Early batch for Rookie of the Year.

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The rookie of the year is probably the second best WrestleZone award that comes out every year. Last years was very competitive, with about 5 people within one to two votes of winning.

I would just like to ask you guys to list some of your favorite posters from this year so far. My first pick would be

Zeitgeist- He seems like a decent poster for being new here. He has 9 non spam posts, which is 1.96 posts a day. Pretty good stats, considering that means he has been here for only a handful of days.

Regal has a lot more talent than most people know, like many wrestlers who aren't really allowed to showcase themselves in the WWE. I agree that his IC title reign was a joke/insult but I don't mind seeing Punk with the belt.

I agree if it is booked properly, Punk might be able to bring some worth back to the belt. We really need another strong title division for the rest of the roster. I barely care about the WHC and the rest of the belts are non-existent in my mind. Tag belts? How many times can we watch Miz and Morrison fight Crime Time. Without a real tag division those belts are worthless. But the IC title has a chance. We have enough mid-card guys who are popular with the fans but aren't yet ready to main event and go after the world title. Punk, Regal, Goldust, Santino, Kofi, Knox, Ziggler, members of Priceless, etc.

Here is a sample post of his. Unfortunately I think something went wrong with the forum and the post split up at the very top of the forum there. I am sure he would appreciate it if a Mod could remove it, hate to see him get into trouble for that. I am not sure if he has received an infraction for anything yet, but I wouldn't be shocked if he hadn't.

He also has a Santino signiture, so he is in my good books.
Yes, you do own a calendar. People in January can be nominated. This way we can keep track of them all.
Yes, you do own a calendar. People in January can be nominated. This way we can keep track of them all.
I thought good pose +3 points
Santino sig -7 points.
I'd like to point out that it actually wasn't a very competitive field for Rookie of the Year. Very few of you were any good. We just put you all in the running because you all think you're good, and we didn't wanna bruise your "e-gos".

Harthan was one of maybe two or three who really were good rookies.
Whatever you say. I was voted in and still didn't vote for myself.

Is Gunnz a rookie? If not, I nominate him for poster of the year.
What's the point in doing this? If they're not active at the end of the year, then they're clearly not award material.
Just so we have a good list going. I would also like to nominate Fairplayhatesyou. Seems like a smart guy.
I signed up in November, so I'm not eligible for ROY '09, am I?

I haven't really paid any attention to who's new or not, so I'll just wait until Awards season starts to pick anyone...
Sorry, you need to have the ol 2009 up. I saw another poster who was 2009 who was alright. And one who was horrible. and IC has a friend on here who is a rookie. That is all IC needs, someone else who likes him on the forum.

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