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Dolph Ziggler's Challengers For the US Title


Over the course of the past several weeks, it seems that Dolph Ziggler's dance cart of potential challengers for his United States Championship has gotten pretty full. As of right now, there seem to be possibly three guys on Raw right now that seem to have their sights on Ziggler and all do bring something different to the table.

Zack Ryder - The Long Island Ice-Z has become a fan favorite and relevant member of the WWE roster over the course of the past 6 months or so due to his constant presence on the internet. Ryder's popularity is on the rise and he continues to get good responses. Ryder is energetic, has good promo ability, is loaded with personality and can certainly go inside the ring. He's also extremely young with a potentially bright future. He also owns a couple of pinfall victories over Ziggler and vice versa. We all know about the online petition that's been worked into the angle for Ryder to get himself a title shot and it's gotten a favorable response. I have a feeling that Ryder would've gotten his shot this Sunday at Survivor Series had Christian not been injured. WWE needed a replacement and Ziggler is certainly a quality replacement.

Mason Ryan - Mason Ryan is green as a bean but has been getting mostly favorable responses from the crowds. Ryan has one of the most impressive physiques of any wrestler I've ever seen and he's had Ziggler in his sights really ever since he made his return to Raw a few months back. The WWE has definitely been pushing Ryan as he's manhandled Ziggler everytime they've been in the ring with him. The problem is that, as I said, Ryan is very green and his limitations are pretty obvious. Aside from an incredible build, he doesn't bring very much to the table at this time.

John Morrison - The reason I'm including JoMo here is because of his actions last night. As Ziggler was leaving the ringside area, Morrison comes out and tosses Ziggler back into Ryan. JoMo & Ziggler had a really good match against each other on last week's Raw in which JoMo scored a surprise win, ending a losing streak that's stretched back several months. Morrison is entertaining inside the ring and is almost inhumanly athletic. The problem is that JoMo's future with the WWE seems up in the air at this point. From what I've read on the internet, there's talks that he could be interested in heading to TNA. There are reports that Morrison isn't booked on any upcoming WWE shows in December so, on the surface, it easy to see how Morrison could be leaving. But then, why give him a win over Ziggler last week and why inject him into Ziggler's business last night unless it's going to lead to something?
Ziggler has more than enough guys who can potentially take the belt off of him at this point. The question is who is it going to be? The time has come for him to begin main eventing, so it's obvious that he will be losing the United States Championship. I personally would want to see Ryder be the one to take the belt. He has finally received a push and WWE should capitalize on his growing popularity by awarding him his first singles title. Morrison is another who could benefit from a strong midcard title run, although I don't see that happening. Unfortunately WWE will probably put the belt on Mason Ryan, who is honestly the worst candidate of the three because he's still green and his face turn has been awful so far.
I have no clue what they're doing with the United States Championship. Every week, it seems as if Dolph Ziggler has a different challenger and it's getting to the point where it's somewhat confusing. Perhaps they're trying to build Raw's midcard back up but Dolph's definitely got his hands full. I see nothing apeling about Mason Ryan but the fans somehow do. I can see him being a huge threat to Dolph Ziggler. John Morrison could potentially be on the rebound from a serious depush and you can never go wrong with putting a midcard title on John Morrison. However, as much as I hate his marks, Zack Ryder probably deserves it more. He's managed to get himself super over while keeping a stupid gimmick. He's pinned Ziggler more than once and would be a fine choice to beat Ziggler for the belt. With that said, I could care less. As long as Ziggler is launched into the main event when he loses, I'll be ok with whoever defeats him for the United States Championship.
I may be among the minority here, but I feel that Ziggler needs to hold onto the title longer, atleast till the end of the year. Giving him a long title and a decent feud with a fan favorite like Ryder will help him garner more heat by himself, an area in which that he has to improve. At this point, he is not ready enough to be main-event guy. When he gets to the level that Cody Rhodes is currently, him dropping the title and moving on to greater things would be good.

As for the person who he drops the title to, I think it will probably be Ryder.
I couldn't agree more with Hamler. Its so confusing to me because one minute I think Ziggler's going to lose the title to start his main-event push and the other minute I think are WWE just building up there mid-card? So many names are worthy contenders its getting out of hand, especially considering that Cody Rhodes has hardly anyone challenging him these days for his Intercontinental Title. I'm waiting for Ryder to take it off of Ziggler and than work a feud with possibly a heel Mason Ryan because he's just not working as a face.
I'm loving it.
This is making the mid-card somewhat relevant again. Dolph has many opponents. They are all faces, and they have all beating him once before. This adds credibility to the US Title. It also adds credibility to Ziggler because he CAN defend against everyone.
I wouldnt mind seeing it lead to another "double header" for ziggler. Have him defend teh US Title against Ryder, Morrison & Ryan in a Fourway. THen later on him and Ryan work the tag match as well. A Fourway would be the best way to take the belt off ziggler because he doesnt need to get pinned and wont come off looking weak. And also wouldnt mind seeing ziggler out there twice, as i think he is WWE's best guy right now. HIs in ring work is great, gimmick is good, and his promos have gotten much better. He sounds a lot more comfortable on teh mic now than before i think. Also it would get Ryder & Morrison on teh card and i think that would definately help cus this is a pretty weak SS Card imo...
I like the idea of a double-header (TheChosenOne10) but have him keep the belt. I will make him look stonger and as a potential threat to the next WWE/World Champ whom ever it may be after Survivor Series. Having a long title run with a strong successful PPV will help not only himself as a superstar (without having to leech off of Vicky G's heat) and build the mid-card level superstars chasing him onto (hopefully) Wrestlemainia where he could defend the title on "The Grandest Stage of All" successfully. Then loss the title the following week on RAW/Smackdown!. I feel that after a successful and long title reign will thrust him into the main event level after WM.
As for who will get the title...my vote would go to JoMo as building himself toward chapturing a mid-card title as he had such a dismal lossing streak this year. That could help start his push and hopefully build himself with more charachter. Zach Ryder has the popularity behind him (as well as the merch sales) but I still feel that he needs more time to display his character in regards towards the chase. And Mason Ryan, great look but as green as the grass during the spring. He'll need more work to wear and represent a championship belt.
I think Ziggler is going main event sometime by Mania, that's the only reason I see him dropping the title outside of injury (heaven forbid)

Ryder's petition already has written itself, getting other superstars involved and giving it multiple segments on RAW is proof it's going to metastasize into an actual challenge angle. Zack is hotter than he's ever been and giving him the title has everything for him to gain.

Vince is so big on Mason Ryan from reports; fans haven't connected to him, he still gets Batista chants, but he's no Batista yet. I think he needs to keep playing around how he has been to see if he's able to get response. Rushing him to a champion with no support isn't good for anyone, fans, the title, the previous champion or himself.

JoMo is on his way out from all reports I've read, he's not being booked past December and he's been removed from gigs even. I don't always trust the dirt sheets though, because knowing Vince he's probably faking the JoMo removal to throw us off. That being said, Jomo has no momentum right now; he's a dead man walking as far as WWE career wise. His little attack on Ziggler was probably more to put Ryan over than himself.

Zack will challenge him eventually 100% chance
Ryan need's to get over, but he has a small chance
Morrison isn't going to be with the company long enough, but WWE can curveball us.
i would have him hold the us title until after wrestlemania, lose it, then he basically moves to smackdown, and becomes a whc contender, and wins it legitly against sheamus, rhodes, or bryan at extreme rules...
I need to say this not as a marky ryder fan but no one else is mentioning it. WWE did not put zack ryder on a 3 hour monday night raw in Nassau Coliseum and the entire night the whole crowd for the most part chanted we want ryder. now are they honestly going to do that again at survivor series by not having him on the show at all. if you dont want to put him in a title match fine but they could have put him somewhere in the 5 on 5 match. they said he wasnt on the raw in june because they didnt want him to get cheered louder then there top faces so honestly all i can imagine is either they are going to force ziggler to pull double duty again and suprise the crowd to get a huge pop or they are worried he may get cheered as much as the rock lol. they just dont want him in his home town arenas
I say make zack champ and keep going he can really use the belt to let people know he there to stay and can win real gold. Jack need to win it start up the all american american u.s champ and turnface.
I think Jack Ryder will get a shot at the USC. at Survivor Series. I don't think he will win but maybe at T.L.C. against Ziggler and Morrison in a triple threat Ladder Match.
im sick of thie zack ryder petition, he needs to actually go out to the ring and cut a promo about the us title and what it would mean for his career, not just be giving to him as a reward for his popularity
Whenever Ziggler loses the title I can tell you right now it will not be Mason Ryan or John Morrison, it will be none other than Zach Ryder. Now I don't see this happening for a little while longer, but when it does Dolph is going to move up the the main event where he belongs and he's going to need someone hot to take his place. Now I would give Morrison more of a shot normally but from what's been buzzing around about him not being happy with his job and his contract running up soon I don't believe that it's his time. As for Mason Ryan, as if the guy isn't already far off from a title because of his horrible in ring skills and goofy ass face persona, the WWE brass is not very high on him right now because of his in ring ability being so low, therefore I don't see that one happening until we see some drastic changes in his performance. Finally we are left with Zach Ryder, a man who went from being obselete to one of the hottest young superstars on the roster and sombody that everyone love him or hate him is talking about. Before he began being pushed like crazy I never would have dreamed he would be main eventing Raw with Cena against Awesome Truth so I may not be a big fan but I am definitely impressed with him. I believe that all of his skills have improved over the last few months and he becomes a bigger superstar everytime we see him on tv. His matches with Ziggler have been pretty entertaining and I do believe that they are leading to Ryder winning the title sometime between now and Wrestlemania.
I don't think it's a question of who is going to take the title away from him. Or at least, I don't think it should be. I think it's a question of who is going to give him the best feud and cements his (Ziggler's) place as one of the greatest US Heavyweight Champions of all time.

I think the same question needs to be asked of Cody Rhodes.

These guys are great talents that deserve their titles, but WTF have either of them done to make themselves standout from the scores of others and put themselves in the ranks of the greatest stars to ever hold the title?

Look at Cody Rhodes, he's a great IC champion, but name a great feud for that title that puts him over as a champion deserving of being held among the legends that came before. Remember Rick Rude vs Ultimate Warrior? Savage vs Steamboat? Bret Hart vs Shawn Micheals? Bret Hart vs Mr. Perfect? Bret Hart vs British Bulldog? Shawn Micheals vs Mr. Perfect? Bret Hart vs Rowdy Roddy Piper? Or how 'bout Jericho vs Angle? Jericho vs Benoit?

Now Cody Rhodes vs ... uh... ??? yeah, that's my point. Same goes with Ziggler. Where in the blue hell are the mid-card feuds that have, on occasion outshined the main events?

Frankly, I don't care who takes the title from Ziggler, or from Rhodes, what I want to see is who is going to give us that feud that people 10 years from now will be talking about because it was nearly as good or even better than the main event for the WWE Championship on the PPV on which it was featured.

Give us John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler, make the feud and story-arch an IMPORTANT part of Monday Night Raw, give us some real back and forth with something interesting to make it personal between the two, and then don't even dare phone it in at the PPV. THEN, when Ziggler wins to retain the title we remember Morrison was a REAL contender, and more importantly, that Ziggler was better, so when Zack Ryder comes in and puts forth the same effort, puts his personal twist on the feud to make it something people are interested in, and then win, people will care about it in such terms that they'll be talking about it years later when FINALLY Ziggler was defeated and Zack Ryder, one of the greatest US Champs ever was the guy to do it, instead of some flash in the pan no one really cared for because their push was done poorly. (Yeah bad run-on sentence, sue me, or pay me, then I'll care)
Something I've been musing recently is, what is the longest reign of the United States Championship?

Lex Luger held the belt for 523 days, currently Dolph is at 150 days. Although he is more than a year off if WWE were to allow Ziggler to hold the belt until he broke the record I think It'd do just as good for his career and his name as it would if he were to drop it and sought after the WWE Championship. When was the last time someone broke a reign record? Its been a long ass time!

However I highly doubt WWE will do that. That being said, and I hate to say this, but at some point I do see Zack Ryder defeating Ziggler for the belt. Dolph has been a terrific US Champion, best one in a few years; definitely better than the previous Champion Kofi Kingston. But with the Ryder Bandwagon rolling onwards and seemingly picking up steam once again it is only a matter of time before that doofus takes the belt from Ziggler.

The positive of that is, Ziggler has came on so much in the past few months that the chances are he'll begin main eventing as a good few have pointed out. WWE are reportedly high on the guy, CM Punk has publicly praised him, Billy Gunn only this week has praised him, a small part of me sees him possibly contending for the WWE Championship going into WrestleMania.

Dolph has a great look, his intensity has picked up a good but since this whole "new" Dolph Ziggler thing happened, before one of his main drawbacks was without Vickie he couldn't draw a mass amount of heat but currently he is drawing heat by himself! Great in-ring performer and very rarely has a poor match. Currently one of the brightest things in WWE is Dolph Ziggler.
It must be Zach man! I wanna see him beat Dolph for the USC already!

For a few reasons.. the main one being I cannot stand Dolph whatsoever. He obviously is a heel of the WWE and he is obviously good at it but I find him super annoying.. plus he's had the title for way to long.

Zach deserves a title, his a character, and I think Survivor Series is the perfect time for him to win. Its his hometown.

I dont know.. just my little bit..
I'm hoping Dolph can retain for a while and actually have a rivalry with an upper mid carder/main eventer to make him really over before he drops it to someone else. And it should be in a Triple Threat/Fatal 4-Way, so Dolph doesnt have to be pinned. Im hoping he could have a rivalry with someone like CM Punk or someone like that who is really over, as they could give him a big rub (sort of like Rhodes/Orton that made Rhodes look like a main eventer), then Dolph could lose it to someone like Ryder, in a Fatal 4-Way with Ryder, Ziggler, Ryan, Morrison. Maybe if Morrison isnt there, then chuck in Swagger as well. Dolph is one of the brightest stars in WWE right now, and his main event push, IMO, is inevitable. I just hope WWE does it right and gets him over.
I think the fact that there are so many contenders for the US title is actually a great thing. It makes the belt seem like it's worth fighting for which gives it prestige and a reason for people to care about it. Also, booking Ziggler to have to take on all comers will also do wonders for his character development and make him look stronger. This will in turn mold him into an eventual main eventer. The fact that the US title scene is so stacked is great, in my opinion.

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