Donald Trump owned Hillary Clinton!/Clintons cheats and lies EXPOSED!


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Despite popular belief here I do in fact have a brain.

I'm actually a lot more intelligent in real life than what I show on here.

I don't know why I act so ******ed on here sometimes.
It's just amusing to me.

Did you guys watch the Debate? because Trump clearly won and most people agree yet the Media said's otherwise. They are basing that over a fraudulent poll done by CNN which was from only about 500 insiders. Every other poll on the net has Trump winning by thousands.

Hillary Clinton didn't say jack shit about how she was going to save Americas economy she doesn't have a fully formed plan. It's the same shit that is currently failing America.

Trumps plan is way better he points out exactly why American companies are leaving. Clinton plan isn't effective if companies are leaving.

I'm not really an expert in this area but Trumps plan sounded much more effective.

All these personal attacks against Trump are fucking ridiculous. Being a sexist ass hole has nothing to do with being able to run a country. So what he did some shady business moves to forward his business who doesn't? I believe he's ego is so high he's not going to want to fail he doesn't need this job to make money like Hilary does.

Here are some videos exposing lying witch Hiliary Clinton.

Here is Clinton attempting to rig the debate in her favor.

Here is some shocking footage showing Hillary Clinton is the REAL racist.

The KKK endorse Hilary Clinton.


So where are these polls that show Trump won the debate? I'm morbidly curious.

There are a few online polls that say he did, which suggests that Trump supporters crashed them. Only a handful, if any, traditional polls say he won.
Despite popular belief here I do in fact have a brain.

I'm actually a lot more intelligent in real life than what I show on here.

I don't know why I act so ******ed on here sometimes.
It's just amusing to me.
I suppose that's why this thread exists.
There are a few online polls that say he did, which suggests that Trump supporters crashed them. Only a handful, if any, traditional polls say he won.

I went to the day after the debate, and their headline article was claiming (among other bullshit) that CNN, CNBC and Breitbart had online polls showing that Donald Trump won the debate. They didn't list an author for the article, and the article is no longer available.

What's really funny about that is when posted that article, I did about two minutes of fact checking. CNN's poll showed that Hillary Clinton won the debate, CNBC's poll showed that Hillary Clinton won the debate, and Breitbart (yes, that Breitbart) had Hillary Clinton winning a debate poll.
I just discovered this thread, but colored me shocked that Shagamania is Trump supporter. Shocked, I tell you.

I bet Crocker supports Gary Johnson. Because, you know...drugs. All the children think Johnson is cool.
Pardon me for appearing stupid but just how do win a political debate. A question is asked and side A will give their answer, side B will give an opposing answer. It doesn't really matter with either side says because no matter how ******ed the answers are because supporters of side A will stick them them, and supporters of side B the same.

In this election it's not a chance for them to swing undecided voters as most have already made up their minds, it's just a chance for them to get on TV and insult each other. Worst debates I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of them.
Pardon me for appearing stupid but just how do win a political debate. A question is asked and side A will give their answer, side B will give an opposing answer. It doesn't really matter with either side says because no matter how ******ed the answers are because supporters of side A will stick them them, and supporters of side B the same.

In this election it's not a chance for them to swing undecided voters as most have already made up their minds, it's just a chance for them to get on TV and insult each other. Worst debates I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of them.
You win a debate based on several things. Sure you aren't going to change the mind of the devout supporters, but changing someone's mind isn't necessarily the standard on how to critique debates.
You win a debate based on several things. Sure you aren't going to change the mind of the devout supporters, but changing someone's mind isn't necessarily the standard on how to critique debates.

But in the political arena during an election cycle, isn't that one of the ways that a candidate can reach out to someone on the fence. I have no idea how many people watched the debates, but it must have been in the millions and to me they were a complete waste of time.

If someone was unsure, these debates certainly didn't do anything but make them not want to vote at all. I appreciate hearing what a candidate is all about, and what they want to accomplish, not a get down and dirty with mud slinging every two minutes. We have the WWE for that shit. They just both came off looking poor, sad and neither is fit to be President of the United States.
Real question is how does one rig a debate, like Shag courageously declared. An election I get, yeah, but a debate is just a fancy Q&A.
Real question is how does one rig a debate, like Shag courageously declared. An election I get, yeah, but a debate is just a fancy Q&A.

Not saying it was rigged but you would ask questions that were harder for one candidate over the other. Another way would be to not ask certain questions that would make a candidate look bad. Interrupting or cutting someone off would be another. Only fact checking one but letting the other say whatever.

Probably more ways then that even.

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