Donald Trump Storyline Discussion


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You know, Donald Trump, the business man who's had an extremely successful venture into the entertainment business. He is the executive producer of his (formerly) wildly popular reality show, The Apprentice. He also made a (forgettable) famed appearance at Wrestlemania 24. He appeared in the main event (sub-par match that appeared towards the end of the card) between two great (mediocre) superstars which resulted in him shaving Vince McMahon's head.

So where is this going? Here's how I see this going down.

Trump takes the show and gives us a commercial free RAW. He puts on some real great shows for a couple months, but then something starts to change. He starts getting power hungry and begins to play favorites like Vickie did. Maybe he does something that pushes the fans over the edge, maybe he fires King or organizes an ambush on HBK or HHH. The fans begin to ask for Vince back, and a group of Vince loyalists form to take on a group of Trump loyalists at SurvivorSeries for control of the company, kind of like the invasion angle.

How do you see this playing out?
Donald Trump is the new owner of RAW. What are your thoughts on this fucking ridiculous angle involving the Donald and who do you think would have been a better or more interesting choice to be the one who bought RAW from Vince?

Personally, I think that Flair would be a good choice due to the history between McMahon and Flair and because that's who the fans obviously wanted. Austin would have been cool too due to irony and because Ausitn is a badass, Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase would have made sense and been good for storyline, Bischoff returning as the new owner would have been insane, hell, even Hogan buying RAW form Vince would be kickass and would have a lot of potential.

But what do you think?
Well, I was trying to watch raw without seeing any spoilers for tonight. But when it said new owner, and forum called ...the donald... I put the two and two together. But, this will be very interesting I must say. I think of it like this, I'll be at raw in two weeks. Hopefully he drops money again. :)

But in all seriousness, this will be a great storyline, or one of the biggest travesties in wrestling. Only time will tell.
I made this thread, but it got reported as spam and put on the Raw thread.

Anyway, it's absolute bull. All those guys you named would've been great for the company and make for good storylines. This Donald Trump crap is from left field, and there's no point to it. I would've liked to see Ted DiBiase Sr personally, as it would add to the Legacy storyline. Trump does nothing at all, and I don't understand what the logic was other than mainstream publicity, which was gotten a couple years ago by having...Donald Trump. Overall though, this Raw was awful, and only 3 hours so they could afford to not have any commercials next week. A complete waste of 3 hours.
I think this is the a really lame angle. It's a desperate attempt for ratings on Vince's part. Especially with the commercial free RAW and the just announced Last Man Standing Main Event.

I can't see this really going anywhere, except maybe Donald gets fed up and wants to sell RAW back. I mean, seriously? Who really believes Vince would sell a third of the company to Donald Trump.
well if they keep giving away matches for the title it might be nhl=done maybe vince is trying really get a ratings bump now that baseball is the only sport going on til august..he has 6-8 weeks with no sports and primetime tv in reruns, maybe he's gonna go all out to try and grow the "wwe universe"
I think it's a great move, better then flair. Maybe this will freshin up raw a bit. Give us some new stuff. Then again we have trips vs randy in a LMS match for the title next week... Maybe the writers can make something interesting...
Trump's verbal delivery may not be all that great, but I think this has potential. The announcement of a commercial-free Raw legitimately sounds like something Vince would have been too afraid to do (even tho rumors of it leaked a whole week ago). Plust putting a PPV-calibur match on cable tv is a good treat every once in a while, and it leaves the door open for something major at the next PPV
Really was hoping for someone who would really ADD to the product..Austin, Hogan, DiBiase...for crying out loud even Bishoff!!!! But Trump????? Come on Vince you can do better then this, I've seen it...

Whats next? David Arquette vs Randy Orton in a Hell in the Cell for the WWE title??? lol
believe me when i say this people it is a lot better then Flair. i mean come on this could and will more then likely lead to a big winner gets control RAW at Survivor Series match. Trump can certainly help improve the lackluster ratings. He can throw his own twist and turns into the show. this could be the best thing to happen to RAW since Bishoff was hire back in 2002 or 2003. RAW can only get better from here. as it makes the GM role matter a little bit more now.
I wonder how long this Trump thing will last. McMahon is obviously going to chafe at this new ownership and will get into some kind of power struggle to get RAW back. Maybe Flair will buy it at some point... or maybe "everybody has a price," even Donald Trump.

Trump has been associated with WWE for a long, long time. Check him out in the front row at WM4.
This thread is gonna be epic. So much blind hate towards an angle that hasn't even had a full day to develop. I will reserve judgement until it progresses a little more, but it seems to have potential. I can't wait for the inevitable heel turn. Or better yet, the Punt of Doom to Trump. I wonder if his hair will shield the impact.
Nate's right, right now, all we can do is speculate if this is going to work or not and discuss how we hope it goes, no reason to just assume it's going to fail. Let's keep in mind that this allows RAW to go in an entirely new direction, which it definitely needed. Trump might not single handedly save RAW, but I think he can at least help make it interesting. I really do hope he starts out as a great GM and then starts becoming biased and stupid. It'd be one of the few times I'd be in favor of Vince McMahon being a face. I really think this could give us a pretty sweet Survivor Series battle between Team McMahon vs. Team Trump.
I'll admit, I didn't want to see Flair as GM at all. But I'll also admit, just because of that, by default it doesn't mean any other choice is automatically better. This is one of those situations where its worse.

Wtf is Trump going to do? I'll lay it out for you.

1. Vince is hoping that Trump being involved is going to spark interest in Raw on a media frenzy...that the news will start picking it up and you'll see it on E and whatnot. He'd be lucky if they mention it and aren't just ripping it to shreds at how stupid it is.

2. Trump will come out to a round of boos on Monday.

3. Nobody will care by the time Night of Champions comes around, if he's still even here.

4. Everyone will be so sick and tired of listening to Trump cut terrible promos and waste time (because this is a wrestling show, not "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" or "The Surreal Life" with a random guest spot every week to plug their status)

5. We'll revert back to the same old, same old, and it will be a storyline that went nowhere and was a waste of time. Like the Million Dollar Mania.

Hell we're already just about at the "same old, same old". HHH is already starting to dominate people in handicap situations and not allow anybody to look like they've got the upper hand on him. And we're already back to HHH/Orton, which is same old, same old.
this is obviously a swerve because everyone expected flair,seriously do you think donald trump is gonna be on raw every monday? he has better things to do then be the "owner" of raw, and i never really noticed til tonight how annoying his voice really is
LokiCobain said:
Anyway, it's absolute bull. All those guys you named would've been great for the company and make for good storylines. This Donald Trump crap is from left field, and there's no point to it. I would've liked to see Ted DiBiase Sr personally, as it would add to the Legacy storyline. Trump does nothing at all, and I don't understand what the logic was other than mainstream publicity, which was gotten a couple years ago by having...Donald Trump. Overall though, this Raw was awful, and only 3 hours so they could afford to not have any commercials next week. A complete waste of 3 hours.

EggSalads said:
think this is the a really lame angle. It's a desperate attempt for ratings on Vince's part. Especially with the commercial free RAW and the just announced Last Man Standing Main Event.

Jersey Devil said:
Really was hoping for someone who would really ADD to the product..Austin, Hogan, DiBiase...for crying out loud even Bishoff!!!! But Trump????? Come on Vince you can do better then this, I've seen it...

Whats next? David Arquette vs Randy Orton in a Hell in the Cell for the WWE title??? lol

Oh, wow. How incredibly not expected. Someone just blindly attacking an angle that hasn't even really started. Looks to me like Trump did fine last night. Wasn't horrible at all. Give it some motherfucking time guys. If it was Flair you would be crying for days (as would I). If it were Ted Dibiase Sr. you'd find a reason to complain. As with Paul Bearer, as if Vince brought in Hulk fucking Hogan.

Calm down, wait a bit. Trump can definitely do something for Raw. Like ratings, when everyone finds out Donald Trump,( you know, that media celebrity?) is heading Raw. Trump is a new face. Which i remember people crying out for weeks ago. Make up your damn minds. New faces or old.
First off, let me just say i was surprised to say the least. Now the WWE was more than likely going for the shock factor, and well it did shock, but poor choice. I mean i was left saying what the hell? I have to listen to Trump's terrible promos over again? HOWEVER, this storyline has to be going somewhere to either elevate a star or to transfer a new authority figure. I have two takes on where this is going to go.

1. This could be used as a way for Vince to say his goodbyes from t.v and retires the Mr. McMahon persona. I mean to be fair, hes getting old, i mean i still find him very entertaining, but there is only so much to do with him anymore, and his in-ring days are behind him. But back to my thought, i figure Trump takes control and begins to change things. He begind to really leave the WWE name behind and make it his own. So one night on Raw, out comes Shane, Shane starts some type of fued to take over the family business. In the end, Shane takes over the WWE, takes his spot in the family business and everyones happy. (little side note, i think Trump making Vince his GM would be great, having Trump boss around McMahon would really add to the Shane take over.

2. Now this is a long shot, but it would in fact elevate TED DIBIASE. My idea would be for after a few months, have The Million Dollar Man make a return, say hes fed up with Trump and whats hes doing to the business he help create, he offers to buy it, Trump refuses, so then he challenges him to a match, Trump declines electing for a representative of each, much like Wrestlemania 23. Trump would pick say....Orton(with the title still) and Million Dollar Man would pick his son, this would then cause stress in Legacy leading to Rhodes and Orton turning on Dibiase turning him face. This would lead to a match at...Summer Slam or perhaps the pay per view after i dont remember what it is. The title WOULD NOT be on the line, but it would find Orton losing and elevating Dibiase into the spotlight After the match the Million Dollar Man would award the Million Dollar Championship for his son to defend. Then the next night on Raw the Million Dollar man would begin his reign of terror.

This would have been so much better if it went down like this:

Vince sold RAW for an offer that even he couldn't pass up. Who you ask has this kind of money? Hit the music.....

The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase!

Everybody's got a price.....would Cena turn heel and work Dibiase if the price was right? Would Ted Jr. help realize his potential with Dad in charge? This would have opened up so many fresh stories. I think they blew it BIG TIME. How many times do we have to watch Orton vs. HHH? I've found myself less and less interested lately. WE WANT FRESH!!!
Does it really matter who "bought" RAW? It's still going to be the same writers and same people making the decisions. They're capable of screwing it up with "Trump in charge" just as much as they did up until this point. Also has anyone else seemed to realize that just around this time something "shocking" seems to happen near or after the Bash and leading into Night Of Champions? First it was an explosion of Vince's limo, then Million Dollar Mania with the set falling on Vince. Now Vince "selling" RAW? Granted this one is a little earlier than the past 2 but it seems to fit.
This is gonna be a lot of FUN!

The race to be Donald Trumps RAW Apprentice? Those are gonna be some solid gold skits right there for Regal and Santino lol...

Seriously it will be a shot in the arm for RAW and no doubt signals the intent to end the Brand Extention in the run up to Mania by having SD v RAW/Trump v McMahon again... which can only be a good move.

If nothing else, this could excite people like Dwayne Johnson, Austin, Rourke et al back into the fold for appearances as Trump will bring a certainly draw some extra ratings.
Who knows, maybe Trump won't be there all the time. I mean he is a business man and maybe he can't travel all the time, so he names a new GM of Raw to be in charge when hes not there. Its going to be very very intresting to see where this goes.
I think the best way to do this storyline would have been to have JBL been the one to buy the company then name himself world champ in the middle of the fatal four way. Then he goes onto say how the fans screwed him over and now he is going to do the same to them. Epic heel heat and honestly even though i know he is done with pro wrestling i would have been like wow this is kinda sick even though i hate the guy as an in ring performer. JBL and his reign of terror or whatever he wants to call it could have made for some crazy tv
Just when you think Raw is going to be the same old matches and promos as always, Vince manages to throw in a suprise. No one can actually say that they saw this coming. I mean whether you like the new storyline or not, can you honestly say that's what you expected to go down on Raw tonight? I sure as hell didn't.

My expectations for tonights show went something like this:

Vince comes out either at the top of the show or after the main event to announce that the new General Manager of Raw would be none other than Charlotte's own "jet flyin, limousine ridin, kiss stealin...The Nature Boy - Ric Flair".

I also didn't anticipate Randy Orton regaining the WWE Championship. With the return of Triple H last week, my money was on him. Him winning the championship would've made for a dominate return that's for sure. The storyline at this point doesn't really matter. I mean Orton lost to Batista, and Batista wound up injured resulting in the title being vacated. The title was going to change hands tonight either way as a result of all that, and since that was the case it isn't like people could reasonably say they are sick of seeing the title change hands, it has no credibility, etc. For my taste, it didn't make sense for Batista to get the title so quickly, but he did. It gave us a new champion and opened up opportunities for new feuds at the least. I'm a huge Randy Orton fan, but that was needed - it still is. The unfortunate part is that whether Batista would've been injured or not, the feud would've stayed Orton/Batista with Triple H in there sooner or later because there aren't any other heels on Raw that are over enough to put into the title picture at the moment.

I never thought I'd being saying this, but I was kind of hoping that John Cena would've won tonight. I'm not a fan of his, at least not a huge one. Since he has been out of the title picture for a while, it's been a bit better. He defeated Big Show a Extreme Rules, which more or less ended that feud. I mean he's beaten Big Show several times now, so it's run it's course. By giving the title to Cena in the Fatal Four Way tonight, the resulting John Cena vs Miz feud would've been money! I'm not saying that the Miz is ready for the title just yet, although I wouldn't mind seeing him win it. I'm just saying that the poster boy for the WWE, the man who is still the most over face on Raw despite not being in the title picture in a while, would be feuding with a man who despite all normal reasoning is the second biggest heel on Raw at the moment. The Miz has improved leaps and bounds. He is something fresh and exciting. Randy Orton's feud and subsequent momentum stalled somewhere along the way. The Miz gets huge heat,real heat, not the cheap kind. He's been going on with all this stuff about Cena for weeks now, and as a result is "7-0" against Cena. Instead of completely killing off Miz's push in a squash match which is what I'm thinking is going to happen, wouldn't it be better to put him against Cena for the title at least once? Sure, he wouldn't win the title that early in his career, but it would be a new feud as opposed to Orton/HHH, Orton/Batista, Orton/Cena all for the millionth time. There could be a number one contender's match (the Battle Royal main event was that opportunity) which the Miz manages to win somehow. With their only being two weeks until The Bash, it would've worked beautifully. They already have the build up for the feud because Miz has been running his mouth about Cena for almost a month, not to mention he attacked him with the chair last week. They could have some filler matches for the next two weeks, and then finally have their match at The Bash. If the writers and Vince liked the payoff from that, they could continue the feud for a few weeks longer. If not, then at least for two weeks, Miz got a huge push (which he deserves in my opinion) that in the least puts him in contention to become United States champion, and the viewers got something new.

I don't realize how I got off on that rant, but back to the point...I didn't see tonight's Raw turning out the way it did completely. Triple H winning the battle royal - yeah seen that coming a mile away. A few other matches, I figured out (Jericho/Mysterio for instance), but the new GM & owner part I didn't. Trump being the owner more than likely will lead up to a Team Trump/Team McMahon Survivor Series match. In the mean time, I'm being optomistic about the storyline. Vince seen a chance to grab ratings with something "shocking". If it works fine, if not, then again - it is at least something new. When the announcement was made, I was really hoping it would've been Ted Dibiase, Sr. or Eric Bischoff. That didn't work out though as we now know. I look for Trump to announce Flair as GM next week, or sometime soon thereafter. Although, tonight would've been the ample time to do so since Raw was in Charlotte. If it isn't Flair, I'm not sure who it will be. Any thoughts on that? Also, what's up with all the title matches going on recently? They were all defended tonight in some pretty big time matches, so where is the logic in having Orton face HHH in the LMS match for the title next week? The show being non-commercial, and the match being such a big time (all be it a worn out) match should result in more viewers, but it doesn't make sense. They give away matches like that with The Bash only being two weeks away. They don't really get time to even build up hype for that PPV as it is, people aren't going to want to pay good money to watch the PPV unless they come up with some pretty huge matches. They get to watch all these title matches on Raw, then we see Orton vs HHH for the millionth time next week, and more than likely it will be Orton vs HHH at The Bash, so where is the logic? Unless, there is some sort of swerve in the match next week - maybe Legacy gets involved or something like that to where the match isn't really finished. In any case, it should be interesting to see how this whole Donald Trump thing plays out, to see what sort of changes he makes. I realize I got pretty off topic at times, so I apologize.
i think its fucking stupid... Donald Trump... really? Out of all the people. Once again Vince tries to put so much focus on Raw and not his PPV's the bash has 3 matches so far all title matches and not bad matches one we have seen god knows how many times and 2 fresh ones... but now the question is what will happen since the Donald made this last man standing match? I hate this move, it seems TNAish to try and bring in celebs for ratings, lets face it Trump is boring as fuck! This should be interesting, not necessarily in a good way:fuckoff:
Originally Posted by jerseydevil

Really was hoping for someone who would really ADD to the product..Austin, Hogan, DiBiase...for crying out loud even Bishoff!!!! But Trump????? Come on Vince you can do better then this, I've seen it...

Whats next? David Arquette vs Randy Orton in a Hell in the Cell for the WWE title??? lol

At this point, I'd rather see Arquette vs. Orton in HITC than another Triple H/Orton matchup. I was almost certain while watching the battle royal that they'd go a different direction finally and MVP would win it, maybe even the Big Show. At least Orton v Show would be newer. But once both were eliminated, it was obvious Triple H was going to win based on Cena has other feuds with Show and Miz, and Triple H has nothing.

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