Donald Trump's GM Pick?? Mr Kennedy


The Lionheart
What if Donald Trump would of annonced in Green Bay, Wisconson that Mr. Kennedy was the NEW GM of Monday Night Raw?

I mean lets face it the only thing Mr Kennedy was good at(other than getting injured and being on the shelf for 6 months at a time) was talking on the mic and cutting Promos.

He could still use parts of his gimmick, and would instantly be over with the fans as a face. He could of Feuded with Vince, as Trumps Employee and the GM of Raw for a while, until they buried the Trump owning Raw story line sometime down the line. This could of added a new layer to Monday Nights, rather than a quick shot one night deal.

the only downside I could see is Mr Kennedy getting injured snapping a pen open to sign paper work while also managing to get a paper cut.
Yea that would have put an interesting light to Raw but we all know that won't happen since kennedy is on McMahn's do not call list. But who knows it looks like the WWE will do almost anything for ratings on Monday nights right now.
Dont think it would work. The reason being would what would happen when Trump is done? Does he stay GM does he go back to wreslting (And get injured every 2weeks for 6 months at a time)....It wouldnt work..WWE tried to push Kennedy but it just didnt work.
I don't know why this thread exists because Kennedy was fired weeks ago. The Donald Trump storyline came about last week and is now over so none of these situations could of occured. Why would anyone put an active wrestler who was going to be a main eventer as a general manger anyways?
What if Donald Trump would of annonced in Green Bay, Wisconson that Mr. Kennedy was the NEW GM of Monday Night Raw?

I mean lets face it the only thing Mr Kennedy was good at(other than getting injured and being on the shelf for 6 months at a time) was talking on the mic and cutting Promos.

He could still use parts of his gimmick, and would instantly be over with the fans as a face. He could of Feuded with Vince, as Trumps Employee and the GM of Raw for a while, until they buried the Trump owning Raw story line sometime down the line. This could of added a new layer to Monday Nights, rather than a quick shot one night deal.

the only downside I could see is Mr Kennedy getting injured snapping a pen open to sign paper work while also managing to get a paper cut.

It would have been a good surprise. Only, I don't like Kennedy for it.

First of all, he wasn't really over with the crowd. And his promos were really "MISTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEER KKEEEENNNNEEDDDYY............Kennedy." It'd get really tiresome if when your GM comes out to make a ruling you have to sit through 5 minutes of "keeennneeddyyy." Just sayin'

Secondly, he isn't very credible. The crowd has forgotten about him, honestly. He got the return pop, that was about it. And besides, he was never even a World Champion. He has no credibility to be over the main-event wrestlers. At least Adamle was pushed as Vince saying "Ha, let's see how it goes." and Guerrero was there because of Eddie, whom people seem to have a boner over. Kennedy has absolutely nothing when it comes to credibility, sadly.

If he hadn't been pushed out of the McMahon child storyline because of steroids, then you'd have a point. But as of right now, wouldn't work.

cheech72 said:
I don't know why this thread exists because Kennedy was fired weeks ago. The Donald Trump storyline came about last week and is now over so none of these situations could of occured. Why would anyone put an active wrestler who was going to be a main eventer as a general manger anyways?

It's called a swerve, dude. A surprise, "Oh! He was fired!" move. Come on. Creativity. You should get some.

Also, the Trump storyline may not be over. It's called reading WWE press releases, where they hint that Trump may be coming back for more.

Ever hear of Kurt Angle? He was the GM of Smackdown. And I would totally put my active wrestler who is constantly injuring himself and others in the role of GM. It'd keep him from getting people hurt.
It would have been a good surprise. Only, I don't like Kennedy for it.

First of all, he wasn't really over with the crowd. And his promos were really "MISTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEER KKEEEENNNNEEDDDYY............Kennedy." It'd get really tiresome if when your GM comes out to make a ruling you have to sit through 5 minutes of "keeennneeddyyy." Just sayin'

Secondly, he isn't very credible. The crowd has forgotten about him, honestly. He got the return pop, that was about it. And besides, he was never even a World Champion. He has no credibility to be over the main-event wrestlers. At least Adamle was pushed as Vince saying "Ha, let's see how it goes." and Guerrero was there because of Eddie, whom people seem to have a boner over. Kennedy has absolutely nothing when it comes to credibility, sadly.

If he hadn't been pushed out of the McMahon child storyline because of steroids, then you'd have a point. But as of right now, wouldn't work.

It's called a swerve, dude. A surprise, "Oh! He was fired!" move. Come on. Creativity. You should get some.

Also, the Trump storyline may not be over. It's called reading WWE press releases, where they hint that Trump may be coming back for more.

Ever hear of Kurt Angle? He was the GM of Smackdown. And I would totally put my active wrestler who is constantly injuring himself and others in the role of GM. It'd keep him from getting people hurt.

Yeah Ric Flair also had a spin as the GM of Raw, before joining up with Triple H to form Evolution.

and Kurt Angle was a great GM.
It would have gotten a big pop. One time only.

What happens once you leave Green Bay and the reaction dies off? Kennedy got an ok pop and that's it when he returned. He's not nearly as big of a deal as his fan base would like to believe he is. He's the epitome of living on potential, as he's done nothing to justify the hype he's gotten. It would have been a good move for a one night thing, but in no way was it practical. Why in the world would you bring him back a month after firing him? That makes no sense.

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