to come back and win this poll, I'm just hoping to see the gap close and make things a bit more even, Steamboat is far better than many people in this thread are giving him credit for, and doesn't deserve to leave this tourny by such a huge margin in any match with anyone much less one of the guys that the IWC overrates as much as they do Edge
C.)The only thing edge out does Steamboat in is the ability to be a heel, and that's because Steamboat went his entire career as a face, and last I checked this was to determine who the better wrestler is not who's the better heel, and in this case it's Steamboat

Justin, in this case the fact that Edge is a heel gives him a huge advantage in this match. Edge has shown that he can go apeshit on his opponent and beat them within an inch of their life, and in this match, he has a weapon attached to him for him to use throughout the match. Steamboat wasn't just a face for his career, he was a straight-up babyface, who wouldn't dream of cheating or trying to injure his opponent, putting him at the opposite end of the spectrum from Edge. What I see happening in this match is Edge whipping the hell out of Steamboat with the strap, going outside to get a couple chairs, hitting a con-chair-to, and dragging Ricky's unconscious body around the ring for a victory.
A.)How the fuck does the abiltiy to cut a fucking promo win you a match?

there are no rules for voting in this tourney, allowing each man to come up with his own criteria.

so I have come up with a forumla that seems to take the way every person votes into account. part is the legit shoot part, part is the kayfabe powers part, and part is the "who is the better pro wrestler" part. whomever gets two out of three wins.

In this case, Edge.
It's a shame that I never got to see Steamboat wrestle whilst in his prime. I mean I youtubed his ass and some of the matches were really good but even saying that I cannot see past Edge in this match. As it was stated earlier, Edge, I believe has more experience in gimmick matches and as such has the advantage here. I think Steamboat would put up one hell of a fight don't get me wrong but Edge takes this one.
Wow, Ricky Steamboat made it all the way here!? Wrestlemania, thank you!

Its honestly not that suprising. Ricky is one of the greatest superstars on the face of this earth. When he made his comeback at Backlash, I'm willing to say he was one of the top 5 preformances on the card at 50 years old, and Backlash was one of the best pay per views we've seen in a long time.

Both men are talented and athletic. Ricky a little more so, but Edge has more experience in gimmick matches and I think has a bit more of a killer instinct.

I don't recall if Ricky ever had a heel run. If he did it wasn't that great, hes your classic babyface. Ricky can easily overcome the odds of wrestling Edge, even with the strap in play, I think Ricky can keep edge down long enough to do whatever he wants.

I am not sure which way I am votng here, so I will let anyone but Will try to convince me. Either way, this match with both men in their prime would be terrific.

Vote Ricky, the faster, stronger, more talented wrestler than Edge. Edge may be the ultimate oprotunitist, but Ricky, is the ultimate athlete, and was easily the smartest, fastest, mose technical wrestler I have ever seen. Just take a look back at one of his 2000 matches with Ric Flair. The dirtiest player of the game, hes used to facing guys like Edge, because hes faced a dirtier, upgraded version of Edge in Ric Flair, 2000 times.
I agree that Steamboat in his prime was a better all around athlete and a better overall wrestler. If this were a standard wrestling match, there's a chance I'd vote for Steamboat over Edge. Steamboat was the true classic babyface but this is a gimmick match against a different breed of heel than Steamboat ever faced. Edge is someone that's completely consumed with being a world champion, that's been his schtick for the past several years. His devotion to becoming, then remaining, a world champion after the fact is portrayed almost as fanaticism.

I know some are going to roll their eyes at this statement, but Edge is a dirtier player than Ric Flair ever dreamed of being. Over the past three and a half years or so, Edge has sunk to levels that Flair would never go to. These lows have made him a 9 time world champ. People can bitch and moan, they can nitpick at the reigns all they want, but it's irrelevant. He has them and they're relevant because it shows that, at least to some degree, that his tactics as the "Rated R Superstar" have been successful. Flair uses the tights, low blows, pokes the eye, uses interference from allies, etc. So does Edge, plus Edge is "married" to the current Raw and former Smackdown general manager to help secure his place. Steamboat never dealt with someone that would sink so low as Edge to win a match and/or secure a championship.

Steamboat is certainly not the smartest wrestler I've ever seen. As has already been said by others, Steamboat is the ultimate babyface and the ultimate babyface doesn't have what it takes to be a multi-time world champion. Steamboat has so many weaknesses as the ultimate babyface that a lowlife like Edge could play like a violin. And, when it's all said and done, it'd be those weaknesses that would cause him to lose this particular match. One act of mercy on Steamboat's part, one act of compassion, one demonstration of concern over an "injury" that Edge suffers during the match and so on and so forth. If anything, Steamboat's gullibility outweights his intelligence.

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