What's Vince's problem?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Why does Vince McMahon feel that he must appeal to the mainstream? His stunt of selling Raw to Donald Trump just to get a bit of mainstream press is a bit sad. Mark Madden wrote in a recent article that Vince did it because when he meets other millionaires, Vince is ashamed how he made his money.

Why should he be ashamed? This is a man who lived in a trailer-park and built his success. He made money not by scamming people or through illegal activities, but by providing a product people obviously want to "buy". I know Vince McMahon has many faults, both in character and otherwise, but why should Vince care what anyone, especially the mainstream media think of him?

The media will never accept wrestling anyway. They never give results of wrestling matches, because they are "scripted". Vince will never get the mainstream acceptance he craves, so he should give up.So, instead of trying to create headlines, why doesn't Vince just give the media and his critics the "middle finger" (figuratively)?

Some criticism is warranted, but a lot are from "wrestling haters" who are jealous and have never achieved financially half of what Vince McMahon has.
I mean, he obviously has Donald Trump's respect. Trump and McMahon have been involved with three Wrestlemania (VI, V and 23), Trump is doing the current angle with him, and he also had McMahon on "The Celebrity Apprentice" as an observer, and said that "Vince McMahon is the greatest promoter he has ever met". You would think with Mr Trump's status in Hollywood, with the Apprentice, and well as with the business world, that any friend of the Donald's is a friend of theirs as well.

Vince McMahon should promote himself as a wrestling promoter, be proud of what industry he is in, and write off naysayers for the jealous losers a lot of them are (I'm not talking about the fans, I mean those who bag wrestling, but don't even watch it). If someone wants to watch wrestling they can, but the rest can get lost. If I was him, that's how I would think. While the media ignored wrestling, I would count my millions, be proud of what I achieved, and know that while a lot of those other millionaires may have made their fortune in more "acceptable" ways, that few of them have ruled their industry like Vince McMahon. Many have been successful, but so have others in the same market. Yet Vince McMahon is one of the few millionaires to have cornered the market in his particular industry. So drop calling it "sports-entertainment" and trying to get mentioned on E! News. Just focus on wrestling, and everyone else can miss out.

If Vince is ashamed of how he has made his fortune, what about someone like Hugh Hefner? He doesn't seem ashamed of being rich by the success of what is essentially a pornographic magazine. Vince should be the same, and be "loud and proud" about his industry, and not care what others think.

Vince needs to remember the quote that Elaine, in an episode of "Seinfeld" , made during a toast : "Here's to those who wish us well. All the rest can go to hell!"
I wouldnt take much of what Madden says seriously if I was you. He's just a bitter fat man with a grudge against the world. And as for this Trump storyline, he really needs to stop. Unfortunately the mainstream media will never take wrestling seriously so he's wasting his time trying. Hopefully he'll learn that soon.

Well I think he appeals to main-stream because it's just another way of making money. Raw being associated with products or people such as Trump gives Raw more publicity and may bring in a few more fans. At the end of the day that's what it's about. I don't think McMahon is ashamed of how he made his money - he worked hard and created a product which is loved by millions. I don't think he should be ashamed in any way.
This angle sucks, trump sucks, the media wont care and in that regard it'll be a flop.

With that being said trump 'buying' Raw is actually a good thing. Even when a show changes GM hands in the story, the show goes through certain changes to show that a lot of the time. Heel managers screw over the faces, save matches for the PPV and generally annoy you. Face managers do the right thing, make more matches and often have matches on the fly rather then wait for the PPV. This isn't always the case but I find it true as a general rule of thumb.

Trump is supposed to be a face, we're supposed to like him regardless of if we do or don't. So while this story line may suck at face value: we're already getting a commercial free Raw and Orton VS HHH in a last man standing match. Surely that's a step in the right direction. This seems like a decent trade off for having to listen to a trump promo. As of -right now- this story line is great, but only for the secondary changes that came along with it. Will this continue? We'll have to wait and see for that one.
simply put, because Vince is in the "Sports Entertainment" business. If he appealed more to die-hard PRO-WRESTLING fans, he'd lose alot of viewers because the vast majority of America isnt really a fan of PRO-WRESTLING because they know the puching and slamming and holding is scripted and not MEANT to hurt the other person. And if the WWE focused on REAL (greco-roman/olypic) wrestling, nobody would be watching except for a few thousand people.
simply put, because Vince is in the "Sports Entertainment" business. If he appealed more to die-hard PRO-WRESTLING fans, he'd lose alot of viewers because the vast majority of America isnt really a fan of PRO-WRESTLING because they know the puching and slamming and holding is scripted and not MEANT to hurt the other person. And if the WWE focused on REAL (greco-roman/olypic) wrestling, nobody would be watching except for a few thousand people.

QFT, which is why I support the Trump angle 100%.

This is the Entertainment business, people. You need to quit looking at wrestling like a sport. It isn't a sport, and I don't know how many times this point needs to be made to actually get it to sink in with some of you. The reason UFC is so popular is because it is actually real fighting with unscripted outcomes.

You can not sell just "scripted wrestling", with no entertainment, to the public, and expect it to sell. I know that is what some of you diehard actual wrestling fanatics think, but you are living in "la la land". And that is why I clash with so many damn people on the Internet, because these are the types of fans that do not understand, that the majority of wrestling fans do NOT find "only the wrestling" to be entertaining enough.

Vince's current product has had more focus these past 2 years on the actual wrestling than ever before. Which has made what I call the "Ring of Honor fans" of "ONLY the actual wrestling" absolutely thrilled. What has since transpired? Ratings and buyrates have gone down ever since this experiment started.

The bottom line is that people with THAT mentality, who feel that the entire product should be JUST wrestling, with no characters or storylines, are NOT the people Vince should be listening to. The "E" has been taken out of WWE, and it has done nothing but bore people to tears with it. Hence why you hear the words "boring, stale, and predictable" frequently tossed around.

I only hope we are seeing Vince turn over a new leaf with Raw. You guys who only want the wrestling, can keep Smackdown and be happy with it. Leave Raw to the people who actually enjoy being entertained by angles and storylines and quit forcing your views on people who want a show that features those elements, WITH some wrestling.
All sport is (or certainly should be) entertainment. If Vince wants to get the mainstream in on it then thats fine with me. The more ppl who are aware of it the better. Trump will raise the profile in mainstream (not with wrestling fans) and that is no bad thing!
I do not believe that Vince should focus simply on the wrestling part of the show. While it is a wrestling show and wrestling is a big part of it, its not as entertaining as listening to someone verbally bash someone else hence why the Rock was so popular. The Trump angle might work however its too soon to tell. So we'll just have to wait and see.


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