ECW Championship?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Note: I'm not sure if this should go under the ECW section, as it really has to do with the WWE as a whole. But if it fits more under the ECW section... please feel free to move it.

Ok, so I'm not sure if WWE is still classifying the ECW Championship as a World Title anymore. Although, it is the only title on the ECW brand, so it might still be.

Well, anyway... assuming that it is. Imagine if someone on Raw or Smackdown (NOT ECW) won the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania and cashed it in on the ECW Champion. Or, what if someone from Raw or Smackdown (STILL NOT ECW) won the Royal Rumble and used their win to challenge for the ECW Championship at Wrestlemania?

What would that mean for ECW and what would it mean for the ECW Championship?

If it is indeed still classified as a World Title, then it should be included. I mean, in 2007, The Undertaker won the Royal Rumble and showed speculation of challenging any of the three champions. In 2008, John Cena immediately made it clear that he would be challenging for WWE Championship. This year, we all knew that Randy Orton would challenge for the WWE Championship. The ECW Championship was just ignored and wasn't even featured on Wrestlemania.

Same with the Money in the Bank. So, would you be opposed to seeing the Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank winner challenge for the ECW Championship? Or do you think it wouldn't be right? Explain please.
WWE uses ECW as its developement show. Its the ECW champs job to put over the younger talent before they move on to Raw or Smackdown. They won't have a main eventer from the other brands go after the ECW title.
Well, the answer to that question really depends on what Vince is doing with the Brand.

As it stands right now, by Vince McMahon's own words at a shareholder podcast I viewed, ECW is being used as a Developmental Brand. So if that is the case, then yes it probably would not be appropriate for a Money in the Bank winner to cash in their title opportunity, simply because it wouldn't make sense to go backwards in their career instead of forward.

The way I view the single title hierarchy in WWE is as follows from greatest to least prestige:

WWE Title
World Title
Intercontinental Title
US Championship
ECW Championship

That is the impression I get when watching their programming, and I agree with those rankings.

As far as an ECW title match being left off of Wrestlemania, again I am going to have to agree with that because of what ECW is. ECW again, at this stage is a Developmental Brand. It wouldn't make sense to feature an FCW title match at Wrestlemania, since it is a Developmental title. Therefore, the same logic stands with the ECW title, as well.

If Vince ever wants to elevate the ECW brand, then my rationale would change in how I view the situation.
I do not feel that is is in the company's best interest to make a Royal Rumble winner or a Money In The Bank casher go after the ECW Championship. It is a developmental title that once upon a time had remarkable value, but is now in the same if not less prestige than the United States or Intercontinental Championship.

Of course IMO there shouldn't be an ECW anything from WWE, because ECW stood out as something different so long ago. I grew up on ECW and the Attitude Era so this is just my own opinion on that. I believe ECW lost value when Vince McMahon won the belt, and so lots of people who were once dedicated to the Extreme Ways were soon turned off by the brand all together. Now it is there for young blood to get experience so they can cross over to Smackdown or Raw.

Now let's say down the road the remarkable happened and the company decided to shake things up by making someone who won a very honorable stipulation go for the ECW Championship. Then not only will they have to hype the shit out of that, but in turn this could be a very costly move. I could be wrong, but I don't think many of us want to see someone like Randy Orton or Batista go against Tommy Dreamer or Christian for "the coveted" ECW Championship. WWE or World that would look pretty good, but it's neither the time nor place for ECW to get looked on that way.
The way I see it, the WWE Title hierarchy is like this.

World Heavyweight
United States

The Tag Titles, to me, are in a separate category, but I’ll save that for another conversation.

With that being said, regardless of what the Title is “doing” right now, I believe the ECW Title to be the 3rd most important Title in the WWE Universe. It should be one of the selections in the Royal Rumble / Money In The Bank winner’s choices, however, like I said, it is the Bronze Medal / Third Place Trophy / 2nd Runner up to the Big Two. You can’t really expect the RR / MITB winner to gun for Tuesday night Champion when it’s obvious to everyone that Monday and Friday is essentially better. What I suggest is quite simple actually. When there are three guys left in the ring during the Royal Rumble match, whoever wins gets to choose between the 3 Titles, second place / last to be eliminated gets to choose between the remaining two choices and the third place / second to last to be eliminated gets a shot at the remaining Title, which would always be the ECW Title, by default.

Now, imagine if the WWE did this when the ECW Title was activated in the WWE Universe. The ECW Title matches at Mania would have looked like this.

2007 – ECW Champion, Bobby Lashley vs. Edge (They could have gotten someone else to represent Trump like Chris Benoit instead, and of course shift MVP to the Money In The Bank match in place of Edge at WM 23. Plus Intercontinental Champion, Umaga vs. United States Champion, Chris Benoit may have been better)

2008 – ECW Champion, Chavo Guerrero vs. Batista (Kane and Umaga could have been in the Money In The Bank match at WM 24 or had a match against each other for that matter)

2009 – ECW Champion, Jack Swagger vs. Cody Rhodes (Now this would have been the push Cody could use, but still keeps him “under” Orton, if Cody were to pull it off, with help from Ted, of course, much like Edge and Chavo were in La Familia. This also gives Jack something to do at this year’s WM)

What could have been, and what is will half the time be different.

As for Money In The Bank, I say completely rip TNA off and put up 5 cases, one in each corner and one hanging in the middle as is and put Title shots in there for all 5 Singles Titles. Simple enough. Since there are 6 to 8 competitors, fire the ones who don’t get a case. #@#@!! Okay, I was just kidding about the firing.
Well, the answer to that question really depends on what Vince is doing with the Brand.

As it stands right now, by Vince McMahon's own words at a shareholder podcast I viewed, ECW is being used as a Developmental Brand. So if that is the case, then yes it probably would not be appropriate for a Money in the Bank winner to cash in their title opportunity, simply because it wouldn't make sense to go backwards in their career instead of forward.

The way I view the single title structure in WWE is as follows from least to greatest prestige:

ECW Title
US Championship
Intercontinental Championship
World Heavyweight title
WWE Championship

That is the impression I get when watching their programming, and I agree with those rankings.

As far as an ECW title match being left off of Wrestlemania, again I am going to have to agree with that because of what ECW is. ECW again, at this stage is a Developmental Brand. It wouldn't make sense to feature an FCW title match at Wrestlemania, since it is a Developmental title. Therefore, the same logic stands with the ECW title, as well.

If Vince ever wants to elevate the ECW brand, then my rationale would change in how I view the situation.

I'm going to have to disagree with this for a couple of reasons.

First, I'm not sure if you're saying that the ECW title is equal to the U.S. and Intercontinental titles, because if you are, I'd agree with that. But saying that it's lower, seems like a bit of a stretch. To me, Christian could easily beat either Kofi or Rey if put into a decent program [which could be a sick program.]

Second, saying the WWE wouldn't put the FCW title on Wrestlemania is ridiculous, of course they wouldn't do that. Because it isn't featured on any WWE programming. But, the ECW title is. The only reason I can see the WWE not putting the ECW title on a Wrestlemania is because of time restrictions. Obviously if they want Floyd Mayweather, or whoever the celebrity of the hour is, they're going to put them on because that's what they're invested in. Which is a shame because I love to watch Christian.
At one point, I would have stated that the ECW Title was the third most prestigious title in the company ... especially when people like RVD, Big Show, and even Mr. McMahon held the title. Given McMahon's involvement with the title, obviously he wanted to promote it.

However, he seems to have since abandoned promoting ECW as a Brand equivalent to Raw or Smackdown, as the overall fanbase simply didn't embrace his vision for a watered down ECW. So instead, he opted to turn it into a more advanced Developmental Brand.

To answer your question, the ECW title is about on par with the Intercontinental Title and US Title. It really is debatable whether it has less prestige, at the moment than those titles, or not.

The ECW Brand as a whole, is not as prestigious as either Raw or Smackdown, and I don't know anyone who is going to deny that. So because of that very reason, wouldn't it be a fair assumption to make that any title on ECW is therefore less prestigious than any title featured on Raw or Smackdown?

Like the example I made with FCW ... if it doesn't make sense to have a Developmental Brand on Wrestlemania, where the best of the best are featured ... then why would it make sense to put an ECW Title match on, since that is still a Developmental Brand? Albeit, it is a more Advanced Developmental Brand and is on TV, but nonetheless it still, at the end of the day, is a Developmental Brand.

However, don't confuse Christian's credibility as a Champion and a worker with the prestige, or lack thereof, of the ECW Title.

That is the primary argument from a lot of Christian supporters on the Internet. That yes, he is the ECW Champion, however in reality, he is really too good to simply hold that title.

Given what they are doing with ECW, I think a better person to hold that title would be for someone who is older and is on their way out of wrestling ... looking to retire in a few years, to help the young guys (like Regal) .... or someone who is new and up and coming.
Think about it this way: if Christian were to jump to Smackdown and take the Intercontinental title at the next PPV, would Christian fans be excited or upset at the treatment of their hero?

Now, if Mysterio were sent from SD to ECW and won the ECW title, would Mysterio fans be angry or happy that their guy was getting to be the main guy on Tuesday nights?
The ECW Brand as a whole, is not as prestigious as either Raw or Smackdown, and I don't know anyone who is going to deny that. So because of that very reason, wouldn't it be a fair assumption to make that any title on ECW is therefore less prestigious than any title featured on Raw or Smackdown?

Actually, this doesn't follow at all. ECW is less prestigious, obviously, but that by no means means that all titles on Raw are better than all titles on ECW. Compare it to awards. British film awards are, on the whole, less prestigious than American ones. You'd still rather have a Bafta than a North Delaware regional film society award, wouldn't you? The point is, is that the ECW belt is less prestigious than the Raw title, but it isn't less prestigious than the US title.

Swagger had the ECW title, then when he went to Raw was in a feud in the region of the card above the US but below the main event with MVP. He was on Summerslam, the title wasn't. Matt Hardy stepped up to the ECW title from the US one. Shelton recently held the US, but isn't even in contention for the ECW title. The ECW title is on 90% of PPVs, the same isn't true of the other midcard belts.
Like the example I made with FCW ... if it doesn't make sense to have a Developmental Brand on Wrestlemania, where the best of the best are featured ... then why would it make sense to put an ECW Title match on, since that is still a Developmental Brand? Albeit, it is a more Advanced Developmental Brand and is on TV, but nonetheless it still, at the end of the day, is a Developmental Brand.

ECW is a development brand to an extent, certainly, but by no means is that its only purpose. How many of the developmental stars, that is ones that have been with the company for less than a year, been involved in an ECW title match? 2. Of which one has held it. The people who are contenders for that title now: Christian, Dreamer, Kozlov & Regal have all been with the company for years.

There are 4 people on the entire ECW roster that have not been on any other brand, and 7 out of 13 male wrestlers have held a title on another brand. To me, the developmental aspect of the brand is only half the story.

However, don't confuse Christian's credibility as a Champion and a worker with the prestige, or lack thereof, of the ECW Title.

That is the primary argument from a lot of Christian supporters on the Internet. That yes, he is the ECW Champion, however in reality, he is really too good to simply hold that title.

Given what they are doing with ECW, I think a better person to hold that title would be for someone who is older and is on their way out of wrestling ... looking to retire in a few years, to help the young guys (like Regal) .... or someone who is new and up and coming.

Christian is too good and too young to be the developmental champion, definitely, but I'm not sure that is what the title is. After all, developmental implies onwards to better things, and just a single ECW Champion since RVD has gone on to hold a bigger title.

Christian is probably in the best place for him to garner credibility with the company, he already has it with the fans. A long reign for him against the three heel wrestlers will serve him, and the title well. The danger with the ECW title is to turn it into the can he hold a title title, which is stupid, because it completely detracts from the title as an entity. Keep it how its going, with veterans and upper midcarders and the title will forever remain a PPV staple. Start letting Sheamus have a pop at it, and people will start to see it as being on a par with the European Championship.
If I had to hazzard a guess, I'd say that the WWE no longer thinks of the ECW Championship as a world championship. When they reinstated the ECW title in '06, they did call it the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Eventually, they started calling it the ECW World Championship and, finally, simply the ECW Championship.

I think that given the direction that the WWE generally has for ECW, building up younger stars before sending them to Raw or SmackDown, the ECW Championship is probably something like a mid-card title. However, unlike the IC or US titles, the ECW Championship is particular to ECW in and of itself. When Bobby Lashley was traded off of ECW during the WWE Draft, he had to relinquish the ECW Championship. The fact that it's also the only title on the ECW brand could also, theoretically, place it a notch above the IC and US titles in the general WWE title hierarchy. On the other hand, the fact that the ECW Championship is left off the biggest WWE ppv of the year and is defended in a 10 second match at SummerSlam could mean the WWE's view of said title is lower than we think.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing a MITB ladder match to be held on ECW itself or on one of the lesser WWE ppv's. Simply put, it could be a great match and might only make the title seem more prestigious. But, seeing as how the most promising young talent on the brand could be called up to Raw or SmackDown, such a match could throw a monkeywrench into future plans the WWE might have for certain wrestlers.
Why would anyone in there right mind cash in a MITB title shot on the ECW championship, unless they were a low carder? lol

OK maybe percieving it as the easiest title to win.

as for classifcations of world titles, technically none of them are world titles

World Championship is a WWE Championship/WWE Championship is a WWE championship and primarily, who holds the titles? American based wrestlers or atleast guys from the America's continent, but that's always been the case.

They could bite the bullet and just call em by brand but since they change between shows that wouldn't work either.

and how can you have 3 world champs under the same banner anyway? thats as bad as boxing with it's constantly having to have unified title matches cause several people hold the same title.

One person is WWE World Champ the others are just brand champs, least thats how it should
Kane brought the ECW title to RAW when traded, didn't last long though.
ECW having it's own something simlar to a MITB would be a good idea, but realistically there's only a few people who'd ever compete for that title at any given time so it'd have to be maybe just a four way match.

Anything would be better than the pointless title match at SummerSlam which never happened.
Note: I'm not sure if this should go under the ECW section, as it really has to do with the WWE as a whole. But if it fits more under the ECW section... please feel free to move it.

Really, theres no need for a note on every thread you make, as to where it goes. If the mods/g-mods feel like it needs moved, they don't need your permission to move it. They'll move it as they please, either way.

Ok, so I'm not sure if WWE is still classifying the ECW Championship as a World Title anymore. Although, it is the only title on the ECW brand, so it might still be.

Apparently not. When Swagger comes out, do they sell him as a former world champion, like they do with Big Show, John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, or Shawn Michaels? Obviously thats a no, they hardly ever mention his ECW roots. I think they stopped refering to it as a World Title once Vince McMahon got his hands on it, if memory does service me correctly. Either way, the title has usually been treated properly and been a part of every show. The only time I really thought it was "miss-treated" so to speak, was at SummerSlam, when it was a 5 second squash match.

Well, anyway... assuming that it is.

Its not.

Imagine if someone on Raw or Smackdown (NOT ECW) won the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania and cashed it in on the ECW Champion.

So basically like RVD did, at One Night Stand when the brand was first coming back? I assume that it would make the title seem to have more strength, and be more of a focus point on a show. But, with the brand only being a deveolpmental brand, I hardly ever see this scenario ever occuring.

Or, what if someone from Raw or Smackdown (STILL NOT ECW) won the Royal Rumble and used their win to challenge for the ECW Championship at Wrestlemania?

Well, to my knowledge the first time this loophole came about was when Chris Beniot used it to challenge Triple H at WrestleMania XX. Beniot then went on to win the title, and the rest is history. Now then, how many more times has then been practiced?

Batista challenge Triple H on homebrand RAW. Mysterio won the Rumble, lost his right to compete at WrestleMania at No Way Out, only to be injected into the match (still no use of loophole.) The Undertaker challenged Batista on homebrand SmackDown. John Cena challenged Randy Orton at No Way Out, instead of having the traditional match at WrestleMania, then Randy Orton challenged Triple H on homebrand RAW.

Now, I'm not saying that its impossible for your little idea to happen. But as it has only been done once in history, and never repeated. I doubt it will happen, for ECW anytime soon. The only way for this, or the Money In The Bank scenario to occur, is if the WWE is just overran with good-great midcard-main event wrestlers. Which, doesn't seem to be the case right now, does it?

What would that mean for ECW and what would it mean for the ECW Championship?

Well, we sure as hell are assuming a lot of diffrent things happen in the WWE, to the point where the HAVE to have ECW as a legitimate brand, not just a brand for the new guys to develop. Or, if the new guys start drawing more than a 1.2-3 each and every week. Say if they started to draw as much as SmackDown, if not more, then this would be the probably storyline to put ECW on the map, as a legitimate brand to the RAW and SmackDown nations.

Then, this would simply put ECW on the map for a short time. Where the WWE takes it from there, is all up for the WWE and whether or not they really want/need ECW to have some sort of spotlight in their programming. From there intense storylines, and good fueds would have to ensue, for the new and improved ECW to really become meaningful, in the eyes of anyone.

If it is indeed still classified as a World Title, then it should be included.

But, its not.

I mean, in 2007, The Undertaker won the Royal Rumble and showed speculation of challenging any of the three champions.

In 2007 the ECW title was still looked at as a World Heavyweight title. Which is when these events occured.

The ECW Championship was just ignored and wasn't even featured on Wrestlemania.

If I do remember correctly there was an article out on WrestleZone about why ECW wasn't on WrestleMania. Mr Mcmahon saw Jack Swagger as too green to preform infront of the booming audience that would be attending WreslteMania. He didn't want to take the title of Swagger, to keep him over for the ECW audience, but he didn't want to take the risk of him screwing up infront of the entire WWE universe. Possibly ruining his career forever.

Otherwise, I assume ECW would have been on the show.
Actually, this doesn't follow at all.

I feel it does. But we'll follow through your point of view and see if we can come to any agreements.

ECW is less prestigious, obviously, but that by no means means that all titles on Raw are better than all titles on ECW. Compare it to awards. British film awards are, on the whole, less prestigious than American ones. You'd still rather have a Bafta than a North Delaware regional film society award, wouldn't you? The point is, is that the ECW belt is less prestigious than the Raw title, but it isn't less prestigious than the US title.

Hmmm. Really debatable.

Again, the problem is that ECW as a whole is a Developmental Brand. I know you somewhat disagree down below, but the Brand's primary purpose is just that.

Now, sure you can look at Veterans like Christian, William Regal, and Tommy Dreamer on the brand, but essentially they are the trainers and mentors of the entire ECW Brand. If you take a look at everybody else, they are all essentially either young and not ready for the main two Brands, or WWE simply feels that they are Green and need their skills worked on.

Believe me, I am a big proponent of ECW being a Brand on par with Raw and Smackdown, but it doesn't look like it is in the cards for McMahon. I think having solely a Developmental Brand on TV is such a waste for a third television outlet, and would prefer that all trainees be simply spread across all the Brands on the Undercard, since they get more exposure that way .... but it is what it is.

So keeping that in mind, don't look at Christian and assume that simply because he is a veteran, that the ECW Title today means as much as it did when the Brand debuted.

Fact is that the FCW Championship is not as prestigious as the ECW Championship and nor would it be as prestigious if ECW had a Mid-card title, because the entire Brand is not on the same level as ECW.

The same simply applies to ECW, and that is why there wasn't even an ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania.

Swagger had the ECW title, then when he went to Raw was in a feud in the region of the card above the US but below the main event with MVP. He was on Summerslam, the title wasn't. Matt Hardy stepped up to the ECW title from the US one. Shelton recently held the US, but isn't even in contention for the ECW title. The ECW title is on 90% of PPVs, the same isn't true of the other midcard belts.

I think that concept of the Midcard titles has just changed in the past few weeks. If you look at both Raw and Smackdown these past several weeks ... all of the titles, from the US Championship, to the Intercontinental Championship, to the Divas Championship, to the Women's Championship now have all the title holders made into a prominent part of the programs by being placed in feuds. Vince has finally got it that if he wants to grow talent, he has to use his Midcard titles properly and prominently display them on WWE television. What woke him up is anyone's guest. But at least he finally got it.

How many times has the ECW title match been on a PPV where it was a "record match time", just to get it out of the way?

The US Championship is the only title that can now remotely be considered near or on the same level as the ECW Championship. Why Miz vs Kofi Kingston didn't take place at SummerSlam, who knows? But the Intercontinental title match was on the card, and it was a lot longer than the match for the ECW title.

ECW is a development brand to an extent, certainly, but by no means is that its only purpose.

The only other purpose I see to the show, other than grooming and training talent, is to air segments from Raw the previous night.

How many of the developmental stars, that is ones that have been with the company for less than a year, been involved in an ECW title match? 2. Of which one has held it. The people who are contenders for that title now: Christian, Dreamer, Kozlov & Regal have all been with the company for years.

Kozlov is on ECW because he is still considered Green and McMahon has soured on him when he was feuding with Taker.

The others are there as trainers or mentors, as I mentioned .... and to groom the talent. That much has been reported in the Observer and various online news sites.

There are 4 people on the entire ECW roster that have not been on any other brand, and 7 out of 13 male wrestlers have held a title on another brand. To me, the developmental aspect of the brand is only half the story.

Developmental doesn't simply equate to "training young talent". There are people who have been with the company longer like Kozlov and Burchill who are also there to be "developed" as well ... since McMahon is evidently not happy with their ring work, and nor feels they should be displayed on his two main programs.

If you are in ECW, you are there as a trainer or mentor, or because you are a young talent just called up to the main roster, or because Vince is not happy with your ring work and are placed there to develop.

Christian is too good and too young to be the developmental champion, definitely, but I'm not sure that is what the title is. After all, developmental implies onwards to better things, and just a single ECW Champion since RVD has gone on to hold a bigger title.

I agree, and so do a lot of other people. That's why these people feel he is being wasted on ECW. I would rather see Christian as the Intercontinental champion on a prominent brand as opposed to being the ECW Champion ... the champion of a developmental brand.

Christian is probably in the best place for him to garner credibility with the company, he already has it with the fans. A long reign for him against the three heel wrestlers will serve him, and the title well.

It's a good feud, and nobody is denying that. However, something has to be put on the show to get people to watch the Developmental Wrestlers, and pairing up the Two Head trainers in a good feud is a good way to do it. I don't think they are necessarily trying to bring credibility to the ECW title with this feud. Rather, they are simply trying to give the people something else to get them to tune into the entire show.

The danger with the ECW title is to turn it into the can he hold a title title, which is stupid, because it completely detracts from the title as an entity. Keep it how its going, with veterans and upper midcarders and the title will forever remain a PPV staple. Start letting Sheamus have a pop at it, and people will start to see it as being on a par with the European Championship.

I absolutely despise the European Championship. It is the single most useless title in all of wrestling. So, let's hope not.
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1337161]Note: I'm not sure if this should go under the ECW section, as it really has to do with the WWE as a whole. But if it fits more under the ECW section... please feel free to move it.

Ok, so I'm not sure if WWE is still classifying the ECW Championship as a World Title anymore. Although, it is the only title on the ECW brand, so it might still be.

Well, anyway... assuming that it is. Imagine if someone on Raw or Smackdown (NOT ECW) won the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania and cashed it in on the ECW Champion. Or, what if someone from Raw or Smackdown (STILL NOT ECW) won the Royal Rumble and used their win to challenge for the ECW Championship at Wrestlemania?

What would that mean for ECW and what would it mean for the ECW Championship?

If it is indeed still classified as a World Title, then it should be included. I mean, in 2007, The Undertaker won the Royal Rumble and showed speculation of challenging any of the three champions. In 2008, John Cena immediately made it clear that he would be challenging for WWE Championship. This year, we all knew that Randy Orton would challenge for the WWE Championship. The ECW Championship was just ignored and wasn't even featured on Wrestlemania.

Same with the Money in the Bank. So, would you be opposed to seeing the Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank winner challenge for the ECW Championship? Or do you think it wouldn't be right? Explain please.[/QUOTE]

Now in fairness to Undertaker in 2007 Bobby Lashley was getting the major push, and the size made him look credible, compared to 2008 when Cena won, Chavo was the champion and IMO that was a bad move but regardless, 2009 Orton was a no brainer, it's all about the current events on who won the rumble, when Undertaker won there no feud on going with a champion, when Cena won the rumble he had Orton who injured him to go after, who happened to be the champ, 2009, Orton had been toe punting his way to the high hills of Mcmahon land, but you knew Mania 25 would HAVE to have HHH in the main event against the rumble winner, so it was a no brainer HHH would win the belt.

see what happens next year.

But I don't we'll ever seen anyone cash in for the ECW title, from a rumble or MITB win.
Right now, the ECW championship will never be in contention for a royal rumble, MITB or the irregular KOTR winner to challenge for it due to the fact that the title is considered more of a midcard developmental title. The main purpose of ECW, known to many, is to train the future stars of the business or give stars a second chance. With the lack of star power on the roster, people have to pay attention to who is on ECW. Thus, whoever holds the ECW title is given the opportunity to prove themself worthy for future WWE roles & title reigns. So, if the ECW title is used to prove one's worth of a title shot in the future & the RR/MITB have the same outcome... see where I am going with this?

I will bet everything I own that the current ECW with its title will never got a MITB/RR winner to challenge for the title as they have already proved they can hold a future title reign.
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