Echelon 4 Admin

Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness
Because he NEVER bothers anybody ever! He never abuses his power and adds cool pics. Lets not forget nobody knows more about womens wrestling than him and I am sure he is rather cute.

Luther: Power mad and contributes sqwat!

Wes: Flamey and contributes sqwat!

Will: Would rather write a book and insult posters.....and contributes sqwat!

AJ: Power mad and deletes shit for no reason and then denies it! His Engerish sucks.

Shocky: Doesn't even post in his 4 admin thread!

There you have it! Echelon 4 Admin! WE LOVE ECH!

(Enjoy this thread before AJ or Luther delete it)

I wouldn't even know what to do with the admin powers, I'd probably end up deleting the board by accident while testing out the admin powers
Sure, but could I handle it? probably not, unless someone taught me how to use the admin powers properly
Im a Gordon and Kahne fan.... and a question if everyone wants the admin spot whos gonna be mod? Could I toss my name in the ring for mod? Cant hurt to ask could it? I was a mod on a juggalo site before the phbp updated and the main admin went offline. Just a thought ... but ignore it if this is all for fun i'm happy with just bein a poster.

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